"The Voice of the New Due Process Army" ————– Musings on Events in U.S. Immigration Court, Immigration Law, Sports, Music, Politics, and Other Random Topics by Retired United States Immigration Judge (Arlington, Virginia) and former Chairman of the Board of Immigration Appeals PAUL WICKHAM SCHMIDT and DR. ALICIA TRICHE, expert brief writer, practical scholar, emeritus Editor-in-Chief of The Green Card (FBA), and 2022 Federal Bar Association Immigration Section Lawyer of the Year. She is a/k/a “Delta Ondine,” a blues-based alt-rock singer-songwriter, who performs regularly in Memphis, where she hosts her own Blues Brunch series, and will soon be recording her first full, professional album. Stay tuned! 🎶 To see our complete professional bios, just click on the link below.
Sloan, Tupper: Immigrants deserve right to legal representation
Sloan, Tupper: Immigrants deserve right to legal representation
Andrea Sloan and Leni Tupper
June 06 2021
The Honorable Andrea Sloan is a retired Portland Immigration Court judge. Leni Tupper is a former attorney adviser in the Portland Immigration Court, and current co-director of Portland Community College’s CLEAR Clinic and co-chair of PCC’s Paralegal Program.
Legal representation in immigration court can mean the difference between someone being allowed to remain home, safely in the United States, or being permanently torn from their family, deported and placed in harm’s way.
It can mean access to interpreters in a person’s correct language and dialect so they can fully express their experiences, trauma, and fear. It can mean access to the mental health services and diagnosis necessary to support their wellbeing and their immigration case. Most importantly, it can mean the realization of a right that everyone should be guaranteed: the right to a fair trial.
Instead, most non-citizens in immigration court proceedings are left to navigate the system, commonly referred to as second in complexity only to the U.S. Tax Code, completely alone. That includes children, sometimes very young children. The U.S. immigration court system, unlike our criminal legal system, does not provide court-appointed counsel to immigrants facing deportation who are unable to afford a lawyer. Only 37% of all immigrants and 14% of detained immigrants are represented by attorneys in immigration court, according to a 2016 American Immigration Council study.
Most importantly, immigrants with legal representation are far more likely to be released from detention and succeed in their removal defenses than unrepresented people. According to an AIC study, 63% of non-detained represented immigrants were granted relief in immigration court, while only 13% of unrepresented immigrants were. And tellingly, people appearing before the Portland Immigration Court without legal representation are nearly five-and-a-half times more likely to lose their cases and be deported than those who have an attorney.
As a retired immigration judge and former attorney advisor in the Portland Immigration Court, we have seen these struggles firsthand. We know the trauma that our immigration system inflicts on people, often with an existing history of trauma. And we know that legal representation can lessen the trauma of navigating this virtually incomprehensible system.
But most importantly, we know that legal representation can help avoid the ultimate trauma of deportation. The lack of legal representation for people in the immigration court system, which decides “death penalty cases in a traffic court setting,” is unsustainable not only for the vulnerable members of our community who are subject to its whims, but for those who work in it as well.
Our immigration legal system should be based on facts, law, and justice, not access to wealth and resources. If passed, House Bill 3230 will allow our immigrant community members to exercise their full right to due process under the law and provide access to legal representation. Oregon could be a national leader in ensuring immigrant rights by providing access to counsel.
Please join us in supporting HB 3230 to make this vision of Oregon a reality.
The Honorable Andrea Sloan is a retired Portland Immigration Court judge. Leni Tupper is a former attorney adviser in the Portland Immigration Court, and current co-director of Portland Community College’s CLEAR Clinic and co-chair of PCC’s Paralegal Program.
Given the lack of responsiveness by the DOJ to our suggestions and recommendations, we’re going to have to fight for due process on all fronts. State and local universal representation programs are a huge opportunity.
Represented individuals are more likely to be able to hold the Government accountable and force change that ultimately will save lives and benefit all.
Thanks for speaking out so forcefully and articulately, Andrea and Leni!
“Eyore In Distress” Once A Symbol of Fairness, Due Process, & Best Practices, Now Gone “Belly Up””Just how is a ‘Dedicated Docket’ using current EOIR precedents and methods, and with too many ‘judges’ still ‘programmed to deny asylum for any reason’ going to help me achieve justice? What if I’m sent to an ‘Asylum Free Zone’ or my fate is put in the hands of a judge striving to achieve membership in the ‘90% Denier Club’ encouraged by Sessions and Barr and still running rampant under Garland?” Woman Being “Tried By Ordeal” 17th Century Woodcut Public Realm Source: Ancient Origins Website https://www.ancient-origins.net/history/trial-ordeal-life-or-death-method-judgement-004160
ADR = “Aimless Docket Reshuffling” — a DOJ/EOIR specialty now being used by Garland’s DOJ
From: JeanC.King,ActingDirector Date: May 27, 2021
OOD PM 21-23
May 28, 2021
Establishes a dedicated docket for certain individuals in removal proceedings.
Office of the Director
Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR) Memorandum, Case Priorities and Immigration Court Performance Measures (Jan. 2018); 8 C.F.R. § 1003.0(b)
Policy Memorandum 19-04
EOIR is initiating a Dedicated Docket to focus on the adjudication of family cases as designated by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). This docket will run alongside typical court operations in immigration courts in ten cities: Denver, Detroit, El Paso, Los Angeles, Miami, Newark, New York City, San Diego, San Francisco, and Seattle. DHS has indicated that it will be placing on the Dedicated Docket families who crossed the Southern border and whom DHS has placed on alternatives to detention. Cases will be identified for this docket as of the effective date of this memorandum.
EOIR’s immigration judges will endeavor to issue a decision in each case on the Dedicated Docket within 300 days after the initial master calendar hearing. To facilitate such timeliness while providing due process, EOIR will only schedule these cases before immigration judges who generally have docket time available to manage a case on that timeline, but EOIR recognizes that unique circumstances of each case may impact the ability to issue a decision within that period. As needed, the Office of the Chief Immigration Judge will provide additional case management guidance to assist immigration judges in meeting this goal.
EOIR remains committed to the timely resolution of immigration court cases in a fair and impartial manner. Importantly, the adjudication timeframe established by this policy memorandum (PM) and any subsequent case management guidance is an internal goal. Respondents whose cases are on these dockets have the opportunity to request continuances, as do all respondents in removal proceedings, and immigration judges retain discretion to determine whether a continuance should be granted for good cause. See 8 C.F.R. § 1003.29. EOIR expects
that its immigration judges will make these determinations with full consideration for a respondent’s statutory right to counsel and consistent with due process and fundamental fairness.
Respondents whose cases are placed on these dockets will be provided with a number of services, including access to information services and possible referral services to facilitate legal representation. Each city in which EOIR has established the Dedicated Docket has an established pro bono network.
EOIR previously tracked certain cases designated by DHS in select immigration court locations. See PM 19-04, Tracking and Expedition of “Family Unit” Cases (Nov. 16, 2018). This effort was discontinued during the COVID-19 pandemic and has not been resumed. Thus, PM 19-04 is rescinded.
EOIR is managing the hearings with full consideration for the safety of its employees and all parties who appear in court. EOIR will continue to implement practices and procedures consistent with information from public health officials and guidance from the Office of Personnel Management and the DOJ Justice Management Division. See PM 20-13, EOIR Practices Related to the COVID-19 Outbreak (June 11, 2020).
This PM is not intended to, does not, and may not be relied upon to create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or equities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.
Please contact your supervisor if you have any questions regarding this PM.
In theory, prioritizing timely adjudication of recently arrived asylum seekers in Immigration Court could be a good idea –along the lines that a number of us recommended to the Biden Transition Team. But, not this way!
This “tone-deaf missive from on high,” as usual, is “designed to fail” rather than “dressed for success:”
It relies heavily on the ready availability of pro bono legal services in certain locations, yet, incredibly, there was NO ADVANCE CONSULTATION & COORDINATION with those key groups;
It is not accompanied by grants or other support to legal assistance groups to help them provide universal representation to asylum seekers;
There is no reason to believe that Immigration Judges in these locations are well-qualified to decide asylum cases merely because they have “docket space available;” indeed there are gross disparities in asylum grant rates among the selected courts;
Anti-asylum precedents issued by the Trump Administration remain in effect which undoubtedly will lead to unfair denials of asylum;
Among these anti-asylum precedents are some incorrectly limiting and discouraging continuances and administrative closing — making the promise of flexibility and fairness totally disingenuous;
Before instituting new programs in consultation with the private bar, the DHS, and the NAIJ (representing the IJs who will actually have to control these dockets), EOIR must slash the backlog by removing from the docket the vast majority of “non-priority” cases forming the astounding, largely self created 1.3 million case backlog;
With better precedents by a new BIA with progressive asylum experts as judges, and some procedural changes, many more asylum cases could be granted “in the first instance” by the Asylum Office, thereby reducing the pressure on the Immigration Courts while reducing the incentives for frivolous opposition to asylum cases by ICE, a big “time waster” in Immigration Court; but no such “progressive thinking or practical problem solving” is reflected in this directive.
Half-baked bureaucratic directives like this won’t solve the problem! It’s just more proof of how completely unqualified Garland’s DOJ and EOIR leadership are to administer a “real court system.” Where are the Article I advocates in Congress? Removing the Immigration Courts from DOJ needs to be one of our highest National priorities.
🇺🇸⚖️🗽🧑🏽⚖️Due Process Forever! DOJ/EOIR incompetence, never!
BIA Asylum Panel In Action — What are Garland, Monaco, and Gujpta doing to end these atrocities!? So far, nothing! Albrecht Dürer, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
Arevalo Quintero v. Garland, 4th Cir., 05-26-21, published
PANEL:MOTZ, WYNN, and FLOYD, Circuit Judges.
OPINION BY: Judge Wynn
In our country, few populations are as vulnerable as noncitizens facing removal
proceedings who are unable to secure the assistance of adequate counsel. Yet the consequences they may face are severe: family separation, prolonged detention, and deportation to a country where persecution or even death awaits.
We are acutely conscious of the harsh realities of our immigration system faced by thousands of noncitizens each day. These individuals come to our shores in search of sanctuary and a better life. Many are poor, young, uneducated, or (like Petitioner) all three. Of course, we recognize that immigration policies are primarily a concern for the elected branches. But it is our role, and our highest duty, to ensure that those policies are applied fairly and with full regard to our laws and our Constitution.
