Glenn Kirschner
Glenn Kirschner
American Lawyer
Host, “Justice Matters”
PHOTO: By Ejwii – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=73481331

Watch here:



A stark contrast with Trump toady Judge A. “Loose” Cannon.

Those of us in the “immigration/human rights world” are all too familiar with Garland’s failure to act quickly and decisively to defend due process!

🇺🇸 Due Process Forever!







Cannon rules Trump lawyers don’t have to clarify claims on Mar-a-Lago documents

Special master Raymond Dearie had told Donald Trump’s attorneys lawyers to address whether documents were planted or declassified

Judge Aileen M. Cannon told Donald Trump’s lawyers Thursday that they did not need to comply with an order from special master Raymond J. Dearie and state in a filing whether they believe FBI agents lied about documents seized from the former president’s Florida residence.

Thursday’s ruling was the first clash between Cannon, a Trump appointee who has generally shown the former president deference in litigation over the Mar-a-Lago investigation, and Dearie, a federal judge she appointed as an outside expert in the case, who appears to be far more skeptical of Trump. 

. . . .


Read the complete article at the link.

It’s actually a “clash” between a “Trump toady in robes” and a “real Federal Judge.” No wonder our legal system is falling into disrepute. I daresay no other potential criminal suspect in America has such power to control and improperly influence the investigation into his wrongdoing.

So much for “nobody is above the law.”

🇺🇸 Due Process Forever!




🗽⚖️ NDPA NEWS: CORNELL LAW MAKES STATEMENT BY ADDING FOUR EXCEPTIONAL PRACTICAL SCHOLARS! — “Cornell Law School already had a strong immigration scholar base. Adding these four new people will make us even more preeminent in this important area,” says Professor Stephen Yale-Loehr!

Professor Stephen Yale-Loehr
Professor Stephen Yale-Loehr
Cornell Law


Cornell Law School Welcomes New Immigration Postdocs and Scholars

By Law School staff

September 26, 2022

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In 2021, Cornell Law School received a grant of $1.6 million from the Charles Koch Foundation for a two-year project to study ways to improve immigration law and policy. Thanks to that generous funding, the Law School has hired two postdoctoral research associates and two distinguished visiting scholars to expand upon its research capabilities in this area.

According to Stephen Yale-Loehr, faculty director of the Immigration law and policy research program, “Cornell Law School already had a strong immigration scholar base. Adding these four new people will make us even more preeminent in this important area.”

Information about the new hires is below.


Janine Prantl

Janine Prantl recently received her Ph.D. from the University of Innsbruck in Austria. Her thesis focused on the legal framework for refugee resettlement in the European Union. Prantl was awarded a postgraduate fellowship from Columbia Law School, where she received an LL.M. in 2021. Under this fellowship, she helped establish a global strategic litigation council for refugee rights. Prantl is collaborating with Professor Yale-Loehr on a report on why and how the United States should allow individuals to sponsor refugees, just as other countries already allow. If adopted, such a policy would permit more refugees to come to the United States.


Jacob Hamburger

Jacob Hamburger has a J.D. from the University of Chicago Law School, where he focused on immigration law and policy issues. Before law school he was an independent journalist covering European and U.S. politics, including the politics of migration and activist movements led by immigrants. Hamburger is collaborating with Professor Yale-Loehr in researching ways local and state governments can help undocumented immigrants work legally.

Distinguished Immigration Scholars

Cornell Law School is bringing prominent immigration scholars, policymakers, and public figures to the law school based on their demonstrated ability to participate in public and policy discourse. Distinguished immigration scholars work for either a semester or a full academic year. Two distinguished scholars are starting now; two others will start in the spring:


Charles Kamasaki is former executive vice president at UnidosUS (formerly the National Council of La Raza), the nation’s largest Latino civil rights organization. He also is a fellow at the Migration Policy Institute and has written a book about immigration policy called Immigration Reform: The Corpse That Will Not Die.


Randel Johnson

Randel Johnson has worked on employment and immigration law and policy issues for over twenty-five years, bringing a broad perspective from working in the executive agencies, on Capitol Hill, and in the private sector. Deeply involved in past efforts on comprehensive immigration reform, including testifying in both the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate, his experience includes working as the senior vice president at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, labor counsel to the House Education and Labor Committee, and special assistant to the solicitor of labor at the U.S. Department of Labor. He was also a partner at the law firm of Seyfarth Shaw and most recently a judge on the Administrative Review Board at the Labor Department.


Many congrats to all involved! The power and prowess of the NDPA continues to grow even as the government sector continues to falter and fail!

🇺🇸 Due Process Forever!



🗽👍HUMANITY WINS:  FOOD, SHELTER, REPRESENTATION, TEAMWORK, OVERCOME DeSANTIS’S & ABBOTT’S CRUEL SHENANIGANS! — DeSantis created “a picture of a carefully orchestrated, taxpayer-funded operation with little apparent concern for the interests of the migrants caught in the middle.” 

Beth Reinhard
Beth Reinhard
Investigative Reporter
Washington Post
PHOTO: WashPost Website
Maria Sacchetti
Maria Sacchetti
Immigration Reporter, Washington Post
Molly Hennessy-Fiske
Molly Hennessy-Fiske
Immigration Reporter
Washington Post
PHOTO: WashPost Website


This WashPost article by and sets forth in detail how the courage and perserverance of asylum seekers, the humanity and initiative of the local community in Martha’s Vineyard, timely assistance by the Massachusetts Government, and heroic efforts by pro bono lawyers, came together  to  “redirect” the cruelty behind nativist GOP Govs’ idiotic political stunt. 

. . . .

Nearly two weeks later, though, Jose is one of dozens of migrants who now question Perla’s efforts to entice them onto a flight that unexpectedly ended on the wealthy island of Martha’s Vineyard — a political operation engineered by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) to gin up outrage over the United States’ border crisis.

Much remains unknown about the effort. While DeSantis has embraced his role in staging the flight, arguing that it protected Florida from “negative ramifications” of a border crossing surge, his office has been less clear about the purpose of nearly $1.6 million paid to a contractor, according to state records, and the role of state officials in developing the plan.

But Post interviews with several migrants directly recruited by Perla, as well as court documents and state records, paint a picture of a carefully orchestrated, taxpayer-funded operation with little apparent concern for the interests of the migrants caught in the middle. Florida officials began researching Texas’s migrant situation weeks before the flights, and a contractor with ties to the DeSantis administration later handled the efforts. Some migrants, meanwhile, say they were misled into signing documents after being lured into the trip with food and hotel stays.

. . . .


Read the complete article at the link.

Imagine what could be accomplished if Texas and Florida officials actually worked to HELP resettle individuals in an orderly and reasonable manner that recognized their humanity and respected and facilitated their legal rights to apply for asylum and other protections in the US? What if the Biden Administration actually brought in a team of qualified experts to lead and operate our existing refugee and asylum systems fairly and effectively instead of using stale approaches and personnel who simply lack the skills, vision, and courage to get the job done?

Fortunately, the asylum seekers, NGOs, and state and local officials, and ordinary citizens in welcoming American communities have stepped up to get the job done notwithstanding the glaring failures and counterproductive efforts of the previously-mentioned groups!

The preposterous attempt by DeSantis to link “sanctuary” with asylum seekers! Loosely speaking, “sanctuary jurisdictions” are those that have declined to voluntarily cooperate with certain ICE enforcement activities, primarily directed at so-called “civil” immigration enforcement. 

