☠️⚰️ALTERNATE UNIVERSE WHERE HUMAN RIGHTS, HUMAN DIGNITY, & DUE PROCESS DON’T MATTER —Trumpist USDJ Shafts Asylum Seekers Of Color By Reinstating “Let ‘Em Die In Mexico” (a/k/a MPP) Directed Against Asylum Seekers Of Color!

“Floaters — How The World’s Richest Country Responds To Asylum Seekers” — Some Life-tenured Federal Judges abuse  their privileged positions to insure that this is what “due process” will look like for asylum seekers of color!
EDS NOTE: GRAPHIC CONTENT – The bodies of Salvadoran migrant Oscar Alberto Mart??nez Ram??rez and his nearly 2-year-old daughter Valeria lie on the bank of the Rio Grande in Matamoros, Mexico, Monday, June 24, 2019, after they drowned trying to cross the river to Brownsville, Texas. Martinez’ wife, Tania told Mexican authorities she watched her husband and child disappear in the strong current. (AP Photo/Julia Le Duc)


Here’s the decision from U.S. District Judge MATTHEW J. KACSMARYK in Texas v. Biden: 

remain in Mexico decision


Judge Kacsmaryk was appointed to the bench by Trump & McConnell in 2019. He is a former Federal prosecutor, deputy general counsel of a right wing religious group, and member of the Federalist Society. His nomination was (obviously unsuccessfully) opposed by more than 200 prominent civil rights, religious tolerance, and human rights groups.

Here’s an excerpt from their letter in opposition addressed to the Senate:

On behalf of The Leadership Conference on Civil and Hum­­­­an Rights, a coalition of more than 200 national organizations committed to promoting and protecting the civil and human rights of all persons in the United States, I write in strong opposition to the confirmation of Matthew Kacsmaryk to be a U.S. District Judge for the Northern District of Texas.

Nominees to the federal courts must be committed to respecting the law, Constitution, and core American values of justice, fairness, and inclusivity.  Mr. Kacsmaryk does not meet this standard.  He is an anti-LGBT activist and culture warrior who does not respect the equal dignity of all people.  His record reveals a hostility to LGBT equality and to women’s health, and he would not be able to rule fairly and impartially in cases involving those issues.


Interestingly, the letter was signed by none other than Vanita S. Gupta, then President & CEO of the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights and currently the Associate Attorney General of the U.S. 

Gupta and her colleagues had Judge K “pegged” as an unqualified righty bigot then! But, with the lineup currently in place at the 5th and the Supremes, it remains to be seen whether there is any effective short-term remedy for his grotesque abuses of power and human rights.

Judicial appointments are important! Maybe it’s time for Gupta and others at DOJ to treat Immigration Judge and BIA appointments as such!

🇺🇸Due Process Forever! Better Federal Judges for a better America!




Dan Kowalski reports on LexisNexis Immigration Community:


District Court Approves Settlement in Lawsuit Challenging Immigration Agency’s Unlawful Rejection of Over Sixty Thousand Humanitarian Applications

NILA, NWIRP, July 20, 2021

“Today, a federal district court judge in Oakland, California, approved a final settlement in the case of Vangala v. USCIS, providing relief to over sixty thousand applicants for humanitarian immigration benefits. The lawsuit, filed on November 19, 2020, against U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), challenged an agency policy adopted under the Trump administration specifically targeting humanitarian benefits for survivors of domestic violence and human trafficking and asylum seekers. Under the policy, USCIS rejected applications that left any question in the application unanswered, even where the question was not applicable—for example where the applicant failed to include a response for middle name because they have no middle name. Additionally, USCIS rejected applications where the applicant wrote “none” or “not applicable” instead of “N/A.”

The lawsuit was filed by Northwest Immigrant Rights Project (NWIRP), the National Immigration Litigation Alliance (NILA), and the Van Der Hout law firm, on behalf of three applicants who sought to represent a nationwide class of individuals whose applications were rejected under the policy. They alleged that the policy was nothing more than a pretextual basis for denying applicants the opportunity to obtain humanitarian benefits provided by Congress.

On December 22, 2020, the agency agreed to suspend the policy, and the parties then entered settlement discussions to address the tens of thousands of applications that USCIS previously rejected.  The U.S. district court adopted and approved the final settlement agreement on July 20, 2021.

Under the settlement agreement, USCIS will accept the original submission date of the more than sixty thousand applications it has identified as having been rejected under the policy. USCIS will send notices to these applicants explaining the steps they can take to ensure that their applications for humanitarian benefits are recorded as having been filed as of the date they were originally submitted. Without this relief, these applicants not only would suffer the delays caused by USCIS’ rejection of their applications, but many applicants or their family members would be rendered ineligible because they were unable to file the required forms by timelines specified in the statute.

In addition, the settlement agreement prevents the agency from adopting a similar rejection policy with respect to other immigration forms unless authorized by statute or lawfully implemented through regulations.

“It was an outrageous policy clearly aimed to impede individuals from obtaining the humanitarian benefits that Congress has provided,” said Matt Adams, Legal Director for NWIRP. “It aptly demonstrates the Trump administrations’ utter disregard of the law.”

“USCIS’ rejection policy served no legitimate purpose,” said Mary Kenney, Deputy Director for NILA. “Tens of thousands of applicants will now, finally, be able to move forward with applications that the agency should have accepted in 2020.”

The settlement agreement is here and order approving the settlement agreement can be found here.


Media contacts:

Trina Realmuto, National Immigration Litigation Alliance

(617) 819-4447; trina@immigrationlitigation.org

Matt Adams, Northwest Immigrant Rights Project

(206) 957-8611; matt@nwirp.org”


Cruelty, stupidity, illegality, wasting Government resources! So, what else is new about the Trump kakistocracy’s immigration policies and procedures? Wonder why all immigration agencies are running out of control backlogs? Don’t blame the victims — the migrants exercising their legal rights!

In direct contravention of the intent of Congress in structuring DHS so that the “customer services” to migrants and their families would be separate, and no longer subordinate to, immigration enforcement, the Trump kakistocracy turned USCIS into a semi-useless branch of their corrupt, yet inept, White Nationalist enforcement agenda. So incompetent and inappropriate were Trump’s actions that his lackeys managed to “repurpose” USCIS, once one of the few self-sustaining independently funded agencies within Government, into a deficit promoting, bankrupt, money pit.

And, it was a cesspool that failed miserably in its primary mission of serving those seeking legal immigration status, their families, and their employers. A primary reason why the Biden Administration is having difficulties with immigration and human rights is the illegal eradication by the Trump regime of the U.S. legal immigration system, particularly our refugee and asylum systems.

That leaves those suffering from persecution and torture in need of legal protection with no choice but to use the “extralegal system.” Far from  their stunningly false claim to have “enhanced” immigration enforcement, the GOP nativists have also destroyed rational, practical, targeted enforcement with their nonsense. Don’t let them get away with blaming the Biden Administration and the victims of their cruel and often illegal behavior which produced the results that many of us predicted!

The next time you hear Ted Cruz, Tom Cotton, or some other GOP nativist restrictionist disingenuously blabbering on about “rewarding lawbreakers” or “doing it the right way,” remember that largely because of them and the Trump regime, America has no functional immigration system for refugees, asylees, or any other type of legal immigrants, nor do we have a functioning Immigration Court system!

🇺🇸Due Process Forever!




Judah Lakin
Judah Larkin
Partner, Lakin & Wille
Oakland, CA
PHOTO: Larkin & Wille

Subject: [fedcourtlitigation] Habeas Win on Post-Preap Constitutional Challenge to 236(c)


Dear All:


We wanted to share an exciting decision we received on Friday from Judge Freeman in the Northern District of California on Friday granting our client a bond hearing.


We, together with our co-counsel Jenny Zhao and Monica Ramsy from Asian Americans Advancing Justice—Asian Law Caucus, and Scott Mossman, brought a habeas challenging mandatory detention under 1226(c) for an individual who was arrested by ICE in the community, 6 years after he finished his criminal sentence. Our client is an LPR with an aggravated felony conviction (drug trafficking). We asked for the local ICE office to follow the Johnson memo and release him, but they refused. We elevated it to headquarters and they likewise refused.


As a result, we brought an as-applied constitutional challenge to his detention without a bond hearing—a claim which was expressly left open by the Supreme Court in Preap. He had been detained for about 6 weeks at the time we filed the habeas, so it is a non-prolonged detention case.


Judge Freeman applied the Mathews framework and granted our TRO motion, concluding that the Constitution requires a bond hearing in this case. The bond hearing is scheduled for this week, pursuant to the TRO order, so we are optimistic he will be free soon. We’re also hopeful that this case can be used by others as we continue to work to dismantle mandatory detention.


The TRO decision is attached and is available at: Perera v. Jennings, No. 21-CV-04136-BLF, 2021 WL 2400981 (N.D. Cal. June 11, 2021).

