Reporter, HuffPost
Sarah Ruiz-Grossman reports for HuffPost:
An immigrant being held in detention at an Immigration and Customs Enforcement facility in San Diego has died of COVID-19.
A 57-year-old detainee at ICE’s Otay Mesa facility, which is run by private contractor CoreCivic, died early Wednesday of complications of the coronavirus disease after being hospitalized since late April, according to San Diego County officials. This is the first reported COVID-19 death of an immigrant in ICE custody.
Carlos Ernesto Escobar Mejia was from El Salvador, according to a government report obtained by BuzzFeed News. He’d been held by ICE since January and was hospitalized April 24 after exhibiting coronavirus symptoms. He had hypertension and self-reported diabetes but was denied release from custody in mid-April by an immigration judge.
ICE and CoreCivic did not immediately respond to a request for further details.
Advocates had been warning about unsafe health conditions at the Otay Mesa detention center for weeks. The facility currently has the biggest outbreak of COVID-19 of any ICE detention center, with at least 132 immigrants and 10 ICE employees testing positive as of last week.
(CoreCivic in mid-April said it had given masks to detainees at Otay Mesa and was quarantining positive cases in “housing pods” and separating those at high medical risk.)
Of nearly 30,000 immigrants in ICE detention centers nationwide, the agency has so far tested only 1,460 for COVID-19, and more than 705 immigrants have tested positive.
Activists have been calling for the release of all people from immigration detention, warning that there is no realistic way to keep immigrants safe during a pandemic in such facilities, which have long been reported to have substandard health care and sanitation.
“This is a terrible tragedy, and it was entirely predictable and preventable,” Andrea Flores, deputy director of immigration policy at the American Civil Liberties Union, said in a statement Wednesday.
“For months, public health experts and corrections officials have warned that detention centers would be Petri dishes for the spread of COVID-19 — and a death trap for thousands of people in civil detention,” she added. “Unless ICE acts quickly to release far more people from detention, they will keep getting sick and many more will die.”
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Read the rest of Sarah’s article at the link.
This illustrates the point recently raised by Don Kerwin at CMS in an article posted on Courtside. https://immigrationcourtside.com/2020/05/03/don-kerwin-cms-detention-should-not-be-a-death-sentence-☠%EF%B8%8F☠%EF%B8%8F⚰%EF%B8%8F⚰%EF%B8%8F/
According to Sarah’s article, this victim was denied bond by an Immigration Judge, despite exhibiting “high risk” factors in an inherently unhealthy and unsafe detention center. Judge Jeffrey Chase and I have pointed out before that a functional Immigration Court, including a BIA committed to fair and impartial justice and willing to reign in unjustified policies and poor judgment on the part of ICE, could have avoided such tragedies. https://immigrationcourtside.com/2020/04/06/hon-jeffrey-s-chase-matter-of-r-a-v-p-bond-denial-maximo-cruelty-minimal-rationality-idiotic-timing-bonus-my-monday-mini-essay-how-eoir/
But, we have just the opposite these days. https://immigrationcourtside.com/2020/03/18/latest-outrage-from-falls-church-bia-ignores-facts-abuses-discretion-to-deny-bond-to-asylum-seeker-matter-of-r-a-v-p-27-in-dec-803-bia-2020/
That means that responsibility for meaningful custody review passes to the U.S. District Courts.
Why have an Immigration Court at all if it’s going to function as a mindless “rubber stamp” on DHS Enforcement driven by White Nationalist extremist politicos like Miller? If the Immigration Courts are no longer willing or able to guarantee fair and impartial adjudications, which unfortunately appears to be the case under Billy Barr, maybe all removal proceedings and bond hearings should just be held before U.S. Magistrate Judges and U.S. District Judges until Congress establishes an independent Article I Immigration Court!
Due Process 🧑🏽⚖️🧑🏽⚖️ Forever! More Deaths ⚰️ in the New American Gulag, ☠️ Never!