But, the Venezuelan asylum seekers “orbited” to Martha’s Vineyard had all been examined by DHS and released to pursue their legal requests for asylum in the US! Indeed, most probably turned themselves in to DHS Enforcement after being forced to cross illegally to present claims that the U.S. Government (with the connivence of GOP state Attorneys General and biased right wing Federal Judges) has refused to accept at legal ports of entry as they are supposed to do under our laws. 

These individuals are NOT “wanted” by ICE enforcement. There is no connection whatsoever between any “sanctuary jurisdiction’s” decision not to cooperate with ICE enforcement in rounding up certain individuals for possible deportation and legal asylum seekers from Venezuela (or any other country) pursuing their claims, beyond the fact that sanctuary jurisdictions value human dignity and are more welcoming to migrants of all types and statuses when called upon to provide assistance to them.

Venezuelan asylum seekers are part of the larger forced exodus of 6-7 million Venezuelans escaping the repression of the Maduro regime. 95% of these forced migrants have found refuge in countries OTHER than the U.S. Colombia is the largest destination country with at least 1.7 million Venezuelans, many times more than the U.S.

The vast majority of Venezuelans have found refugee in countries far poorer and less able to resettle them than the U.S. The idea that “sanctuary policies” of Martha’s Vineyard or any other U.S. jurisdiction is driving Venezuelan asylum seekers is beyond absurd. Indeed, it now appears that the Venezuelan asylum seekers “orbited” to Martha’s vineyard as part of the DeSantis scheme neither knew where it was nor had any idea they were being sent there until they were well on their way! 

Indeed, the decision to  send these individuals to an island with neither a DHS Office nor an Immigration Court (as opposed to, say, resettling them in Boston with advance notice), and with few “own site” pro bono lawyers, actually undermined their ability to comply with legal requirements and squandered resources that could and should have been put into getting timely and fair adjudications of their legal asylum applications. But, even in the face of GOP-led efforts to create maximum chaos, these legal asylum seekers and their supporters are committed to making our legal system work — against all odds! 

Finally, congrats to Molly Hennessy-Fiske, long time LA Times immigration reporter who has now joined the team at WashPost!

🇺🇸 Due Process Forever!




Professor Erin Barbato
Professor Erin Barbato
Director, Immigrant Justice Clinic
UW Law
Photo source: UW Law

Good morning Judge Schmidt,

I hope this email finds you well. It is already getting chilly in Wisconsin but fall is one of my favorite seasons here. In case you are interested, this is a little piece that Newsy put together about a lovely family and Ngwa, an asylum seeker from Cameroon, who became part of their family. How a Cameroonian Immigrant Was Granted Asylum in the U.S. (VIDEO) (newsy.com) I do believe there are other families like this across the country willing to welcome people. The political use of humans seeking refuge is horrifying these days.

Thank you for all you do! I appreciate you.

Erin M. Barbato
Director Immigrant Justice Clinic
University of Wisconsin Law School
975 Bascom Mall
Madison, WI 53706

The University of Wisconsin-Madison is built on the ancestral land of the Ho-Chunk Nation. In an 1832 treaty, the Ho-Chunk were forced to cede this territory. We respect the inherent sovereignty of the Ho-Chunk Nation, along with the eleven other First Nations of Wisconsin.


View the video at the above link! Thanks, Erin, my friend for sending this in and for all that your and your wonderful students do for humanity and for Due Process in America! Many thanks to the Swandbys and other great American families for standing by refugees in need and being role models for the best in America at a time when so many of our politicians and their followers are “modeling bad behavior and lack of fundamental values!”

It’s always good to keep in mind that many Americans do have sound values and welcome asylum seekers and other immigrants, rather than using their situation to engineer political farces at the expense of vulnerable humans who have come here seeing legal refuge and are allowed to be in the US while pursuing their claims. As I have pointed out many times, any government official truly interested in addressing migration issues would prioritize spending money for 1) representation of asylum seekers, 2) orderly relocation to places where support systems are available and asylum claims are more likely to be fairly an timely adjudicated. But, that would take a thoughtful, cooperative, governing for the common good approach rather than wasteful political stunts.

Voters in both Florida and Texas will have a chance to remove their “stuntmen” in November. Unfortunately, however, it’s not clear that will happen.

We also shouldn’t let the Biden administration “off the hook” for: 1) failing to put in place a reasonable program for resettling asylum seekers away from stressed border communities; 2) the abject failure of the Immigration Court’s asylum adjudication process which is driving much of the haphazard response to legal asylum seekers; 3) the failure to achieve meaningful reforms, training, and appropriate staffing of the USCIS Asylum Offices (even assuming that the “new asylum regulations” were the answer, the implementation has been inexcusable, inept, and ineffective, just as many experts predicted); 4) the gross failure to establish a robust, generous, realistic refugee admission system for the Western Hemisphere to process refugees for admission before they are forced to come to our borders; and 5) their overall failure of leadership on refugee and asylum issues in both the national and international arenas.

🇺🇸 Due Process Forever!



⚖️👍🏼👨🏻‍⚖️ FINALLY! — U.S. JUDGE RAYMOND DEARIE TO TRUMP’S SLEAZY LEGAL TEAM: “PUT UP OR SHUT UP!” — Real Judges Matter, A Sharp Contrast With Trump-Owned Judge A. “Loose” Cannon!

Mary Papenfuss
Mary Papenfuss
Reporter, HuffPost


Mary Papenfuss reports for HuffPost:

U.S. District Judge Raymond Dearie, who is acting as a special master in the Mar-a-Lago documents case, on Thursday demanded that Donald Trump’s lawyers substantiate another one of the former president’s claims: that the FBI “planted” records.

Dearie ordered Trump’s legal team to submit by Sept. 30 a list of of specific items in the Justice Department’s 11-page inventory of documents taken from the Mar-a-Lago resort — including top secret files — that “plaintiff asserts were not seized from the premises.” They must also submit a list of any items seized that were not on the inventory, the order states.

“This submission shall be Plaintiff’s final opportunity to raise any factual dispute as to the completeness and accuracy of the Detailed Property Inventory,” Dearie said.

. . . .


Read the complete report at the above link.

Yes, “real Federal Judges” are one of the keys to ending the MAGA Clown Show 🤡 and saving democracy! Finally, an Article III willing to stand up to the un-American, totally dishonest ex-Prez and his sleazy and ethically challenged legal team.

A.G. Garland take note: Real judges matter! Right now the decks of EOIR are awash in Trump-era “Loose Cannons!”

🇺🇸 Due Process Forever!



CATHERINE RAMPELL @ WASHPOST — The GOP’s “Performative Cruelty” Is Bad Policy!

Catherine Rampell
Catherine Rampell
Opinion Columnist
Washington Post


. . . .

Not to mention that even the Trump administration (the Trump administration!) found that refugees and asylees are a net positive for public budgets over the long run. That is, despite typically arriving penniless, these immigrants ultimately pay more in taxes than they receive in government benefits.

Michele L. Norris: What Greg Abbott and Ron DeSantis don’t understand about America

Contra DeSantis’s insinuations about immigrant moochers, these are people who want to work and become economically self-sufficient. That’s presumably why DeSantis’s own henchmen promised fictitious jobs to lure the asylum seekers onto flights.

. . . .

If Republican officials actually wanted to reduce the number of people coming to the border without advance permission, there are plenty of things these politicians could do. They could push for expansion of guest-worker visas, for instance. Or more funding for the refugee admissions program. Or really any other legal, orderly pathway to come to the United States.

After all, the main reason there is such a crush at the border — and why the asylum system in general is so overwhelmed — is that right now this is one of the very few legal ways to get to America.