Judah Lakin (he/him/his/Él)

Attorney at Law | Lakin & Wille LLP

Here’s a copy of Judge Freeman’s decision, basically a “primer” on Matthews v. Eldridge due process and its blatant violation under immigration bureaucracies of Administrations of both parties.


Judge Freeman’s Order


Seems like “Con Law 101” to me! So, how come it’s “above Garland’s pay grade?” 

Many congrats to Judah and all others involved to this effort!

🇺🇸⚖️🗽Due Process Forever!





Elliott Spagat
Elliott Spagat
Associated Press


Elliot Spagut reports for AP:

The Biden administration has agreed to let about 250 people a day through border crossings with Mexico to seek refuge in the United States, part of negotiations to settle a lawsuit over pandemic-related powers that deny migrants a right to apply for asylum, an attorney said Monday.

The government also said it would stop flying migrant families from Texas’ Rio Grande Valley to El Paso, Texas, and San Diego to then be expelled to Mexico under pandemic powers, said Lee Gelernt, an attorney for the American Civil Liberties Union, which has sued in federal court in Washington, D.C. The government has reserved rights to resume flights “if it deems the circumstances warrant.”

The government concessions would dramatically reshape exercise of powers known as Title 42, named for a section of an obscure 1944 law that former President Donald Trump used to let the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention effectively end asylum at the border while it sought to prevent the coronavirus from spreading.

Biden has exempted unaccompanied children from Title 42 but kept it for single adults and many families. He has come under criticism from progressives for keeping asylum off-limits to many and for encouraging some parents to send children across the border alone. Enforcement-minded critics say exempting children traveling alone led to record numbers crossing and that lifting restrictions more will invite many more people to come.

The government and the ACLU agreed to “a streamlined process for assessing and addressing exemption requests brought by particular vulnerable families and other individuals,” Gelernt said. Once fully up and running, an estimated 250 particularly vulnerable individuals will be allowed in daily to seek humanitarian protection through a consortium of nongovernmental organizations. They must test for COVID-19 before entering the country.

About 2,000 people have already been allowed to enter the country, exempted from the pandemic-related powers to pursue asylum or other forms of protection while in the United States, Gelernt said.

“While these concessions will hopefully save lives, they are not a substitute for eliminating Title 42 and restoring asylum processing fully,” Gelernt said.

The Department of Homeland Security did not immediately respond to a request for comment Monday night.

. . . .


The Administration basically has conceded that the bogus Trump-era Title 42 bar had little to do with public health (never much of a concern for the Trump kakistocracy) and everything to do with eliminating the rights of legal asylum seekers, particularly refugee women and those of color. The Biden Administration’s defense of this travesty is pretty disingenuous. 

Due Process Forever!



🏴‍☠️👎🏻MORE INFO ON AG’s “STEALTH IJs” — Some Will Be “Union-Busting Unit Chief IJs,” Others Will Staff “Video Star Chambers,” As Garland Quickly Sinks To “New Low” In Relationship With EOIR “Stakeholders!”

An anonymous source writes to Courtside:

but yesterday the Director’s message indicated that the 17 new judges were – In April, we welcomed 17 new Immigration Judges (IJs), including one Assistant Chief Immigration Judge, six Unit Chief Immigration Judges, and ten IJs. They will serve in the following locations:  Adelanto, Atlanta, Chicago, Houston, New York, Portland, and Richmond

A thought to share – I suppose one who is familiar with the above courts could check out each court website listing the judges snd see who is new. Then some web searching can get backgrounds. Takes time, yes, but perhaps more fruitful than waiting for EOIR to respond.



So, EOIR “welcomed” new IJs in April without bothering to introduce them to the community whose lives and professional futures will be in their hands. This is how Garland intends to “do business” with those in the advocacy community who helped put him in his job! Nice touch, Judge G!

Heck, even Sessions & Barr were willing to announce publicly the names and backgrounds of those with whom the were “packing” their Immigration Courts. They actually were quite proud of their anti-due-process, anti-progressive, non-expert picks that they could “shove down the throats” of the advocacy community (“dirty lawyers” as Gonzo Sessions called them) and their clients — the “other” in our society, not worthy of the legal and human rights conferred on “real persons.”

But, Team Garland is neither as honest nor as forthcoming. “Get it though the rumor mill” or find out the day of your “star chamber proceeding” is apparently the new attitude of contempt at DOJ/EOIR for the NDPA! 

Obviously, expansion and staffing of the “Richmond VTC” — a “kangaroo court” arrangement opposed and panned by most immigration and human rights experts is a slap in the face to ethnic communities and activists who helped put Biden and Harris (and indirectly Garland, Monaco, and Gupta) in office. 

Fortunately, the NDPA knows a thing or two about how to “speak through litigation and political agitation” if that’s the game the Biden Administration wants to play. It’s now becoming clear that any positive changes and due process in the Immigration Courts over the next four years will come from outside the Administration.

So be it! It might not bode so well, though, for the Biden Administration when they come around seeking support from the immigration/human rights/civil rights communities for the next election!

The GOP treats the immigration advocacy community with consistent contempt. With Dems, the contempt is also pretty consistent — but with an exception every fourth year during Presidential campaigns. 

🇺🇸⚖️🗽Due Process Forever!




Deep Throat
Reincarnated @ EOIR? — Creative Commons License
Deep Throat
Deep Throat — Well, there used to be theaters below the EOIR HQ Tower @ Falls Church, but I don’t think they ever showed this feature film. Is “DT” a girl, a boy, a man, a woman, a group, or something else? We’ll never know! The “Adults Only” tag is a reminder that “adult supervision” remains missing @ the EOIR Clown Show. And, apparently, Judge Garland has no intention of providing it! — Creative Commons License


Courtside Exclusive

By Paul Wickham Schmidt

May 4, 2021

Recently, some of America’s top legal minds were “wordsmithing” their “practical scholarly” advice on what actions Judge Garland should take to begin straightening out his EOIR mess. Common sense steps to slash the largely self-created Immigration Court backlog of an astounding 1.3 million cases actually could and should have been taken within hours of Garland’s swearing in as Attorney General. But, unknown to these experts, the battle they steadfastly had been fighting for the past four years in behalf of due process, common sense, and humanity in a broken system already was lost.

Basically, Garland and his team had secretly delivered the “big middle finger” to progressives earnestly seeking to assist and guide them in the right direction on long overdue reforms at Garland’s incredibly backlogged, totally dysfunctional, anti-due-process, Immigration “Courts” that don’t fit any known American definition of “court.” For while the wheels of scholarly, problem-solving brainpower were grinding away, Garland had cavalierly and clandestinely handed out 17 of the most important (and certainly most readily available to progressive judicial candidates) Federal Judicial positions to unqualified insiders and prosecutors basically “in the Stephen Miller White Nationalist pipeline.” Adding insult to injury, Garland and his lieutenants covered up their disgraceful actions. But, thanks to a reincarnated “Deep Throat” @ EOIR (see, Watergate for newer generations), we now know the truth.

According to “Deep Throat 2021,” (“DT-21”) it’s worse than I previously thought about Immigration Judge appointments. (And, I thought it was bad.) Garland actually secretly appointed 17 new IJs in April, but EOIR hasn’t released the names publicly because they (rightly) fear “the blowback” from Dems and progressives. 

So, who is Team Garland” trying to please? “Gauleiter” Stephen Miller? “Billy the Bigot” Barr? Gene Hamilton? Donald Trump? Jeff “Gonzo Apocalypto” Sessions? Chad “Wolfman” Wolf? Ken “Cooch Cooch” Cuccinelli? “Teddy the Traitor” Cruz? Tom “Blacks & Hispanics Should be Pickin’” Cotton? 

The 17 include some for the VTC black box “court” in Richmond. The only one that went public was a story a judge himself placed. That’s apparently the one that Dan Kowalski and I picked up. According to sources, none of Garland’s new judges are good for due process or for progressive, expert, independent judging.

Also, there’s a rumor that the open BIA position is going to go to an “EOIR insider,” not someone from the outside who could help restore due process and fundamental fairness.

Let’s see, so far the Biden Administration has had exactly zero progressive Federal Judges confirmed by the Senate. Meanwhile, over at DOJ, Garland has handed out these 17 powerful judgeships with life or death authority serving on the front lines of racial justice in America to non-progressives apparently recommended and tapped by his restrictionist predecessor.

Make sense? Only if you’ve watched past Dem Administrations’ inept handling of the Immigration Courts.

In positive news, there’s “internal chatter” that EOIR Deputy Director Carl C. Risch, a political hack “burrower” from the Trump Administration, is leaving EOIR.

But, “DT-21” is still gravely concerned that “Millerite” BIA Chair David Wetmore (Maury Roberts must be turning over in his grave) has yet to be removed with his “probationary period” set to expire at the end of this month. What, exactly, have been Wetmore’s contributions to human rights scholarship, “applied due process,” fundamental fairness, racial justice, and fair treatment of female asylum seekers that justify his continued tenure as essentially the “Chief Justice of Immigration?”

