Laken Riley Senate Letter

Velasco-Lopez As-Filed Amicus Brief

January 15, 2025
We are former Immigration Judges and former Appellate Immigration Judges of the Board of
Immigration Appeals. Members of our group were appointed to the bench and served under
different administrations of both parties over the past four decades. Drawing on our many years
of collective experience, we are intimately familiar with the workings, history, and development
of the immigration court from the 1980s up to present.
The Laken Riley Act presently before the Senate contains provisions for mandatory detention of
non-citizens charged with certain crimes. We have been asked in the past to weigh in as amici in
federal litigation on the impact of detention on the working of the Immigration Court system. We
would like to share our expert views on the topic given its application to the Laken Riley Act.
In 2020, we served as amici in a case before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit,
Velasco Lopez v. Decker, 978 F.3d 842 (2d Cir. 2020). Our full brief is attached, and we
summarize some of the points we made regarding detention below.
First, it is important to realize that non-citizen respondents in removal proceedings are not
afforded the rights enjoyed by defendants in criminal proceedings. In Immigration Court, there
are no limitations on the Government’s ability to detain respondents, and no right to a court
appointed attorney. For those non-citizens who are eligible for bond hearings, there is no
consideration of the respondent’s financial circumstances as a factor in setting the bond amount. 1
Furthermore, there is no Sixth Amendment right to a speedy trial, and a very limited right to seek
judicial review.
Second, when we discussed in our 2020 brief the strain detention places on an already
overburdened Immigration Court system, we cited a backlog of under one million cases. Today,
An exception exists only within the jurisdiction of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit,
which requires consideration of financial ability to pay a bond. See Hernandez v. Sessions, 872 F.3d 976
(9th Cir. 2017).
the backlog has grown to 3.6 million, an increase of more than 350 percent. Thus, our 2
previously stated concerns about the impact of more cases in which too few judges hear cases
involving highly complex legal issues, and in which most hearings require interpreters, have
become far more urgent. We also note an increase in the number of non-citizen respondents in
Immigration Court who are unrepresented by counsel. As we stated in our brief, detention creates
a significant barrier to obtaining counsel, with detained respondents far more likely to be
unrepresented. 3
Based on our many years of experience on the bench, the increase in the number of cases on
detained dockets would greatly hamper any attempt to decrease the presently staggering case
backlog. As noted, the need for interpreters can easily double the length of hearings, and increase
the chance of translation errors in cases in which nuance can be determinative. Furthermore, the
growing number of pro se respondents, many of whom have no experience with or understanding
of how legal processes work, or of what is required of them to prevail in their claims for relief,
creates additional burdens on Immigration Judges charged with ensuring that each respondent
receives a fair hearing, including the right to present all applications for relief.
Immigration Judges are therefore required to carefully explain the process, through an
interpreter, to unrepresented respondents, whose detention greatly hampers their ability to defend
themselves by providing them with very limited ability to seek legal guidance, conduct research,
or gather documents or witnesses.
Our many decades of experience has also taught us the benefits of allowing judges to assess on a
case-by-case basis the danger posed to society and the likelihood that the individual will appear
for future hearings.
As we stated in our attached brief:
Fifty years ago, the Board of Immigration Appeals (“BIA”) stated that “[i]n our system of
ordered liberty, the freedom of the individual is considered precious. No deportable [non-
citizen] should be deprived of his liberty pending execution of the deportation order
unless there are compelling reasons and every effort should be made to keep the period of
any necessary detention to a minimum.” Matter of Kwun, 13 I. & N. Dec. 457, 464 (BIA
See Congressional Research Service, Immigration Courts: Decline in New Cases at the End of FY2024
(Nov. 26, 2024) (available at https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/IN/IN12463) at 1 (stating that
the Immigration Court backlog “exceeded 1 million for the first time in 2019…and was approximately 3.6
million at the end of FY2024.”).
This is in part due to the fact that detention centers are often located far from cities with a sufficient
number of immigration lawyers; representing a detailed client from hundreds of miles is often untenable.
This goal is best accomplished by allowing experienced Immigration Judges to reach case-by-
case determinations regarding the need for detention.
We hope that Senators will take the above considerations into account in their deliberations
regarding the Laken Riley Act.
For additional information, contact Hon. Eliza C. Klein, Immigration Judge, Miami, Boston,
Chicago, 1994-2015; Senior Immigration Judge, Chicago, 2019-2023, at elizakl@gmail.com.