Yes, I said legal: The families being hoodwinked and shipped around the country like chattel on chartered buses and flights are here lawfully, based on what’s been publicly reported. They turned themselves in upon crossing the border precisely so that they can apply for asylum, as is their legal right. The federal government has screened them, and granted them humanitarian parole while they pursue their asylum cases in court.

It’s not an ideal system. Or an especially fast one. It would be much better to fix the rest of our broken legal immigration system so that those other, more orderly pathways are available. Especially the pathways that offer quicker access to work permits, given America’s current massive labor shortages.

It’s true that Democrats have also put forth relatively little effort to fix these problems. In some cases Democrats seem fearful of appearing too pro-immigrant, having apparently bought into the GOP lore that deep down Americans are xenophobes. But even what little Democrats have tried to do they generally can’t do without 60 Senate votes. Which Democrats don’t have.

Democrats need Republicans to cooperate on immigration reform, and Republicans won’t. Even when those reforms are coupled with investments in border security that Republicans claim to want. The GOP would rather keep around a dragon they can perpetually promise to slay one day — and better yet, to taunt and torture for a while, in public, first.


Read Catherine’s complete article at the link. Interesting that Catherine understands so much so well, while those in the Biden Administration charged with immigration and human rights policy are so clueless, timid, and inept!

In the meantime, the Dems have done little to make the current laws relating to refugees and asylum work. The much-hyped “asylum rule changes” at DHS have had little, if any, discernible positive impact. EOIR is a national disgrace — continuing the “death spiral” that accelerated during the Trump kakistocracy. The refugee system remains in shambles. The proposed 15,000 allocation of refugee admissions for FY 2023 to Latin American and the Caribbean is an insult and a “signal” to other receiving nations in the area that we are not serious about addressing the problem. There is no rational resettlement program for asylum seekers crossing the border, thus providing an unnecessary opening for the “performative cruelty” of  clowns like DeSantis and Abbott.

None of these things are “rocket science” or “budget busters.” They just require knowledgeable leadership, values, and the courage to act on them. Apparently, faced with the cruelty and desecration of values by the “MAGA GOP,” the Dems think that “all they have to do is show up, smile, and mumble platitudes” to seem like the only choice for Americans who believe in democracy. Maybe — but I wouldn’t count on it!

I think that Catherine “hit the nail on the head” with this assessment of the spineless policy officials driving refugee and asylum policies in the Biden Administration: “In some cases Democrats seem fearful of appearing too pro-immigrant, having apparently bought into the GOP lore that deep down Americans are xenophobes.” Cowardice on immigrants, immigrants’ rights, and racial justice has become an endemic problem in the Democratic Party.

🇺🇸 Due Process Forever!



🏴‍☠️☠️🤮HUMAN RIGHTS FIRST: EOIR PARTICIPATED IN MASSIVE “DUE PROCESS FARCE” DURING “REMAIN IN MEXICO” (A/K/A “LET ‘EM DIE IN MEXICO”) — Garland Fails To Replace Ethically Compromised Jurists & Administrators Who Helped Carry Out This “Assault On The Rule Of Law” Nor Has He Brought Needed Reforms To DOJ & EOIR!

Four Horsemen
EOIR’s approach to asylum seekers at the Southern Border hasn’t changed much under Garland!
Albrecht Dürer, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Just as during the Trump administration, RMX immigration court hearings remain a due process farce, with asylum seekers overwhelmingly unable to obtain legal counsel and denied refugee protections. Only five percent of people sent to Mexico under RMX 2.0 have a lawyer. According to analysis by the Syracuse University Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse, this is an even lower representation rate than the eight percent representation rate during the Trump administration’s implementation of RMX. Unsurprisingly, very few people in RMX 2.0 have been granted asylum protection. As of June 30, 2022, only 63 asylum seekers in RMX 2.0 had been granted relief—less than four percent of completed cases. This abysmal asylum grant rate is nearly identical to the 4.1 percent grant rate for completed RMX 1.0 cases. Seventy-five percent of completed RMX 2.0 cases ended with in absentia removal orders, virtually unchanged from the 72 percent in absentia removal order rate for completed RMX cases during the Trump administration. The gauntlet of grave dangers and terrible conditions inherent to RMX, rather than the merits of asylum seekers’ requests for protection, continued to determine the outcome of these cases.

Get the full report here:



EOIR is where much of the racially motivated Trump/Miller plan to dehumanize migrants, strip them of legal rights, harass their attorneys, and create a “false narrative” of  “manufactured” “failures to appear” and “bogus asylum denials” played out. Many at EOIR either actively supported these outrageous violations of human rights or “went along to get along” with massive abuses and the creation of a hostile environment for due process and legally correct asylum adjudications.

Yet, Garland and his lieutenants have failed to do the necessary “housecleaning” at EOIR and to bring in legitimate expert judges and professional administrators to restore due process and fairly and correctly interpret and apply asylum law! Indeed, many of the same judges and bureaucrats who presided over this farce continue to inflict injustice on migrants and their attorneys at Garland’s EOIR! How and why do Garland and his complicit lieutenants get away with it?

It’s also why, notwithstanding the evil motives behind the “orbiting” of asylum applicants, they are better off almost anywhere than Texas, which continues to operate largely as an “asylum-free and due-process-free zone” under Garland!

🇺🇸Due Process Forever!




Jason Dzubow
Jason Dzubow
The Asylumist

The latest report on Garland’s accelerating disaster @ EOIR from Jason Dzubow, “The Asylumist:”


Due Process Disaster in Immigration Court

It is not easy to convey the magnitude of the ongoing disaster at EOIR, the Executive Office for Immigration Review, the office that oversees our nation’s Immigration Courts. Simply stated, the agency is rescheduling and advancing hundreds–maybe thousands–of cases without notifying attorneys, checking whether we are available to attend the hearings or checking whether we have the capacity to complete the cases.

On its face, this appears to be a mere scheduling problem. But in effect, it is a vicious and unprecedented assault on immigrants, their attorneys, and due process of law.


“Advancing hearings with no notice and no time to prepare? Why didn’t I think of that?!”

For me at least, the problem started small. A few cases were rescheduled and advanced without anyone at the Immigration Court bothering to inquire about my availability: Your case that was scheduled for two years in the future has been advanced and is now set for two months in the future. I was angry and upset, but I did not want to let my clients down. So I set other work obligations aside. I set family time aside. I put off doctors appointments. And I completed the cases, which were approved. I hoped that these cases were anomalies and that EOIR would stop this unfair and abusive practice. But that was not to be.

Instead, EOIR has dramatically expanded its effort to reschedule cases, often without providing sufficient notice–or any notice–to get the work done for our clients. As best as we can tell, the problem is occurring in California, Colorado, Maryland, and Virginia. I myself have had about a dozen cases rescheduled and advanced (so far). These cases had been scheduled for 2023 or 2024, and suddenly, they are now set for the fall of 2022. Other attorneys have had 20, 30 or more cases advanced, including some that were double booked. One lawyer reported having seven cases scheduled for the same week and 47 cases set for one month. Another lawyer purportedly told a judge that if she had one more case scheduled within the next six months, she would commit suicide.

Here, I want to break down what is happening, so noncitizens in Immigration Court can at least have some idea about EOIR’s disruptive practices.

First, when I say that EOIR is not providing notice of the hearings, that is not entirely accurate. They are not sending us a notice or contacting us in advance. Instead, they are posting the new hearing dates on our portal. What does this mean? Each attorney has access to a portal page with a calendar. We can scroll through the calendar one month at a time. Days with hearings are highlighted, and we can click on those days to see what is scheduled. When I review my calendar, I often find new hearings that were not previously on the schedule. The only way to know whether a new hearing has been scheduled is to scroll through our portals month-by-month and compare what’s there with our existing calendar–a burdensome process that leaves plenty of room to overlook a date. Needless to say, every time I sign on to the portal, I feel a nauseous sense of dread about what I might find.