With these grave concerns in mind, we hold today that under the Immigration and Nationality Act and, where relevant, the United States’ obligations under the Refugee Convention, immigration judges have a legal duty to fully develop the record, which becomes particularly important in pro se cases. We believe this procedural protection is essential for ensuring fundamental fairness and reasoned decision making in removal proceedings.
Based on our review of the record, we conclude that the immigration judge below failed to fulfill her duty to fully develop the record, thereby depriving Petitioner of a vital statutory protection and a full and fair hearing. In light of this and other errors made by the immigration judge and the Board of Immigration Appeals, we grant the petition, vacate Petitioner’s final order of removal, and remand to the Board of Immigration Appeals with instructions to remand the case to the immigration judge for further fact-finding and reconsideration of Petitioner’s application for withholding of removal and Convention Against Torture relief.
“Miller Lite” – Garland’s Vision of “Justice @ Justice” for Communities of Color
How many more of these disasters will it take for Garland to oust the deadwood and the “denial club” from the Immigration Judiciary, make the urgently needed, long overdue progressive reforms, and bring in progressive leaders and judges to restore due process at the totally and disgracefully dysfunctional EOIR? How many more lives will be needlessly be lost or squandered by the unconstitutional parody of a “court” system that Garland is running @ EOIR?What will the cost of his “case of the slows” be to Garland’s reputation and to the Biden Administration? Why is the “EOIR Clown Show”🤡⚰️still engaging in its daily deadly performances more than four months into the Biden Administration?
Also, every additional embarrassing, unprofessional performance like this by EOIR makes Garland’s horrible decision to hire 17 more “less than the best,” non-expert Immigration Judges, who haven’t represented individuals in Immigration Court, look worse and worse! There are lots of experts out there in the NDPA who know asylum law, know how to develop a record fully, and are highly sensitive to the due process needs of asylum seekers and other migrants. The continuation of ignorant, haste make waste, “any reason to get to no” decision making at EOIR, that specifically was encouraged by Sessions and Barr, is totally unnecessary ands highly inappropriate!
Hon. Jeffrey S. Chase Jeffrey S. Chase Blog Coordinator & Chief Spokesperson, Round Table of Former Immigration Judges
Here’s more from Round Table leader Hon. “Sir Jeffrey” Chase:
Friends, this is a really great win.In a 62-page published decision, a panel of the Fourth Circuit referenced our amicus brief, adopted many of our arguments, and agreed that an IJ has a duty to develop the record in a pro se withholding/CAT claim.
The court actually granted the withholding of removal claim (see pp. 53-54).It also found that the BIA incorrectly applied Matter of W-Y-C- & H-O-B- to a pro se applicant.
While our brief is mentioned in the body of the decision, if you look at footnote 24, the court especially liked the analogy from our brief (the work of our drafter, Steve Schulman of Akin Gump) comparinga pro se applicant’s attempts to formulate a particular social group to a game of Scrabble in which one of the players “does not speak English and cannot spell;” adding that “without help, the respondent could never win, and can’t even meaningfully participate.”
There are also references to Matter of S-M-J- and the UNHCR Handbook.
I think we can be very proud of this one.
Thanks again to Steve Schulman, who has done such an outstanding job in drafting quite a few of our briefs.
Best, Jeff
Just think of what could be accomplished and the resources that would be conserved if the progressive due process experts were on the INSIDE at EOIR rather than perpetually STUCK ON THE OUTSIDE litigating, writing, lobbying, complaining to get Garland to simply do his job! Not rocket science. But, apparently below Garland’s view and beyond his engagement level from the “ivory tower.”
EOIR plans to resume non-detained hearings on July 6 at the following immigration courts: Dallas, El Paso, Ft. Snelling, Harlingen, Houston, Houston – S. Gessner Road, Houston – Greenspoint Park Drive, Kansas City, Memphis, New York – Broadway, New York – Federal Plaza, New York – Varick, Portland, San Antonio, and San Juan. Hearings in non-detained cases that are scheduled at the aforementioned courts are postponed through July 3. Noncitizens (or representatives who have entered an appearance with the court) who have not received a notice of reset hearing by June 22 should expect scheduled hearings to proceed. As of July 6, 2021, all immigration courts will be holding limited hearings, applying relevant Federal best practices related to communicable disease.
For cases scheduled from July 6 through July 30, parties (or their representatives who have entered an appearance with the court in a case) who have not received notice of a reset hearing by June 22 should plan to attend their hearing as scheduled. All parties, including those with cases scheduled after July 30, should continue to rely on official notices from the immigration court as the best source for information regarding their hearings
Please note that the option to file by email at the above-listed courts will end on Sept. 4, 2021.
NYT: Most of them are from Central America, fleeing gang violence and natural disasters. But the past few months have also brought a much different wave of migration that the Biden administration was not prepared to address: pandemic refugees. They are people arriving in ever greater numbers from far-flung countries where the coronavirus has caused unimaginable levels of illness and death and decimated economies and livelihoods.
Politico: President Joe Biden on Friday shot down a Trump proclamation that blocked potential immigrants deemed to be a “financial burden” on the nation’s health care system from coming to the United States, saying it didn’t align with U.S. interests.
Politico: Education Secretary Miguel Cardona on Tuesday finalized a new regulation that allows colleges to distribute tens of billions in federal pandemic relief grants to all students, regardless of their immigration status or whether they qualify for federal student aid.
WaPo: President Joe Biden met Friday with six immigrants who benefited from an Obama-era policy that protected those brought to the U.S. illegally as children. The president is trying to turn attention toward overhauling the nation’s immigration laws, but it’s an issue he has made scant progress on in the first months of his presidency.
Law360: U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., urged U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland to overturn his predecessors’ decisions that restricted asylum eligibility for victims of domestic and gang violence, saying those decisions disregarded refugee protections established 40 years ago.
ProPublica: In newly disclosed records, Trump officials cited conspiracies about Antifa to justify interrogating immigration lawyers with a special terrorism unit. The documents also show that more lawyers were targeted than previously known.
WaPo: Immigration arrests and detentions along the U.S.-Mexico border rose slightly in April to 178,622, the highest one-month total in two decades, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection data published Tuesday, but a decline in the number of teens and children arriving without parents eased pressure on the Biden administration.
Politico: The Department of Health and Human Services has diverted more than $2 billion meant for other health initiatives toward covering the cost of caring for unaccompanied immigrant children, as the Biden administration grapples with a record influx of migrants on the southern border.
WaPo: The fate of interpreters after the troop withdrawal is one of the looming uncertainties surrounding the withdrawal, including a possible resurgence of terrorist threats and a reversal of fragile gains for women if chaos, whether from competing Kabul-based warlords or the Taliban, follows the end of America’s military engagement.
NYT: The findings suggest that their depressed vaccination rate reflects in large measure misinformation about cost and access, as well as concerns about employment and immigration issues, according to the latest edition of the Kaiser Family Foundation Covid-19 Vaccine Monitor.
Salon: Nearly all the judges on the Justice Department list have backgrounds as prosecutors or as counselors at Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), while nearly none have any experience defending migrants.
TRAC: MPP cases assigned to the Brownsville, Texas hearing location continued to show the highest proportion of individuals allowed to enter the U.S.: 45 percent. However, MPP cases from Laredo, Texas which had been scheduled to start its processing over a month later made up a lot of lost ground by the end of April. Only 3 percent of its cases had been transferred into the U.S. at the end of March to await their Immigration Court hearings.
PM 21-19 (PDF) Cancellation of Policy Memoranda 19-02 (Guidelines Regarding New Regulations Governing Asylum and Protection Claims) and 19-03 (Guidelines Regarding the Presidential Proclamation Addressing Mass Migration Through the Southern Border of the United States)
PM 21-20 (PDF) Cancellation of Policy Memorandum 19-12 (Guidance Regarding New Regulations Governing Asylum and Protection Claims)
PM 21-21 (PDF) Cancellation of Policy Memorandum 20-04 (Guidance Regarding New Regulations Governing Procedures for Asylum and Withholding of Removal and Credible Fear and Reasonable Fear Reviews)
PM 21-22 (PDF) Cancellation of Policy Memorandum 21-09 (Guidelines Regarding New Regulations Providing for the Implementation of Asylum Cooperative Agreements)
USCIS: U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) announced today that applicants, petitioners, requestors and beneficiaries may now call the USCIS Contact Center (800-375-5283) to reschedule their biometric services appointments scheduled at a USCIS Application Support Center.
The court held that 8 CFR §§1003.10(b) and 1003.1(d)(1)(ii) unambiguously grant IJs and the BIA general authority to administratively close cases by authorizing them to take “any action” that is “appropriate and necessary” for the disposition of cases. (Arcos Sanchez v. Att’y Gen., 5/5/21) AILA Doc. No. 21051432
Denying the petition for review, the court held that an IJ is not deprived of jurisdiction under 8 CFR §1003.14 over removal proceedings commenced by a Notice of Referral to an IJ that lacks time and place information. (Mejia Romero v. Att’y Gen., 5/5/21) AILA Doc. No. 21051433
The court held that petitioner’s 2007 detention and beating by the Sri Lankan army did not constitute past persecution, and that extortion attempts by the Eelam People’s Democratic Party (EPDP) of Sri Lanka were not motivated by an imputed political opinion. (Thayalan v. Att’y Gen., 5/10/21) AILA Doc. No. 21051438
The court held that the petitioner’s 2000 conviction for second-degree robbery in New Jersey constituted an aggravated felony theft offense under INA §101(a)(43)(G), and thus found that the petitioner was ineligible for asylum and withholding of removal. (K.A. v. Att’y Gen., 5/4/21) AILA Doc. No. 21051435
The court held that petitioner’s grant of Temporary Protected Status (TPS) did not remove the need for him to show that he was admitted in order to be eligible for cancellation of removal, and that his grant of TPS was not an admission for cancellation purposes. (Artola v. Garland, 5/5/21) AILA Doc. No. 21051439
Law360: U.S. residents who are not granted legal permanent residency before they turn 18 can still get citizenship through their naturalized parents, a split Ninth Circuit ruled Thursday in a published en banc opinion that reexamined court precedent.
The court held that, for purposes of removability for crimes involving moral turpitude (CIMT), the phrase “the date of admission” in INA §237(a)(2)(A)(i)(I) is ambiguous, and the BIA’s interpretation of the phrase in Matter of Alyazji was permissible. (Route v. Garland, 5/6/21) AILA Doc. No. 21051440
The court upheld the BIA and IJ’s conclusion that the petitioner’s application for asylum and related relief had been abandoned under 8 CFR §1003.47(c) based on her failure to submit biometrics or establish good cause for her failure to do so. (Gonzalez-Veliz v. Garland, 5/4/21) AILA Doc. No. 21051437
Law360: An El Salvadoran woman who can’t read and whose family mixed up the month and day of her immigration court hearing can seek asylum again, after the Ninth Circuit ruled that her exceptional circumstances warranted a second shot.
