"The Voice of the New Due Process Army" ————– Musings on Events in U.S. Immigration Court, Immigration Law, Sports, Music, Politics, and Other Random Topics by Retired United States Immigration Judge (Arlington, Virginia) and former Chairman of the Board of Immigration Appeals PAUL WICKHAM SCHMIDT and DR. ALICIA TRICHE, expert brief writer, practical scholar, emeritus Editor-in-Chief of The Green Card (FBA), and 2022 Federal Bar Association Immigration Section Lawyer of the Year. She is a/k/a “Delta Ondine,” a blues-based alt-rock singer-songwriter, who performs regularly in Memphis, where she hosts her own Blues Brunch series, and will soon be recording her first full, professional album. Stay tuned! 🎶 To see our complete professional bios, just click on the link below.
Garland doesn’t worry about the mess at his EOIR. He leaves the worrying to EOIR’s long-suffering, frustrated, and angry “customers!” PHOTO: Wikipedia Commons
Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse
Immigration Court’s Data on Minors Facing Deportation is Too Faulty to Be Trusted
After careful analysis and consideration, TRAC is forced to suspend its publication of data on juveniles facing deportation in Immigration Court due to serious, unresolved deficiencies in the EOIR’s data. TRAC’s analyses indicate that the data used by the Immigration Court for tracking and reporting on juveniles who are facing deportation appear to be seriously flawed to the point that we question whether the agency has the ability to meaningfully and reliably report on juveniles in its caseload.
We wrote to EOIR’s Acting Director Jean King on September 22, 2021 to share TRAC’s findings, request feedback from the agency, and offer to share additional details to support the agency’s efforts to identify and resolve the issues. TRAC did not receive any response to that letter. We wrote to the EOIR again on October 15, 2021, this time to Director David Neal who had subsequently been appointed as EOIR’s permanent director by Attorney General Merrick Garland. We reiterated our initial concerns, but TRAC did not receive a response to that letter either.
TRAC is now regretfully withdrawing its own Juvenile App since EOIR’s data are too flawed to be used. Because these significant data problems arose only at the time EOIR implemented a series of changes in the latter part of 2017 impacting how unaccompanied juveniles were tracked, the results compiled before these changes occurred will be retained online for use in historical research.
The Immigration Court’s failure to respond to or address TRAC’s findings of significant data quality issues regarding minors is particularly concerning given the highly sensitive nature of children facing deportation. This data quality problem on tracking juvenile cases adds to EOIR’s earlier refusal to address data quality issues regarding asylum cases that continue to disappear from the agency’s master database which it relies on to manage its workload. Furthermore, TRAC recently uncovered additional data problems leading EOIR to falsely report its asylum backlog had allegedly declined this past year when in fact the backlog had markedly grown.
Taken individually, each specific issue is significant and noteworthy in its own right. But taken together, these now multiple unresolved data quality issues are compounding upon each other. TRAC has repeatedly offered to work with the EOIR to aid the agency as it seeks an understanding of the problem and a meaningful solution—yet thus far EOIR has continued to ignore its growing data management problems.
The public should be increasingly troubled by the indifference that the Immigration Courts have shown to these issues and should push for improved transparency and accountability.
For further information about the problems in the Court’s juvenile data go to:
David Burnham and Susan B. Long, co-directors
Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse
Syracuse University
601 E. Genesee Street
Syracuse, NY 13202-3117
Bogus data “supporting” false claims! Institutionalized sloppiness! Serious legal mistakes! Wildly inconsistent application of basic legal principles and standards! Chronic mismanagement! Backlogs on steroids! Lack of public responsiveness! Wrong personnel in the wrong jobs!
That’s “Garland’s EOIR!” To put it charitably, it’s a godawful mess and a festering cancer on our entire legal system!
Charles Dickens would have loved writing about EOIR — the modern day reincarnation of the Court of Chancery from Jarndyce v. Jarndyce! Public Realm
EOIR is like something out of a Charles Dickens novel! But, it’s a harsh reality for the immigrants, families, and advocates subjected to this publicly financed hotbed of incompetence, indifference, and ineptness!
