"The Voice of the New Due Process Army" ————– Musings on Events in U.S. Immigration Court, Immigration Law, Sports, Music, Politics, and Other Random Topics by Retired United States Immigration Judge (Arlington, Virginia) and former Chairman of the Board of Immigration Appeals PAUL WICKHAM SCHMIDT and DR. ALICIA TRICHE, expert brief writer, practical scholar, emeritus Editor-in-Chief of The Green Card (FBA), and 2022 Federal Bar Association Immigration Section Lawyer of the Year. She is a/k/a “Delta Ondine,” a blues-based alt-rock singer-songwriter, who performs regularly in Memphis, where she hosts her own Blues Brunch series, and will soon be recording her first full, professional album. Stay tuned! 🎶 To see our complete professional bios, just click on the link below.
Want to level up your #advocacy skills for your #genderbased #asylum cases in #immigrationcourt?Want to learn from a real immigration judge the basics of presenting your case before the immigration court?Then join me for Tahirih Justice Center’s”Advancing Justice: Gender-Based Violence Asylum Litigation in Immigration Court” webinar series!
Part 1 of the series is on April 23, 12-1:30pm. It will focus on the case law and strategy you’ll need to present your best gender-based asylum case, including how to handle credibility, competency, and stipulations.Monica Mananzan from CAIR Coalition will join me in this webinar. To register for Part 1: http://bit.ly/3xvwPyt
Part 2 of the series is on April 25, 12-1:30pm. Retired Immigration Judge Lisa Dornell will explain the best practices of litigating gender-based asylum cases before an immigration judge, as well as recommendations for direct examination, cross-examination, and how to handle issues with a client’s memory, trauma, or court interpretation.To register for Part 2: https://bit.ly/3PXJqRn
Please share with your networks!Our goal for this webinar series is to help pro bono attorneys and advocates enhance their the advocacy for #genderbasedviolence to have #immigrationjustice – we’d love for you to join us!
Wonderful learning opportunity! Many thanks to everyone involved in putting it together!
Wonder whatever happened to the “gender-based regulations” that Biden ordered to be drafted by Executive Order issued shortly after taking office? At this point, given his “lobotomized/running scared/retrograde/Trumpy Lite” position on asylum seekers and immigrants’ rights, probably just as well that they died an unheralded bureaucratic death (just as similar assignments have in the last three Dem Administrations over a quarter century).
Outside of a few Immigration Judges, who, because they understand the issue and have worked with asylum-seeking women, would never be asked anyway, I can’t really think of anyone at DOJ who would actually be qualified to draft legally-compliant gender-based regulations!
GOP are misogynists. Dem politicos are spineless and can’t “connect the dots” between their deadly, tone-deaf policies and poor adjudicative practices aimed at women of color in the asylum system and other racist and misogynistic polities being pushed aggressively by the far right! While, thankfully, it might not “be 1864” in the Dem Party, sadly, inexplicably, and quote contrary to what Biden and Harris claim these days, it’s not 2024 either, particularly for those caught up in their deadly, broken, and indolently run immigration, asylum, and border enforcement systems!
Free NYSBA asylum training CLE webinar Dec. 13 1-2 pm ET
Are you considering handling your first pro bono asylum case, but unsure of how to proceed? This free one-hour CLE training sponsored by the New York State Bar Association will orient you to the fundamentals of asylum eligibility and procedure, common issues to consider, and mentorship possibilities. Handouts will be provided.
When: Monday December 13, 2021, 1-2 pm ET
Where: online
Speakers: Victoria Neilson (Managing Attorney, Catholic Legal Immigration Network), Rebecca Press (Legal Director, UnLocal, Inc.), and Steve Yale-Loehr (Cornell Law School)
Thanks, Steve, my friend, for passing this on! I’m grateful for all you do to educate, guide, support, and most of all inspire the NDPA in the never-ending fight to force our Government to make due process and fundamental fairness for all persons in America, regardless of race, creed, or status, a reality rather than the cruel farce it is today!
Never has the need for talented pro bono representation in Immigration Court been greater.
And, the Garland DOJ’s indifference to long overdue due process, quality control, personnel, and best practices reforms in the broken and backlogged EOIR system means that the battle to save lives and force change through aggressive litigation is just beginning and ultimately will succeed!
The good news: Given the endemic lack of expertise, discombobulated administration, and disregard for quality at EOIR, the “talent balance” favors the NDPA! Many deserving lives can be saved and at least some degree of accountability forced on Garland’s dysfunctional EOIR through aggressive, well prepared litigation that makes compelling records, advances correct interpretations and applications of the law, and resists and triumphs over the “race to the bottom” that has destroyed and perverted justice in our Immigration Courts.
Sign up today! It will be the “best hour” you spend next week!
“Abushagif contends that the BIA abused its discretion by entirely failing to address his CAT claim. On that point, he is correct. A CAT “claim is separate from . . . claims for asylum and withholding of removal and should receive separate analytical attention.” Efe v. Ashcroft, 293 F.3d 899, 906–07 (5th Cir. 2002). Moreover, the BIA must not leave asserted CAT claims unaddressed. See Eduard v. Ashcroft, 379 F.3d 182, 196 (5th Cir. 2004). The government does not dispute that Abushagif raised a CAT claim in his motion to reopen. The government avers, however, that Abushagif did not present his claim to the Board and thus failed to exhaust it. See 8 U.S.C. § 1252(d)(1). That is flatly incorrect; Abushagif raised his CAT claim several times in his briefing before the BIA. It is confounding that the government says otherwise. The government also contends that remanding the CAT claim would be “futile” because, even if the BIA had addressed it, the Board still would not have granted his motion to reopen, given its determination that Abushagif had generally failed to submit reliable evidence in support of his claims of persecution. That contention, however, cannot overcome the plain command of our caselaw: The Board must address CAT claims where they are raised. See Eduard, 379 F.3d at 196. We therefore remand for the limited purpose of the Board’s addressing Abushagif’s CAT claim.”