Garland’s malfeasance at EOIR is not just disappointing, but totally outrageous! On Tuesday, he disingenuously asked the House for more money to promote civil rights while running Star Chambers of institutionalized racism that are undermining the American justice system at the critical “retail level.”

Star Chamber Justice
“Civil Rights” in Garland’s Star Chambers have a peculiar meaning! — Creative Commons License


Those advocates who almost single handedly kept the American justice system afloat by successfully challenging many of the unconstitutional racist actions of the Trump immigration kakistocracy once again find themselves “on the outside looking in.” Meanwhile, Judge Garland, who was hiding out above the fray @ the DC Circuit, treats them as “chopped liver” while continuing White Nationalist, anti-due-process policies and precedents initiated by Trump and his cronies.

How out of touch is Garland’s proposal to the House yesterday to address the Immigration Court backlog by casting 100 new Immigration Judges into this mess? (Presumably, these positions will be handed out “like candy” to more non-expert, non-diverse, non-due-process oriented insiders and former government prosecutors.) Well, even with many more Immigration Judges on the bench (more than twice as many as at the end of the Obama Administration), it’s been about two decades since EOIR has decided more cases than it has docketed! That’s how “Aimless Docket Reshuffling” by DOJ politicos and EOIR bureaucrats builds uncontrollable backlogs!

Assume the highly unlikely, that under Garland, without any more quotas, corner cutting, or other anti-due-process gimmicks, the existing nearly 600 judges could keep “even” with new filings. Then, once selected, trained, and on duty (a process that took the Obama Administration an astounding average of two years), “Garland’s 100 new judges” could devote themselves to “backlog reduction.” At the DOJ’s quota of 700 cases per judge, the new judges could decide 70,000 cases per year. At that rate, it would take them approximately two decades (or five 4-year Administrations) to “wipe out” the backlog.

Sound like a plan? Only if you don’t understand the fundamental, endemic problems plaguing EOIR and have no “real life experience” representing individuals whose hopes, lives, and futures are being ground to dust by EOIR malfeasance on a daily basis!

Folks, this has to stop! Keep pressing those constitutional arguments that eventually will bring Garland’s corrupt, dysfunctional system to a screeching halt. And keep pushing for legislation to take this ungodly mess out of the DOJ. Also, keep reminding President Biden who helped get out the vote and get him his job. And, where is our African/Asian American/daughter of immigrants Vice President while this outrage at “Justice” is playing out?

How do supposedly progressive women legal luminaries like Lisa Monaco and Vanita Gupta justify their role in Garland’s misogynist, due process farce @ EOIR?

Woman Tortured
“She struggled madly in the torturing Ray” — Lisa Monaco & Vanita Gupta have wandered into a strange vision of “justice” for refugee women of color @ “Justice!”
Amazing StoriesArtist Unknown, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

As for “DT-21,” he/she/them remains as enigmatic, unverifiable, unabashed, and unafraid as ever! This is a 21st Century “patriot” tired of the abuse of due process, racism, incompetence, and misogyny that EOIR has fostered over Administrations of both parties. EOIR under Garland is a progressive’s continuing nightmare!

Does “DT-21” lurk in the shadows of a parking garage, beyond the view of security cameras, as did the famous 1970’s namesake? Or, at the outskirts of an interstate rest area? Perhaps in a dark unwatched corner of an overcrowded Zoom chat room?

And, while you’re at it, say a prayer for Linda Lovelace (1949-2002), the original “Deep Throat” (1972), who later said she was an abused spouse coerced into a career as an adult actress that she eventually rejected. Somehow, there is a tie-in between Lovelace’s exploitation in the 1970s and the systemic mistreatment of asylum seeking domestic violence victims that went into high gear during the Trump regime and continues unabated under Garland! Interestingly, before her untimely death in 2002, Lovelace became an anti-porn activist who testified before the Attorney General’s Commission on Pornography (a/k/a “The Meese Commission”) in 1986.

Stay tuned for more “truth from the Tower.” You certainly won’t get it from “Team Garland.”

Due Process Forever!





Professor Geoffrey Hoffman
Professor Geoffrey Hoffman
Immigraton Clinic Director
University of Houston Law Center



A few “takeaways” from one of America’s leading “practical scholars:”

  • Think about a new start with a “clean slate;”
  • Deportation is “state violence;”
  • Immigration Courts are constructed to provide Gov. with an unfair advantage;
  • No rules, no due process, no justice;
  • Kudos to the NDPA & the Round Table;
  • Trump Administration spent inordinate effort improperly skewing the law to insure everything is denied and remove equible discretion from IJs;
  • Good provisions that provided discretion in the past to alleviate hardship and injustice have been eliminated by Congress: suspension of deportation, JRAD, 212(c), 245(i), registry (not repealed but now virtually useless b/c of 1972 cutoff date).

👍🏼🗽Thanks, Geoffrey, and Due Process Forever!



⚖️THE GIBSON REPORT — 03-22-21 — Compiled By Elizabeth Gibson, Esquire, NY Legal Assistance Group — Georgetown Law Journal Makes History, Of The Best Kind! — My Invitation To Current Georgetown Law Students To Get Involved!

Elizabeth Gibson
Elizabeth Gibson
Attorney, NY Legal Assistance Group
Publisher of “The Gibson Report”

COVID-19 & Closures

Note: Policies are rapidly changing, so please verify information with the government and colleagues.


EOIR Status Overview & EOIR Court Status Map/List: Hearings in non-detained cases at courts without an announced date are postponed through, and including, April 16, 2021. (It is unclear when the next announcement will be. EOIR announced 4/16 on Fri. 3/5, 3/19 on Wed. 2/10, 2/19 on Mon. 1/25, 2/5 on Mon. 1/11, and 1/22 on Mon. 12/28.) There is no announced date for reopening NYC non-detained at this time.


USCIS Office Closings and Visitor Policy




Mayorkas says ‘the border is closed,’ defends Biden’s immigration strategy

WaPo: Mayorkas, who appeared on almost all of the major political shows Sunday morning, sought to push a consistent message as the Biden administration is being pressed about conditions in overcrowded detention centers for unaccompanied immigrant children. See also Images of Confusion, Then Anguish: Migrant Families Deported by Surprise; ‘The crisis is in Washington’: Overwhelmed border officials urge D.C. to act; Senators see dire conditions in packed border stations, as officials consider flying migrants north.


Key facts about U.S. immigration policies and Biden’s proposed changes

Pew: To better understand the existing U.S. immigration system, we analyzed the most recent data available on federal immigration programs. This includes admission categories for green card recipients and the types of temporary employment visas available to immigrant workers. We also examined temporary permissions granted to some immigrants to live and work in the country through the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals and Temporary Protected Status programs.


Immigrant Detention Numbers Fall Under Biden, But Border Book-Ins Rise

TRAC: As of the end of President Biden’s first full month in office, the number of individuals arrested by ICE and booked into civil immigrant detention fell sharply from 5,119 ICE book-in arrests during January 2021 to just 1,970 during February 2021. According to the latest ICE figures, this was a drop of 62 percent just in a single month.


Young Migrants Held By Border Patrol Far Longer Than Allowed, Document Shows

NPR: The U.S. government had 4,276 unaccompanied migrant children in custody as of Sunday, according to a Department of Homeland Security document obtained by NPR. The children are spending an average of 117 hours in detention facilities, far longer than the 72 hours allowed by law.


Biden administration limits what Border Patrol can share with media about migrant surge at border

NBC: Restrictions on what border agents can share with the media were passed down verbally, say officials. Some have released videos of the border surge anyway. See also How Border Patrol Manipulates Media.


Durbin: ‘I think I’m close’ to getting Senate votes needed to advance DREAM Act

CNN: Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin said Sunday that he thinks he is “close” to securing the Republican votes needed to overcome a Senate filibuster to advance a key immigration measure that would provide a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants who were brought to the United States as children.


The new top editor of Georgetown’s flagship law journal is ‘undocumented and unafraid’

WaPo: Lee, 26, is believed to be the first openly undocumented student elected editor in chief of the flagship journal at a top U.S. law school.


Advocating for asylum-seeking children is traumatic, new research finds

WaPo: These health conditions stem from pressures to meet the needs of vulnerable child migrants targeted by restrictive immigration policies.




Inadmissibility on Public Charge Grounds Final Rule: Litigation

USCIS: USCIS stopped applying the Public Charge Final Rule to all pending applications and petitions on March 9, 2021. USCIS removed content related to the vacated 2019 Public Charge Final Rule from the affected USCIS forms and has posted updated versions of affected forms. See also Withdrawal of USCIS Proposed Rule on Affidavit of Support Requirements.