Obviously, running EOIR in even a minimally competent level is beyond Garland’s skill set and below his interest level! Stunningly, our Attorney General is unbothered by having legal “work product” that would embarrass any self-respecting L-1 churned out in his name by his “delegees.” Feeding false and misleading information to the public? Just “another day at the office” @ Garland’s EOIR!
Where’s the Congressional oversight? Where’s Article I?
“Eyore In Distress” Once A Symbol of Fairness, Due Process, & Best Practices, Now Gone “Belly Up”“EOIR Clown Show Must Go” T-Shirt Custom Design Concept
I’m going to use a baseball analogy here (with apologies to non-fans): DJ LeMahieu finished this past season as the American League batting champion. Imagine if he were to walk in to negotiate a new contract with the New York Yankees, only to be offered the minimum permissible contract because of his disappointing performance. When a shocked LeMahieu would respond “but I hit .364 last season!,” the Yankees general manager would reply “Not even close.”
The Yankees would explain that they are no longer employing the traditional method of calculating batting average, but have come up with a “better” approach. A confused LeMahieu would note that he had 71 hits in 195 at bats. The Yankees would respond that he appeared at the plate 216 times, if one includes “other” outcomes, such as walks, hit-by-pitch, and sacrifices. LeMahieu would point out that those have not counted in calculating batting average before; the Yankees would respond “Well, now they do.” The Yankees would next point out that LeMahieu had not played in 12 of the team’s games last season, due to injury. The team therefore estimated another 48 plate appearances that the player could have had, and calculated those into his batting average as “non-hits.” Lastly, the team would note that the season was shortened by 102 games due to the pandemic, covering another 408 plate appearances. By the time they were done, the Yankees would conclude that LeMahieu had actually batted .107, certainly not Major League quality hitting.1 The Yankees would add that few if any teams would even be negotiating with a .107 hitter, much less offering them a contract.
The above purely fictitious, imaginary scenario is offered to illustrate EOIR’s very real current approach to its published asylum statistics. The Trump Administration has from day one taken the position that all asylum claims are false in order to justify its inhumane treatment of genuine refugees. However, such a claim is undermined when the Justice Department’s own judges are granting asylum in those very cases. It was therefore up to EOIR to offer the type of “alternative facts” that are a trademark of this administration.
EOIR has for many years published an annual Statistical Yearbook, which has included asylum grant rates nationally for all immigration courts. But recently, EOIR put out a chart entitled “Executive Office for Immigration Review Adjudication Statistics,” and subtitled “Asylum Decision Rates.” The top half of the chart contains a graph that is only slightly less difficult to follow than Rudy Giuliani’s latest election conspiracy theories. Below that is a chart containing asylum grant rates for the years 2008 through 2020.
Interestingly, the grant rates listed on this latest chart (using what I’ll call EOIR’s new “Larger Inclusion Asylum & Refugee Statistics,” or “LIARS” for short) are strikingly different than the numbers in the EOIR Yearbooks:
Year EOIR Statistical Yearbook LIARS Figures
2008 45% granted 23.68% granted
2009 48% 23.92%
2010 51% 25.34%
2011 52% 31.36%
2012 56% 30.55%
2013 53% 24.93%
2014 49% 22.84%
2015 48% 18.70%
2016 43% 15.80%
There is quite a difference between a grant rate of 48 percent or 18.7 percent for 2015. So how were the LIARS figures derived?