Knightess of the Round Table


🇺🇸Due Process Forever!



⚖️🛡️⚔️ ROUND TABLE REACHES SUPREMES, AGAIN! — Bouarfa v. Mayorkas

Jeffrey S. Chase
Hon. Jeffrey S. Chase
Jeffrey S. Chase Blog
Coordinator & Chief Spokesperson, Round Table of Former Immigration Judges

“Sir Jeffrey” Chase reports:

Cert granted in Bouarfa v. Mayorkas

Hi all: Thanks to Lory [Rosenberg] for flagging that cert was granted today [April 29] by the Supreme Court in Bouarfa v. Mayorkas, in which our group filed an amicus brief in January.

As a reminder, the issue involves whether a revocation of a visa petition by USCIS for non discretionary criteria can be reviewed by the courts. A straight-out non-discretionary denial by DHS of a visa petition can be reviewed by the circuit courts; however, if DHS approves the petition and revokes it a day later for a non-discretionary reason, under the Eleventh Circuit’s reading, the petition can no longer be appealed to the circuit. (The Sixth and Ninth Circuits disagree).

Best, Jeff

Find all the relevant links, including to our amicus brief, here:



It’s a pleasure and an honor to be part of this great group of colleagues continuing to fight for due process and fundamental fairness for all!😎

Knightess of the Round Table

🇺🇸 Due Process Forever!




Jennifer Doherty
Jennifer Doherty
Law 360
Photo: Twitter


Jeffrey S. Chase
Hon. Jeffrey S. Chase
Jeffrey S. Chase Blog
Coordinator & Chief Spokesperson, Round Table of Former Immigration Judges

Excerpts from Jennifer’s article:

. . . .

Garland’s latest vacatur was well-received by Jeffrey S. Chase and Paul W. Schmidt, who were among 40 retired immigration judges to sign a letter last spring urging Garland to undo all 17 BIA decisions issued by his Trump-appointed predecessors.

“Prohibiting an appellate body from accepting party stipulations below or honoring concessions on appeal is simply insane. Why would any party stipulate to an issue if it will simply be ignored on appeal?” Judge Schmidt said in a statement to Law360, calling such agreements “a really important part of encouraging efficiency in litigation and reducing backlog.”

According to Judge Chase, Monday’s order “will again allow valuable court time to be spent focusing only on issues actually in dispute between the parties, a practice that could save hours of hearing time on a single case.”

“And limiting the scope of administrative review to the issues actually raised on appeal by the parties eliminates the need to sacrifice fairness in order to achieve that increased efficiency,” he continued.

. . . .


Those with Law360 access can read Jennifer’s full article, entitled “Garland Deals 4th Blow To Trump Policy In Asylum Order.”   https://www.law360.com/articles/1406716/garland-deals-4th-blow-to-trump-policy-in-asylum-order

🇺🇸Due Process Forever!




Professor Geoffrey Hoffman
Professor Geoffrey Hoffman
Immigraton Clinic Director
University of Houston Law Center



A few “takeaways” from one of America’s leading “practical scholars:”

  • Think about a new start with a “clean slate;”
  • Deportation is “state violence;”
  • Immigration Courts are constructed to provide Gov. with an unfair advantage;
  • No rules, no due process, no justice;
  • Kudos to the NDPA & the Round Table;
  • Trump Administration spent inordinate effort improperly skewing the law to insure everything is denied and remove equible discretion from IJs;
  • Good provisions that provided discretion in the past to alleviate hardship and injustice have been eliminated by Congress: suspension of deportation, JRAD, 212(c), 245(i), registry (not repealed but now virtually useless b/c of 1972 cutoff date).

👍🏼🗽Thanks, Geoffrey, and Due Process Forever!