Citizenship Paths For ‘Dreamers,’ Farmworkers Pass House (Headed to Senate)

Law360: The House on Thursday approved two major immigration proposals that would provide a path to lawful status and eventual citizenship for several million “Dreamers” brought to the country as children and farmworkers working without authorization in American agriculture.


CA1 Remands Asylum Claim of Cuban Petitioner Who Claimed He Was Targeted for His Anti-Castro Political Beliefs

The court vacated and remanded the BIA’s decision affirming the IJ’s adverse credibility determination, finding that alleged discrepancies between the petitioner’s interview account and his hearing account failed to support the adverse credibility finding. (Cuesta-Rojas v. Garland, 3/15/21) AILA Doc. No. 21031737


CA1 Finds BIA Erred in Failing to Assess Whether Conditions for Members of Democratic Party in Albania Have Deteriorated Since 2006

Where the petitioner cited two post-2006 events as evidence of changed country conditions, the court held that the BIA’s failure to assess whether those changes were sufficient was arbitrary and capricious, and reversed the BIA’s denial of his motion to reopen. (Lucaj v. Wilkinson, 3/10/21) AILA Doc. No. 21031732


1st Circ. Rejects ICE Detainees’ COVID-19 Bail Requests

Law360: The First Circuit on Wednesday refused to disturb a Massachusetts federal court’s decision denying bail to several immigration detainees convicted of violent crimes, finding that it was reasonable to decide the detainees still belonged behind bars in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.


CA6 Says BIA Did Not Abuse Its Discretion in Denying Motion to Reopen Where NTA Was Not in Petitioner’s Native Language

Where the Guatemalan petitioner’s Notice to Appear (NTA) was delivered in English, the court rejected her argument that the NTA violated her due process rights because it did not detail in her native language the consequences of failing to attend her proceeding. (Lopez v. Garland, 3/12/21) AILA Doc. No. 21031733


7th Circ. Denies Texas’ Bid To Revive Public Charge Rule

Law360: The Seventh Circuit on Monday squashed an attempt by 14 states led by Texas to revive the Trump administration’s public charge policy, which penalizes immigrants for using certain public benefits, after the Biden administration decided not to defend it.


CA8 Says Petitioner Seeking Cancellation Was Required Only to Show That State Offense Was Broader Than Generic Federal Offense

The court held that the categorical approach does not require a petitioner seeking cancellation of removal to show that there is a realistic probability the state prosecutes people for the conduct that makes the state offense broader than the federal offense. (Gonzalez v. Wilkinson, 3/9/21) AILA Doc. No. 21031738


CA8 Concludes That Petitioner’s Conviction for Second-Degree Felony Assault in Minnesota Was a Particularly Serious Crime

The court held that the BIA did not err in determining that the petitioner’s conviction for second-degree felony assault in Minnesota was a particularly serious crime barring statutory withholding of removal and Convention Against Torture (CAT) relief. (Jama v. Wilkinson, 3/11/21) AILA Doc. No. 21031739


CA9 Remands CAT Claim of Honduran Petitioner Based on Evidentiary Issue Related to DOS Country Report

The court remanded petitioner’s Convention Against Torture (CAT) claim to the BIA for reconsideration in light of the fact that the IJ took judicial notice of, and relied upon, DOS’s Country Report, yet the BIA’s decision did not take it into account. (Aguilar-Osorio v. Garland, 3/15/21) AILA Doc. No. 21031744


CA9 Holds That Petitioner Failed to Show Changed Country Conditions in Mexico Since His 2003 Removal Order

The court held that the BIA did not abuse its discretion in denying the petitioner’s motion to reopen after determining that the petitioner had failed to present evidence demonstrating that country conditions in Mexico had changed since his 2003 removal order. (Rodriguez v. Garland, 3/15/21) AILA Doc. No. 21031741


CA9 Finds Proposed Social Group of “Salvadoran Women Who Refuse to Be Girlfriends of MS Gang Members” Is Not Cognizable

The court held that substantial evidence supported the BIA’s determination that the Salvadoran petitioner had failed to establish past harm rising to the level of persecution, and concluded that her proposed social groups were not cognizable. (Villegas Sanchez v. Garland, 3/11/21) AILA Doc. No. 21031740


CA10 Finds That Matter of G-G-S- Was Not Arbitrary or Capricious and Is Entitled to Chevron Deference

The court held that Matter of G-G-S- was not arbitrary or capricious, and that BIA applied the correct legal standard in determining that petitioner’s convictions were for particularly serious crimes rendering him ineligible for withholding of removal. (Birhanu v. Wilkinson, 3/9/21) AILA Doc. No. 21031745


ICE Ordered To Transport NY Detainees To Get Vaccines

Law360: A federal judge on Thursday ordered U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement to facilitate vaccinations of immigrants detained at the agency’s Buffalo Service Processing Center in upstate New York.


Nonprofits Sue To End Trump-Era Immigration Deal With Ariz.

Law360: Three nonprofit organizations have sued Arizona’s attorney general in federal court seeking the cancellation of an agreement requiring the state’s input in federal immigration policies, saying the Trump administration official who made the arrangement lacked the authority to do so.


Safe Horizon and ASISTA File Lawsuit Against USCIS and DHS

ASISTA: Safe Horizon and ASISTA File Lawsuit Against USCIS and DHS, Seeking Information on Policy Change Making it More Difficult for Victims of Serious Crime to Obtain Relief Under the U-Visa Program.


DHS and HHS Sign Memorandum of Agreement Regarding Consultation and Information Sharing in UAC Matters

On March 11, 2021, HHS ORR and ICE and CBP signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) regarding consultation and information sharing in matters relating to unaccompanied children. The April 13, 2018, MOA among the agencies dealing with UAC matters has been terminated. AILA Doc. No. 21031235


USCIS Shifts Policy On Minors With Alleged ‘Gang Affiliations’

Law360: U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services will no longer rule out petitions for special status from mistreated youth based on state courts’ failure to assess whether they have ties to gangs, a policy change stemming from a class settlement last year.


EOIR Rescinds Policy Memorandum on Case Processing at the BIA

EOIR issued a policy memo (PM 21-16) rescinding and cancelling PM 20-01, Case Processing at the Board of Immigration Appeals. Upon this rescission, the BIA returns to the case management system established by regulation that was effective on 9/25/02 to manage the Board’s caseload. AILA Doc. No. 21031748


Further Delay of Effective Date of Final Rule on Pandemic-Related Security Bars to Asylum and Withholding of Removal

Advance copy of USCIS and EOIR interim final rule further delaying until 12/31/21 the effective date of the final rule “Security Bars and Processing” (85 FR 84160) which had been scheduled to become effective on 3/22/21. Public comment is also sought on whether the rule should be revised or revoked. AILA Doc. No. 21031930


USCIS Extends Effective Date of Temporary Final Rule on Interpreters at Asylum Interviews

Advance copy of USCIS final rule extending the expiration date of the temporary final rule on interpreters at asylum interviews published at 85 FR 59655, which was originally scheduled to expire on 3/22/21, for 180 days. The final rule will be published in the Federal Register on 3/22/21. AILA Doc. No. 21031932


CBP Notification of Temporary Travel Restrictions Applicable to Land Ports of Entry and Ferries Service Between the United States and Mexico

CBP issued a notification of the continuation of temporary travel restrictions limiting travel of individuals from Mexico into the United States at land ports of entry along the United States-Mexico border through 4/21/21 due to COVID-19. (86 FR 14813, 3/19/21) AILA Doc. No. 21031934


USCIS Notice Extending and Redesignating Syria for TPS

USCIS notice extending the designation of Syria for TPS for 18 months, from 3/31/21 through 9/30/22, and redesignating Syria for TPS for 18 months, effective 3/31/21 through 9/30/22. (86 FR 14946, 3/19/21) AILA Doc. No. 21012930










Monday, March 22, 2021

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Friday, March 19, 2021

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Monday, March 15, 2021



Check out item #7 under “Top News,” the story from the WashPost of Agnes Lee, the new Editor-in-Chief of the Georgetown Law Journal. In addition to being a brilliant and accomplished student, she happens to be an undocumented resident of the U.S. Congrats to Agnes, the Law Journal, and the entire Georgetown Law community!

⚖️Shout Out  for Georgetown Law Students:

Of course, never missing an opportunity to “self-promote,” I heartily encourage current Georgetown Law students who wish to learn and engage in active dialogue about immigration, social justice, and racial justice in America today, as well as to pick up pointers on how to actually practice law, to register for my “compressed semester, 2-credit course Immigration Law & Policy” to be given this June (in person, and virtual options).

Thanks to the great group of students, it’s always a lively, engaged, and diverse group researching, presenting, and discussing perhaps the most important (and misunderstood) current topic for America’s and the word’s future — one on which, sad to say, the myths, false narratives and misinformation are rampant, spreading even as I write this.