The government does not dispute that Abushagif raised a CAT claim in his motion to reopen. The government avers, however, that Abushagif did not present his claim to the Board and thus failed to exhaust it. See 8 U.S.C. § 1252(d)(1). That is flatly incorrect; Abushagif raised his CAT claim several times in his briefing before the BIA. It is confounding that the government says otherwise.
“Confounding,” but not surprising to any of us who follow the continuing meltdown of justice and callous indifference to the law, truth, and human lives @ Garland’s failed and failing Department of “Justice.”
The government also contends that remanding the CAT claim would be “futile” because, even if the BIA had addressed it, the Board still would not have granted his motion to reopen, given its determination that Abushagif had generally failed to submit reliable evidence in support of his claims of persecution. That contention, however, cannot overcome the plain command of our caselaw: The Board must address CAT claims where they are raised.
Basically, OIL, argues that even if they had actually addressed CAT, the BIA would still have stiffed the respondent’s claim because that’s what a “programmed to deny for any reason” BIA does. Why bother with a BIA decision when a denial is “predetermined?” Is this really the sad state of due process at Garland’s DOJ? Apparently!
Let’s put this in context. The respondent is from Libya, a country notorious for torture. Here’s an excerpt from the latest (2020) Department of State Country Report on Libya:
While the 2011 Constitutional Declaration and postrevolutionary legislation prohibit such practices, credible sources indicated personnel operating both government and extralegal prisons and detention centers tortured detainees (see section 1.g.). While judicial police controlled some facilities, the GNA continued to rely on armed groups to manage prisons and detention facilities. Furthermore, armed groups, not police, initiated arrests in many instances. An unknown number of individuals were held without judicial authorization in other facilities nominally controlled by the Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Defense, or in extralegal
Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2020
United States Department of State • Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor
facilities controlled by GNA-affiliated armed groups, LNA-affiliated armed groups, and other nonstate actors. Treatment varied from facility to facility and typically was worst at the time of arrest. There were reports of cruel and degrading treatment in government and extralegal facilities, including beatings, administration of electric shocks, burns, and rape. In many instances this torture was reportedly initiated to extort payments from detainees’ families.
Also, the 5th Circuit is generally considered the most conservative and pro-Government Circuit. It is a jurisdiction where the Government has to work hard and really, really screw up to lose an immigration case.
Two of the panel judges in this case are GOP appointees: Judges Engelhardt (Trump), and Smith (Reagan). The third panel member, Judge Higginson is an Obama appointee. Judge Jerry E. Smith, who wrote this opinion, is known as one of the most conservative Federal Judges in America! If these jurists see problems, you can be sure they actually exist!
One thing that unites Federal Judges across the ideological spectrum is dislike of being lied to by DOJ attorneys! Evidently, that’s no longer of concern to Judge Garland now that he is the purveyor, rather than the recipient, of misrepresentations, untruths, and sloppy, unprofessional work from DOJ attorneys!
How travesties like this, that happen at Garland’s DOJ on a daily basis, in “life or death” cases, is acceptable professional judicial performance is beyond understanding!
Additionally, how clearly misrepresenting the facts of record is ethically acceptable performance for OIL attorneys is totally beyond me!
Maybe its time for the House and Senate Judiciary Committees to call Judge Garland before them for oversight to examine his continuing mismanagement of EOIR, America’s worst, most backlogged, most blatantly unfair, court system, that has not materially improved during his tenure. They should also inquire as to why he continues to tolerate unethical performance from OIL Attorneys making material misrepresentations to Federal Courts in attempting to defend the indefensible performance of the BIA in immigration litigation. Also, why hasn’t Garland spoken out about the illegal suspension of asylum laws enacted by Congress at our borders? Human lives are at stake here!
The idea that Garland intends to “fix” this problem by throwing 200 new Immigration Judges into this broken, dysfunctional system, without first addressing any of the structural, management, competence, personnel, and institutional bias issues at EOIR is beyond absurd! “Management 101” says you fix the system by rooting out and replacing incompetent and unqualified judges, replacing incompetent managers with competent ones, and fixing the many broken operational pieces of the Immigration Court System before expanding it.
This means, at a minimum, slashing the backlog by getting hundreds of thousands of old, non-priority cases off the docket now, stopping endemic “Aimless Docket Reshuffling” at EOIR, installing a functional e-filing system, getting competent representation into the Immigration Courts, replacing the current institutionalized “worst practices” with “best practices,” and instituting real judicial training by experts from outside EOIR.
Only then, after the system has been made functional, should it be expanded, if needed. Otherwise, it’s like trying to fix defective automobile production by hiring more workers and speeding up the assembly line, thereby producing more defective vehicles without fixing that which caused the defects in the first place.
This case also shows the critical, life-saving role of pro bono counsel in Immigration Court. Without the heroic efforts ofpro bono publico counsel Alison Caditz and Jeri Leigh Miller, Mr. Abushagif would probably be hanging from a ceiling fan in Libya right now!
I was pleased to see that Judge Smith cited my precedent opinion in Matter of L-O-G-, 21 I&B Dec. 413 (BIA 1996) in his opinion. See FN 1. In L-O-G-, we held that “we have been willing to reopen ‘where the new facts alleged, when coupled with the facts already of record, satisfy us that it would be worthwhile to develop the issues further at a plenary hearing on reopening.’” 21 I&N Dec. at 419 (citations omitted).
Yes, folks, there was a time long ago and far away when BIA Chairs actually functioned as appellate judges: participating in cases at both the panel and en banc level, writing decisions, and, where necessary, filing dissents, without regard to “career enhancement.” That was in addition to BIA management duties, being a senior member of EOIR’s executive team, andmany public speaking, writing, and other public information and educational functions.
While today’s BIA and many Immigration Judges routinely ignore Matter of L-O-G- and its important teaching, it remains “good law,” as found by Judge Smith. Practitioners should be citing it in every motion to reopen and insisting that EOIR start following its own precedents, even where they produce results inconsistent with the restrictionist positions urged by DHS or the “round ‘em up and move ‘em out attitudes” that still seem prevalent at Garland’s DOJ.
It’s rather ironic that Federalist Society hero Judge Jerry E. Smith understands me better than Garland’s BIA!