Once we discover the new date, we need to review the file, contact the client, and determine whether we can complete the case. This all takes time. If we cannot complete the case, or we do not have an attorney available on the scheduled date, we need to ask for a continuance. Of course, clients who have been waiting years for a decision usually want to keep the earlier hearing date. They do not understand why we cannot complete the work or why we are not available that day. Their perspective is perfectly reasonable, but they only have one case, where lawyers have many and we are daily being ambushed by EOIR with additional work. All this can result in conflicts between clients (who want their cases heard) and lawyers (who need time to get the work done). It also makes it difficult to serve our other clients, who must be pushed aside to accommodate the new work randomly being dumped on us.

Even if the client agrees to request a continuance, that does not solve the problem. Motions to continue can be denied. Even when they are granted, the judges tend to reset the date for only a few weeks in the future, which is often not enough time to properly complete the work. Other times, judges simply do not rule on the motion, so we are left to prepare the case, not knowing whether it will go forward or not.

Also, while we sometimes discover a new date that is a few months in the future (and so in theory, we might have time to do the work), other times, the new date is only a few weeks in the future. Since the evidence, witness list, and legal brief are due at least 15 days before the hearing, and since even a “simple” asylum case takes 20 or 30 hours to prepare, this is not nearly enough time. Worse, some cases are randomly advanced and placed on the docket after the evidence is due, and so by the time we have “notice” of the case, our evidence is already late.

Adding insult to injury, another common problem is that cases are still being cancelled at the last minute. And so we drop everything to prepare a case, only to have it postponed once all the work is done. Since this is all utterly unpredictable, it is impossible to prioritize our work or advise our clients.

Again, if this were only a few cases, attorneys could set aside other work and get the job done. But lawyers who do immigration law tend to have many cases, and we are seeing dozens and dozens of cases advanced with no notice. This is such a blatant and obvious abuse of due process that it is impossible to believe it is accidental. I might have expected this policy from the Trump Administration, which was hell-bent on restricting immigration by any means necessary. But as it turns out, President Biden’s EOIR is far worse than President Trump’s. Indeed, the current level of callousness would make even Stephen Miller blush.

The solution to these problems is so basic that it should not need to be said, but here it is anyway: EOIR should stop advancing and rescheduling cases without notice and without consideration for whether we have time to complete the work. Unless something changes, we can expect many noncitizens to be unfairly denied protection, immigration attorneys will leave the profession (or worse), and EOIR will become illegitimate. Let us hope that sanity and decency will soon return to the Immigration Courts.


Ever wonder why Dems struggle to govern and often lose elections they should win?  This is a pretty good example of how the Biden Administration, through cowardice, ignorance, arrogance, and failure to prioritize racial justice and immigrant justice are “shooting themselves in the foot, over and over!”

They are going into midterms where every vote counts. They need “all hands on board” in the human rights community to help bail them out of the gross failures of the White House, Garland, and Mayorkas to reestablish a fair, efficient, and properly robust system for legally admitting refugees and processing asylum claims at the borders and the interior. This, in turn, has empowered disingenuous nativists like DeSantis and Abbott to “play games with human lives.” 

But, the Biden Administration “strategy” is to do everything possible to offend and drive a wedge between them and some of their most loyal and important groups of supporters — the immigration, human rights, and racial justice communities. (Make no mistake: The ongoing disaster at Garland’s EOIR disproportionally targets individuals of color.)

Garland seems to be impervious to his self-inflicted disaster at EOIR.  I think that advocates are going to have to sue to bring his “Stephen Miller Lite” travesty of justice at EOIR to a grinding halt. Those are resources that could and should be used to help asylum seekers “orbited” around the country by DeSantis and Abbott. 

I, for one, have been saying for a long time that Garland’s unfathomably horrible performance at EOIR is a threat to our entire justice system and to the future of our nation. Sadly, every day, Garland proves me right!

The real shame: It was all so preventable with just a modicum of competence and backbone from our failing AG!

🇺🇸 Due Process Forever! Merrick Garland’s deadly Clown Courts 🤡, Never!



THE GIBSON REPORT — 09-19-22 — Compiled By Elizabeth Gibson, Managing Attorney, NIJC — LITIGATION: Avalanche Of Circuit Reversals Hits Garland’s “Star Chambers!”

Elizabeth Gibson
Elizabeth Gibson
Managing Attorney
National Immigrant Justice Center
Publisher of “The Gibson Report”



Weekly Briefing


This briefing is designed as a quick-reference aggregation of developments in immigration law, practice, and policy that you can scan for anything you missed over the last week. The contents of the news, links, and events do not necessarily reflect the position of the National Immigrant Justice Center. If you have items that you would like considered for inclusion, please email them to egibson@heartlandalliance.org.


CONTENTS (jump to section)

  • ◦NEWS




Mexico Officials Abused 47% of Migrants Awaiting US Asylum

Bloomberg: Nearly half of US-asylum seekers returned to Mexico under the “remain-in-Mexico” program to await a US immigration court hearing said they’d been abused by local officials, according to a Human Rights First report released Thursday. See also Biden urges Mexico to take migrants under COVID expulsion order he promised to end.


FY 2022 Seeing Rapid Increase in Immigration Court Completions

TRAC: Immigration Court case completions have been rapidly increasing. During the first eleven months of FY 2022. Immigration Judges have closed over 375,000 cases — a historical record. If the pace continues, closures should top more than 400,000 by the end of the fiscal year. This is nearly three times as many case closures as last year. It is also roughly 50 percent higher than the previous high in FY 2019 during the Trump administration.


Migrant Crisis Puts N.Y. ‘Right to Shelter’ Law to the Test

NYT: Mr. McGuire cited the city’s failure on Monday to offer beds to 60 migrants who arrived at the men’s intake facility on East 30th Street in Manhattan, where homeless men are assessed when they first enter the shelter system — the first major such lapse in over a decade.


Thousands of Migrants Are Arriving in El Paso. They Have Nowhere to Sleep.

Vice: Since the beginning of September, over 1,100 migrants have been arriving every day in El Paso, more than 90 percent of them from Venezuela, according to the city’s CBP authorities. The influx has completely overwhelmed the city’s immigration shelters, and since most have no U.S. sponsor—support to get a visa to stay lawfully in the U.S.—immigration authorities have to release nearly 500 migrants a day into the streets of El Paso. And about 1,000 stay there to sleep every night.


Migrants Flown to Martha’s Vineyard Say They Were Misled

NYT: A fleet of buses arrived at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church in Edgartown on Friday morning to ferry about 50 migrants — many of them dazed and a bit confused, but happy to be in the United States at last — to Joint Base Cape Cod, a temporary shelter. See also Texas sends another busload of migrants to Kamala Harris’s home; POLITICO Playbook: Breaking down DeSantis’ migrant stunt; DeSantis Flying Migrants to Martha’s Vineyard Is Part of a 60-Year-Old Segregationist Playbook.


The majority of Americans think migrants are ‘invading’ the U.S. Meanwhile, suffering at the border continues.

America: A majority of Americans—52 percent—now believe the nation is experiencing an “invasion” on the southern border, and 49 percent say that migrants are responsible for an uptick in U.S. drug overdoses because they are transporting fentanyl and other drugs.


Immigrants Keep Getting Lied To By Human Smugglers On Platforms Like Facebook, WhatsApp, and TikTok

BuzzFeed: The Tech Transparency Project found that human smugglers advertise their services on Facebook Marketplace and in local buy-sell groups, with third-party ads for bona fide businesses embedded within the posts that allow Facebook to make money every time a potential immigrant looks for smuggling services on the platform. Some of the listings even featured an ad for a scholarship run by Meta.


