POLITICS: THE SAD SAGA OF “BUBBA TRUMP” — Two+ Decades Later Bill Clinton Had A Chance To Accept Responsibility & Sincerely Apologize To Monica Lewinsky — He Blew It, Showing Why The Dems Must Move Beyond The Clintons, Now!

In his interview with NBC’s Craig Melvin, Bill Clinton had a chance to acknowledge the impropriety of his relationship with then intern Monica Lewinsky and to sincerely apologize to her. It would have cost him absolutely nothing.

Instead, he chose to react defensively, attack Melvin, misrepresent the facts, and spout non sequiturs about JFK, LBJ, and how much in debt he was when he left the White House. No genuine acceptance of responsibility; no real remorse; no graciousness; no humility; no class. In other words, just what we’d expect from Donald Trump.

In retrospect, the Dems shot themselves in the foot by nominating a 2016 candidate who carried too much baggage and was too tied to the past and its problems. It’s time for the Dems to move forward and leave the Clintons to a past era that they were never really capable of understanding, acknowledging, and facing up to in a fully responsible manner.