Garland seems uninterested in making the long overdue bold progressive reforms necessary to restore due process, consistency, humanity, and racial justice to our broken and dysfunctional Immigration Courts. That means the battle over the next four years is likely to shift to the Article III Courts and Congress to finally get this utterly disgraceful, yet fixable, system back on track! This is also what’s required to save at least some of the vulnerable human lives now being “chewed up and spit out” by Garland’s ☠️ “Deadly Clown Courts” 🤡 and their ethics-challenged OIL defenders!🤮
Intercept: But data that Gershel was able to obtain for his report suggests that bad faith isn’t the primary problem. The S visa system itself is broken. Getting an S visa, an interagency process that requires an application from the Justice Department and then approvals by agencies under the Department of Homeland Security, can take up to a decade — a laborious process that dissuades officials at the FBI, the Drug Enforcement Administration, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, and other agencies from even applying for them. Making S visas even less appealing, the law requires that federal agencies monitor the applicant until the process is complete.
WaPo: The Biden administration unveiled plans Friday to bring hundreds, possibly thousands, of deported veterans and their immediate family members back to the United States, saying their removal “failed to live up to our highest values.”
Reuters: They said Washington is in talks with Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan about letting in the at-risk Afghan citizens. Two of the sources were U.S. officials and all requested anonymity.
AP: Four of the large-scale shelters will remain open, including one that has faced criticism from immigrant advocates at Fort Bliss Army Base in El Paso, Texas, she said. Others are in Albion, Michigan; Pecos, Texas; and Pomona, California, she said.
WaPo: Alito said Congress had good reason to be more restrictive with those who came back into the country after being deported. “Aliens who reentered the country illegally after removal have demonstrated a willingness to violate the terms of a removal order, and they therefore may be less likely to comply with the reinstated order” that they leave, he said.
Politico: With Donald Trump and a dozen House Republicans joining Abbott on the border on Wednesday, the GOP is loudly signaling its conviction that immigration will be a potent political weapon ahead of the midterm elections and presidential primary in 2024.
Law360: The House Appropriations Commission has released its homeland security budget for 2022, and it slashes U.S. Customs and Border Protection spending by $927 million, shaves ICE’s budget down a hair and cuts a controversial program that allowed local law enforcement to be deputized as immigration officials.
The U.S. Supreme Court held that INA §241, not INA §236, governs the detention of noncitizens subject to reinstated orders of removal, meaning that such noncitizens are not entitled to a bond hearing while they pursue withholding of removal. (Johnson, et al. v. Guzman Chavez, et al., 6/29/21) AILA Doc. No. 21062935
The U.S. Supreme Court granted a petition for writ of certiorari in Patel v. Garland to decide whether INA § 242(a)(2)(B)(i) “preserves the jurisdiction of federal courts to review a nondiscretionary determination that a noncitizen is ineligible for certain types of discretionary relief.” AILA Doc. No. 21070132
Reuters: A U.S. appeals court on Wednesday said a longstanding settlement agreement requiring the government to detain minors who enter the U.S. illegally in licensed facilities rather than hotels applies to children who came to the country during the COVID-19 pandemic.
PLS: Today, the Second Circuit issued a landmark decision in Brathwaite v. Garland, a case filed by PLS, finding that the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA’s) imposition of a presumption of finality to state criminal convictions that were under appellate review was arbitrary and unreasonable.
Law360: The Fourth Circuit has affirmed the constitutionality of a federal illegal reentry law, dismissing a Honduran immigrant’s claim that it unlawfully allows an administrative agency, rather than a jury, to establish an element of a crime and incorporates the facts supporting a removal order.
Law360: The Fifth Circuit has sent an appeal by a Honduran asylum-seeker back to the Board of Immigration Appeals, saying the BIA needs to get the immigration judge in the case to clarify an “ambiguous” statement that the man is “likely” to be killed by cops in an order denying asylum.
On rehearing en banc, the court held that where a petitioner is a child at the time of the alleged persecution, IJs and the BIA must take the child’s age into account in analyzing past persecution and fear of future persecution for purposes of asylum. (Portillo-Flores v. Garland, 6/29/21) AILA Doc. No. 21063030
The court held that when an applicant is discretionarily denied asylum but granted withholding of removal and the IJ fails to reconsider its discretionary denial of asylum, the BIA must remand for the IJ to conduct this required reconsideration. (Thamotar v. Att’y Gen., 6/17/21) AILA Doc. No. 21062832
The D.C. Circuit Court affirmed the district court’s determination that the IIRAIRA barred its review of 10 of the 11 alleged policies, because either the policy was unwritten or the challenges to it were untimely. (M.M.V., et al. v. Garland, et al., 6/18/21) AILA Doc. No. 19092532
The BIA rescinded the absentia order of removal, after finding that an IJ, who has properly entered an in absentia order of removal, has the authority to determine whether a late arrival constitutes “exceptional circumstances.” Matter of S-L-H- & L-B-L- 28 I&N Dec. 318 (BIA 2021) AILA Doc. No. 21070137
The district court denied Arizona and Montana’s request for preliminary injunction and dismissed the case without prejudice. (State of Arizona, et al., v. DHS, et al., 6/30/21)
Newsweek: The first-ever lawsuit against President Joe Biden’s administration by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) was filed Wednesday over long-distance transportation of detained migrants by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).
Law360: A technology union has urged the D.C. Circuit to bar over 150 colleges and universities from having a say in its lawsuit challenging work permit extensions for foreign graduates, saying that the schools’ arguments are purely political.
USCIS: U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services released the Interagency Strategy for Promoting Naturalization (PDF, 3.77 MB), a whole-of-government approach to breaking down barriers to U.S. citizenship and promoting naturalization to all who are eligible, as outlined in President Biden’s Executive Order 14012.
Note: Policies are rapidly changing, so please verify information with the government and colleagues.
EOIR Status Overview & EOIR Court Status Map/List: Unless previously specified on the court status list, hearings in non-detained cases at courts are postponed through, and including, May 14, 2021. (It is unclear when the next announcement will be. EOIR announced 5/14 on 3/29, 4/16 on Fri. 3/5, 3/19 on Wed. 2/10, 2/19 on Mon. 1/25, 2/5 on Mon. 1/11, and 1/22 on Mon. 12/28.) There is no announced date for reopening NYC non-detained at this time.