‘Never sleeps, never even blinks’: the hi-tech Anduril towers spreading along the US border

Guardian: Funded by Trump supporter Peter Thiel, the autonomous surveillance towers can detect a human from 2.8km away.




EOIR Final Rule on Limited Representation of Pro Se Individuals

AILA: EOIR final rule on limited representation of pro se individuals, which permits practitioners to provide document assistance to pro se individuals by entering a limited appearance through new Forms EOIR-60 or EOIR-61. The rule is effective 11/14/22.


CA2 on Evidence: Santiaguez v. Garland

LexisNexis: In denying his petition for CAT relief, the agency acknowledged that Santiaguez is an indigenous gay man and LGBT activist and that there is widespread violence against members of the LGBT community throughout Mexico. Nonetheless, the agency concluded that Santiaguez failed to satisfy his burden for CAT relief because he did not establish a likelihood that Mexican authorities would either torture him directly or acquiesce to his torture by private actors. In reaching this conclusion, the agency erred in several respects.


2nd Circ. Says Mexican Father Was Wrongly Denied Witnesses

Law360: The Second Circuit on Thursday revived a Mexico native’s bid to cancel his deportation on grounds that his children would experience extreme hardship without him, saying he should have been allowed live witness testimony to support his case.


3rd Circ. Finds Judge Stymied Asylum Seeker’s Right To Atty

Law360: The Third Circuit on Thursday in a precedential opinion resurrected a Dominican man’s request for asylum, finding that the lower courts interfered with his right to an attorney by denying a request to reschedule a hearing so that the lawyer he retained just 24 hours before would be better prepared.


CA4 On Corroboration: Garcia Rogel V. Garland

LexisNexis: One of those circumstances requiring review by a three member panel is when the IJ’s decision “is not in conformity with the law or with applicable precedents.” 8 C.F.R. § 1003.1(e)(6)(iii). Petitioner’s appeal of the IJ’s decision therefore should have been adjudicated by a three member panel of the BIA. … In conclusion, we grant the petition for review so that the IJ may reconsider the police report in light of In re Arreguin de Rodriguez, 21 I. & N. Dec. 38 (B.I.A. 1995).


6th Circ. Says BIA Ruling Has Its Hands Tied In Asylum Case

Law360: A split Sixth Circuit appellate panel has denied the asylum bid of a Salvadoran couple fleeing the gang MS-13, saying the U.S. Board of Immigration Appeals did not err when it found the couple had not shown the Salvadoran authorities were incapable of protecting them from the gang.


Split 9th Circ. Revives Indian Man’s Asylum Bid

Law360: The Board of Immigration Appeals did not go through with an analysis that would have shown an Indian man was persecuted for his political affiliation, a split Ninth Circuit panel ruled Wednesday in reviving the man’s asylum bid.


9th Circuit Revives Mexican Man’s Bid To Avoid Deportation

Law360: The Ninth Circuit on Friday held that a Mexican man who was tortured and harassed in his home country should get another shot at avoiding deportation, ruling that the Board of Immigration Appeals erred in how it went about overturning an immigration judge’s decision in the man’s favor.


CA9 on Standard of Review: Chavez-Escamilla v. Garland

LexisNexis: The BIA failed to correctly apply the clearly erroneous standard. While the BIA indicated disagreement with the IJ’s findings, it did not explain why the IJ’s decision was illogical, implausible, or without support. … Clear error review requires the BIA to “explain how these alleged errors showed lack of logic, plausibility, or support in the record on the part of the IJ.”


11th Circ. Says Private Dispute Doesn’t Support Asylum Bid

Law360: The Eleventh Circuit on Tuesday denied a petition from a Honduran man seeking asylum over claims that narcotics traffickers targeted his family, saying the dispute with the traffickers stemmed from a private “vendetta,” making him ineligible for asylum to avoid persecution.


Notice of Potential Class Membership, Al Otro Lado v. Mayorkas (PDF, 212.97 KB)

USCIS: This notice is intended to provide information for individuals who (1) may be an AOL PI Class Member; (2) had the “third-country transit rule” applied to their immigration case; (3) were ordered removed from the U.S. under an “expedited removal order”; and (4) currently reside in the United States.


Notice Of Appeal From A Decision Of An Immigration Judge – Comments Requested

EOIR: As part of EOIR’s “Access EOIR” initiative, the agency is seeking to revise its Form EOIR-26, Notice of Appeal from a Decision of an Immigration Judge, to include a section for unrepresented respondents to consent to have their case be considered for inclusion in the BIA Pro Bono Project.


USCIS 30-Day Notice and Request for Comments on New Version of e-Request Tool

AILA: USCIS 30-day notice and request for comments on a new version of USCIS’s e-Request Tool. Comments are due 10/17/22. (87 FR 56968, 9/16/22)








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Elizabeth Gibson (Pronouns: she/her/ella)

Managing Attorney for Capacity Building and Mentorship

National Immigrant Justice Center


224 S. Michigan Ave., Suite 600, Chicago, IL 60604
T: (312) 660-1688| F: (312) 660-1688| E: egibson@heartlandalliance.org

www.immigrantjustice.org | Facebook | Twitter


Merrick Garland ignores the existential threat from the avalanche of dangerous and defective decisions by his Trump holdover BIA. But, the rest of us see exactly what’s happening.
PHOTO: Creative Commons

I count no fewer than seven Circuit rejections of wrong-headed BIA decisions in Elizabeth’s report this week. The legal incompetence of EOIR under Garland is astounding! 

Disturbingly, several reversals involve outrageous denials of routine continuances. Garland runs a system where cases languish for years, sometimes decades, because of poor judicial decisions and inept docket management by EOIR. Yet, some IJ’s and the BIA are “programmed” to deny well-justified continuances in clear violation of Due Process. What a disgrace!

Garland has failed miserably to bring enough well-qualified judges and competent administrators into his dysfunctional Immigration Courts. Yet, he wanders around America giving clueless speeches about the wonders of the American justice system and the greatness of immigrants!

Meanwhile, a nationwide rebellion among practitioners is brewing against Garland’s latest round of mindless, due-process-denying “Aimless Docket Reshuffling.” It’s going to take more than a few cosmetic “regional stakeholder meetings” to get things back on track at EOIR. Everyone except Garland and his lieutenants knows that!

And, the continuing meltdown at EOIR helps “fuel” disgraceful stunts by nativist racists like DeSantis and Abbott.




⚖️🗽LITSA PAPPAS @ BOSTON NEWS 25 INTERVIEWS ME ON WELCOMING RELOCATED ASYLUM SEEKERS! — They Are Entitled To Pursue Asylum In The US –  Helping Them Achieve Fair Outcomes (Which Should Be Asylum Grants In Most Cases) Should Be Highest Priority For  Americans & Biden Administration!

Litsa Pappas
Litsa Pappas
Boston 25 News


Immigration expert outlines next steps for Martha’s Vineyard migrants

By Litsa Pappas, Boston 25 News

September 18, 2022 at 10:23 pm EDT





Immigrations expert outlines next steps for Martha’s Vineyard migrants

Governor Baker has activated 125 members of the Massachusetts National Guard to assist in relief efforts for the nearly 50 migrants who came here last week.

Those migrants are now staying at Joint Base Cape Cod after they were flown into Martha’s Vineyard on Wednesday.

“There’s no doubt about the fact that it was a political move, not a move calculated to make the system work or to help people,” said Paul Wickham Schmidt, a retired U.S. Immigration judge and adjunct professor at Georgetown University.


