🗽BIDEN IMMIGRATION BILL: Here’s The National Immigration Law Center’s (“NILC”) Analysis Of The Key Provisions Of The U.S. Citizenship Act!


Here’s the section relating to the Immigration Courts:

Title IV: Immigration Courts, Family Values, and Vulnerable Individuals

We are facing a due process crisis in the immigration courts. Nearly 1.3 million cases are currently pending in a structurally flawed system housed within a

prosecutorial agency, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ).4 While this bill

4 https://trac.syr.edu/immigration/reports/637/.


falls short of creating an independent Article I immigration court,5 provisions in the bill would improve court operations and enhance due process protections for individuals facing highly complex immigration court proceedings that

often raise issues of life and death.6 Even though representation is often

the single greatest factor in determining whether an individual will obtain relief in removal proceedings,7 low-income immigrants and people in immigration detention face significant barriers to obtaining counsel. This bill calls for expanding alternatives to detention and authorizes funding for the appointment of counsel for children and vulnerable noncitizens. Provisions in this bill also provide for an expansion of DOJ’s Legal Orientation Program and greater access to legal information for immigrants who are not

detained. These are important steps in the right direction, but the bill falls short of ending civil immigration detention and establishing a much-needed universal representation program.8

Judicial diversity encourages fair decision-making, but DOJ’s Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR) has a long history of politicized

hiring,9 resulting in a supermajority of judges on the bench who have prosecutorial backgrounds. This bill calls for the hiring of additional immigration judges (IJs) and Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA) members who are experts in immigration law, and it encourages the hiring of IJs who have diverse experience, including people from the private sector. The bill also requires EOIR to conduct mandatory continuing legal and diversity training for IJs and BIA members. Additional steps must be taken to ensure critical oversight into the hiring process, promote diversity, and eliminate harassment in the immigration courts.10

Also included in this bill are provisions to protect vulnerable individuals. The bill eliminates the one-year filing deadline for asylum claims and increases access to employment authorization for people seeking asylum and for U and T visa applicants, ensuring that vulnerable populations seeking refuge in the U.S. will be able to work and support their families while their immigration cases are pending.

5 https://www.aila.org/advo-media/aila-correspondence/2020/advocates-call-on-congress-


6 https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/im-an-immigration-judge-heres-how-we-can-fix-our-


7 https://bit.ly/3q310Uh.

8 https://www.vera.org/advancing-universal-representation-toolkit/the-case-for-universal- representation-1.

9 https://www.whitehouse.senate.gov/news/release/senators-press-barr-on-politicization-of- justice-department-administration-of-immigration-courts.

10 https://www.sfchronicle.com/politics/article/Sexually-inappropriate-behavior-runs-rife-




The bill calls for expanding alternatives to detention and authorizes funding for the appointment of counsel for children and vulnerable noncitizens.

X Provides for appointing counsel for children and vulnerable noncitizens. Authorizes funding for and requires DOJ to appoint or provide counsel

for children, vulnerable individuals, and other people where necessary. Requires DHS to provide copies of their immigration files to individuals who are in immigration court proceedings.

X Requires access to legal orientation programs and access to counsel. Requires legal orientation programs to be available for all noncitizens in immigration detention. DHS must provide access to counsel inside all immigration detention facilities and border facilities.

X Increases access to legal information. Expands the help desk program

to all immigration courts, providing non-detained individuals who have pending asylum claims access to information related to immigration status. Requires DHS to provide copies of their immigration files to people who are in immigration court proceedings.

X Expands alternatives to detention. Expands the family case management program and requires DHS to develop additional community-based programs. People enrolled in these programs will receive legal orientations.

X Increases immigration court hiring. Requires DOJ to increase the number of IJs on the bench, hire additional BIA staff attorneys, and provide sufficient support staff. In hiring the new IJs and BIA members, DOJ is instructed to select people from diverse backgrounds, including from the nonprofit sector and the private bar and people with academic experience.

X Expands training for IJs and members of the BIA. Requires the EOIR

to conduct mandatory training for IJs and members of the BIA, including continuing legal training and training on age, gender, and trauma sensitivity.