NYT: The parents of 61 migrant children who were separated from their families at the U.S.-Mexico border by the Trump administration have been located since February, but lawyers still cannot find the parents of 445 children, according to a court filing on Wednesday.
NYT: Trump tried to end a 30-year program that shielded migrants, many fleeing conditions that U.S. foreign policy helped foster. What does America owe them?
WaPo: The agent recorded the interaction, which was widely shared on the Internet, seen by many as a glimpse into the desperation of unaccompanied children arriving at the U.S.-Mexico border.
NYT: The fund, which could provide payments to hundreds of thousands of people excluded from other pandemic relief, ignited a battle among state lawmakers before it was approved.
WaPo: It is unsurprising that the needs of women facing persecution were not considered in 1951. It is also not surprising — though it is disappointing — that Congress wrote this outdated framework into the Refugee Act of 1980.
The BIA ruled that an applicant may seek withholding of removal from a country even if that country is different from the country of removal originally designated in the reinstated removal order on which the withholding-only proceedings are based. Matter of A-S-M-, 28 I&N Dec. 282 (BIA 2021) AILA Doc. No. 21040936
The court upheld the BIA’s determination that the central reason for the Salvadoran petitioner’s claimed harm was his unwillingness to join the MS-13 gang—not his Christian faith or his faith-related activities. (Sánchez-Vásquez v. Garland, 4/7/21) AILA Doc. No. 21040938
The court held that the BIA did not abuse its discretion in denying the petitioner’s motion to reopen filed nearly 11 years after the denial of his cancellation of removal application, finding that he did not show that equitable tolling was warranted. (Quiroa-Motta v. Garland, 4/6/21) AILA Doc. No. 21040933
The court held that res judicata did not bar the government’s second charge of removability against the petitioner, because the second removability charge was based on a different statutory provision and was unavailable when the first charge was brought. (Cruz Rodriguez v. Garland, 4/1/21) AILA Doc. No. 21040939
Withdrawing its opinion filed on 7/10/20, the court held that the BIA did not abuse its discretion in holding that petitioner, who had been convicted three times of petty theft under California Penal Code §484(a), was removable pursuant to INA §237(a)(2)(A)(ii). (Silva v. Garland, 3/30/21) AILA Doc. No. 21040940
Law360: The Ninth Circuit on Thursday declined to reconsider its decision to halt the Trump administration’s policy restricting asylum for migrants who cross through another country on the way to the U.S., rejecting the government’s argument that the July opinion was riddled with errors.
Law360: A split Ninth Circuit on Thursday denied a bid by Republican attorneys general to revive the “public charge” rule, with U.S. Circuit Judge Lawrence VanDyke dissenting to say that the Biden administration ensured that the rule “was gone faster than toilet paper in a pandemic.”
Law360: The Eleventh Circuit revived a Cuban journalist’s bid for asylum, finding that the immigration courts overlooked and “plainly misstated” evidence that the asylum-seeker had a well-founded fear of future persecution if returned to Cuba.
Law360: The Eleventh Circuit will not overturn the conviction that stripped a man of his citizenship after he pled guilty to lying on a citizenship form question that asked whether he had ever committed a crime for which he had not been arrested.
Law360: A New Hampshire federal judge has denied U.S. Customs and Border Patrol’s dismissal bid in a suit accusing the agency of unlawfully detaining a man at a traffic checkpoint before he was charged for having hash oil, though the court let a border patrol agent out of the case.
Law360: An unauthorized immigrant who says U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement targeted him for his activism urged the Second Circuit to maintain jurisdiction over his deportation case, arguing that his claims of illegal retaliation should not be rendered moot because of the government’s repeated delays.
Law360: A class of immigrants challenging a national security program that they claim illegally delays Muslims’ immigration applications urged a Washington federal judge Monday to reject the government’s bid to exclude testimony from three witnesses, saying they are among the foremost experts on the topic offering opinions and not legal conclusions.
AILA and partners filed a complaint on behalf of a class of noncitizens who have been prevented from entering the U.S. due to an unlawful suspension of visa processing. (Kinsley, et al., v. Blinken, et al., 4/7/21) AILA Doc. No. 21040834
DOS announced that the travel of immigrants, fiancé(e) visa holders, certain exchange visitors, and pilots/aircrew traveling for training or aircraft pickup, delivery, or maintenance is in the national interest for purposes of approving exceptions under proclamations restricting travel due to COVID. AILA Doc. No. 20071733
CBP issued guidance to its Carrier Liaison Program on the current boarding policy for lawful permanent residents (LPRs) attempting to reenter the United States who may possess valid or expired documents, depending on the document in possession. The guidance is effective as of March 5, 2021. AILA Doc. No. 21040934
The traditional bureaucratic solution: When you lack the expertise, will, and courage to solve a problem, just aimlessly throw people and taxpayer’s money at it. Actually, somewhat resembles “Trump’s wall.” And likely to be just as effective!
Note: Policies are rapidly changing, so please verify information with the government and colleagues.
EOIR Status Overview & EOIR Court Status Map/List: Hearings in non-detained cases at courts without an announced date are postponed through, and including, April 16, 2021 (It is unclear when the next announcement will be. EOIR announced 4/16 on Fri. 3/5, 3/19 on Wed. 2/10, 2/19 on Mon. 1/25, 2/5 on Mon. 1/11, and 1/22 on Mon. 12/28). There is no announced date for reopening NYC non-detained at this time.
SCOTUSblog: Just over two weeks after the Supreme Court announced that it would review the Trump administration’s “public charge” rule, which governs the admission of immigrants into the United States, the case (as well as two others presenting the same question) was dismissed on Tuesday, at the request of the Biden administration and the opponents who sued over the rule. See also States seek to take over defense of ‘public charge’ rule; A Supreme Court showdown over Trump’s legacy ends with a whimper.