Where petitioner argued that an IJ had failed to inform him he could apply for preconclusion voluntary departure, the court found it lacked jurisdiction to consider his petition, because the BIA had ruled that preconclusion voluntary departure was not warranted. (Blanc v. Att’y Gen., 5/11/21) AILA Doc. No. 21051436
Law360: Conservation groups backed by an anti-immigration think tank asked the Ninth Circuit Tuesday to revive their claims that certain U.S. Department of Homeland Security immigration programs must undergo environmental review, arguing a review exemption leads to higher immigration numbers, which then drives ecological degradation.
Verge: While that ban never came to pass, the ability for people with H-4 visas to work is still under threat from a lawsuit against the federal government. The suit, called Save Jobs USA v. US Department of Homeland Security, was brought by tech workers, who argue that H-4 holders are unfair competition for Americans looking for jobs.
ImmProf: The question now arises whether clients with fake-date NTAs can utilize Pereira and now Niz-Chavez to defeat the “stop-time” effect for cancellation of removal, where such fake NTAs existed, even where there is a subsequent notice of hearing with a “real date” from EOIR. The short answer is “Yes”.
DHS released a statement noting that it is “working to streamline a system for identifying and lawfully processing particularly vulnerable individuals who warrant humanitarian exceptions” under the CDC Order issued under its Title 42 public health authority. AILA Doc. No. 21051330
The CIS Ombudsman’s Office issued a reminder that individuals who are eligible to renew their DACA and employment authorization may submit their renewal request between 150 days and 120 days before the expiration on their current Form I-797, Notice of Approval, and on the EAD. AILA Doc. No. 21051035
DHS OIG found that from 1/1/16 through 6/30/19, 83 CBP employees violated CBP policies and guidance by posting, or commenting on, offensive content on various social media platforms. DHS OIG, however, found no evidence that senior CBP leaders were aware of more than a few of the cases, and determined that CBP and Border Patrol headquarters officials took no action to prevent further misconduct, except when directed to do so by DHS. DHS OIG found no evidence that senior CBP headquarters or field leaders were aware of offensive content posted to a private Facebook group until reported by the media in July 2019. AILA Doc. No. 21051441
Two items of particular interest:First the article from Igor Derysh in Solon ripping Garland’s inexcusable “Miller Lite” hiring practices at EOIR. I am quoted, among others.
What’s the purpose of winning an election if this guy remains in charge of EOIR? Attribution: Stephen Miller Monster by Peter Kuper, PoliticalCartoons.com
The absolute stupidity and betrayal of awarding the Administration’s precious first 17 Federal Judicial positions to lesser qualified, non-progressive individuals hired under tainted, exclusionary, biased, restrictionist practices established by Sessions and Barr under Miller’s negative leadership should outrage all progressives and members of the NDPA. Progressives must demand that the Biden Administration get some due-process oriented, progressive competence installed at the DOJ to straighten out EOIR — a job that to date has proved to be beyond Garland’s ability!
They might also replace Garland’s incompetent “immigration PR team” at DOJ which continues to feed us BS and recycled Trump Administration propaganda that anybody with any familiarity with the Immigration Courts could tell you is pure, unadulterated BS! How insulting!
The millions of folks, including lawyers, caught up in EOIR’s web of restrictionist malicious incompetence deserve better than the insultingly tone-deaf Garland has delivered. Much better!
Progressive reform at EOIR is possible, and it isn’t a profound or long term project. Garland obviously isn’t up to the job. But, there are lots of progressive legal stars out here who can get the job done!
This also illustrates the continuing problem of Dem Administrations appointing AGs who are not experts in immigration and due process and who therefore fail to prioritize progressive immigration, human rights, and due process reforms. Far from being an “afterthought” or “low priority” these are the keys to equal justice and racial justice in America and probably the essential reforms on which the future of our entire democracy depends!
It also illustrates my point that in the future, nobody should become Attorney General, Secretary of DHS, an Article III Federal Judge, or an Immigration Judge unless they have represented individuals in Immigration Court — the critically important “retail level” of our justice system where the “rubber meets the road” of American justice. Right now, the “car is running on four flats” while Garland proves unable to change the tires!
We can’t afford any more of Garland’s “Amateur Night at the Bijou” approach to immigration, human rights, due process, personnel, and racial justice in America!
America needs to end “Amateur Night” at Garland’s EOIR and bring in qualified progressive human rights, immigration, due process leaders to fix the deadly mess before more lives are lost and more taxpayer funds wasted supporting and promoting “malicious incompetence!” PHOTO: Thomas Hawk Creative Commons Amateur Night
Second, the article about the grotesquely illegal abuse of the immigration bureaucracy by the Trump DHS to target and harass lawyers defending the due process rights and humanity of migrants shows just how deeply the cancer of the Trump kakistocracy penetrated into the broken immigration bureaucracy. Just another example of how completely broken, corrupt, and dysfunctional that bureaucracy has become.
It also demonstrates the treacherous stupidity of Garland continuing to tolerate problematic Trump/Miller “holdovers” and actually appointing “same old, same old” non-progressives recruited under Barr, Miller, and Trump to key “life or death Federal Judgeships.”
Additionally, it raises the question of how on earth will Garland’s DOJ effectively and credibly investigate racial justice issues in local policing and elections while Garland is running a White Nationalist, racist, misogynist, grotesquely unfair, regressive, “worst practices court system”at EOIR. Racial justice and competency reform needs to start “at home” — with Garland’s “wholly owned court system” that bears little or no resemblance to a “court of justice!”
Progressives who played a key role in electing Biden and Harris, on the basis of promises to return due process and progressive expertise to the Immigration Courts, and effectively getting Garland his job, need to make their opposition to Garland’s indolent, inexcusable, mis-handling of EOIR known to the Biden Administration and Dem leaders on the Hill! It’s time for progressives and due process advocates to stop letting yourselves be abused by those you have put in power!
President Joseph R.Biden 46th President of The United States (Official portrait of Vice President Joe Biden in his West Wing Office at the White House, Jan. 10, 2013. (Official White House Photo by David Lienemann)..This official White House photograph is being made available only for publication by news organizations and/or for personal use printing by the subject(s) of the photograph. The photograph may not be manipulated in any way and may not be used in commercial or political materials, advertisements, emails, products, promotions that in any way suggests approval or endorsement of the President, the First Family, or the White House.)
Today, President Biden will sign a Presidential Memorandum to expand access to legal representation and the courts. As President Biden knows from his experience as a public defender, timely and affordable access to the legal system can make all the difference in a person’s life—including by keeping an individual out of poverty, keeping an individual in his or her home, helping an unaccompanied child seek asylum, helping someone fight a consumer scam, or ensuring that an individual charged with a crime can mount a strong defense and receive a fair trial. But low-income people have long struggled to secure quality access to the legal system. Those challenges have only increased during the public health and economic crises caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. At the same time, civil legal aid providers and public defenders have been under-resourced, understaffed, and unable to reach some of the people in greatest need of their services.
The federal government has a critical role to play in expanding access to the nation’s legal system and supporting the work of civil legal aid providers and public defenders. President Biden’s executive action today will reinvigorate the federal government’s role in advancing access to justice, and help ensure that the Administration’s policies and recovery efforts can reach as many individuals as possible.
The Presidential Memorandum is the Biden-Harris Administration’s latest action to protect vulnerable Americans, reform the justice system, and advance racial equity. On his first day in office, the President issued an executive order establishing a government-wide initiative to put equity at the heart of each agency’s priorities and management agenda. His discretionary budget request called for $1.5 billion in funding for grants to strengthen state and local criminal justice systems, including by investing in public defenders. Improving access to counsel in civil and criminal proceedings builds on each of these efforts.
Specifically, President Biden is directing the following actions:
. . . .
Read the rest of the “White House Fact Sheet” at the above link.
On one hand, this is welcome news for the NDPA and all who favor equal justice under law in America.
On the other hand, four months into his Administration, President Biden has just gotten around to undoing some of the inane, White Nationalist actions of the Trump Administration by re-establishing initiatives that failed to solve the problems under the Obama Administration only to be completely eradicated by Trump. In plain terms, more study and dialogue, no real action that helps any of the more than one one million poor souls and their loved ones caught up in Garland’s dysfunctional Immigration Courts.
I submit that the huge problems with lack of effective representation in Immigration Court were well known at the outset of the Trump Administration. Over the last four years, lots of creative ideas have surfaced and a number of states, localities, and NGOs have substantially “upped” their commitment to pro bono or low bono services for asylum seekers, detainees, and other migrants. There is lots of “practical scholarly” literature out there on the subject.
Therefore, it would have been reasonable to expect the Biden Administration to take office with specific plans in hand to immediately start building on existing structures and to have immediately re-started the dialogue with legal service providers. Instead, more than 100 days in, we have plans for more study, talk, and recommendations, but no action; the actual situation in the Immigration Courts under Garland continues rapidly to deteriorate; progressive groups of experts with plans on how to solve representation issues have basically been “frozen out” by Biden — writing op-eds, “white papers,” and studies, rather than leading the representation effort from within the Biden Administration and working as part of a team to solve problems in “real time.”
I’ve heard that some plans for improving representation, at least for “vulnerable groups,” are “in the offing” at DOJ. To date, we’ve seen nothing!
And, I can’t name anyone on “Team Garland” or in current EOIR senior management who actually has first-hand experience with pro bono representation in Immigration Court or who has previously offered concrete, positive suggestions for immediate actions to solve this pressing problem. Consequently, I’m frankly skeptical that the expertise exists, particularly at DOJ, to solve this problem without some dramatic personnel shakeups, more aggressive due process restoring actions, and bringing in progressive experts from the outside to administer and improve judging at EOIR. So far, Garland has shown little interest in addressing the dysfunction in his “wholly owned courts,” nor has he shown any ability to reach out and actively recruit the progressive experts he needs to fix EOIR.
Given the disaster of the last four years and Garland’s poor start (including “in your face” judicial appointments and retention of non-progressive Barr holdovers) its going to take a positive outreach campaign to progressives by Garland to stop the bleeding at DOJ.
Therefore, I personally view the White House announcement with “very cautious optimism,” hoping to be pleasantly surprised when it spurs immediate practical action.