X Directs EOIR to modernize technology. Requires the EOIR director to modernize electronic systems, including by allowing electronic filing, to improve court proceedings.

X Eliminates barriers to asylum and protects vulnerable populations. Removes the one-year time limit for filing an asylum claim. Increases protections for U visa, T visa, and VAWA applicants by providing them with a rebuttable presumption of release from detention and prohibiting the removal of these applicants from the U.S. while an application is pending. Increases the number of U visas, which are available to some crime victims, from the current cap of 10,000 to 30,000 per year.



In hiring new IJs and BIA members, DOJ is instructed to select people from diverse backgrounds, including from the nonprofit sector and the private bar and people with academic experience.

X Increases access to employment authorization for people seeking U and T visas and protection under VAWA. People seeking U and T visas shall and must be granted employment authorization on the date their application is approved or a date to be determined by the DHS secretary within 180 days of submitting their petition, whichever is earlier. Employment authorization is issued for two years, with the possibility of renewal.

X Increases access to employment authorization for people seeking asylum. Provides that DHS shall grant employment authorization to bona fide and non-detained asylum-seekers within 180 days after they file their asylum application with DHS or DOJ.


The improvements to the Immigration Courts are all helpful. But, as the NILC points out, they fall short of what’s really needed: An independent Article I Immigration Court. One thing the bill does address, lack of diversity and immigration/human rights expertise among EOIR judicial hires (over the past three Administrations) is a glaring problem and hinderance to achieving due process and fundamental fairness.

Thanks to my friend and NDPA superstar Laura Lynch, Senior Immigration Policy Attorney at the NILC for passing this along.

⚖️🗽🇺🇸🧑🏽‍⚖️Due Process Forever!



EUGENE ROBINSON @ WASHPOST: The GOP Is The Party Of Jim Crow ☠️ — The Rest Of Us Who Believe In Democracy Had Better Join The Fight To Preserve The Voting Rights Of Citizens Of Color!

Eugene Robinson
Eugene Robinson
Opinion Columnist
Washington Post
Source: WashPost Website


Opinion by Eugene Robinson

March 1 at 5:18 PM ET

The Republican Party’s biggest problem is that too many people of color are exercising their right to vote. The party’s solution is a massive push for voter suppression that would make old-time Jim Crow segregationists proud.

The Conservative Political Action Conference circus last week in Orlando showed how bankrupt the GOP is — at least when it comes to ideas, principles and integrity. Some might argue that the party, in buying into the lie that last year’s election was somehow stolen, is simply delusional. I disagree. I think Republican leaders know exactly what they’re doing.

The GOP may have lost the White House and the Senate, but it remains strong in most state capitols. So far this year, according to the Brennan Center for Justice, Republicans in 33 states “have introduced, prefiled, or carried over 165 bills to restrict voting access.” The thrust of virtually all these measures is to make it more difficult for African Americans and other minorities to vote.

These efforts at disenfranchisement are more numerous, and more discriminatory, in several of the swing states President Biden carried narrowly: Arizona, Pennsylvania and Georgia. That should come as no surprise. GOP officials who had the temerity to follow the law and count the November vote honestly, such as Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, have been all but excommunicated by their state Republican Party organizations.

In Georgia — where not only did Donald Trump lose to Biden by 11,779 votes, but also two incumbent GOP senators were defeated by Democratic challengers — Republicans are using their control of the statehouse to try to eliminate all early voting on Sundays. That would put an end to “Souls to the Polls,” a popular Sunday get-out-the-vote initiative in which Black churches help parishioners get to polling places and cast their ballots.

. . . .


Read Eugene’s full op-ed at the link.

After a Presidential election that they lost by a substantial majority of votes, the GOP has decided that the solution isn’t to improve on their party’s unpopular messages of shame, blame, intolerance, ignorance, and White privilege. Nor have they chosen to abandon their corrupt and divisive leader. No, the answer, according to the GOP, is to reduce the size of the electorate to keep the will of the majority from prevailing. 

There is not a whit of evidence about widespread voter fraud or any credible reason to believe that the results don’t represent the will of the majority of American voters. Nevertheless, the GOP has introduced slews of bills at the state level to make it more difficult for African Americans, Latinos, and other minorities to vote. Just like the White southern aristocracy after the Civil War, the modern GOP fears that true democratic majority rule will deprive them of their minority power and privilege.