Roll Call: He will lead a department that oversees the nation’s immigration courts, investigates civil rights violations at local law enforcement agencies or in voting laws, and scrutinizes business mergers in technology, health care and other industries.
Politico: The House is poised to vote on two immigration bills this week, both narrower pieces of legislation while Democrats weigh how ambitious to go with President Joe Biden’s comprehensive immigration plan. All of this is unfolding amid a growing debate about how to address the surging numbers of migrant children and families being detained at the U.S.-Mexico border.
NYT: More than 715 refugees from around the world who expected to start new lives in the United States have had their flights canceled in recent weeks because President Biden has postponed an overhaul of his predecessor’s sharp limits on new refugee admissions. Agencies that assist refugees poised to enter the country were notified by the State Department this week that all travel would be suspended until the president sets a new target for admissions this year.
WaPo: The number of immigrants taken into custody by ICE officers fell more than 60 percent in February compared with the last three months of the Trump administration, according to data reviewed by The Washington Post. Deportations fell by nearly the same amount, ICE statistics show.
WaPo: The coronavirus has been running rampant for months through Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s network of jails holding civil immigration detainees fighting deportation — but the agency has no vaccination program and, unlike the Bureau of Prisons, is relying on state and local health departments to procure vaccine doses. See also A border community, ICE at odds over release of detainees with covid.
NPR: The United States will offer temporary protected status to people from Myanmar who fear returning home, the Biden administration said Friday, as it tries to ratchet up pressure on military coup leaders in the Southeast Asian country, and provide protection to some of those criticizing it.
Law360: A bill introduced in the House on Monday would remove marijuana offenses and chronic alcohol abuse from the list of reasons to reject or mark down an application for U.S. citizenship.
CNN: Gelatt cautioned that we don’t yet know how the Internal Revenue Service will interpret the law with regard to the eligibility of undocumented people who have Social Security numbers. The IRS did not respond to a request for comment.
ImmProf: Sanchez v. Mayorkas (April 19): Whether an immigrant who enters the United States without proper authorization but receives “temporary protected status” can become a lawful permanent resident. United States v. Palomar-Santiago (April 27): Whether charges that a non-citizen illegally reentered the United States should be dismissed when the non-citizen’s removal was based on the misclassification of a prior conviction.
Advance copy of USCIS final rule removing from the Code of Federal Regulations the regulatory text that DHS promulgated in the August 2019 public charge rule and restoring the regulatory text to appear as it did prior to the issuance of the August 2019 rule. AILA Doc. No. 21031142
A district court granted a motion for preliminary injunction and enjoined nationwide implementation of EOIR’s 12/16/20 final rule that made drastic changes to the procedures and regulations governing immigration courts. (Centro Legal De La Raza, et al., v. EOIR, et al., 3/10/21) AILA Doc. No. 21031134
DOS announced DHS and DOS have initiated phase one of reinstituting the CAM program to reunite qualified Central American children with their parents who are lawfully present in the U.S. The first phase will process eligible applications that were closed when the program was terminated in 2017. AILA Doc. No. 21031035
DHS and HHS issued a joint statement announcing the termination of a 2018 agreement that “had a chilling effect on potential sponsors . . . from stepping up to sponsor an unaccompanied child placed in the care of HHS.” In its place, HHS and DHS have signed a new agreement. AILA Doc. No. 21031235
DHS Secretary Mayorkas designated Burma for TPS for 18 months. Individuals who can demonstrate continuous residence in the United States as of March 11, 2021, are eligible for TPS under Burma’s designation. A forthcoming Federal Register notice will detail eligibility criteria. AILA Doc. No. 21031241
USCIS notice designating Venezuela for Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for 18 months, effective 3/9/21 through 9/9/22. The notice also provides information about Deferred Enforced Departure (DED) and DED-related EADs for eligible Venezuelans. (86 FR 13574, 3/9/21) AILA Doc. No. 21030846
On March 4, 2021, the Supreme Court dismissed the petition for certiorari based on a joint stipulation to dismiss filed by the parties. (Wilkinson v. City and County of San Francisco, 3/4/21) AILA Doc. No. 17042533
Following Matter of Wu, the BIA ruled that conviction for assault by means of force likely to produce great bodily injury in violation of §245(a)(4) of the California Penal Code is categorically one for a CIMT. Matter of Aguilar-Mendez, 28 I&N Dec. 262 (BIA 2021) AILA Doc. No. 21031234
Law360: A U.S. citizen in Connecticut and her adult daughter in the United Kingdom can reunite stateside after a Second Circuit panel affirmed the younger woman’s eligibility for an immediate-relative visa on Tuesday, even though she turned 21 before her mother naturalized.
AILA has recently been made aware that USCIS will be reaching out to stakeholders in the coming days whose I-485 applications were rejected for failure to complete boxes 9.a. and 10 in Part 2 of the Form I-485 with instructions on how to refile their application with USCIS. AILA Doc. No. 21010510
Notably, Stephen Miller’s cruel, stupid, racist, and counterproductive “public charge” rules were finally put to bed by the Biden Administration after unnecessarily protracted rancorous litigation.
The Vera Institute of Justice (Vera) recommends that the Biden administration draw from time-tested models, data, and knowledge to build a federally funded, universal legal defense service that provides universal, zealous, and person-centered defense to all immigrants. This federal defender service should be modeled on the criminal federal defender system, which is generally regarded as more successful at realizing the values of high-quality, appropriately funded representation than its state counterparts. Vera makes this recommendation based on years of experience building and managing national immigrant legal defense programs. A federal defender service built on these core values is effective and achievable, and it would help ensure that the lives, liberty, and community health of immigrants are given full and equal protection under the law regardless of status. This policy brief highlights that a federal defender service would address systemic inequities of the immigration system and has widespread support in the United States.
A federally funded, universal legal defense service that provides universal, zealous, and person-centered defense to all immigrants would help address systemic inequities within the immigration system, and would represent a safeguard that is already proven, effective, achievable, and has widespread public support.
Publication Highlights
Vera has already worked with government partners, legal defense providers, advocates, and impacted people to create, test, and refine national immigrant legal defense programs grounded in universality, zealousness, and person-centeredness.