Knightess of the Round Table
Jeffrey S. Chase
Hon. Jeffrey S. “Sir Jeffrey” Chase
Jeffrey S. Chase Blog
Coordinator & Chief Spokesperson, Round Table of Former Immigration Judges

More great news from Sir Jeffrey:

Hi all:  We filed an amicus brief with the Third Circuit last year in a domestic violence withholding and CAT claim from Mexico.  The BIA acknowledged that the petitioner was beaten four or five times a month by her abuser; was raped by him several times, and then lost her job as an agro-engineer with a government agency in Mexico after her abuser beat her violently in front of her co-workers, and her employer told her she could not publicly represent the agency with the resulting bruises on her face.  The BIA further recognized that her abuser was able to locate her when she tried to relocate within Mexico.  And yet withholding was denied on nexus, and CAT denied on government acquiescence grounds.

A number of other groups, including CGRS, filed amicus briefs as well, and OILu moved to remand under favorable terms.  Anju Gupta at Rutgers, who represents the petitioner, said that today, the IJ  (who was very much made aware of all of the amicus briefs) granted CAT relief.

The email said that the petitioner (who was previously detained at Elizabeth, NJ) is now in Mexico (I’m not clear on the details), but will hopefully be able to return soon based on the grant.

It’s great that we continue to make a positive difference.

Best, Jeff


Wow! What a great holiday present!

What a great group with a great mission of promoting due process, advocating for equal justice, and saving lives! Every member of the Round Table has saved lives by standing up for the human dignity and legal rights of those who came before us in Immigration Court. And, we continue to “fight the good fight,” in every possible way at every level of the justice system!

Due Process Forever!



Amy Howe
Amy Howe
Freelance Journalist, Court Reporter


Amy Howe reports for SCOTUS Blog:

Court grants immigration case

This morning the Supreme Court issued orders from the justices’ private conference last week. The court added one new case to its merits docket for the term that begins in October. The justices once again did not act on two groups of high-profile petitions – one involving gun rights and the other involving qualified immunity – that they considered last week.

With the grant in Niz-Chavez v. Barr, the justices added another immigration case to their docket for next term. At issue in the case is the kind of notice that the government must provide to trigger the “stop-time rule,” which stops noncitizens from accruing the time in the United States that they need to become eligible for discretionary relief from deportation. Congress passed the “stop-time rule” to keep noncitizens from taking advantage of lengthy delays in deportation proceedings to continue to accrue time. Under the rule, a noncitizen’s time in the United States, for purposes of relief from deportation, ends when the government sends him a “notice to appear” containing specific information about a scheduled removal proceeding. The question that the justices agreed to decide today is whether all the necessary information must be provided in a single document in order to trigger the stop-time rule, as Agusto Niz-Chavez, who came to the United States from Guatemala in 2005, contends, or whether the government can trigger the rule by providing the information in multiple documents.


Our Round Table has filed amicus briefs on this issue in a number of similar cases, although not in this particular case, which originated in the 6th Circuit.

At issue here is the BIA’s precedent in Matter of Mendoza-Hernandez, 27 I. & N. Dec. 520 (BIA 2019). There, in a now-rare en banc decision, the BIA majority basically “flicked off” the Supremes’ decision in Pereira v. INS,  138 S. Ct. 2105 (2018) and allowed the DHS to remedy a defective statutory Notice to Appear (“NTA”) with a later-issued EOIR notice of hearing providing the missing information to “fill in the blanks” from the original defective notice. 

In an even more unusual and potentially career-shortening move, six of the BIA’s then 15 Appellate Immigration Judges filed a strongly-worded dissent accusing their majority colleagues of ignoring both the words of the statute and the Court’s Pereira decision. Perhaps not surprisingly, three of the dissenting judges have since retired from the BIA and a fourth, the Vice Chair, was passed over for Acting Chair in a highly unusual personnel move by the DOJ, which controls the BIA. (One of the primary reasons for having a designated “Vice Chair” is to be the “Acting Chair” in the absence of the Chairman.) In their places, Barr has appointed some of the most notorious hard-line asylum denying Immigration Judges in the nation.

The Supremes have thus far tiptoed around the glaring unconstitutionality of a so-called “appellate tribunal” that is appointed, wholly controlled by, and answers to the chief prosecutor, the Attorney General. Not surprisingly, upon discovering the Constitution-nullifying power of a “captive court system,” that is not a court at all under any common understanding of the term, the Administration has leveraged it to the max as a tool for their White Nationalist anti-immigrant agenda. Indeed, all the recent BIA and Attorney General precedents have ruled in favor of the DHS position, even where statutory language, Article III court rulings, prior precedents, and common sense strongly supported the opposite results. 