Honorable Joan Churchill Retired U.S. Immigration Judge Member Round Table of Retired JudgesDebi Sanders ESQ “Warrior Queen” of the NDPA PHOTO: law.uva.edu030114-O-0000D-001.President George W. Bush. Photo by Eric Draper, White House.
Thanks to my long-time friends Joan and Debi for showing how our asylum system and the rest of our legal immigration system could and should work for the greatness of our nation. It also demonstrates the critical importance of pro bono representation in Immigration Court.
How wonderful that President Bush selected this as one of his examples of how immigrants ARE America! And, how different from the White Nationalist, racist, xenophobic myths that his GOP has made a vile staple of their despicable attempt to overturn our democracy and our cherished institutions. I have little doubt that if President Bush were in politics today the GOP would ride him out of the party like others who have spoken truth to his party’s horrible, Anti-American leaders!
With better leadership and independent expert Immigration Judges, our Immigration Courts could once again be a source of pride for our nation and our legal system rather than a deadly, unmitigated, self-created national disaster that undermines our national values while actively harming and dehumanizing those we should be protecting and welcoming.
Professor Erin Barbato Director, Immigrant Justice Clinic UW Law Photo source: UW Law
Each spring, UW Law School celebrates excellence in teaching through its Teacher of the Year awards. UW Law School’s annual teaching awards demonstrate the value placed on excellent teaching. Our faculty engage and inspire UW Law students through thoughtful pedagogy, and we are proud to honor them for this important work.
The honorees for outstanding classroom, clinical and adjunct instruction in 2020 include:
BJ Ard, Classroom Teacher of the Year. BJ Ard is an Assistant Professor of Law whose teaching and scholarship focusing on intellectual property, privacy, and technology. Ard earned his law degree and doctorate from Yale in 2017. He joined the UW Law School in 2018.
Erin M. Barbato, Clinical Teacher of the Year. Barbato is the director of UW Law School’s Immigrant Justice Clinic (IJC) and a Clinical Professor of Law. In 2013, she joined the Law School as an adjunct professor with a focus on immigration law before becoming the IJC director in 2018. Under her supervision, students learn how to represent individuals in removal proceedings and with humanitarian-based immigration relief. Barbato received her law degree from Marquette University Law School in 2006.
Susan Collins, Adjunct Teacher of the Year. Collins teaches an introduction for estate planning and drafting. Collins earned her law degree in 1995, graduating cum laude from UW Law. Collins worked for Associated Bank as a senior vice president and fiduciary law senior counsel until 2018.
Congratulations, Erin, my friend and colleague So very proud of you and all you have achieved at my alma mater. “Badgers changing the world, for the better!”
Bucky Badger UW Mascot
This is a “Big Deal!” As Erin tells me:
The award is based on votes and comments from students. It means a lot to me as I think it reflects that the students of UW Law recognize the importance of representing people in removal proceedings. They are future due process warriors.
Erin has been an inspirational role model for a new generation of law students, taking groups to the border to save lives, engaging in “retail level” litigation in Immigration Court that advances justice in the most meaningful way possible, and publicizing the seminal role that immigrant justice plays in social justice in America. She is also a thinker and scholar who sees due process, human rights, and racial justice issues with a clarity lacking in all too many of today’s out of touch politicians, policy makers, and judges.
Erin also was a guest lecturer in my Immigration Law & Policy course course at Georgetown Law. Her “stories and pictures from the border” brought home to my students the gross violations of human and constitutional rights going on in our dysfunctional Immigration Courts on a daily basis.
Erin is one of the many “practical scholars” out there who should be “on the inside” at EOIR, DHS, and the Article III Courts!
Debi Sanders ESQ “Warrior Queen” of the NDPA PHOTO: law.uva.edu
Debi Sanders, who was nominated for Catholic Charities USA Volunteer of the Year. Since her retirement from Immigration Legal Services (ILS) in April 2014, Sanders has continued to demonstrate a commitment to fairness in the immigration system as an ongoing volunteer with ILS. She was instrumental in setting up a robust pro bono program and establishing the immigration program’s partnership with the Family Justice Center in Rockville. Her volunteer efforts have been essential to ILS’s fundraising efforts, as she has secured donations from an extensive network of supporters. Her spirit of giving shows in other ways, as well. She knits sweaters, blankets and scarfs for ILS staff, volunteers and interns, and she has had been a mentor for many ILS interns.
Congratulations, my friend and colleague!😎👍🏼
This only scratches the surface of Debi’s contributions to due process and humanity: Helping to identify, inspire, and recommend diverse progressive judicial, candidates for both the Article III Courts and the Immigration Courts; locating pro bono counsel for amicus briefs; supporting and fund-raising for progressive political candidates with social justice platforms; strategizing pro bono litigation; being part of the NDPA “brain trust;” reinforcing the Judeo-Christian ethical commitment to immigrants and the most vulnerable among us are just a few of the other ways in which Debi contributes to the never ending battle for social and racial justice in America!
It’s an honor to know you and have you for a friend, Deb! I feel like we “grew up together” — from my INS General Counsel days, to private practice/AILA, to the BIA, to the Arlington Immigration Court, and into “retirement” with the NDPA! Deb has always been there! When I was the “Mentor Judge” @ Arlington, Deb was a “regular” at our “career day brown bag” for JLCs and interns! They were always inspired by her career example — “living your values in the law,” as one intern described it! She truly has been, and continues to be, a courageous role model for new and aspiring attorneys!
Opinion: The unjust nature of civil court without counsel
Erica Starkey, from Columbus, Ohio, did not have the assistance of a lawyer in a legal battle for custody of two of her children. (Maddie McGarvey/For The Washington Post)
Erica Starkey’s story exposes the unjust nature of civil court proceedings for people who cannot afford counsel. People facing deportation also face a similar “affront to justice” as immigration cases are also civil proceedings. The majority of people in detention (70 percent) have no legal representation because people facing deportation do not have the right to a public defender, leaving them to navigate an unjust legal system alone. As a result, many immigrants languish in detention facilities for months or even years, often in inhumane and deadly conditions.
We have seen leaders in communities as diverse as Philadelphia, Denver and Harris County, Tex., collaborate with advocates and lawyers to create and expand deportation defense programs that secure due process rights for all. Together with existing representation programs, these efforts that center fairness and dignity have paved the way for a federal defender system for all immigrants. This critical work must continue across all levels of government to undo the radiating impacts of continued criminalization, mass detention, and separation and deportation of immigrants, and advance a new vision of justice for our communities.
Kica Matos, New York
The writer is vice president of initiatives at the Vera Institute of Justice.
“Are you ready to proceed without a lawyer, sir?”
Attorney General Merrick Garland announced with great fanfare plans to investigate the Minneapolis Police Department.
Seems quite hypocriticalgiven the glaring lack of constitutional due process, institutionalized xenophobia, racism, misogyny, and incompetence infecting his own Immigration Courts.
How is a Department that has failed to address systematic injustice in its own dysfunctional and unfair “courts” going to credibly address problems in the rest of our American Justice system?
Due Process Forever! Tell Judge Garland To Fix His Unjust “Courts” @ Justice!
Elizabeth Gibson Attorney, NY Legal Assistance Group Publisher of “The Gibson Report”
COVID-19 & Closures
Note: Policies are rapidly changing, so please verify information with the government and colleagues.
EOIR Status Overview & EOIR Court Status Map/List: Unless previously specified on the court status list, hearings in non-detained cases at courts are postponed through, and including, May 14, 2021. (It is unclear when the next announcement will be. EOIR announced 5/14 on Mon. 3/29, 4/16 on Fri. 3/5, 3/19 on Wed. 2/10, 2/19 on Mon. 1/25, 2/5 on Mon. 1/11, and 1/22 on Mon. 12/28.) There is no announced date for reopening NYC non-detained at this time.
NYT: After a backlash from Democrats and human rights activists, the White House abruptly reversed course on Friday on the number of refugees it will allow into the United States, a reflection of President Biden’s continuing struggle with immigration policy.
Politico: Top White House officials have grown increasingly frustrated with Health Secretary Xavier Becerra over his department’s sluggish effort to house thousands of unaccompanied minors, as the administration grapples with a record number of children crossing the southern border.
WaPo: The change is detailed in memos sent Monday to department heads at Immigration and Customs Enforcement and Customs and Border Protection, the nation’s chief enforcers of federal immigration laws, according to copies obtained by The Washington Post. It is part of an ongoing effort to reverse President Donald Trump’s hard-line policies and advance Biden’s efforts to build a more “humane” immigration system.
Hill: The groups are concerned that immigration authorities could be abusing the facial recognition technology to locate, arrest and even deport individuals using data that they did not consent to share.
NPR: If confirmed by the Senate, Santos, who is Latinx, would be the first permanent director of color for the federal government’s largest statistical agency, which is in charge of major surveys and the once-a-decade head count used for distributing political representation and funding around the United States.
Documented: Interviews with local advocates and city data indicate that homelessness is rising locally and citywide, as the most marginalized residents struggle to recover from the pandemic.
Reuters: U.S. Supreme Court justices on Monday appeared reluctant to let people who have been allowed to stay in the United States on humanitarian grounds apply to become permanent residents if they entered the country illegally.
Reuters: A Canadian appeals court on Thursday upheld a Canada-U.S. agreement to turn back asylum seekers, overturning a lower court ruling, siding with the federal government and setting up a possible Supreme Court showdown.