A federal defender service would combat the burden of racist immigration policies that most severely impact immigrants with criminal convictions, poor immigrants, Black immigrants, and immigrants with severe mental health conditions.
Without a federal defender service, tens of thousands of immigrants, including long-term permanent residents, asylum seekers, and parents of U.S.-citizen children, must face a hostile immigration system without representation.
Key Facts
Immigrants with attorneys are also
10 times more likely
to establish their right to remain in the United States than those without legal representation.
of the 195,625 people whose immigration court cases completed in Fiscal Year 2019 did not have legal representation.
Immigrants with attorneys are
3.5 times more likely
to be granted bond than those without representation.
You can download the full report at the above link.
The Biden Administration should work into this effort the already operating, highly acclaimed, innovative VIISTA program pioneered and developed by Professor Michele Pistone at Villanova Law for training of non-attorney representatives to provide high-quality representation to asylum seekers in Immigration Court.
Lots of the groundwork for a universal representation program has already been done! It’s about putting the right folks from outside Government in charge and building on the established foundation to take it to another level.
I am thrilled to report that VIISTA is getting rave reviews. The inaugural class of students is really enjoying the course. They will be finishing Module 1 next week and will start Module 2 (with its focus on immigration law) in January. I am really impressed so far with their work product and the quizzes and other assessments confirm that they are learning what we want them to learn.
Students in the inaugural class come from diverse backgrounds. My current students include a Stanford college senior who aims to work as a paralegal next year, and eventually go to law school. Other students are recent college grads interested in peace and justice/law/social work who want to make an immediate impact for immigrant families. Some students are first-generation immigrants, others are children of immigrants. Some students are retirees or those seeking an encore career, like empty nesters and parents coming back into the workforce. Three PhDs also enrolled in the program. Many are volunteers with immigrant serving organizations.
I am now focused on getting the word out. Attached and linked here is a recent article from the Chronicle of Higher Education and here is a link to an article from the Columbus Dispatch. And here is a link to the website, immigrantadvocate.villanova.edu.
Please help me to spread the word about VIISTA in your networks, including among volunteers with your organizations. You can also let folks know that scholarships are available for the Spring term, which starts on Monday, January 11.
The Scholarships are offered through ADROP, Augustinian Defenders of the Rights of the Poor.
If you have any questions about the process, please feel free to reach out to Lacie Michaelson (cced here). She is the Executive Director of ADROP and took VIISTA herself as a student in the pilot.
Please note that the deadline to apply for a scholarship for Spring of 2021 semester is Monday, December 14th, 2020.
Thanks for helping me to spread the word and identify passionate advocates for immigrant justice who want to become part of the solution.
Michele R. Pistone
Professor of Law
Villanova University, Charles Widger School of Law
Founding Faculty Director, VIISTA: Villanova Interdisciplinary Immigration Studies Training for Advocates
Over the past four years, what passes for “management” at DOJ and EOIR has wasted millions of dollars, squandered thousands of hours of time, and kept the private bar on a treadmill with a steady stream of moronic, cruel, and inept “enforcement only” gimmicks, each seemingly stupider and more counterproductive than the last, driven by a White Nationalist nativist agenda. The result is a backlog that has exploded to astounding levels, (even with twice as many judges on the bench, many of them with questionable credentials and little if any expertise in immigration and human rights laws) and a totally dysfunctional mess that threatens to topple the entire Federal judicial system.
As those of us who understand immigration know, the key to a successful EOIR is representation! With an adequate supply of good representation, cases get sorted out at the earliest possible levels, claims are properly documented and presented, individuals show up at their hearings at remarkably high rates, and results are much more likely to be fair. Presto, “Aimless Docket Reshuffling” by EOIR shrinks, parties are encouraged to stipulate and get right to the contested issues, results at trial are more likely to be fair, appeals, petitions for review, and remands decrease, and the backlogs go down as the dockets come under control. Moreover, as the Immigration Court litigation experience improves, more practitioners get the “positive vibes” and are willing to undertake pro bono or low bono cases. Best practices developed to achieve fairness on EOIR’s high-volume docket find their way into other parts of the Federal Court system. It’s an all-around winner! Or, at least it should be!
So, any competent, rational, and knowledgeable “management group” at EOIR would make increasing representation “job # 1.” They would work cooperatively and harmoniously with bar groups, NGOs, states, and localities, to increase availability and improve quality of representation. They would eschew unnecessary detention, which inhibits representation, and insure than courts are reasonably and conveniently located in areas where private representation is abundantly available.
Of course, that’s not what the clowns at EOIR have done! Instead, they have gone out of their way to inflict misery on respondents and their representatives. Far from inspiring more folks to undertake cases, we have all seen stories of how the intentional rudeness and abuse inflicted in Immigration Court and the dysfunctional system actually demoralizes lawyers and causes them to leave the field. Their “stories of woe” are hardly encouragingfor others to donate time and effort.
Fortunately, while EOIR was busy ”kneecapping justice,” someone outside the “EOIR twilight zone” was thinking about how to solve the problem! With help from her friends, Michele designed the VIISTA program to train more non-attorney representatives to represent asylum seekers, convinced folks to fund it, recruited initial classes, and has it up and running. (By contrast, after two decades of wasted resources and incompetent meanderings, EOIR is still without a functioning e-filing system. Think that might have helped or saved some lives during the pandemic?)
And the training is not only a bargain (with scholarships available), it is beyond first class in substance and content. Essentially, it’s “what you really need to learn in law school in less than a year.” The curriculum would put to shame any training we received at EOIR, even before the current Clown Show. My Round Table colleague Judge Jeffrey Chase (a/k/a “Sir Jeffrey”) has reviewed the curriculum and agrees.
The solution is painfully obvious to anyone who takes the time to think about it. On January 21, 2021, give the hook to the Clown Show in Falls Church, and bring in the scholar/problem solvers like Michele and her NDPA colleagues to lead the due process revolution that will transform EOIR into a place where teamwork and innovation will produce the world’s best court system guaranteeing fairness and due process for all. That was once the “EOIR vision” before “serial mismanagement” transformed it into the ugly, dysfunctional Star Chamber that confronts us today.