And, many Courts of Appeals have continued to fictionalize that the highly politicized and “weaponized” BIA is an “expert tribunal” entitled to “Chevron deference.” Any true immigration law expert would say that proposition is absurd. Yet, it conveniently furthers the causes of  both “judicial task avoidance” and the White Nationalist agenda of the Administration.

Because the BIA now occupies itself not with fair and impartial, expert decision-making, but mostly with keeping the “deportation express” running and insuring that DHS prevails over the legal claims of migrants and asylum seekers to fair and humane treatment under the law, the Supremes are finding themselves in the middle of the “statutory and regulatory nitty gritty” of immigration law that was supposed to be the province of a competent and impartial BIA.

While that has occasionally, as in Pereira, worked to the advantage of individuals seeking justice, for the most part, the Supremes have been willing enforcers of the Administration’s abrogation of immigration laws without Congressional participation and “Dred Scottification” of “the other” in violation of our Constitution, and indeed, in violation of both international conventions and fundamental human decency.

Think of how much better and more efficiently the immigration system could run with a constitutionally-required independent Immigration Court utilizing fair and impartial judges selected on the basis of expertise and reputation for fairness and scholarship rather than commitment to DHS enforcement goals.  Think of how much better off our society would be if the Supremes stood up for equal justice for all, rather than enabling a far-right would-be authoritarian scofflaw regime following a  racially-biased agenda of dehumanization, degradation, and deportation.

Due Process Forever!



🏴‍☠️🆘 AMERICAN NIGHTMARE: THIS DEADLY ☠️🤮 “CLOWN SHOW” 🤡 IS A “COURT” SYSTEM? — You’ve GOT To Be Kidding! — “’Everyone feels the message is, nobody cares if you die as long as we get our numbers,’ said one worker in the office. . . . ‘I feel like half the time, I’m working on Trump’s reelection,’ said an employee in the office who spoke anonymously because of concerns about retaliation. ‘This is just a piece for him to tout when reelection time comes up about how much he’s getting done.’” — Politico’s Betsy Woodruff Swan Takes Us Inside “HQ” In  America’s Most Morally Corrupt Court System, Where “Trumpian” Contempt For Due Process & Human Lives ☠️ Extends To Its Own Employees, Many Of Them Lower-Paid Clerical Staff!

Betsy Woodruff Swan
Betsy Woodruff Swan
FederalLaw Enforcement Reporter


Betsy Woodruff Swan reports for Politico:

The union for lawyers and support staff who handle Justice Department immigration appeals says their office’s working conditions put workers’ lives in danger. And employees in the DOJ office handling those immigration appeals said many suspect it’s because the department prioritizes high deportation numbers over worker safety.

“I feel like half the time, I’m working on Trump’s reelection,” said an employee in the office who spoke anonymously because of concerns about retaliation. “This is just a piece for him to tout when reelection time comes up about how much he’s getting done.”

It’s an accusation a spokesperson for the office vehemently denied. But the conflict is no longer being kept in the DOJ family; the president of that union recently filed a complaint with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), saying management requires too many people to come into the office, putting workers at risk of contracting Covid-19, the sickness caused by the novel coronavirus. Concerns in the office about worker safety were first reported by Government Executive.

At issue are working conditions in DOJ’s Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR). The office oversees America’s immigration courts––which are part of the Justice Department––and lawyers there handle appeals from immigrants fighting deportation orders. Those courts face a mammoth backlog of more than one million cases, by Syracuse University’s count. Despite hiring more immigration judges, the backlog has doubled under the Trump administration.

EOIR leaders have maximized how much telework employees there can do, the spokesperson said, adding that the office “takes the safety, health, and well-being of its employees very seriously.”

But the OSHA complaint, which Politico reviewed, says the office is violating a federal law mandating workplaces be free of “hazards that are causing or are likely to cause death or serious physical harm.”