Well, in addition to asylum grants and asylum denials (i.e. the only two figures that should matter), the LIARS figures added two more categories to the equation. The first new category is “Other.” A footnote explains (if that’s the correct word) that “Asylum Others have a decision of abandonment, not adjudicated, other, or withdrawn.” The explanation that “other” includes “other” didn’t clear things up for me. Nevertheless, it seems that these were cases that did not involve either a grant or a denial of asylum, and thus shouldn’t be part of the calculation, much like walks, hit by pitch, and sacrifices are not considered in batting average calculations. The reason those outcomes don’t count in baseball is because they are not indicative of the batter’s ability to get a hit, since no opportunity was available. Similarly, an asylum case that did not proceed to an actual decision is not indicative of the merits of the application. For example, an asylum applicant who subsequently became eligible for a faster, easier path to legal status because they married a U.S. citizen or won the visa lottery in no way indicates that their asylum claim wasn’t meritorious.
The second new LIARS category involves cases that were administratively closed. This is the equivalent of games not played in the baseball analogy. A case administratively closed is taken off the docket and not tried; it’s a hearing not held. EOIR is now choosing to consider it as a “non-grant” in itscalculations, thus reducing the grant rate to the same degree as if the hearing was held and asylum was denied. In 2015, the two new categories that shouldn’t have been considered equaled 60.94 percent of the total cases considered by LIARS (comparable to the 102 games not played in 2020 by the Yankees, which constitutes 63 percent of a normal length season). To summarize, the real (Statistical Yearbook) grant rate of 48% in 2015 was derived based on 8,246 asylum grants out of 17,079 total asylum cases decided that year. The LIARS grant rate of 18.70considered 8,076 asylum grants (i.e. 170 less than listed in the 2015 Statistical Yearbook) out of a total of 43,189 cases consisting of grants, denials, other, and administratively closed hearings in which the asylum claim was never heard. I have no idea how LIARS reduced the number of grants in 2015 by 170 cases.
The EOIR Statistical Yearbook contains an additional chart which includes cases in which withholding of removal was granted. In 2015, fifty-five percent of asylum applicants were granted either asylum or withholding of removal. The LIARS figures make no mention of withholding of removal. If grants of that alternative relief were hidden in the “Other: other” category, they would have been counted as cases in which asylum was not granted, which would lower the grant rate in the same way as a denial.
This might all seem like mere pettiness on EOIR’s part, but the administration uses these numbers in press releases (such as its infamous “Myths vs. Facts” sheet which remains posted on EOIR’s website). It also emboldens the administration to claim it is merely “increasing efficiency” in passing new rules to quickly deny and deport asylum seekers by “efficiently” rendering all of them ineligible for relief.2 Such a statement depends on an underlying belief in the illegitimacy of the claims of those being quickly denied and deported, an illegitimacy that seeks support from the doctored numbers. Where the true numbers show a much higher rate of asylum claims granted, how could efficiency be used to justify sending actual refugees home to die?3
I wonder who came up with this new system. As I don’t know the answer, let’s call them “other.” Maybe they can spend the final weeks until January 20 devising a new chart, titled “Who should no longer be a government employee as of January 21, 2021?” To get them started, here are a few easy ones: (1) EOIR Director James McHenry: 100%. (2) Every EOIR manager who enabled him over the past four years: 100%. (3) Other: 100%.
The infamous “Mendoza Line,” which denotes a batting average of .200, is usually considered “the offensive threshold below which a player’s presence on a Major League Baseball team cannot be justified,” according to Wikipedia.
The administration’s latest rules, scheduled to take effect on January 10, would make the manipulation of asylum grant rates unnecessary as to future claims, as virtually no one would remain eligible for such relief. One can only hope that courts will block those rules until they can be withdrawn by the Biden administration.
To be clear, no grant rate would everjustify sending even a single refugee to their death in the name of efficiency.
Copyright 2020 Jeffrey S. Chase.All rights reserved.
Reprinted with permission.
A test of the Biden-Harris Administration’s seriousness about equal justice and restoring human dignity to immigrants will be how quickly the members of the EOIR Kakistocracy, including the BIA, are removed from their positions and replaced by real judges and judicial administrators. That is, “practical scholar-experts” with demonstrated immigration/human rights expertise, applied due process experience, and the guts and integrity to stand up for the rights of individuals who have been unfairly victimized by a vile, White Nationalist, nativist agenda!