Unpublished BIA decision reopens and terminates proceedings sua sponte upon finding selling a precursor substance (pseudoephedrine) under Okla. Stat. 2-328 is not a controlled substance offense under Mellouli v. Lynch. Special thanks to IRAC. (Matter of Nguyen, 7/9/20) AILA Doc. No. 21041400
Unpublished BIA decision holds that criminal possession of a weapon in the second degree under N.Y.P.L. 265.03(3) is not a firearms offense because it applies to loaded antique firearms. Special thanks to IRAC. (Matter of Disla, 6/26/20) AILA Doc. No. 21041200
Unpublished BIA decision holds that a defendant’s failure to understand the immigration consequences of a guilty plea is a substantive and/or procedural defect that vitiates a conviction for immigration purposes. Special thanks to IRAC. (Matter of Jaimes, 7/24/20) AILA Doc. No. 21041900
Unpublished BIA decision grants interlocutory appeal and remands for further consideration of unopposed motion to change venue from Atlanta to Seattle. Special thanks to IRAC. (Matter of Miranda-Rodriguez, 7/28/20) AILA Doc. No. 21041901
Unpublished BIA decision holds intimidation of a witness under Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 268, §13B is not a CIMT because it can be committed recklessly. Special thanks to IRAC. (Matter of Mendoza-Lopez, 7/22/20) AILA Doc. No. 21041602
Unpublished BIA decision finds respondent is entitled to hearing on non-LPR cancellation despite lack of qualifying relative because IJ unduly delayed adjudicating application until respondent’s U.S. citizen child was over 21. Special thanks to IRAC. (Matter of Martinez-Perez, 7/22/20) AILA Doc. No. 21041601
Unpublished BIA decision orders further consideration of request for continuance pending adjudication of U visa petition where IJ failed to adequately consider factors under Matter of Sanchez Sosa. Special thanks to IRAC. (Matter of Delgado-Sarmiento, 7/21/20) AILA Doc. No. 21041600
The BIA ruled that an IJ may rely on material misrepresentation during an interview before USCIS to remove the conditional basis of permanent residence in assessing inadmissibility under INA §212(A)(6)(C)(i) for purposes of adjustment of status. Matter of Mensah, 28 I&N Dec. 288 (BIA 2021) AILA Doc. No. 21041434
Unpublished BIA decision rescinds in absentia order where respondent filed motion within 15 days and submitted affidavit disavowing receipt of hearing notice. Special thanks to IRAC. (Matter of Suilma-Andrade, 7/9/20) AILA Doc. No. 21041402
Unpublished BIA decision holds unlawful possession of a controlled substance (methamphetamine) under Colo. Rev. Stat. 18-18-403.5 not a controlled substance offense under reasoning of Arellano v. Barr, 784 F. App’x 609 (10th Cir. 2019). Special thanks to IRAC. (Matter of Holod, 7/9/20) AILA Doc. No. 21041401
Unpublished BIA decision holds that the respondent did not fail to appear for his hearing where he arrived 20 minutes late and the IJ was still on the bench. Special thanks to IRAC. (Matter of Flores-Lopez, 7/2/20) AILA Doc. No. 21041201
Law360: A split Fourth Circuit panel overturned part of the Board of Immigration Appeals’ precedential holding that former gang members may not be protected as a group from deportation, finding that the board inappropriately conflated criteria for relief under federal immigration law.
In a published order, the court denied a motion for attorneys’ fees pursuant to the Equal Access to Justice Act (EAJA), concluding that the government’s position was substantially justified and thus that the petitioner was not entitled to attorneys’ fees. (Meza-Vazquez v. Garland, 4/1/21) AILA Doc. No. 21041230
The court held that the BIA permissibly found that first-degree burglary of a dwelling under Oregon Revised Statutes §164.225 is a crime involving moral turpitude (CIMT), and thus that petitioner’s conviction made him ineligible for cancellation of removal. (Diaz-Flores v. Garland, 4/6/21) AILA Doc. No. 21041234
Granting the petition for review of the BIA’s decision reversing an IJ’s grant of asylum, the court held that evidence compelled the conclusion that petitioner had established a nexus between her mistreatment in Mexico and her feminist political opinion. (Rodriguez Tornes v. Garland, 4/5/21) AILA Doc. No. 21041233
Denying the petition for review, the court held that the BIA properly found that petitioners, a mother and her son, were not persecuted “on account of” their alleged membership in a particular social group (PSG) consisting of the son’s immediate family. (Orellana-Recinos v. Garland, 4/5/21) AILA Doc. No. 21041235
The court held that a Florida conviction for being a felon in possession of a firearm is categorically an aggravated felony under INA §101(a)(43)(E)(ii), and thus found the petitioner to be removable based on his conviction under the Florida statute. (Aspilaire v. Att’y Gen., 4/6/21) AILA Doc. No. 21041237
Granting the petition for review and remanding, the court held that the BIA erred in finding that the petitioner, a denaturalized noncitizen, was removable as an aggravated felon based on convictions entered while he was an American citizen. (Hylton v. Att’y Gen., 3/31/21) AILA Doc. No. 21041236
The court held that the IJ and the BIA failed to provide reasoned consideration of the petitioner’s evidence of his well-founded fear of future persecution based on a pattern or practice of persecution toward dissident journalists in Cuba. (Martinez v. Att’y Gen., 4/7/21) AILA Doc. No. 21041238
Oral Arguments Set for Case on Policy Silencing IJs
Knight: Status: Oral argument scheduled for May 4, 2021 at 2pm. On July 1, 2020, the Knight Institute filed a lawsuit challenging a policy of the Executive Office for Immigration Review that imposes an unconstitutional prior restraint on the speech of immigration judges.
President Biden issued a determination revising the allocations for refugee admissions for FY2021 and maintaining the refugee admissions ceiling at 15,000. The memo notes that a subsequent determination may be issued to increase admissions if the ceiling is reached before the end of the fiscal year. AILA Doc. No. 21041633
USCIS sent a letter to interagency partners stating that the 2019 Public Charge final rule is no longer in effect, and that DHS intends to partner with federal agencies, state and local governments, and nongovernmental stakeholders to ensure applicants and the public are aware of this change. AILA Doc. No. 21041632
On Facebook, DOS provided FAQs on the immigrant visa backlog, including on what DOS is doing to reduce the backlog, reapplication procedures for individuals who were refused an immigrant visa due to Presidential Proclamations 9645 and 9983, K visas, diversity visas, employment visas, and more. AILA Doc. No. 20071435
Law360: U.S. Sen. Cory Booker, D-N.J., reintroduced legislation on Thursday that would abolish contracts with private immigration detention centers and aim to improve conditions at facilities operated or overseen by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
Elizabeth Gibson Attorney, NY Legal Assistance Group Publisher of “The Gibson Report”
COVID-19 & Closures
Note: Policies are rapidly changing, so please verify information with the government and colleagues.
EOIR Status Overview & EOIR Court Status Map/List: Hearings in non-detained cases at courts without an announced date are postponed through, and including, April 16, 2021. (It is unclear when the next announcement will be. EOIR announced 4/16 on Fri. 3/5, 3/19 on Wed. 2/10, 2/19 on Mon. 1/25, 2/5 on Mon. 1/11, and 1/22 on Mon. 12/28.) There is no announced date for reopening NYC non-detained at this time.
Pew: To better understand the existing U.S. immigration system, we analyzed the most recent data available on federal immigration programs. This includes admission categories for green card recipients and the types of temporary employment visas available to immigrant workers. We also examined temporary permissions granted to some immigrants to live and work in the country through the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals and Temporary Protected Status programs.
TRAC: As of the end of President Biden’s first full month in office, the number of individuals arrested by ICE and booked into civil immigrant detention fell sharply from 5,119 ICE book-in arrests during January 2021 to just 1,970 during February 2021. According to the latest ICE figures, this was a drop of 62 percent just in a single month.
NPR: The U.S. government had 4,276 unaccompanied migrant children in custody as of Sunday, according to a Department of Homeland Security document obtained by NPR. The children are spending an average of 117 hours in detention facilities, far longer than the 72 hours allowed by law.
NBC: Restrictions on what border agents can share with the media were passed down verbally, say officials. Some have released videos of the border surge anyway. See also How Border Patrol Manipulates Media.
CNN: Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin said Sunday that he thinks he is “close” to securing the Republican votes needed to overcome a Senate filibuster to advance a key immigration measure that would provide a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants who were brought to the United States as children.
USCIS: USCIS stopped applying the Public Charge Final Rule to all pending applications and petitions on March 9, 2021. USCIS removed content related to the vacated 2019 Public Charge Final Rule from the affected USCIS forms and has posted updated versions of affected forms. See also Withdrawal of USCIS Proposed Rule on Affidavit of Support Requirements.
Law360: The House on Thursday approved two major immigration proposals that would provide a path to lawful status and eventual citizenship for several million “Dreamers” brought to the country as children and farmworkers working without authorization in American agriculture.
The court vacated and remanded the BIA’s decision affirming the IJ’s adverse credibility determination, finding that alleged discrepancies between the petitioner’s interview account and his hearing account failed to support the adverse credibility finding. (Cuesta-Rojas v. Garland, 3/15/21) AILA Doc. No. 21031737
Where the petitioner cited two post-2006 events as evidence of changed country conditions, the court held that the BIA’s failure to assess whether those changes were sufficient was arbitrary and capricious, and reversed the BIA’s denial of his motion to reopen. (Lucaj v. Wilkinson, 3/10/21) AILA Doc. No. 21031732
Law360: The First Circuit on Wednesday refused to disturb a Massachusetts federal court’s decision denying bail to several immigration detainees convicted of violent crimes, finding that it was reasonable to decide the detainees still belonged behind bars in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Where the Guatemalan petitioner’s Notice to Appear (NTA) was delivered in English, the court rejected her argument that the NTA violated her due process rights because it did not detail in her native language the consequences of failing to attend her proceeding. (Lopez v. Garland, 3/12/21) AILA Doc. No. 21031733
Law360: The Seventh Circuit on Monday squashed an attempt by 14 states led by Texas to revive the Trump administration’s public charge policy, which penalizes immigrants for using certain public benefits, after the Biden administration decided not to defend it.
The court held that the categorical approach does not require a petitioner seeking cancellation of removal to show that there is a realistic probability the state prosecutes people for the conduct that makes the state offense broader than the federal offense. (Gonzalez v. Wilkinson, 3/9/21) AILA Doc. No. 21031738
The court held that the BIA did not err in determining that the petitioner’s conviction for second-degree felony assault in Minnesota was a particularly serious crime barring statutory withholding of removal and Convention Against Torture (CAT) relief. (Jama v. Wilkinson, 3/11/21) AILA Doc. No. 21031739
The court remanded petitioner’s Convention Against Torture (CAT) claim to the BIA for reconsideration in light of the fact that the IJ took judicial notice of, and relied upon, DOS’s Country Report, yet the BIA’s decision did not take it into account. (Aguilar-Osorio v. Garland, 3/15/21) AILA Doc. No. 21031744
The court held that the BIA did not abuse its discretion in denying the petitioner’s motion to reopen after determining that the petitioner had failed to present evidence demonstrating that country conditions in Mexico had changed since his 2003 removal order. (Rodriguez v. Garland, 3/15/21) AILA Doc. No. 21031741
The court held that substantial evidence supported the BIA’s determination that the Salvadoran petitioner had failed to establish past harm rising to the level of persecution, and concluded that her proposed social groups were not cognizable. (Villegas Sanchez v. Garland, 3/11/21) AILA Doc. No. 21031740
The court held that Matter of G-G-S- was not arbitrary or capricious, and that BIA applied the correct legal standard in determining that petitioner’s convictions were for particularly serious crimes rendering him ineligible for withholding of removal. (Birhanu v. Wilkinson, 3/9/21) AILA Doc. No. 21031745
Law360: A federal judge on Thursday ordered U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement to facilitate vaccinations of immigrants detained at the agency’s Buffalo Service Processing Center in upstate New York.