While I provide an outstanding “practice oriented” text, the class topics, abundant study questions, a challenging but very “doable” final exam, along with the inevitable anecdotes and “war stories” from my nearly 50-year career, the students actually control the substance though their own research on current and historical events and sharing of personal experiences with the immigration system (everybody has some, whether they realize it or not). It’s also a chance to “network and bond” with a group of wonderful colleagues who can “be there for you” throughout your careers.

Indeed, I hope to put together a panel of “young superstars”🌟 of the New Due Process Army,🌟 including former students/and or court interns, who can share their career experiences on “why they chose to make a difference in human lives and how they have accomplished it.” Additionally, one of the best “up and coming” minds in the business, my friend Professor Cori Alonso Yoder, currently a Visiting Professor at Georgetown Law, has offered to meet with the class to share some of her knowledge and real life experiences with “Life-saving 101.” So, it should be a vibrant an exciting month. Don’t miss it!

Also, despite the seriousness of the topic, we always have some fun doing it!

Also, remember, NDPA superstar🌟 Liz Gibson, of “The Gibson Report,” is one of my former Georgetown Law students, a CALS Asylum Clinic veteran, a former Arlington Immigration Court intern, a former Judicial Law Clerk at the NY Immigration Court, and an alum of the prestigious Immigrant Justice Corps! In a relatively short time, Liz has used her skills, knowledge, and training to make a lifetime’s worth of  “real life positive impact” on the lives and futures of our fellow humans!

🇺🇸⚖️🗽👍🏼Due Process Forever!



⚖️THE GIBSON REPORT — 03-15-21 — Compiled By Elizabeth Gibson, Esquire, NY Legal Assistance Group — Keep Up To Date On The Biden Administration’s Immigration Plans & Actions!

Elizabeth Gibson
Elizabeth Gibson
Attorney, NY Legal Assistance Group
Publisher of “The Gibson Report”

COVID-19 & Closures

Note: Policies are rapidly changing, so please verify information with the government and colleagues.


EOIR Status Overview & EOIR Court Status Map/List: Hearings in non-detained cases at courts without an announced date are postponed through, and including, April 16, 2021 (It is unclear when the next announcement will be. EOIR announced 4/16 on Fri. 3/5, 3/19 on Wed. 2/10, 2/19 on Mon. 1/25, 2/5 on Mon. 1/11, and 1/22 on Mon. 12/28). There is no announced date for reopening NYC non-detained at this time.


USCIS Office Closings, Including Weather, and Visitor Policy




Cases testing Trump’s “public charge” immigration rule are dismissed

SCOTUSblog: Just over two weeks after the Supreme Court announced that it would review the Trump administration’s “public charge” rule, which governs the admission of immigrants into the United States, the case (as well as two others presenting the same question) was dismissed on Tuesday, at the request of the Biden administration and the opponents who sued over the rule. See also States seek to take over defense of ‘public charge’ rule; A Supreme Court showdown over Trump’s legacy ends with a whimper.


Senate confirms Garland as attorney general

Roll Call: He will lead a department that oversees the nation’s immigration courts, investigates civil rights violations at local law enforcement agencies or in voting laws, and scrutinizes business mergers in technology, health care and other industries.


Biden Is Canceling A Trump-Era Agreement That Led To Sponsors Of Unaccompanied Immigrant Children Being Arrested

BuzzFeed: A week after federal health officials relaxed pandemic restrictions and allowed shelters to expand to full capacity, the Biden administration on Friday said it had reactivated more than 200 beds for unaccompanied immigrant children and rescinded a Trump-era agreement that had led to the arrest of sponsors who stepped forward to take them in. See also Backlog of migrant children in Border Patrol custody soars to 4,200, with 3,000 held past legal limit; Biden Administration Directs FEMA to Help Shelter Migrant Children; Mexico is holding hundreds of unaccompanied children detained before they reach the U.S. border; White House reinstates program allowing some Central American minors to seek to reunite with parents in U.S..


Immigration up next on Capitol Hill

Politico: The House is poised to vote on two immigration bills this week, both narrower pieces of legislation while Democrats weigh how ambitious to go with President Joe Biden’s comprehensive immigration plan. All of this is unfolding amid a growing debate about how to address the surging numbers of migrant children and families being detained at the U.S.-Mexico border.


Refugee Flights Canceled as Biden Fails to Lift Trump Cutback

NYT: More than 715 refugees from around the world who expected to start new lives in the United States have had their flights canceled in recent weeks because President Biden has postponed an overhaul of his predecessor’s sharp limits on new refugee admissions. Agencies that assist refugees poised to enter the country were notified by the State Department this week that all travel would be suspended until the president sets a new target for admissions this year.


Immigration arrests have fallen sharply under Biden, ICE data show

WaPo: The number of immigrants taken into custody by ICE officers fell more than 60 percent in February compared with the last three months of the Trump administration, according to data reviewed by The Washington Post. Deportations fell by nearly the same amount, ICE statistics show.


ICE has no clear plan for vaccinating thousands of detained immigrants fighting deportation

WaPo: The coronavirus has been running rampant for months through Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s network of jails holding civil immigration detainees fighting deportation — but the agency has no vaccination program and, unlike the Bureau of Prisons, is relying on state and local health departments to procure vaccine doses. See also A border community, ICE at odds over release of detainees with covid.


U.S. Offers Protected Status For People From Myanmar [aka Burma] As Coup Leaders Crack Down

NPR: The United States will offer temporary protected status to people from Myanmar who fear returning home, the Biden administration said Friday, as it tries to ratchet up pressure on military coup leaders in the Southeast Asian country, and provide protection to some of those criticizing it.


New Bill Would Take Marijuana Questions Off Citizenship App

Law360: A bill introduced in the House on Monday would remove marijuana offenses and chronic alcohol abuse from the list of reasons to reject or mark down an application for U.S. citizenship.


Fact check: No, not all undocumented immigrants will get relief checks. Yes, some of them probably will

CNN: Gelatt cautioned that we don’t yet know how the Internal Revenue Service will interpret the law with regard to the eligibility of undocumented people who have Social Security numbers. The IRS did not respond to a request for comment.




Immigration Cases on Supreme Court’s April 2021 Oral Argument Calendar

ImmProf: Sanchez v. Mayorkas (April 19): Whether an immigrant who enters the United States without proper authorization but receives “temporary protected status” can become a lawful permanent resident. United States v. Palomar-Santiago (April 27): Whether charges that a non-citizen illegally reentered the United States should be dismissed when the non-citizen’s removal was based on the misclassification of a prior conviction.


Advance Copy of USCIS Final Rule Restoring Previous Public Charge Regulations

Advance copy of USCIS final rule removing from the Code of Federal Regulations the regulatory text that DHS promulgated in the August 2019 public charge rule and restoring the regulatory text to appear as it did prior to the issuance of the August 2019 rule. AILA Doc. No. 21031142


District Court Preliminarily Enjoins EOIR Rule on Appellate Procedures and Decisional Finality in Immigration Proceedings

A district court granted a motion for preliminary injunction and enjoined nationwide implementation of EOIR’s 12/16/20 final rule that made drastic changes to the procedures and regulations governing immigration courts. (Centro Legal De La Raza, et al., v. EOIR, et al., 3/10/21) AILA Doc. No. 21031134


DHS and DOS Reopen the Central American Minors (CAM) Program

DOS announced DHS and DOS have initiated phase one of reinstituting the CAM program to reunite qualified Central American children with their parents who are lawfully present in the U.S. The first phase will process eligible applications that were closed when the program was terminated in 2017. AILA Doc. No. 21031035


DHS and HHS Terminate 2018 Agreement Regarding Information Sharing in UAC Matters

DHS and HHS issued a joint statement announcing the termination of a 2018 agreement that “had a chilling effect on potential sponsors . . . from stepping up to sponsor an unaccompanied child placed in the care of HHS.” In its place, HHS and DHS have signed a new agreement. AILA Doc. No. 21031235


DHS Secretary Designates Burma/Myanmar for TPS for 18 Months

DHS Secretary Mayorkas designated Burma for TPS for 18 months. Individuals who can demonstrate continuous residence in the United States as of March 11, 2021, are eligible for TPS under Burma’s designation. A forthcoming Federal Register notice will detail eligibility criteria. AILA Doc. No. 21031241


USCIS Notice Designating Venezuela for TPS

USCIS notice designating Venezuela for Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for 18 months, effective 3/9/21 through 9/9/22. The notice also provides information about Deferred Enforced Departure (DED) and DED-related EADs for eligible Venezuelans. (86 FR 13574, 3/9/21) AILA Doc. No. 21030846


Supreme Court Dismisses Petition for Certiorari in Case on Receipt of Grant Money by Sanctuary Cities

On March 4, 2021, the Supreme Court dismissed the petition for certiorari based on a joint stipulation to dismiss filed by the parties. (Wilkinson v. City and County of San Francisco, 3/4/21) AILA Doc. No. 17042533


BIA Rules Conviction for Assault in Violation of §245(a)(4) of the California Penal Code Is a CIMT

Following Matter of Wu, the BIA ruled that conviction for assault by means of force likely to produce great bodily injury in violation of §245(a)(4) of the California Penal Code is categorically one for a CIMT. Matter of Aguilar-Mendez, 28 I&N Dec. 262 (BIA 2021) AILA Doc. No. 21031234


2nd Circ. Bashes ‘Bizarre’ Gov’t Stance On Family-Based Visa

Law360: A U.S. citizen in Connecticut and her adult daughter in the United Kingdom can reunite stateside after a Second Circuit panel affirmed the younger woman’s eligibility for an immediate-relative visa on Tuesday, even though she turned 21 before her mother naturalized.