“The agency’s actions described below are proliferating the spread of a known and deadly contagion both within our building and to our surrounding communities,” the complaint reads. The office policies “are expected to result in death and severe health complications and/or possible life-long disabilities,” it says.

The office requires most support staff to come in, rather than telework, as they deal with physical pieces of paper and files as part of their work, per the complaint. The few who can work from home can only do so once a week, and on rotating days because they share the same laptop, the complaint reads. At work, support staff sit in cubicles in a shared area, “in direct breathing paths of each other,” it says.

Nancy Sykes, the president of American Federation of Government Employees Local 3525, filed the complaint on behalf of the union. It represents non-managerial Board of Immigration Appeals employees in the office, including attorneys, paralegals, clerks, and legal assistants.

The EOIR spokesperson, meanwhile, said the office is working to implement coronavirus guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Office of Personnel Management, and the General Services Administration.

. . . .


Read the rest of Betsy’s report at the link. Long a superstar at The Daily Beast, and an articulate “repeat panelist” on “Meet the Press” with Chuck Todd, it’s great to have Betsy “back on the immigration beat” as a part of her “new portfolio” over at Politico. I’ve always found Betsy’s clear prose and insightful analysis enlightening!

Typically within the Trump immigration kakistocracy, the harshest consequences fall jump-on the most vulnerable. In Immigration Court, it’s often unrepresented asylum seekers, some of them mere children, being railroaded through the system with regard to neither due process nor a legally correct application of asylum law. Here, the brunt of the latest EOIR assault on human dignity during the pandemic appears to fall on the support staff at the “bottom of the totem pole” of EOIR’s “bloated at the top,” yet astoundingly misdirected and consequently inefficient, bureaucracy. What a way to run the railroad — even a “Deportation Railroad!” 🚂

As my good friend and Round Table colleague, Judge Jeffrey Chase said: “In spite of having very genuine concerns, the BIA staff are generally off the radar. Thanks to Betsy for spotlighting them. The BIA staff union and the NAIJ put out a joint statement yesterday; let’s hope this begins a period of increased communication and cooperation.”

Many of us “old timers” remember a bygone era when the BIA staff was considered one of the premier places for career attorneys to work at the DOJ. This was largely because staff were treated “like family.” The BIA, in cooperation with the union, actually “pioneered” things like “flexible work schedules” and “work from home” at the DOJ. That union (of which I actually was among the “founding members” back in the 1970’s) was perhaps the first one at the DOJ to represent the interests of both attorneys and support staff. Those times sadly are long gone. 

As I’ve mentioned before, under the Trump regime, EOIR “non-management” employees at all levels levels are treated with a disrespect, intentional demeaning, and callous disregard for health and welfare usually reserved for those poor souls trapped in what passes for an immigration justice system under the White Nationalist driven Trump regime. Risking employees’ lives to promote Trump’s reelection agenda? That’s actually illegal on a number of accounts. But, don’t expect any corrective actions in an era where the “rule of law” has been willfully distorted and undermined as Congress and the Article IIIs simply melt away under Trump’s contemptuous scofflaw onslaught.

Unhappily, as Betsy’s article highlights, there appears to be little chance of meaningful change unless and until enough employees actually start dropping dead, by which time it will be too late. 

But, as I keep pointing out, there are “other villains” here. Despite DOJ/EOIR efforts to suppress truth, all of this basically is happening in “plain sight,” as we know from folks like Judge Ashley Tabaddor, the NAIJ, the BIA union, former Judges on the Round Table who are speaking out, courageous employees willing to “blow the whistle” anonymously, as well as reporters like Betsy, Erich Wagner at  Government Executive (who “broke” this story), and Malathi Nayak at Bloomberg News, to name just a few. The unconstitutional mockery of Due Process, immigration, and asylum laws in Immigration Court hearings is documented in verbatim transcripts available to the Article III Courts and the Congress. 

Yet, Congress and the Article III Courts let these grotesque abuses within our justice system go on largely unabated. It’s a disgusting and disturbing saga of the breakdown of America’s democratic institutions and their replacement by an authoritarian, “Third-World style” kakistocracy, headed by a dangerously incompetent and unrestrained clown 🤡 whom those charged with protecting us and our institutions refuse to hold accountable. 