Law360: Three nonprofit organizations have sued Arizona’s attorney general in federal court seeking the cancellation of an agreement requiring the state’s input in federal immigration policies, saying the Trump administration official who made the arrangement lacked the authority to do so.
ASISTA: Safe Horizon and ASISTA File Lawsuit Against USCIS and DHS, Seeking Information on Policy Change Making it More Difficult for Victims of Serious Crime to Obtain Relief Under the U-Visa Program.
On March 11, 2021, HHS ORR and ICE and CBP signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) regarding consultation and information sharing in matters relating to unaccompanied children. The April 13, 2018, MOA among the agencies dealing with UAC matters has been terminated. AILA Doc. No. 21031235
Law360: U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services will no longer rule out petitions for special status from mistreated youth based on state courts’ failure to assess whether they have ties to gangs, a policy change stemming from a class settlement last year.
EOIR issued a policy memo (PM 21-16) rescinding and cancelling PM 20-01, Case Processing at the Board of Immigration Appeals. Upon this rescission, the BIA returns to the case management system established by regulation that was effective on 9/25/02 to manage the Board’s caseload. AILA Doc. No. 21031748
Advance copy of USCIS and EOIR interim final rule further delaying until 12/31/21 the effective date of the final rule “Security Bars and Processing” (85 FR 84160) which had been scheduled to become effective on 3/22/21. Public comment is also sought on whether the rule should be revised or revoked. AILA Doc. No. 21031930
Advance copy of USCIS final rule extending the expiration date of the temporary final rule on interpreters at asylum interviews published at 85 FR 59655, which was originally scheduled to expire on 3/22/21, for 180 days. The final rule will be published in the Federal Register on 3/22/21. AILA Doc. No. 21031932
CBP issued a notification of the continuation of temporary travel restrictions limiting travel of individuals from Mexico into the United States at land ports of entry along the United States-Mexico border through 4/21/21 due to COVID-19. (86 FR 14813, 3/19/21) AILA Doc. No. 21031934
USCIS notice extending the designation of Syria for TPS for 18 months, from 3/31/21 through 9/30/22, and redesignating Syria for TPS for 18 months, effective 3/31/21 through 9/30/22. (86 FR 14946, 3/19/21) AILA Doc. No. 21012930
Check out item #7 under “Top News,” the story from the WashPost of Agnes Lee, the new Editor-in-Chief of the Georgetown Law Journal. In addition to being a brilliant and accomplished student, she happens to be an undocumented resident of the U.S. Congrats to Agnes, the Law Journal, and the entire Georgetown Law community!
⚖️Shout Out for Georgetown Law Students:
Of course, never missing an opportunity to “self-promote,” I heartily encourage current Georgetown Law students who wish to learn and engage in active dialogue about immigration, social justice, and racial justice in America today, as well as to pick up pointers on how to actually practice law, to register for my “compressed semester, 2-credit course Immigration Law & Policy” to be given this June (in person, and virtual options).
Thanks to the great group of students, it’s always a lively, engaged, and diverse group researching, presenting, and discussing perhaps the most important (and misunderstood) current topic for America’s and the word’s future — one on which, sad to say, the myths, false narratives and misinformation are rampant, spreading even as I write this.
While I provide an outstanding “practice oriented” text, the class topics, abundant study questions, a challenging but very “doable” final exam, along with the inevitable anecdotes and “war stories” from my nearly 50-year career, the students actually control the substance though their own research on current and historical events and sharing of personal experiences with the immigration system (everybody has some, whether they realize it or not). It’s also a chance to “network and bond” with a group of wonderful colleagues who can “be there for you” throughout your careers.
Indeed, I hope to put together a panel of “young superstars”🌟 of the New Due Process Army,🌟 including former students/and or court interns, who can share their career experiences on “why they chose to make a difference in human lives and how they have accomplished it.” Additionally, one of the best “up and coming” minds in the business, my friend Professor Cori Alonso Yoder, currently a Visiting Professor at Georgetown Law, has offered to meet with the class to share some of her knowledge and real life experiences with “Life-saving 101.” So, it should be a vibrant an exciting month. Don’t miss it!
Also, despite the seriousness of the topic, we always have some fun doing it!
Also, remember, NDPA superstar🌟 Liz Gibson, of “The Gibson Report,” is one of my former Georgetown Law students, a CALS Asylum Clinic veteran, a former Arlington Immigration Court intern, a former Judicial Law Clerk at the NY Immigration Court, and an alum of the prestigious Immigrant Justice Corps! In a relatively short time, Liz has used her skills, knowledge, and training to make a lifetime’s worth of “real life positive impact” on the lives and futures of our fellow humans!
BIA Asylum Panel In Action Albrecht Dürer, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons“Oh Boy! Three material mistakes in one asylum case! Do you think our superiors in the enforcement bureaucracy will give us extra credit on our ‘move ‘em out without due process quotas?’ Being a Deportation Judge sure is fun!” https://www.flickr.com/photos/rasputin243/ Creative Commons License
Arita-Deras v. Wilkinson, 4th Cir., 03-05-21, Published
PANEL:GREGORY, Chief Judge, and AGEE and KEENAN, Circuit Judges
OPINION BY: Judge Barbara Milano Keenan
Maria Del Refugio Arita-Deras, a native and citizen of Honduras, petitions for review of a final order of removal entered by the Board of Immigration Appeals (the Board).1 The Board affirmed an immigration judge’s (IJ) conclusion that Arita-Deras was not eligible for asylum, withholding of removal, or protection under the Convention Against Torture (CAT). The Board: (1) agreed with the IJ that Arita-Deras failed to support her claims with sufficient corroborating evidence; (2) found that Arita-Deras failed to prove that she suffered from past persecution because she had not been harmed physically; and (3) concluded that Arita-Deras failed to establish a nexus between the alleged persecution and a protected ground.
Upon our review, we conclude that the Board improperly discounted Arita-Deras’ corroborating evidence, applied an incorrect legal standard for determining past persecution, and erred in its nexus determination. Accordingly, we grant Arita-Deras’ petition and remand her case to the Board for further proceedings.
After eight years of bouncing around the system at various levels THIS “NotQuite Good Enough For Government Work” error-fest is what we get from EOIR! As I keep saying, no wonder they are running a 1.3 million case backlog, clogging the Circuit Courts with incredibly shoddy work, and in many cases sending vulnerable refugees back to death or torture under incorrect fact findings and blatantly wrong legal interpretations!
Again, nothing profound about this claim; just basic legal and analytical errors that often flow from the “think of any reason to deny” culture. EOIR just keeps repeating the same basic mistakes again and again even after being “outed” by the Circuits!
This case illustrates why the unrealistically high asylum denial numbers generated by the biased EOIR system and parroted by DHS should never be trusted. This respondent, appearing initially without a lawyer, was actually coerced by an Immigration Judge into accepting a “final order” of removal with a totally incorrect, inane, mis-statement of the law. “Haste makes waste,” shoddy, corner cutting procedures, judges deficient in asylum legal knowledge, and a stunning lack of commitment to due process and fundamental fairness are a burden to our justice system in addition to being a threat to the lives of individual asylum seekers.
Only when she got a lawyer prior to removal was this respondent able to get her case reopened for a full asylum hearing. Even then, the IJ and the BIA both totally screwed up the analysis and entered incorrect orders. Only because this respondent was fortunate enough to be assisted by one of the premier pro bono groups in America, the CAIR Coalition, was she able to get some semblance of justice on appeal to the Circuit Court!
I’m very proud to say that a member of the “CAIR Team,” Adina Appelbaum, program Director, Immigration Impact Lab, is my former Georgetown ILP student, former Arlington Intern, and a “charter member” of the NDPA! If my memory serves me correctly, she is also a star alum of the CALS Asylum Clinic @ Georgetown Law. No wonder Adina made the Forbes “30 Under 30” list of young Americans leaders! She and others like her in the NDPA are ready to go in and start cleaning up and improving EOIR right now! Judge Garland take note!
Adina Appelbaum Director, Immigration Impact Lab CAIR Coalition PHOTO: “30 Under 30” from Forbes
Despite CAIR’s outstanding efforts, Ms. Arita-Deras still is nowhere near getting the relief to which she should be entitled under a proper application of the law by expert judges committed to due process. Instead, after eight years, she plunges back into EOIR’s 1.3 million case “never never land” where she might once again end up with Immigration Judges at both the trial and appellate level who are not qualified to be hearing asylum cases because they don’t know the law and they are “programmed to deny” to meet their “deportation quotas” in support of ICE Enforcement.
Focus on it folks! This is America; yet individuals on trial for their lives face a prosecutor and a “judge” who are on the same side! And, they are often forced to do it without a lawyer and without even understanding the complex proceedings going on around them! How is this justice? It isn’t! So why is it allowed to continue?
Also, let’s not forget that under the recently departed regime, EOIR falsely claimed that having an attorney didn’t make a difference in success rates for respondents. That’s poppycock! Actually, as the Vera Institute recently documented the success rate for represented respondents is an astounding 10X that of unrepresented individuals. In any functional system, that differential would be more than sufficient to establish a “prima facie” denial of due process any time an asylum seeker (particularly one in detention) is forced to proceed without representation.
Yet, this miscarriage of justice occurs every day in Immigration Courts throughout America! Worse yet, EOIR and DHS have purposely “rigged” the system in various ways to impede and discourage effective representation.
To date, while flagging EOIR for numerous life-threatening errors, the Article IIIs have failed to come to grips with the obvious: The current EOIR system provides neither due process nor fundamental fairness to the individuals coming before these “courts” (that aren’t “courts” at all)!
Acting AG Wilkinson has piled up an impressive string of legal defeats in immigration matters in just a short time on the job. It’s going to be up to Judge Garland to finally make it right. It’s urgent for both our nation and the individuals whose rights are being stomped upon by a broken system on a daily basis!
Elizabeth Gibson Attorney, NY Legal Assistance Group Publisher of “The Gibson Report”
COVID-19 & Closures
Note: Policies are rapidly changing, so please verify information with the government and colleagues.