It need not and should not be that way. But, the vision of true due process at EOIR will only be realized if the Biden Administration puts the right people — folks like Michele and others like her from the NDPA — in place immediately upon assuming power.
Let your contacts in the Biden Administration know that you have had more than enough! The EOIR Clown Show must go!
Yes, never has pro bono been more important than it is now!
This is a regime of White Nationalist cowards. Part of their strategy for “Dred Scottification” and dehumanization of “the other” is to pick on asylum seekers and immigrants first, because they are the “easy marks” often stuck in a system they have no realistic chance of navigating with no representation. Then extend the “dehumanization” and abrogation of due process and equal protection to other categories of “the other:” Hispanics, Blacks, LGBTQ, women, Muslims, Asians, etc. until basically only GOP White Christian straight males and their “female fellow travelers” have any individual rights that will be protected by the Federal Courts.
Think we’re not moving in that direction? Check out Roberts’s “head in the sand” claim that picking on Dreamers had nothing to do with racism directed at Hispanics. Or the Supremes’ majority’s totally dishonest approach to voting rights of people of color: “Yes, we see the GOP ‘fix is on’ to disenfranchise you. But, we’re only the Supremes, so we aren’t going to do anything to protect your Constitutional right to vote. You’ll have to solve it politically at the same time you are being disenfranchised by a minority of white GOP politicos and GOP voters with our help. We help the ‘perps in power,’ not their ‘victims of color.’”
So totally emboldened is Trump by the Supremes’ complicity in racism that he is hatching plans to bar U.S. citizens and LPRs from entering over the Southern Border if they are “suspected of having COVID” while he lets COVID run wild in the U.S. and actively undermines science and rational attempts to control the pandemic. Want to bet on how many of those USCs and LPRs barred at the border will be White and how many will be Hispanic Americans? But, Roberts will “just say OK” because “lots of Hispanic Americans come over the Southern Border.”
Roberts once got all huffy and self-righteous when dissenting colleagues correctly accused him of reviving discredited precedents that supported internment of Japanese Americans. He even went through the motions of supposedly overruling that leading case. But, then he basically followed its racist and invidious doctrines by essentially substituting Muslims, Hispanics, asylum seekers, refugees, and immigrants for Japanese Americans. Dehumanization is alive and well at the Supremes today. The targets might change; but the ugliness and unlawfulness doesn’t.
One great way to fight back against these racist attacks by Trump is by insuring that unrepresented or underrepresented migrants are no longer the “low hanging fruit” of racist intimidation and unequal treatment before the law. Fill the Federal Courts with litigation and force complicit Federal Judges, from Immigration Judges all the way up to and including the Supremes, to look at the face at their own ugly racist enabling and human rights denying misfeasance in office every day. Make a public record to insure that their kids, grandkids, and all future generations know just how spinelessly their ancestors performed when confronted with clear, grotesque, and deadly violations of human rights and human dignity. How when the “chips were down” for democracy and human decency, they were MIA!
Right now, we’re in the long overdue process of tearing down the statutes of past racists like Chief Justice Roger Taney of “Dred Scott infamy.” But, we must insure that the statutes of the Federal Judges and other public officials who are enabling and promoting modern-day “Dred Scottification” never get built in the first place.
Remember my “Five Cs” – Constantly Confront Complicit Courts for Change!
Due Process Forever! And, of course, thanks every day to the legions of pro bono fighters among the ranks of our “New Due Process Army” who courageously champion the cause of the most vulnerable among us, thereby protecting all of our individual rights, at a time of great and disturbing national cowardice and unparalleled corruption and incompetence among the GOP “governing” class and their enablers and apologists.
This fall, I am launching a new online certificate program at Villanova University to train immigrant advocates. The program is aimed at people who are passionate about immigrant justice but are not interested in pursuing a law degree at the moment, such as recent college grads, people seeking an encore career, retirees, and the many who currently work with migrants and want to understand more about the immigration laws that impact them. It is also attractive to students seeking to take a gap year or two between college and law school or high school and college.
The program is offered entirely online and is asynchronous, allowing students to work at their own pace and at times that are most convenient for them. I piloted the curriculum during last academic year and the students loved it. It launches full time in August, and will subsequently be offered each semester, so students can start in August, January, and May.
I reach out to you because I am now seeking adjunct professors to help teach the course. Adjunct Professors will work with me to teach cohorts of students as they move through the 3-Module curriculum. Module 1 focuses on how to work effectively with immigrants. Module 2 is designed to teach the immigration law and policy needed for graduates to apply to become partially accredited representatives. Module 3 has more law, and a lot of trial advocacy for those who want to apply for full DOJ accreditation. Each Module is comprised of 2×7-week sessions and students report that they have worked between 10-15 hours/week on the course materials. As an adjunct professor, you will provide feedback weekly on student work product, conduct live office hours with students and work to build engagement and community among the students in your cohort. Tuition for each Module is $1270, it is $3810 for the entire 3-Module certificate program.
Also, please note that scholarships are being offered through the Augustinian Defenders of the Rights of the Poor to select students who are sponsored to take VIISTA by DOJ recognized organizations. For more information on the scholarships, visit this page, https://www.rightsofthepoor.org/viista-scholarship-program
My best,
Michele Pistone
Michele R. Pistone
Professor of Law
Villanova University, Charles Widger School of Law
Director, Clinic for Asylum, Refugee & Emigrant Services (CARES)
Adjunct Fellow, Clayton Christensen Institute for Disruptive Innovation
What an fantastic opportunity to get teaching experience, work on a “cutting edge” program with my good friend and colleague Michele, one of the best legal minds in America, and to make a difference by improving the delivery of justice in America, while being paid a stipend!
A “perfect fit” for members of the New Due Process Army (“NDPA”).
Small Acts of ThanksI would like to share a nice story (for once). It illustrates how a postscript can sometimes prove far more meaningful than the main story.
A friend and colleague in the DC area, Eileen Blessinger of Blessinger Legal, planned a series of training lectures via Zoom during the pandemic. When I initially agreed to present one of the sessions on asylum law, I was told it would be for an audience of eighteen people.