Schmidt says it was surprising to see dozens of migrants dropped off on Martha’s Vineyard last week without any notice.

“With advanced notice, I think they could have done an even better job and probably with more focus on helping the individuals and less focus on what’s happening here,” said Schmidt.

People living on Martha’s Vineyard jumped into action to provide food and shelter for the immigrants from Venezuela, and now this weekend, they’ve been moved to dorms set up at Joint Base Cape Cod, where MEMA is trying to keep families together while providing not only beds and food, but also services from health care to legal support.

“Getting somebody who can take a personal interest and can make sure people can check in where they’re supposed to,” said Schmidt.

Schmidt says now, the migrants will need lawyers to help them check into an ICE office, Immigration court and an asylum office – all of which didn’t exist on Martha’s Vineyard.

Even though the last few days have been confusing, Schmidt believes the migrants will get the help they need as they get closer to Boston.

“This could have some silver linings because I think the people aren’t in Texas, which is sort of an asylum-free zone, where the judges deny almost every asylum case and there’s obviously a hostile local attitude,” said Schmidt.

Schmidt says immigration courts in Massachusetts are more likely to grant asylum cases than in Texas or Florida.

State leaders say they appreciate all the donations and support coming in for the migrants, but at this point they can’t accept any donations at Joint Base Cape Cod.

If you’d like to donate to the relief efforts, you should send an email to the Massachusetts Voluntary Organizations Active in Disasters at MAVOAD@gmail.com.

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Click on the link at the top to get the video of Litsa’s complete report including her interview with me.

Here are several other recent articles supporting my observation that, despite the cruel intent of nativist grandstanders like DeSantis and Abbott, this should and must be an opportunity for our nation to put its best foot forward. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjXi6qHvKP6AhWzGFkFHSJBDksQFnoECBEQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.theatlantic.com%2Fideas%2Farchive%2F2022%2F09%2Fdesantis-marthas-vineyard-busing-stunt-blue-cities%2F671476%2F&usg=AOvVaw3XTXVr6SfOSalmoJycAEVK; https://t.co/E5wHdRAzLW

As the latter article from Paul Waldman @ WashPost points out, the GOP has no answers whatsoever about how to reform the U.S. immigration system. Dems have some proposals, but lack qualified, expert dynamic leadership on the issue. 

Even without legislation, there are lots of things the Biden Administration could have done by now to fix the broken asylum and refugee systems and make them functional, using current law! The biggest missed opportunity is painfully obvious to all expert observers: Fix the broken Immigration Courts starting with the Trump holdover BIA which is still a serious and unconscionable drag on our entire legal system! 

For example, given the size and importance of the Venezuelan refugee flow, and the mass of available documentation about the truly horrible human rights conditions under the Maduro regime in Venezuela, there should be many BIA precedents guiding practitioners and judges on how to prepare and grant asylum to Venezuelan asylum seekers. This would encourage and facilitate DHS, the private/NGO bar, and Immigration Judges in rapidly moving Venezuelan asylum grants through the system in a timely fashion.

Instead, there are no favorable Venezuelan asylum precedents that I know of. Moreover, almost all the recently BIA precedents on asylum are crabbed, legally deficient, often factually misleading, sometimes anti-historical, “prompts” on how to manipulate the law to improperly deny needed protection. They send grossly improper signals to already under-trained Immigration Judges that “any reason to deny  asylum” is the BIA’s “comfort zone.” 

There is an old saying that “elections have consequences.” But, apparently, when Dems win and Merrick Garland is the Attorney General, not so much.

Immigrants are good for America. Those granted asylum are a critical, often overlooked and and seriously underappreciated, group of legal immigrants. And, there are plenty of places that would welcome more hard-working individuals to their communities. https://www.pressherald.com/2022/09/18/immigrants-may-hold-a-key-to-solving-maines-labor-shortage/; https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/18/us/texas-migrants-bus-rides.html.

Yes, the asylum system is screwed up. But, with or without the help of the Biden Administration, people of good will, NGOs, and advocacy groups can band together to insure that those many who deserve asylum get it in a timely fashion. https://default.salsalabs.org/T1a970eba-b28b-4499-860c-84201811af84/e9c83407-de3b-4bcf-a318-704cbcd599a2

Unfortunately, given the disorder and dysfunction promoted by Garland’s Immigration Courts’ biased and defective handling of asylum cases — essentially “working overtime” to manufacture bogus reasons to deny “slam dunk” asylum grants and providing defective guidance — and the disturbing lack of competent leadership on immigration and human rights by the Biden Administration, that’s going to take litigation in the Article IIIs. Getting individuals out of “Asylum Free Zones” operating in violation of sound legal standards for adjudicating asylum cases, primarily in the 5th and 11th Circuits, will be a huge “plus.”

Keep the focus on the “good guys” who need our help! That’s the best way of taking it to the cowardly grandstanders using humans as pawn and “photo ops.” It’s also the best way of dealing with clueless Dems, like Garland, who empower the “DeSantis’s of the world” by failing to fix our failing legal refugee and asylum systems and to vigorously stand up for the legal and human rights of those needing and deserving  protection!

There is a “great story” to tell about the contributions of those granted asylum and other immigrants to America. If Garland and “tone deaf” Dems are afraid to tell it, it’s up to the rest of us to do the work for them!

🇺🇸Due Process Forever!



🤯 ASTOUNDING HEIGHTS OF HYPOCRISY! — Garland Praises Rule Of Law, Equal Justice, & Immigrants While Running Biased, Unconstitutional, Dysfunctional, Backlogged Immigration “Courts” That Trample All Three! — There’s Not Much That’s “Fair” Or “Equal” In Garland’s “Star Chambers!”

Star Chamber Justice
A.G. Merrick Garlands gratitude to America for accepting his family doesn’t extend to those suffering injustice in his wholly owned “Immigration Courts” — still churning our “Trump-era” restrictionist nonsense and “managed” in a way that promotes maximum dysfunction and inefficiency!


Attorney General Merrick B. Garland Administers the Oath of Allegiance and Delivers Congratulatory Remarks at Ellis Island Ceremony in Celebration of Constitution Week and Citizenship Day

New York, NY ~ Saturday, September 17, 2022

Remarks as Delivered

It is my great honor to welcome you as the newest citizens of the United States of America. Congratulations!  Please be seated.

Just now, each of you took an oath of allegiance to the United States. In so doing, you took your place alongside generations who came before you, many through this very building, seeking protection, freedom, and opportunity.

This country – your country – wholeheartedly welcomes you.

I know that you have made sacrifices in order to be here today. You should be proud of all you have accomplished. I am proud of you.

You have made the decision to become Americans not only at an important time in our country’s history, but on an important day.

It was 235 years ago on this day, September 17, 1787, that 39 delegates to the Constitutional Convention representing 12 states signed their names to the Constitution of the United States.

Like you, those who signed the Constitution were relatively new Americans. In fact, America had only existed for 11 years at that point.

Like you, those Americans had great hopes for their own future – and for the future of their new country.

In the preamble of the Constitution, those Americans enumerated those hopes: to form a more perfect union; establish justice; ensure domestic tranquility; provide for the common defense; promote the general welfare …

And importantly – in their words – “to secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.”

Like them, each of you has now made a commitment not only to this nation and your fellow Americans, but to the generations of Americans who will come after you.

In that commitment, you have given your posterity – and the posterity of all of us – a precious gift.

I know how valuable that gift is because it is the same one my grandparents gave my family and me.

I come from a family of immigrants who fled religious persecution early in the 20th Century and sought refuge here in the United States. Some of my family entered right here, at Ellis Island.