EOIR Status Overview & EOIR Court Status Map/List: Hearings in non-detained cases at courts without an announced date are postponed through, and including, March 19, 2021 (The timing of postponement notices has been inconsistent and it is unclear when the next announcement will be. EOIR announced 3/19 on Wed. 2/10, 2/19 on Mon. 1/25, 2/5 on Mon. 1/11, and 1/22 on Mon. 12/28). There is no announced date for reopening NYC non-detained at this time.
Reuters: U.S. President Joe Biden on Wednesday revoked a proclamation from his predecessor that blocked many green card applicants from entering the United States.
Politico: ACLU Executive Director Anthony D. Romero was quick to welcome Mayorkas’ announcement, but cautioned that “the devil is in the details and Secretary Mayorkas has to shed all the caveats and qualifications around his announcement and follow through with everything that’s necessary to right the wrong.” See also Lawyers have found the parents of 105 separated migrant children in past month.
NYT: The two leaders, who previously talked about ways to stem migration in a call on Jan. 22, just days after Mr. Biden took office, are expected to discuss addressing the root causes of persecution and poverty that force Central American families to flee to the United States.
WaPo: Government officials say the camp is needed because facilities for migrant children have had to cut capacity by nearly half because of the coronavirus pandemic. At the same time, the number of unaccompanied children crossing the border has been inching up, with January reporting the highest total — more than 5,700 apprehensions — for that month in recent years.
Politico: U.S. District Judge Drew Tipton granted a preliminary injunction that blocks the moratorium the Biden administration announced on its first day.
WaPo: U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers have tapped a private database containing hundreds of millions of phone, water, electricity and other utility records while pursuing immigration violations, according to public documents uncovered by Georgetown Law researchers and shared with The Washington Post.
InTheseTimes: According to the Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR) — the Justice Department agency that oversees these immigration adjudication centers — nearly 300,000 asylum cases have been heard via videoconference in the past two years.
NPR: Nana Gyamfi, Executive Director of the Black Alliance for Just Immigration, tells NPR’s Scott Simon about challenges Black immigrants to the U.S. face.
NBC: The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau on Monday filed a lawsuit against Libre by Nexus, claiming the company is preying on immigrants through a bond scam that traps participants into paying expensive fees.
Examiner: Protocols for caring for families and children, border wall infrastructure, decriminalizing illegal immigration, immigration courts, employment-based immigration, and private detention facilities were not addressed in either the House or Senate versions of the bill.
USCIS has launched a temporary pilot program to facilitate attorney or representative participation in an asylum interview from a remote location via video or telephone. The pilot program is available only at the Arlington, Boston, Miami, Newark, and Newark/Manhattan Branch asylum offices. AILA Doc. No. 21030131
Law360: A fractured Second Circuit panel tossed an El Salvadoran asylum seeker’s appeal, finding that his opposition to gangs was not a political opinion and that he could avoid future beatings, a view the dissenting judge called an “uncharitable” interpretation of the case.
BIA ruled that an applicant for special rule cancellation of removal under INA §240A(b)(2) based on spousal abuse must demonstrate both that the abuser was their lawful spouse and was either a U.S. citizen or LPR at the time of the abuse. Matter of L-L-P-, 28 I&N Dec. 241 (BIA 2021) AILA Doc. No. 21022432
Law360: A pair of thorny immigration cases “baffled” and “confused” the inquisitive justices of the U.S. Supreme Court Tuesday as they wrestled with when testimony of asylum applicants must be presumed to be credible.
A district court grants nationwide preliminary injunction to prohibit enforcement and implementation of the 100-day pause on removals as outlined in the 1/20/21 DHS memo. (State of Texas v. USA, et al., 2/23/21) AILA Doc. No. 21012634
On 2/24/21, President Biden issued Proclamation 10149 revoking Proclamation 10014, section 1 of Proclamation 10052, and section 1 of Proclamation 10131, which suspended immigrant visas due to the 2019 novel Coronavirus outbreak. (86 FR 11847, 3/1/21) AILA Doc. No. 21022490
DOS updates its announcement and FAQs on the phased resumption of visa services following the rescission of Presidential Proclamation 10014, which suspended the entry of certain immigrant visa applicants into the United States. AILA Doc. No. 20071435
Documented: Judge Alison Nathan’s Nov. 30 ruling at U.S. District Court in Manhattan was the first to draw a constitutional line on how long an Immigration and Customs Enforcement detainee waits for an initial hearing before a judge.
Law360: A Florida federal judge ruled Friday that a Mexican citizen can join a class action challenging U.S. Customs and Immigration Enforcement detainee conditions at three South Florida facilities during the COVID-19 pandemic, saying the agency cannot escape jurisdiction by transferring him to a facility across the country.
AIC: The Council and partners filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit to compel the government to release documentation of three raids on a humanitarian aid station in the deadly desert in Southern Arizona.
The Department of Health and Human Services published a notice stating that it is no longer pursuing changes to the forms for sponsors of unaccompanied children on which it had requested public comment on 1/5/21 at 86 FR 308, and therefore withdraws its request for comment. (86 FR 11537, 2/25/21) AILA Doc. No. 21022531
DHS: Secretary Mayorkas announced that Michelle Brané will serve as the Task Force’s Executive Director. Most recently, she served as the senior director of the Migrant Rights and Justice program at the Women’s Refugee Commission.
· Correction: The ERO ombudsman email that was circulating last week had a typo and should be: EROOmbudsman@ice.dhs.gov.
Check out “Top News #7.” It’s an article by Arvind Dilawar in In These Times about “EOIR’s Black Sites,” 🏴☠️ euphemistically known as “Immigration Adjudication Centers” where imposters masquerading as “judges” “process” cases by TV on the deportation assembly line, often without regard to the law, the facts, and the humanity of their victims and the lawyers representing them.
Here’s an excerpt:
Lisa Koop, associate director of legal services for the National Immigrant Justice Center (NIJC), stood with her client in immigration court in September 2019. The client (name withheld for privacy) had escaped violence in Central America and fled to the United States with her young daughter. Here, they were taken into custody by immigration authorities, which landed them in this courtroom, waiting to hear whether they would be granted asylum.
They were initially scheduled with a traditional, in-person immigration judge. But that judge retired and the case was transferred to an “immigration adjudication center.” This new judge video conferenced in. Koop says the judge did not allow an opening statement, was not familiar with relevant precedent and did not ask Koop to address any particularities of the case in the closing argument. The judge ruled that, while the case was “very sad,” it did not meet the criteria for asylum, then wished Koop’s client “good luck” following deportation.
This outrageous mockery of due process, fundamental fairness, and real judicial proceedings is ongoing, in the Department of “Justice” — yes, folks, the Chief Prosecutor of the U.S. maintains his own “wholly owned” “court system”in a nation where justice supposedly is unbiased and impartial — more than five weeks into the Biden Administration.
Last week, we heard a refreshingly emotional expression of personal gratitude and recognition of the essential role of refugee protections from Judge Merrick Garland.
What we haven’t heard to date is a recognition that what will soon be “his” DOJ treats refugees (in this case vulnerable asylum seekers) with disdain and disrespect “revved up” by four years of White Nationalist abuses heaped on them by Judge Garland’s corrupt predecessors as AGs for Trump. We also have yet to hear what Judge Garland plans to do about the deadly and disreputable “EOIR Clown Show” 🤡🦹🏿♂️ which will soon be operating under his auspices and which, whether he realizes it or not, will form the the major part of his legacy to American Justice.
Judge Garland should call up folks like Lisa Koop at NIJC, Claudia Valenzuela at American Immigration Council, andtheir colleagues to get a “real life dose” of what it means to be or represent an asylum seeker in today’s dysfunctional and disreputable Immigration “Courts” that actually are 21st Century Star Chambers.
“Justice” Star Chamber Style
Better yet, he should replace the current EOIR Senior Executives and BIA Appellate Immigration Judges with Koop, Valenzuela, and others like them — “practical experts” in due process, equal justice, immigration, and human rights — who would restore and advance judicial integrity and fairness to a system that has abandoned and trampled upon those fundamental values!
G. Reaper Approaches ICE Gulag With “Imbedded Captive Star Chamber” Run By EOIR, For Their “Partner” Reaper Image: Hernan Fednan, Creative Commons License
As stated at the end of Dilawar’s article:“Asylum-seekers are wrongfully denied asylum, and justice is not served.” Duh!
🇺🇸🗽⚖️Due Process Forever! End the EOIR Clown Show!🤡🦹🏿♂️🎪☠️
The Vera Institute of Justice (Vera) recommends that the Biden administration draw from time-tested models, data, and knowledge to build a federally funded, universal legal defense service that provides universal, zealous, and person-centered defense to all immigrants. This federal defender service should be modeled on the criminal federal defender system, which is generally regarded as more successful at realizing the values of high-quality, appropriately funded representation than its state counterparts. Vera makes this recommendation based on years of experience building and managing national immigrant legal defense programs. A federal defender service built on these core values is effective and achievable, and it would help ensure that the lives, liberty, and community health of immigrants are given full and equal protection under the law regardless of status. This policy brief highlights that a federal defender service would address systemic inequities of the immigration system and has widespread support in the United States.
A federally funded, universal legal defense service that provides universal, zealous, and person-centered defense to all immigrants would help address systemic inequities within the immigration system, and would represent a safeguard that is already proven, effective, achievable, and has widespread public support.
Publication Highlights
Vera has already worked with government partners, legal defense providers, advocates, and impacted people to create, test, and refine national immigrant legal defense programs grounded in universality, zealousness, and person-centeredness.
A federal defender service would combat the burden of racist immigration policies that most severely impact immigrants with criminal convictions, poor immigrants, Black immigrants, and immigrants with severe mental health conditions.
Without a federal defender service, tens of thousands of immigrants, including long-term permanent residents, asylum seekers, and parents of U.S.-citizen children, must face a hostile immigration system without representation.
Key Facts
Immigrants with attorneys are also
10 times more likely
to establish their right to remain in the United States than those without legal representation.
of the 195,625 people whose immigration court cases completed in Fiscal Year 2019 did not have legal representation.
Immigrants with attorneys are
3.5 times more likely
to be granted bond than those without representation.
You can download the full report at the above link.
The Biden Administration should work into this effort the already operating, highly acclaimed, innovative VIISTA program pioneered and developed by Professor Michele Pistone at Villanova Law for training of non-attorney representatives to provide high-quality representation to asylum seekers in Immigration Court.
