* Actually, no relation!

Former GOP Political Strategist, Now With The Lincoln Project, PHOTO: Wikipedia
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So, after their failed coup attempt, the “Party of Treason” 🏴☠️☠️is suddenly making bogus calls for “unity” and “healing.” Of course, there is nothing whatsoever stopping any Republican from denouncing Trump and his followers, announcing support for impeachment of the Traitor, and calling for all Americans to unify behind the Biden-Harris Administration. But, that’s not what’s happening.

No, somehow the GOP treasonists outrageously believe it’s Joe Biden’s job to “call off the dogs of justice” and “heal” the country from the unmitigated disaster caused by GOP misrule ending in a failed coup. (Did I mention that due to the totally disgraceful, maliciously incompetent handling of the worst public health emergency in more than a century, one that the GOP consistently downplayed, mocked, and denied, the US has the world’s worst record and is now on the way to over a half a million COVID deaths with millions unemployed!) While admitting no wrongdoing on their part, “traitor twerps” like Graham now think that Biden should absolve them of any wrongdoing and move forward as if the GOP attack on our nation had never happened.
This election was over on November 7, when the major networks finally called it.
At that point, Biden had not only in insurmountable lead in the electoral college, but also a significant and growing lead in the popular vote. No candidate has ever overcome margins like that to win a Presidential election. All others similarly situated have conceded. Therefore, Trump should have conceded and the GOP congratulated the President Elect and his running mate.
Instead, the GOP lined behind Traitor Trump’s fascist fabricated election fraud claims! (Was it surprising that a “President” who told thousands of bald-faced lies starting from day one would continue to lie?). “Count all the votes” said the GOP treasonists, while actively trying to prevent state and local officials from doing just that.
Of course all the counts and recounts confirmed all of the Biden wins, some even adding a few votes to his margins. Then, the GOP “battle cry” became “Wait for the courts to rule.” This “process” (actually an outrageous abuse of legal process) resulted in an impressive streak of more than 50 consecutive losses for the Trump frivolous/obstructionist/unethical/conspiracy theory mongering “litigation team” of sleazy lawyers in courts at all levels from judges appointed by both Dems and the GOP, some by Trump himself.
Then it was “Wait for the states to certify” while again trying to interfere with that process. Once the states, including ones firmly controlled by the GOP, certified the results and Biden’s win, the bogus GOP party line became “Wait for the Electoral College.” Of course, that, in turn, voted for Biden exactly as the states had certified, despite Trump’s attempts to interfere.
But, still the GOP treasonists kept on with their knowingly false narratives. This time, it was “Wait for Congress to accept the results” a purely ceremonial process that has never resulted in a change of outcome.
Nevertheless, Trump invited, actually urged, his followers to come to D.C. and stage a violent insurrection at the Capitol in a vain attempt to prevent the Congressional process from being completed. He also urged Vice President Pence (usually a reliable, anti-democracy toady) to violate his constitutional oath by throwing the election to Trump. By this time, it was clear that Biden had won the popular vote by more than 7 million — which would have made a Trump “victory” the biggest anti-democracy “steal” and disenfranchisement in American history.
Nevertheless, Cruz, Hawley, McCarthy and a host of other GOP legislators continued to commit treason by pressing Trump’s baseless insurrectionist theories, and pressing to disenfranchise millions of Biden voters across the nation, even as the debris from their failed coup still littered the Capitol.
Now that their coup has failed, and there is at least a chance, however unlikely, that the Party of Treason 🏴☠️and some of its supporters 🦹🏿♂️ will be held accountable, these traitors have the absolute audacity to basically demand that Biden “bail them out” in the name of “national unity.”
I call BS! As Steve points out, history shows that failing to hold accountable those responsible for a failed coup merely insures that another coup will take place!
America will not be safe for the majority of us until the GOP is forever disempowered as a political force and Graham, Cruz, Hawley, McCarthy, and rest of the of the GOP traitors are held accountable for their treason.
It won’t be quick or easy. But, it will be absolutely necessary if American democracy is to survive!
🇺🇸⚖️Due Process Forever! GOP Treason, 🏴☠️☠️🤮Never!