My grandmother was one of five children born in what is now Belarus. Three made it to the United States, including my grandmother who came through the Port of Baltimore.

Two did not make it. Those two were killed in the Holocaust.

If not for America, there is little doubt that the same would have happened to my grandmother.

But this country took her in. And under the protection of our laws, she was able to live without fear of persecution.

I am also married to the daughter of an immigrant who came through the Port of New York in 1938.

Shortly after Hitler’s army entered Austria that year, my wife’s mother escaped to the United States. Under the protection of our laws, she too, was able to live without fear of persecution.

That protection is what distinguishes America from so many other countries. The protection of law – the Rule of Law – is the foundation of our system of government.

The Rule of Law means that the same laws apply to all of us, regardless of whether we are this country’s newest citizens or whether our [families] have been here for generations.

The Rule of Law means that the law treats each of us alike: there is not one rule for friends, another for foes; one rule for the powerful, another for the powerless; a rule for the rich, another for the poor; or different rules, depending upon one’s race or ethnicity or country of origin.

The Rule of Law means that we are all protected in the exercise of our civil rights; in our freedom to worship and think as we please; and in the peaceful expression of our opinions, our beliefs, and our ideas.

Of course, we still have work to do to make a more perfect union. Although the Rule of Law has always been our guiding light, we have not always been faithful to it.

The Rule of Law is not assured. It is fragile. It demands constant effort and vigilance.

The responsibility to ensure the Rule of Law is and has been the duty of every generation in our country’s history. It is now your duty as well. And it is one that is especially urgent today at a time of intense polarization in America.

The United States is no stranger to what our Founders called the risk of faction. Alexander Hamilton and James Madison wrote about it in the Federalist Papers. George Washington warned against it in his Farewell Address.

Overcoming the current polarization in our public life is, and will continue to be, a difficult task.

But we cannot overcome it by ignoring it. We must address the fractures in our society with honesty, with humility, and with respect for the Rule of Law.

This demands that we tolerate peaceful disagreement with one another on issues of politics and policy. It demands that we listen to each other, even when we disagree. And it demands that we reject violence and threats of violence that endanger each other and endanger our democracy.

We must not allow the fractures between us to fracture our democracy.

We are all in this together. We are all Americans.

On this historic day and in this historic place, let us make a promise that each of us will protect each other and our democracy.

That we will honor and defend our Constitution.

That we will recognize and respect the dignity of our fellow Americans.

That we will uphold the Rule of Law and seek to make real the promise of equal justice under law.

That we will do what is right, even if that means doing what is difficult.

And that we will do these things not only for ourselves, but for the generations of Americans who will come after us.

I have often thought about what members of my family felt as they came through buildings like this. And I have often thought about what their decisions meant for my own life.

My family story is what motivated me to choose a career in public service. I wanted to repay my country for taking my family in when they had nowhere else to go. I wanted to repay the debt my family owes this country for our very lives.

My family members who immigrated here have now long since passed. I regret that I cannot express to them how grateful I am for the gift they gave me in choosing to come to this country.

So let me thank each of you.

Thank you for choosing America as your home. Thank you for the courage, dedication and work that has brought you here.

Thank you for all you will do to help our country live up to its highest ideals.

Thank you on behalf of a nation that is fortunate to call you as its citizens.

And thank you upon on behalf of the generations of Americans who will come after you. Thank you.


The man lives in a “reality-free bubble” on the 5th Floor of DOJ. He must also “tune out” the many Circuit Court decisions lambasting the BIA’s sloppy decisions, anti-due-process “culture,” and wrong anti-immigrant legal rulings issued in his name. He seems incapable of understanding how the unfathomable mess he presides over at EOIR affects the health and welfare of those practicing before it!

I’m curious as to how denying access to counsel, denying reasonable continuances, failing to follow precedent, using improper “one judge” review, intentionally misconstruing “notice” statutes, and applying legally incorrect standards, all subjects of recent Circuit “blowbacks,” fit into Garland’s view of equal justice for immigrants in America. How does “Aimless Docket Reshuffling on steroids” fit in with his concept of due process and professional court administration?

Know a man not by his words, but by his deeds. In Garland’s case, it’s an ugly picture.

🇺🇸 Due Process Forever!



🤮🏴‍☠️ “AMERICA FIRST” HAS ALWAYS BEEN ABOUT PUTTING MANY AMERICANS & AMERICAN VALUES LAST! — It’s An Ugly, Yet Long Standing, Part Of Our History Embodied In The Anti-Democracy MAGA Movement!

Sarah Churchwell
Sarah Churchwell
American Educator & Author
PHOTO: twitter.mobile.com


Sarah Churchwell writes in the WashPost:

. . . .

The phrase “America First” fell rapidly into disrepute during World War II, largely because the America First Committee (whose most prominent spokesman was Charles Lindbergh) had urged non-intervention and appeasement and been accused of anti-semitism and fascist sympathies. It was then consigned to temporary obscurity, but not everyone forgot. The slogan was periodically recalled to articulate resurgent right-wing nationalism, often explicitly white nationalism, from Gerald L.K. Smith, once known as “America’s most notorious antisemite,” who founded the America First Party in the 1940s, to Barry Goldwater, hailed by his supporters as an “America First” politician and described by the conservative National Review in 1963 as standing for “States’ Rights, strict construction, limited government, private enterprise, and America first, last and always.” It was used to describe David Duke and George Wallace, before being resuscitated by Pat Buchanan (“We are not isolationists. We simply believe in America first, last and always,” he declared in 2000) in his presidential campaigns. A certain Donald Trump flirted with making his own run under Buchanan’s Reform Party banner, then brought the phrase triumphantly back a century after Wilson popularized it.

[Competing visions of the American Dream are driving Democrats and Republicans apart]

Now the America First Policy Institute declares that its slogan is “America First, Always” and that its immigration policy will mean no longer putting “America last” — echoing the language of a March 1922 editorial from what was then the nation’s most popular weekly, the Saturday Evening Post, as it harangued its readers about the “immigration problem” caused by “our policy of putting the alien and his interests first, and America last.”

These “America First” initiatives go beyond attempts at excluding the “alien” that were already divisive, and futile, a century ago. One of the most prominent spokesmen for “America First” today is Nicholas Fuentes, a white Christian nationalist who organized the America First Political Action Conference earlier this year. Fuentes was also present at the storming of the Capitol, as were his “Groyper” followers, waving his “AF” flags. Fuentes declared: “It is the American people, and our leader, Donald Trump, against everybody else in this country and this world.” That is certainly what “America First” has meant in the past, as its leaders promise that only they can put America first, by inflaming divisions against nearly every other human being. But it is “America First” that endures, not its erstwhile leaders — and its history offers a pretty good indication of what to expect from Trumpism without Trump.


I highly recommend that everyone read Sarah’s full article at the link. 

Immigrants are almost always the first target of this “confederacy of cowards” — because they are most vulnerable. U.S. courts have traditionally been unwilling to effectively enforce the constitutional and legal rights of “the other.” But, as pointed out in the article, the hate and resentment continues to pour out against additional groups and individuals until “almost every other human being” becomes a target. 

We see it today in Virginia Governor Glenn “Junkman” Youngkin’s recent cowardly and unconstitutional “targeting and bullying” of transgender school kids under the ridiculously bogus rubric of “parents rights.” Just where does the “right” of neo-fascist parents to bully the children of others come from? 

The Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals in the Grimm case in 2020 already has found that “Junkman’s” scofflaw attempt to force transgender kids to use the wrong bathroom likely will be held unconstitutional. But, the Constitution and laws have never been anything but “convenient props” for America Firsters!” Compare the courage of the Grimm plaintiff with the ugly cowardice of the “Junkman” and his followers. (This following “Junkman’s” outrageous trip to Maine to campaign for notorious racist GOP gubernatorial candidate Paul LePage).

But, the Fourth Circuit might be an aberration. Often, getting reactionary judges who lack the character and guts to stand up against demonization of their fellow humans helps fuel and protect the “America First” movement from accountability. That’s certainly been at the core modern GOP mis-governance, and the Dems have been painfully “slow on the uptake” in countering it. You have only to look at Merrick Garland’s astounding mis-handling of the reactionary, weaponized, and totally dysfunctional Immigration “Courts” under his control to see just how slow!

In the end, it will be up to the upcoming generation to decide what kind of America they want to live in: An America that respects and honors the dignity, worth, and human potential of all of its inhabitants and serves as a model of tolerance and inclusion for the rest of the world? Or, an America where a minority of extreme right wing authoritarians are at war with the rest of us and, indeed, with humanity itself. Your choice!

🇺🇸 Due Process Forever!



🗽OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS: FOCUS ON PEOPLE, NOT POLITICAL THUGS USING THEM AS PROPS! — Don’t Allow Cowards Like DeSantis, Abbott, and Ducey To Make America Look Small, Weak, & Petty Before The World!

Helping Hand
A Helping Hand.jpg
Image depicts a child coming to the aid of another in need. Once we have climbed it is essential for the sake of humanity that we help others do the same. It is knowing that we all could use, and have used, a helping hand.
Safiyyah Scoggins – PVisions1111
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0
White Nationalist Xenophobes like DeSantis, Abbott, & Ducey have abandoned traditional Judeo-Christian values in favor of neo-fascism. But, the rest of us should hold true to our “better angels.”

By Paul Wickham Schmidt

Courtside Exclusive

September 16, 2022

There are many “silver linings” surrounding the migrants “orbited” to Martha’s Vineyard as a Jim Crow political stunt. They are in the U.S. exercising their legal rights to apply for asylum. They have not been forced to remain in Mexico in squalid conditions, improperly returned to danger zones without being heard, or imprisoned without trial by DHS in substandard conditions to “punish” them for exercising legal rights.

In Boston, where Immigration Judges grant the majority of asylum cases, they have a much better shot at justice than in disgraceful “Asylum Free Zones” — inexplicably still operated by Garland — like Texas or Georgia. They are also within the jurisdiction of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 1st Circuit, which often takes seriously its responsibility to enforce the legal and Constitutional rights of asylum seekers against Government overreach. By contrast, the generally extreme right 5th and 11th Circuits often disgracefully “tank” on their responsibilities to enforce the law for those seeking refuge.

As asylum seekers from Venezuela, they have about a 50|50 chance of being granted protection of some type, even in a dysfunctional Immigration Court system tilted against them. With effective legal representation, it’s likely that the majority of them will win relief, and the majority of those will become eligible for green cards and eventual citizenship. In plain terms, most of these individuals are part of our nation’s future hopes and chances for success. They are our future fellow citizens, and not incidentally, taxpayers!

It’s overwhelmingly in our best interests and those of the asylum seekers to be compassionate and welcoming, no matter what the eventual outcome of their cases. Getting them out of the toxic environment created by the GOP in places like Texas and Florida is good for them and for America.

The focus of legitimate state and local governments and NGOs should be on 1) providing food and shelter, and 2) getting individuals representation. The latter is the most important factor in not only increasing court appearance rates to nearly 100% but also increasing chances for a favorable result by four to five times. Fostering representation is actually where government entities seriously interested in rational law enforcement would put resources.

To date, the response of the Martha’s Vineyard community in providing temporary support and by the Massachusetts Government and the Biden Administration in finding the asylum seekers with a place to reside on “the mainland” appears to be working. Everyone interested in a better America in the future should focus on replicating the successful response to this albeit limited situation.

As my friend, humanitarian leader Gary Sampliner, said in his recent WashPost OpEd:

The bottom line is this: If we want to continue to live up to our values, many more of us need to step up to assist the new arrivals. And if we can meet this challenge, we will set an example for the rest of our country to follow. 

Americans must focus on helping our fellow humans, bringing much needed functionality to our broken asylum system, while putting grandstanding political thugs in the rear view mirror. Focus on the individuals seeking refuge, their humanity, and their needs. Tune out everything else. That’s the key to success — as a nation and as individual humans!


🇺🇸 Due Process Forever!




Alfred E. Neumann
Was Merrick Garland AWOL during required training on legal and judicial ethics? Judging from how he runs “America’s worst court system” — where due process, fundamental fairness, and best practices go to die — we have to assume that that he thinks he has “risen above” the need to comply with ethical requirements!
PHOTO: Wikipedia Commons

I can’t even keep up with the ludicrously bad EOIR decisions being “outed” by the Circuits and, worse yet, mindlessly (and probably unethically) defended by the DOJ’s OIL. Here’s just one afternoon’s “haul:” https://www.ca4.uscourts.gov/opinions/211163.U.pdf (4th Cir., failure to follow precedent, improper one-judge appellate decision); https://www.ca2.uscourts.gov/decisions/isysquery/d0d1a22c-4e59-4b4d-9439-92e57e7339ec/2/doc/20-3476_opn.pdf#xml=https://www.ca2.uscourts.gov/decisions/isysquery/d0d1a22c-4e59-4b4d-9439-92e57e7339ec/2/hilite/ (2d Cir., improper denial of continuance, “Round Table” case); https://www2.ca3.uscourts.gov/opinarch/212259p.pdf (denying fair access to counsel, denial of continuance).

These are very graphic examples of Garland’s inexcusable failure to end the “haste makes waste, anything goes culture” @ EOIR — encouraged by Sessions and Barr but completely unaddressed by Garland! And, I guarantee this is just “the tip of the iceberg.” For every one of these outrageous errors caught by a Circuit, dozens are probably wrongfully denied relief and illegally ordered deported in Garland’s dysfunctional, due process denying, deportation assembly line!

But, beyond that, Garland’s failure to “clean house” at EOIR and hire qualified, expert, professional leaders, judges, and administrators is an ongoing national disgrace — one that is eating away the foundations of our justice system.

Here’s a “real life snapshot” from my “Morning Mailbox:”

I got 15 individual hearing notices in two days for October 2022. Right now the firm has 47 [Individual Hearings] in October for 4 attorneys to handle. A lot of the hearings we never even got notice for, we just randomly have been checking the portal and that’s how we are finding out. Once we do find out we are always about a month or less away from the hearing date. We are going to try to file motions to continue but who really knows what they are going to do about it. Also, I had an [Individual Hearing] with Judge _________ the other day, and he said that Respondents’ attorneys are having a hard time. He said he had a master that he had to schedule for an [Individual Hearing], and the Respondent’s counsel told him if he scheduled her Individual Hearing within the next 6 months she was going to commit suicide. He seemed really concerned for the attorneys. Hopefully this calms down, because the hearings are piling on and quite honestly no one has the manpower to do all of the [Individual Hearings] in especially such short notice.

This is insane, inexcusable, and totally uncalled for! Aimless Docket Reshuffling gone wild! 

In what real “court” system is a judge “required” to schedule a hearing that he knows is beyond the ability of the lawyer to handle at the appointed time. That’s an ethical violation! Who is behind this mess? If the “buck stops at the top,” why isn’t Garland under under investigation for “operating a system” that clearly violates judicial and professional ethics?

Q: What happens when comedy 🎭morphs into tragedy☠️?

A: Merrick Garland’s EOIR

🇺🇸Due Process Forever!

