LET THE ABUSES CONTINUE, FOR NOW: 9th Cir. Narrows Injunction, Gives Regime More Time To Run To Supremes In “Let ‘Em Die in Mexico” Case!

Alicia A. Caldwell
Alicia A. Caldwell
Immigration Reporter
Wall Street Journal
Brent Kendall
Brent Kendall
Legal Reporter
Wall Street Journal


Brent Kendall and Alicia Caldwell report for the WSJ:

A fed­eral ap­peals court for now agreed to nar­row the ef­fect of its re­cent rul­ing that blocked a Trump ad­min­is­tra­tion pol­icy of re­turn­ing im­mi­grants at the south­ern U.S. bor­der to Mex­ico while their re­quests for asy­lum are con­sid­ered.

The San Fran­cisco-based Ninth U.S. Cir­cuit Court of Ap­peals, in an or­der is­sued Wednes­day, said it ruled cor­rectly last week that the ad­min­is­tration’s “Re­main in Mex­ico” pol­icy is un­law­ful. But the court ac­knowl­edged the “in­tense and ac­tive con­troversy” over na­tion­wide in­junc­tions against ad­min­istra­tion poli­cies and said it would limit its rul­ing for now to the two bor­der states within its ju­ris­diction: Ari­zona and Cal­i­fornia.

. . .

The Ninth Cir­cuit also said none of its rul­ing would go into ef­fect un­til March 12, to give the Trump ad­min­is­tra­tion a week to ask the Supreme Court for an emer­gency stay to keep the pol­icy in place every-where for the time be­ing.


The plaintiffs have already “won” this case about the regime’s unlawful actions twice. But, they are yet to get any meaningful relief. Instead, folks continue to suffer and be irreparably harmed while the wheels of justice slowly grind.



BAD NEWS FOR TEX. GOV. “GREG THE BIGOT” ABBOTT: U.S. District Judge Blocks Trump’s Illegal Anti-Refugee Order — But, Will Often Complicit Appellate Courts Uphold The Rule Of Law Or “Toady Up” To The Trump Regime’s White Nationalist Agenda?

Michelle Hackman
Michelle Hackman
Immigration Reporter
Wall Street Journal
Brent Kendall;
Brent Kendall
Legal Affairs Reporter
Wall Street Journal;


Brent Kendall and Michelle Hackman report for the WSJ:

A fed­eral judge in Mary­land blocked Pres­i­dent Trump’s ex­ec­u­tive or­der giv­ing state and lo­cal gov­ern­ments the abil­ity to say no to hav­ing refugees placed in their com­mu­ni­ties.

U.S. Dis­trict Judge Pe­ter J. Mes­sitte is­sued a pre­lim­inary in­junc­tion Wednes­day that barred the ad­min­is­tration from im­ple­ment­ing the pres­i­dent’s or­der. He said refugee-re­set­tle­ment or­ga­ni­za­tions that sued to chal­lenge the pol­icy “are clearly likely to suc­ceed in show­ing, that, by giv­ing states and lo­cal gov­ernments veto power over the re­set­tle­ment of refugees within their bor­ders, the or­der is un­law­ful.”

Giv­ing states the power to de­ter­mine whether refugees will be re­ceived “flies in the face of clear con­gres­sional in­tent,” Judge Mes­sitte, a Clin­ton ap­pointee, said in the opin­ion.

. . . .


Those with WSJ access can read the complete article at the above link.

This “victory” might be little more than symbolic for refugee advocates. In an unprecedented action, the Trump Administration has slowed the flow of legal refugees to a trickle and could simply use the “bureaucratic veto” to prevent any more from coming, as they have gotten away with in other areas.

Certainly, this should give lie to the Trump Administration’s inevitable argument to Federal Appeals Courts that this is an “emergency” requiring them to intervene prior to the completion of District Court proceedings. But, up until now, neither law nor reality has been much of a factor when it comes to the Supremes, and sometimes the Circuits, going “belly up” and allowing the regime to run roughshod over human lives and the rule of law in the immigration and refugee areas. 

Chief Justice Roberts wonders why the judiciary is treated with contempt by the regime and is losing respect from the large majority of the legal community not subservient to Trump. The answer is all too often pretty obvious.