Lots of the groundwork for a universal representation program has already been done! It’s about putting the right folks from outside Government in charge and building on the established foundation to take it to another level.
Elizabeth Gibson Attorney, NY Legal Assistance Group Publisher of “The Gibson Report”
COVID-19 & Closures
Note: Policies are rapidly changing, so please verify information with the government and colleagues.
EOIR Status Overview & EOIR Court Status Map/List: Hearings in non-detained cases at courts without an announced date are postponed through, and including, March 19, 2021 (The timing of postponement notices has been roughly every two weeks lately, but it has been inconsistent and it is unclear when the next announcement will be. EOIR announced 3/19 on Wed. 2/10, 2/19 on Mon. 1/25, 2/5 on Mon. 1/11, and 1/22 on Mon. 12/28). There is no announced date for reopening NYC non-detained at this time.
Politico: Congressional Democrats unveiled President Joe Biden’s expansive immigration reform bill Thursday, which would provide an eight-year pathway to citizenship for 11 million undocumented immigrants. But it already faces dim prospects for becoming law with such narrow Democratic majorities in both chambers. See also Factbox: What’s in Biden’s sweeping immigration bill being rolled out in Congress?
CNN: The guidelines establishes strict parameters for ICE officers, particularly in the event that an undocumented immigrant is encountered who’s not being targeted, and appears intended to restrain an agency emboldened under the last administration. See also New ICE Enforcement Priorities Represent an Important Shift, But More Change Is Needed.
CNN: Twenty-five migrants who had been forced to stay in Mexico crossed the US border in San Diego on Friday, the first group to arrive in the country as part of the Biden administration’s rollback of a controversial Trump-era policy, according to a source with knowledge of the process. See also The Ambiguous End of “Remain in Mexico.”
BuzzFeed: Department of Homeland Security officials have been directed to stop using words such as “alien” and “illegal alien” from communications with the public or within the agency when referring to people who aren’t US citizens in an effort by the Biden administration to recast immigration terminology.
SPLC: A federal court has again blocked a Trump administration ban that categorically denied asylum to anyone at the southern border who had transited through a third country en route to the United States, with very limited exceptions.
CBS: The Department of Homeland Security on Tuesday moved to scrap a contract signed at the tail end of the Trump administration that could have allowed a union of deportation officers to stall the implementation of certain immigration policy changes.
BuzzFeed: As millions across Texas endured freezing temperatures without running water or electricity this week, immigrants detained by ICE said they have endured their own misery with not enough to drink, toilets full of human excrement that couldn’t be flushed, and days without being able to shower.
ICE: He is the former Dean of the University of San Francisco School of Law, where he established an immigration law clinic. Prior to his time as Dean, Mr. Trasviña served as the Assistant Secretary of the Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity in the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, managing over 580 employees and a budget exceeding $140 million per year, and President and General Counsel of the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF).
CNN: Immigration and Customs Enforcement is planning to release some migrant families in detention to accommodate the arrival of migrants arrested at the US-Mexico border, according to two Homeland Security officials.
Reuters: The justices agreed to take up an appeal that the Trump administration had filed of a lower court ruling that found the rule likely violated federal immigration and administrative law by impermissibly expanding the definition of who counts as a “public charge” and greatly increasing the number of people who would be rejected for residency.
Conecta: Individuals and families who believe they may be eligible for the program for active MPP cases can now register via Conecta for an appointment with the Support Hub, the first step in the process. For those without internet, call: 800 283 2753.
USCIS updated guidance in its Policy Manual regarding the educational requirements for naturalization. The update, effective 3/1/21, provides that USCIS will revert to administering the 2008 civics test to applicants who filed for naturalization before 12/1/20, or who will file on or after 3/1/21. AILA Doc. No. 21022232
ICE Acting Director issued a memo establishing interim guidance in support of the interim civil immigration enforcement and removal priorities issued by DHS on 1/20/21. The guidance, effective immediately, covers enforcement actions, custody decisions, execution of final orders of removal, and more. AILA Doc. No. 21021800
CDC notice announcing a temporary exception from expulsion for unaccompanied noncitizen children to its order issued October 13, 2020, suspending the right to introduce certain persons from countries where a quarantinable communicable disease exists. (86 FR 9942, 2/17/21) AILA Doc. No. 21021732
Unpublished BIA decision equitably tolls 180-day time limit on motion to rescind in absentia order based on ineffective assistance of counsel. Special thanks to IRAC. (Matter of Enriquez-Godinez, 6/24/20) AILA Doc. No. 21021600
Unpublished BIA decision holds that carrying a firearm without a license under 18 Pa. Cons. Stat. 6106(a)(1) is not a firearms offense because it applies to antique firearms that are suitable for use. Special thanks to IRAC. (Matter of Santana Colon, 6/30/20) AILA Doc. No. 21021601
The court held that substantial evidence supported the BIA’s decision affirming the IJ’s adverse credibility determination, reasoning that discrepancies in the record warranted a finding that petitioner had testified untruthfully about his asylum claim. (Zaruma-Guaman v. Wilkinson, 2/9/21) AILA Doc. No. 21021837
The court rejected the petitioner’s contention that the conditions of prolonged 41-bis incarceration he faced or would face in Italy rose to the level of torture, as that term is used in the Convention Against Torture (CAT) and its implementing regulations. (Gallina v. Wilkinson, 2/12/21) AILA Doc. No. 21021840
The court rejected the BIA’s “excessively narrow” view of the nexus requirement, concluding that the record indisputably showed that the petitioner had satisfied her burden to establish that her familial ties were one central reason for her persecution. (Diaz de Gomez v. Wilkinson, 2/8/21) AILA Doc. No. 21021631
The court held that it lacked jurisdiction to review petitioner’s argument that the IJ and BIA erred in finding his conspiracy to commit wire fraud offense was a “particularly serious crime” rendering him statutorily ineligible for withholding of removal. (Tibakweitira v. Wilkinson, 2/1/21) AILA Doc. No. 21021632
The court held that BIA did not abuse its discretion in denying the petitioner’s motion to reopen her 1992 deportation proceedings, finding that the Supreme Court’s decision in Pereira v. Sessions did not affect the soundness of her proceedings. (Perez-Perez v. Wilkinson, 2/11/21) AILA Doc. No. 21021841
The court held that the BIA and the IJ failed to consider evidence that the petitioner’s removal would result in exceptional and extremely unusual hardship to his daughter, given that her hardship—a speech impairment—is aggravated by her emotional turmoil. (Martinez-Baez v. Wilkinson, 2/1/21) AILA Doc. No. 21021634
Where the BIA upheld the denial of asylum to petitioner based on a finding that serious reasons exist to believe he committed a serious nonpolitical crime, the court held that the “serious reasons for believing” standard requires a finding of probable cause. (Barahona v. Wilkinson, 2/3/21) AILA Doc. No. 21021636
Upholding the BIA’s denial of asylum and related relief, the court found that the petitioner’s proposed particular social group (PSG) comprised of “minor Christian males who oppose gang membership” was not a cognizable PSG. (Santos-Ponce v. Wilkinson, 2/10/21) AILA Doc. No. 21021932
Denying in part the petition for review, the court held that petitioner’s proposed particular social group (PSG) of “Mexican wealthy business owners” was not cognizable because it lacked social distinction, particularity, or an immutable characteristic. (Macedo Templos v. Wilkinson, 2/9/21) AILA Doc. No. 21021931
Granting the petition for review, the court held that the IJ and BIA had impermissibly refused to consider the Iraqi petitioner’s mental illness as a factor in determining whether he was barred from withholding of removal based on a particularly serious crime. (Shazi v. Wilkinson, 2/11/21) AILA Doc. No. 21021930
Granting the petition for review, the court held that the act of reentering illegally under INA §241(a)(5) requires some form of misconduct by the noncitizen—such as entering without inspection—rather than merely the status of inadmissibility. (Tomczyk v. Wilkinson, 2/3/21) AILA Doc. No. 21021644
A district court granted a preliminary injunction preventing the government from implementing the Third Country Transit Ban final rule and ordering the return to the pre-Final Rule practices for processing asylum applications. (East Bay Sanctuary Covenant vs. Barr, 2/16/21) AILA Doc. No. 21021645
Granting in part plaintiffs’ motion for emergency relief, the court ordered defendants to treat all visas issued or renewed pursuant to Gomez v. Trump as having been issued in the first instance as of the date the court makes a final judgment. (Gomez, et al., v. Biden, et al., 2/19/21) AILA Doc. No. 21022233
The district court preliminarily approved a settlement agreement under which the L.A. County Sheriff’s Department will pay $14,000,000 to former inmates detained beyond the expiration of their state criminal charges pursuant to immigration detainers. (Roy v. County of Los Angeles, 11/25/20) AILA Doc. No. 21021736
The U.S. District Court for the District of Massachusetts issued a preliminary injunction requiring DHS to rescind the orders returning seven asylum-seeking plaintiffs to Mexico pursuant to the Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP). (Bollat Vasquez, et al. v. Mayorkas, et al., 2/13/21) AILA Doc. No. 21021646
Law360: A California federal judge has recommended sanctioning the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and Customs and Border Protection, finding Thursday that two officials shredded notes relevant to asylum-seekers’ claims of being illegally turned away from the southern border.
DHS announced that it has begun the first step in a phased approach to process individuals returned to Mexico with active MPP cases. DHS processed a limited number of individuals on 2/19/21 through the San Ysidro Port of Entry. Additional ports of entry will begin processing individuals this week. AILA Doc. No. 21021230
DOS updated its guidance on K visa processing for individuals who are named plaintiffs in Milligan v. Pompeo and who are subject to a geographic COVID-related proclamation. DOS also provided guidance for K visa applicants who are not plaintiffs in the case. AILA Doc. No. 20113030
USCIS notice extending Deferred Enforced Departure (DED) and work authorization for eligible Liberians through 6/30/22, pursuant to the memo issued by President Biden on 1/20/21. (86 FR 9531, 2/16/21) AILA Doc. No. 21021233
CUNY Immigration Seminar Series, Spring 2021: Feb 5: Holding Fast, Feb 19: Hyper Education, Mar 5: Citizenship Reimagined, Mar 12: The President and Immigration Law, Mar 26: The Browning of the New South, Apr 9: Reuniting Families, Apr 23: Represented But Unequal, Apr 30: Pursuing Citizenship in the Enforcement Era.
FJC Core and Advanced Trainings, February and March 2021 for service providers, community leaders, and city agency staff who are working with populations directly or indirectly affected by domestic and gender-based violence.