Somehow, the number of attendees increased significantly. Because meetings of more than 100 people require an upgrade on Zoom, Eileen asked participants for a small donation. I believe the training went well, and that seemed to be the end of the story.
Later that night, Eileen informed me that because the number of attendees was well over 100, there was a surplus of donations beyond what was needed to cover the Zoom upgrade. After a brief exchange, we agreed that the surplus should go to pandemic first responders.
Realizing the virtue of what was initially an unintended consequence, the next speaker, Louisiana-based attorney Glenda Regnart, also agreed to open her session to a wider audience, who were invited to make a small donation to treat first responders. Subsequent speakers Kelly White, Himedes Chicas, Anam Rahman, Julie Soininen, Danielle Beach-Oswald, Heain Lee, and Jennifer Jaimes agreed to follow suit. Over $1300 was raised.
Eileen took over from there, inviting suggestions for recipients from her staff. So far, she has provided meals to nurses at Mass General Hospital in Boston; to employees at supermarkets in Louisiana and Virginia, and to preparers of meals for those in need in Alexandria, VA. Plans are also in the works to provide a meal for DC-area sanitation workers.
Those of us able to quarantine comfortably and work from home owe an unimaginable debt to those putting themselves at risk to keep our cities and towns running, keeping us all fed and safe. And as most of us read of infection and death rates as impersonal statistics, the nurses and other medical workers who are battling the disease on the frontlines on a daily basis, putting their own health at risk in the process, are far beyond our ability to properly thank.
It was a donation to another group that touched me in an unexpected way because of its connection to an earlier unspeakable tragedy. Eileen forwarded me the accompanying photo of FDNY firefighters enjoying the meal provided for them from the training surplus. Looking at the photo, I was suddenly transported back to the fall of 2001. My wife and I, who both worked in lower Manhattan, were physically very close to events on 9/11. What we saw still triggers traumatic memories. Among the horrible and tragic statistics is the heartbreaking fact that 343 firefighters died that day. More than 200 more have died as the result of illnesses they subsequently contracted in the rescue effort.
I walked past the firehouse on Duane Street every day on my way to and from work when I was an immigration judge. I remember the feeling of grief when passing by in the months following 9/11, and of stopping there one day in October to make a donation, and of words completely failing me as I tried to express my sadness and gratitude.
In the present pandemic, 15 firefighters in the unit pictured here (Engine 286/Ladder 135) had contracted COVID-19 as of last week. As early as April 7, 500 of New York’s Bravest had contracted coronavirus. Many more continue to be exposed as first responders to emergency calls from those stricken with the disease. And the firefighter who took the photo, Jerry Ross, was also a 9/11 responder.
So once again, we are reminded of the great debt we owe to so many. Thanks again to Eileen and all of the other speakers, and of course to all who contributed. Hopefully, these small acts of thanks will bring a little joy to these most essential and selfless heroes.
Go to Jeffrey’s blog at the above link for the accompanying photo of Engine 286/Ladder 135 enjoying their meal!
Thanks Jeffrey & Eileen!
So proud that in addition to Eileen, of course, so many of the wonderful pro bono attorneys highlighted in this article were “regulars” before us during my time at the Arlington Immigration Court: Kelly White, Anam Rahman, Julie Soininen, Danielle Beach-Oswald, and Jennifer Jaimes. Also, Jennifer is a former Legal Intern at the Arlington Immigration Court who was part of our daily “run the stairs challenge” (at the former Ballston location) with then Court Administrator Judges Bryant and Snow, and me. Ah, those were the days!
Our minister, Pastor Deborah Porras of Beverley Hills Community Methodist Church in Alexandria, VA sent me the following:
———- Forwarded message ———
From: NOVASanctuaryCongregationsNetwork <novasanctuarycongregationsnetwork@googlegroups.com>
Date: Wed, Sep 13, 2017 at 1:16 PM
Subject: Seeking attorneys for pro bono immigration cases
To: NOVASanctuaryCongregationsNetwork <novasanctuarycongregationsnetwork@googlegroups.com>
Please pass the following on to attorneys who may want to help with pro bono immigration cases:
Are you a lawyer? Would you like to use your legal skills to help keep our immigrant neighbors safe? One of the most pressing needs we hear from immigrant organizations in the DC area is “more lawyers” – and with DACA recipients now needing to look at what other options they may have to remain in the country, the need for legal services is especially great right now.
The All Souls (Unitarian) Church Sanctuary Movement Support Committee is sponsoring a training for lawyers who are interested in volunteering on a pro bono immigration case. Catholic Charities Immigration Legal Services will provide the training, coordinate case assignments, and support volunteers who are handling cases.
Immigration Legal Services Training
Wednesday, September 27, 2017
6:30-8:45 p.m.
All Souls Church Unitarian
1500 Harvard Street, NW
Washington, DC 20009
The training will include a general overview of immigration law as well as specific information on U visas for immigrants who have been the victim of a crime. Volunteers will be initially assigned to cases involving U visas.
Volunteers must be lawyers who are currently licensed to practice and may not be federal employees. If you’re interested in volunteering, click here to register for the required training, or contact Maya Hermann at hermann.maya@icloud.com.
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Sent from Pastor Deborah with blessings!
There is no greater due process need in America today than the need for pro bono lawyers to represent migrants appearing before the USCIS and in the U.S. Immigration Courts. Unlike criminal cases, Government appointed counsel is not available to those facing removal from the US, even if they have been here for decades or have green cards.
Lawyers make a difference! In Immigration Court represented migrants are 5 to 17 times more likely to “win” their cases than are those who are forced to appear without counsel. I’m sure the same is true before USCIS in the area of “U” visas for victims of crime. The “U” visa process is complicated and requires meticulous documentation and effective presentation. I personally can’t imagine how anyone could successfully navagate this process without a highly competent lawyer!
Sign up now to make a difference in someone’s life and to make America and the world a better place.
Note: In my “cut and paste” I wasn’t able to reproduce the “live” links in the original e-mail. So those interested should contact Maya Hermann at her e-mail address in bold above!