USCIS to Invite Certain Applicants to Resubmit I-485 Applications That Were Previously Rejected

AILA has recently been made aware that USCIS will be reaching out to stakeholders in the coming days whose I-485 applications were rejected for failure to complete boxes 9.a. and 10 in Part 2 of the Form I-485 with instructions on how to refile their application with USCIS. AILA Doc. No. 21010510










Sunday, March 14, 2021

Saturday, March 13, 2021

Friday, March 12, 2021

Thursday, March 11, 2021

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Monday, March 8, 2021

Thanks, Elizabeth!

Notably, Stephen Miller’s cruel, stupid, racist, and counterproductive “public charge” rules were finally put to bed by the Biden Administration after unnecessarily protracted rancorous litigation.

🇺🇸🗽⚖️Due Process Forever!




Anybody remember the last time we interpreted the law or facts in favor of a human? 
Creative Commons License

Here are four more recent screw-ups:

  1. Misinterpreting “Realistic Possibility” — 8th Cir.


CA8 on “Realistic Probability” – Lopez Gonzalez v. Wilkinson

Lopez Gonzalez v. Wilkinson

“The question in this case is whether the categorical approach requires a petitioner seeking cancellation of removal to demonstrate both that the state offense he was convicted of is broader than the federal offense and that there is a realistic probability that the state actually prosecutes people for the conduct that makes the state offense broader than the federal offense. We conclude that it does not. … Because the BIA’s decision relied on a misinterpretation of the realistic probability inquiry, we grant the petition for review, vacate, and remand for further proceedings consistent with this opinion.”

[Hats off to Jamie Arango!]

2) Wrong Interpretation Of Child Status Protection Act — 2d Cir.

Cuthill v. Blinken


D. Chevron Deference

Lastly, the government argues that we should defer to the decision by the Board of Immigration Appeals (“BIA”) in Matter of Zamora-Molina, 25 I. & N. Dec. 606, 611 (B.I.A. 2011), in which the BIA adopted the same interpretation as the Department of State. Even assuming, without deciding, that Chevron deference applies when one agency (the Department of State) seeks to rely on the interpretation of another agency (the Department of Justice), we agree with the district court and with the Ninth Circuit that Chevron deference does not apply here because “the intent of Congress is clear.” Chevron, U.S.A., Inc. v. Nat. Res. Def. Council, Inc., 467 U.S. 837, 842 (1984); see also id. at 842–43 (“If the intent of Congress is clear, that is the end of the matter; for the court, as well as the agency, must give effect to the unambiguously expressed intent of Congress.”); Tovar, 882 F.3d at 900 (declining to apply Chevron deference to Zamora-Molina because “traditional tools of statutory construction” and “the irrationality of the result sought by the government” combine to “demonstrate beyond any question that Congress had a clear intent on the question at issue”). As discussed above, the text, structure, and


legislative history of the CSPA conclusively show the “unambiguously expressed intent of Congress” to protect beneficiaries like Diaz. Chevron, 467 U.S. at 843.7

3) Ignoring Previous Circuit Ruling On Related Case — 10th Cir.


Ni v. Wilkinson, unpublished

After we determined that conditions in China had materially worsened for Christians, Mr. Ni moved again for reopening. Despite our opinion in his wife’s case, the Board of Immigration Appeals concluded


again that Mr. Ni had failed to show a material change in country conditions.

This conclusion is unsupportable. Mr. Ni’s evidence of worsening

conditions in China largely mirrored his wife’s evidence, which had led us

to grant her petition for review. Mr. Ni’s evidence was even stronger than

his wife’s because China had recently adopted a regulatory crackdown on

practicing Christians. We thus grant Mr. Ni’s petition for review.

4) Misconstruction Of Record — 1st. Cir.


CA1 on Albania, Changed Circumstances: Lucaj v. Wilkinson

Lucaj v. Wilkinson

“To support his case for reopening, Mr. Lucaj submitted an affidavit complaining in particular about two events that occurred after his removal proceeding in 2006: The Socialist party took power in 2013, and then in 2019 the Socialists’ corruption and connections with organized crime deterred the opposition party from even participating in the 2019 elections. Mr. Lucaj provided, among other things, the State Department’s 2018 Human Rights Report on Albania, the Freedom House “Freedom in the World 2018” Report on Albania, and articles from 2018 and 2019 about corruption in Albania and the Socialist Party’s success in recent elections. We do not know whether those submissions show materially worsening conditions for Democratic Party members in Albania, however, because the BIA refused to compare those reports to available evidence of conditions from 2006, claiming that Mr. Lucaj had not “explained how the proffered . . . country condition documentation show[s] qualitatively different conditions from 2006.” Plainly, though, he did so by pointing out the two cited, post-2006 events as evidence of changed conditions. The BIA’s failure to assess whether those changes were sufficient was arbitrary and capricious. … Therefore, we reverse the decision by the BIA and remand Mr. Lucaj’s case so that the BIA can review available evidence to examine whether conditions for members of the Democratic Party in Albania have deteriorated since 2006 and, if so, whether Mr. Lucaj has established a prima facie case for relief.”

[Hats off to Gregory G. Marotta!]


America and humanity deserve better from a supposed “expert tribunal” which actually functions more like a “denial factory” without much, if any, “quality control.” No wonder these guys are running an out of control, ever-expanding 1.3 million case backlog!

Denying continuances, not closing cases that belong at USCIS, rushed briefing, IJ’s “certifying” BIA remands to the Director (who should have no judicial role), dismissing applications for failure to fill in irrelevant blanks, raising fees, and a host of other nonsensical proposals that EOIR has had shot down by the Article III Courts recently won’t reduce the backlogs. They actually will make it worse, as have all the other “gimmicks” tried by EOIR to eradicate due process and dehumanize migrants over the past four years!

See, e.g., https://immigrationcourtside.com/2021/03/11/%e2%9a%96%ef%b8%8f%f0%9f%97%bdu-s-district-judge-susan-illston-nd-ca-shreds-enjoins-eoirs-anti-due-process-%e2%98%a0%ef%b8%8f%f0%9f%a4%aemidnight-rules-judge-p/

Who ever heard of lower court judges providing “quality control” for appellate judges, working through a bureaucrat who (at the time the proposal was supposedly “finalized”) had never presided over a case in Immigration Court? And, let’s remember, these are haphazardly selected trial judges, a decidedly non-diverse, non-representative group, whose own qualifications, expertise, judicial temperament, and training have been widely criticized by experts in the field. Few of today’s Immigration Judges and BIA Judges would be “household names” among immigration, human rights, and constitutional law experts and scholars! 

See,e.g.,  https://immigrationcourtside.com/2021/03/08/%f0%9f%8f%b4%e2%80%8d%e2%98%a0%ef%b8%8finside-a-failed-and-unjust-system-reuters-report-explains-how-the-trump-administration-destroyed-due-process-fundamental-fairness-humanity-in-the-u-s-immig/

The current mess is largely the result of Aimless Docket Reshuffling imposed on the Immigration Courts by unqualified politicos at the DOJ and their equally unqualified toadies at EOIR HQ. Also, DHS has more often than not ignored the realities of good docket management and the prudent exercise of prosecutorial discretion. It is not the fault of the vulnerable migrants and their lawyers victimized by this absurdly politicized, biased, and mal-administered system!

Restoration of justice at EOIR will require radical due process oriented changes starting with new, professional leadership from “practical scholars” in immigration and human rights as well as replacing BIA Judges with better qualified jurists selected from the ranks of those “practical scholars.” Quality control, expertise, competence, common sense, and human understanding are all lacking at today’s EOIR!

Judge Garland must “clean house!” Now!

🇺🇸⚖️🗽Due Process Forever!




“Eyore In Distress”
Once A Symbol of Fairness, Due Process, & Best Practices, Now Gone “Belly Up”
Knightess of the Round Table


Here’s an excerpt from a report by Nichols Iovino @ Courthouse News: 

. . . .

The judge added that she found an amicus brief submitted by 37 former immigration law judges particularly illuminating because it helped illustrate some of “real-life consequences” of the rule.