This November, vote like your life depends on it! Because it does!🇺🇸 We need “regime change” at all levels. And, that certainly includes a better, more courageous, more scholarly Federal Judiciary that understands immigration and human rights, believes in Due Process and fundamental fairness for all under law, and will finally stand up and put an end to these gross abuses if Congress doesn’t act first. Obviously, it’s also essential to get a new Executive committed to advancing, rather than destroying, our Constitution and the rule of law and who will strive for best, rather than worst, practices in all phases of government. 

Due Process Forever! Clown Courts 🤡☠️ Never!




Hillary Scholten
Hillary Scholten
Candidate for Congress
Michigan 3rd District
  • Brilliant

  • Courageous

  • Creative

  • Compassionate

  • Committed

  • Caring

  • Concerned

  • Genuine

  • Reputation for integrity

  • Family-friendly

  • Dedicated parent

  • Michigan born and raised

  • Michigan values, All-American vision

  • A leader and role model for the “New Due Process Army”

That’s my friend HILLARY SCHOLTEN — our candidate for a return to the basic values that made our country great!  Join me, meet Hillary in person, and find out more about one of American politics’ most refreshing, down-to-earth, and exciting “new faces” and her positive vision for all Americans. “Michigan’s Values are America’s Values!” Hillary is America’s future! Help put her to work for us and for all Americans now!

 — “Hillary was held in such high regard universally at the BIA.  In addition to all of her other attributes, she is highly inclusive and a consensus builder, which is so important in the present climate.”
***Honorable Jeffrey S. Chase, Retired U.S. Immigration Judge, Former BIA Senior Advisor, Author of “Jeffrey S. Chase Blog,” & a Leader of the Round Table of Former Immigration Judges


Here are links to the invitation:


DC Luncheon Invitation (1)

Please join us
For a luncheon in support of
Hillary Scholten
Candidate for Michigan’s 3rd Congressional District With guest speaker
Judge Paul Schmidt Friday, March 6th
12:00-2:00 PM
The Dupont Room at the offices of Arent Fox
1717 K Street NW Washington, DC 20006
Contribution Levels:
Maximum: $2,800 | Host: $500 | Champion: $250 | Supporter: $100 | Guest: $50
RSVP online at: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/dcluncheon Or to Liz Gallagher at liz@hillaryscholten.com
Paid for by Hillary Scholten for Congress.

Luncheon in Support of Hillary Scholten for
March 6 , 2020 12:00-2:00 PM
Requested Contribution Levels:
Maximum: $,2800 | Host: $500 | Champion: $250 | Supporter: $100 | Guest: $50
You may give online at: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/dcluncheon
Yes, I/ we would like to attend the event and contribute $________ No, I/ we are unable to attend, but would like t0 contribute $________
Please make contributions payable and mail checks to:
Scholten for Congress
PO Box 6233 Grand Rapids, MI 49516
First & Last Name(s): _______________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________ City: ______________________________________ State: __________ Zip: ___________
Phone: _______________________Email: ______________________________________ Employer: __________________________ Occupation: __________________________
Please indicate your payment preference:
My check, made payable to Scholten For Congress, is enclosed. Charge my contribution (address above must match billing address). Credit Card #: _________________________ Exp. Date: _________________
Please sign here to indicate you have read and agree with the following contribution guidelines: ___________________________________________________________________
1. This contribution is made from my own funds, and funds are not being provided to me by another person or entity for the purpose of making this contribution.
2. I am making this contribution with my own personal credit card and not with a corporate or business credit card or card issued to another person.
3. I am not a federal contractor.
4. I am at least eighteen years old.
5. I am a U.S. citizen or lawfully admitted permanent resident (i.e., green card holder).
Contributions are not tax deductible. Federal law requires us to use best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation and employer of individuals whose contributions exceed $200 in an election cycle. Contributions are limited to personal funds of $2,800 for the 2020 Primary election and $2,800 for the 2020 General election. Contributions from qualified Federal PACs are limited to $5,000 per PAC for each election. Corporate checks, funds from government contractors, foreign nationals, and labor organizations, and contributions made in the
name of another, cannot be accepted.
Paid for by Scholten for Congress.


Hope to see you on March 6!