Per MKL, Jr.:Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” It’s an important message that all too many Federal Judges and other (supposedly responsible) public officials seem to have forgotten in the “Age of Trump” and his corrupt and overtly White Nationalist regime.



NDPA COUNTERATTACKS: ACLU, Immigrants’ Rights Groups Challenge Trump’s Scofflaw Attempt To Repeal Asylum Statute By Regulation That Failed To Comply With Legal Requirements For Advance Notice & Comment!


Brent Kendall
Brent Kendall
Legal Reporter
Wall Street Journal

Brent Kendall reports for the WSJ:

Civil-rights and immigration groups filed a law­suit chal­leng­ing new Trump ad­min­is­tra­tion rules that could dra­mat­i­cally limit asy­lum claims by Cen­tral Amer­i­can mi­grants seek­ing en­try to the U.S.

The suit, filed in a northern Cal­i­for­nia fed­eral court on Tues­day, al­leges the new asy­lum pol­icy is “an un­lawful ef­fort to sig­nif­i­cantly un­der­mine, if not vir­tu­ally re­peal, the U.S. asy­lum sys­tem at the south­ern bor­der.

It “cru­elly closes our doors to refugees flee­ing per­se­cu­tion,” the suit added.

The Amer­i­can Civil Lib­er­ties Union filed the law­suit on be­half of sev­eral groups that as­sist mi­grants and refugees.

. . . .


Read the rest of Brent’s article at the above link.

Go New Due Process Army, Beat Scofflaws!



Summaries Of 9th Cir. Travel Ban OA & Judicial Bios From WSJ



“An appeals court pressed a Justice Department lawyer Tuesday on whether President Donald Trump’s executive order on immigration is discriminatory, while also pushing an attorney for the two states fighting the order to explain how it could be unconstitutional to bar entry of people from terror-prone countries, the Justice Department lawyer arguing on behalf of the administration, urged the appeals court to remove a lower-court injunction on the order, arguing that the court shouldn’t second-guess the president’s judgment when it came to a question of national security.

The executive order, Mr. Flentje told a three-judge panel of the San Francisco-based Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, struck a balance between security concerns and the practice of allowing people to enter the country.

“The president struck that balance, and the district court’s order has upset that balance,” he said. “This is a traditional national security judgment that is assigned to the political branches and the president and the court’s order immediately altered that.’’

The oral arguments on whether to reinstate some, all, or none of President Donald Trump’s executive order on immigration represented a crucial test in the fast-moving legal battle over White House efforts to restrict entry into the U.S. The Jan. 27 order suspended U.S. entry for visitors from seven predominantly Muslim countries for at least 90 days, froze the entire U.S. refugee program for four months and indefinitely banned refugees from Syria. The administration argues the action was needed to keep terrorists from domestic soil.

The president weighed in on Twitter on Wednesday morning: “If the U.S. does not win this case as it so obviously should, we can never have the security and safety to which we are entitled. Politics!”

The legal clash, which is also playing out in other courts around the country, represents a remarkable test of the powers of a new president determined to act quickly and aggressively to follow up on his campaign promises. Mr. Trump, who promised repeatedly on the campaign trail to tighten what he called lax immigration policies, issued his executive order a week after taking office, generating widespread protests as well as plaudits and setting off an immediate debate over the extent of executive branch authority.”

. . . .

The court isn’t making a final determination on the legality of Mr. Trump’s order for now. Instead, it must decide what immigration rules will be in effect during the coming months while court proceedings on the substance of the president’s restrictions continue.”

Read the WSJ’s bios of the three U.S. Court of Appeals Judges on the panel: Judge William C. Canby Jr., Judge Richard Clifton, Judge Michelle Friedland:



This one still seems “too close to call.”  There are substantial arguments on both sides. Courts generally do not like to interfere with the authority of the President in the fields of immigration, national security and foreign policy. On the other hand, appellate courts are usually very reluctant to interfere with trial court proceedings at the very preliminary TRO stage. While this might eventually end up in the Supreme Court, as most commentators assume, I’m skeptical it will go there any time soon, given the Supreme’s current short-handed configuration.