The former immigration judges wrote that the rule “makes it more difficult for applicants and defense counsel to brief relevant issues and present evidence, creates new challenges for immigration judges to consider extraordinary changes in circumstances and to control the timing of their own docket, and severely limits the [Board of Immigration Appeals’] authority to make legally sound decisions and remain an apolitical rung in the immigration system.”

A motion for a preliminary injunction is also pending in separate lawsuit challenging the same Trump-era rule in the District of Columbia.


Yesterday, Judge Illston issued a blistering 73-page order enjoining EOIR’S illegal rules: https://www.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.cand.372189/gov.uscourts.cand.372189.59.0.pdf


“Sir Jeffrey” Chase reports:

Judge Illston referenced our brief four times throughout the opinion (p.5, n.2, and pp. 39, 52, and 55).

Jeffrey also added:

The brief (drafted by Steven Schulman and his team at Akin Gump) was based on our Round Table’s comments to the proposed regs. [Judge] Ilyce [Shugall] organized and filed the comments, and the drafting committee was made up of [Judges] Ilyce [Shugall], Rebecca [Jamil], Joan [Churchill], Cecelia [Espenoza] and myself.

So proud to be part of this team that is “making a difference for the NDPA,” and more importantly, for the vulnerable human lives at stake in the EOIR Star Chambers. 🏴‍☠️ And thanks so much to Steven Schulman and his pro bono team at Akin Gump for making this happen.

So, here’s my question: Why is the Biden Administration defending this totally illegal, disingenuous, not to mention stupid, attempt by EOIR to deny due process and fundamental fairness while implementing the “worst practices imaginable?”

Judge Garland must get a handle on the awful, festering mess 🤮🤡☠️ at EOIR sooner rather than later!

🇺🇸⚖️🗽Due Process Forever!



☠️👎🏻TWO STEPS FORWARD, ONE STEP BACK:  Professor César García Hernández Analyzes Order Extending Ban On Biden’s Deportation Bar — Texas v. USA 

César Cuauhtémoc García Hernández
Professor César Cuauhtémoc García Hernández
Denver Sturm Law


From: César García Hernández <ccgarciahernandez@gmail.com>

Sent: Wednesday, February 24, 2021 1:52 PM

To: IMMPROF (UCLA) (immprof@lists.ucla.edu) <immprof@lists.ucla.edu>

Subject: [immprof] 100-day removal pause enjoined




Judge Tipton in the Southern District of Texas enjoined the 100-day removal pause. The 105-page order has something for everyone. For the history fans, there are references or citations to John Marshall, Joseph Story, and James Madison. For the federalism aficionados, there’s a description of the three branches of government and an explanation about the relationship between the federal government and the states. For the administrative law scholars and Bluebook fans, the proposition that “ICE is an agency within DHS” is supported by a footnote, a citation, and a parenthetical explanation. And for anyone interested in bilingual education, you’ll note that “regular” students cost Texas one amount and students enrolled in the state’s bilingual program cost another amount.


The order (and my analysis) are available at crimmigration.com.




César Cuauhtémoc García Hernández
Professor of Law
University of Denver



The case name says it all, particularly in light of the past two weeks. Indeed, “Texas v. The People” would be equally fitting. GOP misrule and the vile shenanigans of GOP politicos, like Texas AG Ken Paxton (who also fled the state during the crisis he and his party helped cause) has real life consequences. It kills and harms U.S. citizens of all political persuasions in addition to foreign nationals in our country. 

Note that the order does not purport to stop DHS or EOIR from granting stays of removal on a case by case basis. 

Notwithstanding the flaws in Judge Tipton’s reasoning, cogently pointed out by Cesar, I wouldn’t put much stock in the chances that the right-wing dominated Fifth Circuit or the Supremes will rein in Tipton and other righty jurists. I predict that GOP jurists oft-expressed grave concerns about the effect of nationwide injunctions will dissipate now that they are being used as a tool to undermine the Biden Administration’s attempts to return rationality and humanity to our justice system.

The deep problems in the Article III Judiciary, aggravated by four years of bad appointments by Trump & Mitch, reinforce the pressing need for immediate Immigration Court reform, starting with replacing the BIA. That is the most pressing task facing the Administration on the judicial front. The EOIR judiciary is one that the Biden Administration has complete authority to fix with better judges. Now, not later! 

And, with better judges at EOIR, there will be fewer bad legal decisions thrown into the Article III “lottery.” Moreover, as I continue to point out, it will give the Administration a much-needed pool of diverse, readily identifiable, talented, experienced, progressive, due-process/human rights committed jurists to draw on for Article III appointments. Additionally, it sets the stage for legislation to create an independent Article I U.S. Immigration Court.

Can advocates for racial justice, human rights, and immigrants’ rights finally get the message across to Judge Garland about the urgent need to act decisively? Or, like the Obama Administration, will this turn out to be another golden opportunity for justice squandered? 

Unfortunately, I could find little in this week’s confirmation hearings to visibly show that Judge Garland “got” the connection between the refuge that he and his family were so grateful for and the continuing unconscionable mess at EOIR. 

Indeed, if Judge Garland and his family showed up at our borders today seeking refuge from persecution, they would unceremoniously have been loaded onto a plane and “orbited” back to the persecution from which they fled without any process at all, let alone “due process of law.” Even if they had gotten a hearing, an EOIR “judge” somewhere along the line would undoubtedly have found a “reason to deny” regardless of the need for protection. 

For a good measure, they probably would have been mocked as “criminals, line jumpers, and job stealers” by GOP politicos and their toadies still stashed throughout our broken and compromised immigration bureaucracy. Their lives would have been treated as worthless; their removal to persecution, harm and possible death, just another “statistic” to tout in connection with false claims to having achieved “border security!”

Use the “overseas refugee program?” Probably not. Although Biden has pledged to restart refugee admissions, as a practical matter our once proud and highly efficient refugee processing system is currently in tatters after four years of intentional abuse inflicted by the defeated regime.

Every day that the ongoing problems at EOIR remain unresolved is another day of injustice for refugees and other migrants, as well as another day of frustration and abuse heaped on those attempting to help them achieve justice. 

🇺🇸⚖️🗽Due Process Forever!






Claudia Cubas
Claudia Cubas
Litigation Director
CAIR Coalition
Photo: berkleycenter.georgetown.edu


Claudia Cubas, CAIR Litigation Director, reports on LexisNexis Immigration Community:

Transit Ban Final Rule Enjoined

East Bay Sanctuary Covenant v. Barr

Claudia R. Cubas, Litigation Director at CAIR writes: “Judge Tigar at the Northern District California Court issued a Preliminary Injunction in the East Bay II case enjoining the final transit ban rule nationwide from being applied to asylum cases at both the immigration court and by USCIS. This Final rule was issued on Dec. 17, 2020, and took effect on Jan 19, 2021. While the interim rule had previously been vacated in the case CAIR Coalition v. Trump, 471 F.Supp.3d 25 (D.D.C. 2020), and ruled unlawful in the East Bay Sanctuary Covenant v. Barr, 964 F.3d 832 (9th Cir. 2020) case, the government issued the final version of the rule last minute in December. The ACLU and other organizations in the East Bay case, amended their original challenge and requested a new PI to enjoin this final version of the rule. Thanks to the ACLU, and other orgs in the East Bay case!”


Thanks, Claudia!

Yet another Trump regime lawless and contemptuous action to destroy our asylum system and interfere with the transition of power to the Biden Administration “outed.” 

🇺🇸⚖️🗽Due Process Forever!



HON. JEFFREY S. CHASE: EOIR ADJUDICATORS USING INACCURATE VERSION OF 8  CFR?  🤡 — Gov. Attitude, “Who Cares?” — “Remarkably, when made aware of the problem, government officials defended the posting of the non-applicable rules on the grounds that their “effective date” had been reached, and seemed unable to understand what the problem was.” 

Jeffrey S. Chase
Hon. Jeffrey S. Chase
Jeffrey S. Chase Blog
Coordinator & Chief Spokesperson, Round Table of Former Immigration Judges


Government Misleadingly Posts Enjoined Asylum Regs

As we all know, on December 10, the Departments of Justice and Homeland Security jointly published final rules widely referred to as the “Death to Asylum” regulations.  On January 8, a U.S. District Court Judge issued a preliminary injunction blocking those rules from taking effect.  The rules remain enjoined at present.

However, EOIR, the agency housing the Immigration Courts and the Board of Immigration Appeals, maintains a Virtual Law Library (“VLL”) on its website.  Most EOIR  judges, staff attorneys, and law clerks use the VLL to reference applicable law when drafting decisions. Many private lawyers and other interested individuals outside of government use the VLL as a resource as well.  In addition to listing all precedent decisions of the BIA and the Attorney General, the VLL contains links to the most current versions of both the Immigration & Nationality Act and the regulations that interpret it.

One clicking on the link to the federal regulations on the VLL is taken to a site called e-CFR, which is maintained by the U.S. Government Printing Office.  At present, that site displays the enjoined “Death to Asylum” rules as if they are presently in effect.  The site does not state that the regulations have been enjoined, and therefore may not be relied on.

This means that at present, an Immigration Judge, Board Member, law clerk, staff attorney, or anyone else involved in the decision-making process who researches the law applicable to a pending asylum case will read rules that are not actually in force, but that mandate the denial of asylum in cases that should be granted under the actual applicable  law.  The judges and their staff will see “rules” that require an overly narrow view of what constitutes political opinion or a particular social group; of who may be a persecutor and of how nexus is established.  They will see language making it more difficult to find that an asylum seeker could not have reasonably relocated within their country; that discourage reliance on country condition information critical to establishing many elements of individual claims; and that, in some cases, call for the termination of bona fide asylum claims as “frivolous,” a classification that carries a lifetime bar to any and all immigration benefits.

Remarkably, when made aware of the problem, government officials defended the posting of the non-applicable rules on the grounds that their “effective date” had been reached, and seemed unable to understand what the problem was.  I would hope that the Biden Administration might instruct these officials why it might actually be a problem for judges to access rules requiring them to deny asylum claims they should actually be granting.  They might want to add that it would be a particularly good practice to double-check before posting any rule commonly referred to as “Death to Something.”

In the meantime, attorneys should carefully review all written decisions from EOIR, checking whether they cite to the inapplicable regs.

Copyright 2021 Jeffrey S. Chase.  All rights reserved.

Republished by permission.


They might want to add that it would be a particularly good practice to double-check before posting any rule commonly referred to as “Death to Something.”

In the meantime, attorneys should carefully review all written decisions from EOIR, checking whether they cite to the inapplicable regs.

Says it all! EOIR = FUBAR 🤡🦹🏿‍♂️☠️

Hey, it’s only human lives and futures at stake!

And, of course, it’s the job of the job of the private bar to “cite check” the (non) experts @ EOIR! 

Just think how justice could be achieved with real expert judges who understand asylum law in the first place and competent judicial (not bureaucratic) management focused on quality, efficiency, best practices, and most of all, correct, just results that comply with due process and fundamental fairness? What if all Federal Courts (including the Supremes) functioned in the manner set forth in the previous sentence: Racial justice might become a reality rather than an unfulfilled promise!

Fold up the tent on the “Clown Show” 🤡🦹🏿‍♂️ and replace it with real judges and real courts. The right folks are out there! But, they are mostly fighting the “malicious incompetence” from the outside, rather than solving problems and promoting justice “from the inside.” 

EOIR might not be using the correct version of 8 CFR. But, they DO have wasteful and unnecessary “Judicial Dashboards” on every bench to jack up stress levels, promote “corner cutting and sloppy work,” and check to make sure “deportation quotas” are being made!

🇺🇸🗽⚖️Due Process Forever!





Death On The Rio Grande
Supremes Sign Death Warrants For Vulnerable Refugees, Trash Refugee Act of 1980
Trump Dumping Asylum Seekers in Hondiras
Dumping Asylum Seekers in Honduras
Artist: Monte Wolverton
Reproduced under license
Remain in Mexico
A girl peers out from an encampment at the U.S.-Mexico border where she and several hundred people waited to present themselves to U.S. immigration to seek asylum. / Photo by David Maung


by Adolfo Flores and Hamed Aleaziz in BuzzFeed News:

After days of confusion about changes along the southern border, the Biden administration on Wednesday said immigrants should not try to enter the US because most will still be turned away under a Trump-era policy that has recently come under legal scrutiny.

. . . .

Confusion about who was being allowed into the US in recent days forced the administration to issue a stronger warning. Last week, reports of some families being allowed into the US after being apprehended at the border resulted in speculation that immigrants would no longer be immediately expelled and instead be allowed to fight their immigration cases from within the United States. In the Rio Grande Valley in South Texas, immigration advocates have reported seeing about 100 people a day released by Customs and Border Protection. In other parts of Texas, shelters have also seen increasing numbers of immigrant families, but it is not clear why.

Attorneys and advocates who work with immigrants along the border have been bombarded with phone calls and texts about whether they should try their luck at getting into the US. Erika Pinheiro, policy and litigation director with the immigrant advocacy group Al Otro Lado, said it was “incredibly disappointing” that the Biden administration has continued to expel immigrants under the CDC order.

“We know now that the CDC order prohibiting asylum processing at the border did not arise from public health concerns but rather was part of Stephen Miller’s efforts to dismantle the US asylum system and was implemented despite opposition from CDC leadership,” Pinheiro said, referring to one of Trump’s former senior advisers. “US expulsions of asylum-seekers, including infants, constitute plain violations of domestic and international laws meant to protect vulnerable refugees. CBP absolutely has the resources to process asylum-seekers in a safe and humane way.”

The turnbacks, known as expulsions, are legally different from deportations, which would mean an immigrant had actually undergone the immigration process and found to not be legally allowed to stay in the US. Critics say the government is using the public health orders as an excuse to turn back immigrants at the border.

. . . .

“While we recognize that the Biden administration has been saddled with a lot of bad policy and structural problems, it cannot continue the Trump administration practice of turning away people in danger based on illegal policies, such as the notorious and pretextual Title 42 policy,” said Lee Gelernt, an attorney with the ACLU.

. . . .


Read the full article at the link.

“Go suffer and die somewhere else, out of our sight,” might not be the best message for an Administration trying to re-establish its human rights and humanitarian leadership and credentials. Ever hear of the “St. Louis Incident?” It’s always easy to find a way to “just say no” to refugees — and the consequences are seldom pretty. 

Those who won’t learn from history are destined to repeat it. Refugee and forced migration situations happen in the “here and now;” they can’t be “back burnered” — no matter how much policy officials might wish otherwise. In a forced migration situation, “doing nothing” is an action that produces consequences for both the forced migrant and those who ignore their plight.

There are many daily potentially deadly and dehumanizing consequences of continuing to ignore asylum laws and Constitutional due process for asylum seekers at our Southern Border.

One predictable one: Instead of turning themselves in at the border or to the Border Patrol shortly after entry, as had been happening until Miller & co. intervened, those seeking refuge apparently have gotten the message that our legal system is and remains a sham for them. Consequently, increasingly they are simply evading the Border Patrol and disappearing into the interior with no screening whatsoever — health, legal, or background. Also, by intentionally driving people out of the legal system, the Administration is totally blowing a chance to harness and build upon one of the most powerful known facts — represented individuals with asylum hearings scheduled show up for their hearings!

⚖️🗽OUTING THE BIG NATIVIST LIE: EOIR/DHS CLAIM THAT MIGRANTS DON’T SHOW UP FOR HEARINGS REFUTED BY USG’S OWN DATA — Professor Ingrid Eagly & Steven Schafer Analyzed Millions Of Records To Show How False Narratives Drive Draconian Policies — Eagley, Shafer, Reichlin-Melnick, Schmidt Set Record Straight @ Press Conference!

According to an article in today’s Washington Post, the estimated number of so-called “get always” — actually human beings seeking refuge — hit 1,000 on Sunday. 


Sure, there are many aspects of this problem. But, it has been “out there” for nearly a year!

Sure seems to me that with the right experts in charge, including folks like Lee Gelernt and Erika Pinhero, this issue could and should have been addressed more constructively and with much more urgency by the Biden Administration by now. Why not harness the expertise and proven problem solving abilities of folks like Lee, Erika, and many other members of the New Due Process Army rather than fighting with and resisting them? 

Instead, it looks like time and resources will continue to be wasted on forcing policy changes through litigation. Meanwhile, vulnerable asylum seekers and their families will continue to suffer as illustrated by this recent article from HuffPost about the human consequences for those caught up in the Government’s scofflaw border policies.


NOTE TO PRESIDENTIAL PRESS SECRETARY JEN PSAKI: Sorry, Jen, but those fleeing for their lives don’t generally respond well to “don’t come right now, we don’t want you” messages, particularly from folks who have never been in that situation themselves. It’s actually pretty insulting to think that folks fleeing to the U.S. 1) aren’t smart enough to know the dangers involved; 2) don’t realize that the the U.S. Government doesn’t want them; and/or 3) have choices about their travel as Jen and her buddies might have when planning a summer vacation. 

As one of my esteemed colleagues once told me: “Desperate people do desperate things.” What about people who keep repeating the same policy mistakes over and over while expecting different results and failing to grasp either the absolute urgency or the human side of forced migration issues? It’s sort of like going to the emergency room with a burst appendix and being told, “Why don’t you just sit in the waiting room until we doctors figure out what to do? Get back to you later!”

Somewhere out there, Stephen Miller must be gloating about how he totally outsmarted and outflanked the Biden Team!

🇺🇸⚖️🗽Due Process Forever! Oh, when will they ever learn, when will they learn?




Emily Green writes in Vice, as reposted in ImmigrationProf Blog:



Emily Green
Emily Green
Latin America Reporter
Vice News