James “Jim” Crow
James “Jim” Crow
Symbol of American Racism

Well, you’ve heard it all before on Courtside. The Voting Rights Act is the cornerstone of modern American democracy. The forces of anti-democracy, including the GOP and their Supremes’ majority, intend to undo it in the name of White Supremacy.

The overt suppression of African-American voting rights that ended Reconstruction ushered in more than four decades of gross violations of the 13th 14th, and 15th Amendments. We should remember that the White-dominated Federal Government and the Federal Courts basically took a cowardly pass on the rights of our African American fellow citizens for generations. 

Eric Lutz summed it up in his recent article on Vanity Fair:

Biden is reluctant to end that filibuster. But at a certain point, failing to do so means failing to reckon with the the severity of the threat to democracy—and the particular peril the GOP’s attacks pose to the rights of Black Americans and other minorities. “The argument that preserving the filibuster is necessary because it’s an important tool in our Democracy falls apart when it’s clearer with every passing day that we won’t have a Democracy without Congress passing voting rights legislation,” the former Obama aide David Plouffe remarked Monday. Republicans are mounting a concerted, relentless attack on democracy. To defend against it, Democrats’ response must be proportional. And that means confronting the reality that Trump leaving office didn’t extinguish his Big Lie, but made it more powerful.


It’s essential that the majority of us unite against the attempt of the corrupt GOP to restore the horrors of White Supremacy and Jim Crow. And, make no mistake — the attack on asylum seekers and migrants of color is an integral part of the White Nationalist program to kneecap American democracy. Under Trump, that effort culminated in the Capitol insurrection. 

As the death of civil rights icon Vernon Jordon this week reminds us, those of us who believe in democracy must unite to fight the right and protect the right of all Americans to vote and the rights of immigrants to be treated as “persons” under the law.

🇺🇸🗽⚖️Due Process Forever!



🇺🇸⚖️🗽🧑🏽‍⚖️VERA INSTITUTE RECOMMENDS FEDERAL DEFENDER PROGRAM FOR IMMIGRANTS — Widespread Public Support For Representation In Immigration Court!



The Vera Institute of Justice (Vera) recommends that the Biden administration draw from time-tested models, data, and knowledge to build a federally funded, universal legal defense service that provides universal, zealous, and person-centered defense to all immigrants. This federal defender service should be modeled on the criminal federal defender system, which is generally regarded as more successful at realizing the values of high-quality, appropriately funded representation than its state counterparts. Vera makes this recommendation based on years of experience building and managing national immigrant legal defense programs. A federal defender service built on these core values is effective and achievable, and it would help ensure that the lives, liberty, and community health of immigrants are given full and equal protection under the law regardless of status. This policy brief highlights that a federal defender service would address systemic inequities of the immigration system and has widespread support in the United States.


pastedGraphic.png Vera Institute of Justice

Action Areas

Key Takeaway

A federally funded, universal legal defense service that provides universal, zealous, and person-centered defense to all immigrants would help address systemic inequities within the immigration system, and would represent a safeguard that is already proven, effective, achievable, and has widespread public support.

Publication Highlights

  • Vera has already worked with government partners, legal defense providers, advocates, and impacted people to create, test, and refine national immigrant legal defense programs grounded in universality, zealousness, and person-centeredness.
  • A federal defender service would combat the burden of racist immigration policies that most severely impact immigrants with criminal convictions, poor immigrants, Black immigrants, and immigrants with severe mental health conditions.
  • Without a federal defender service, tens of thousands of immigrants, including long-term permanent residents, asylum seekers, and parents of U.S.-citizen children, must face a hostile immigration system without representation.

Key Facts


Immigrants with attorneys are also

10 times more likely

to establish their right to remain in the United States than those without legal representation.


of the 195,625 people whose immigration court cases completed in Fiscal Year 2019 did not have legal representation.

Immigrants with attorneys are

3.5 times more likely

to be granted bond than those without representation.


You can download the full report at the above link.

The Biden Administration should work into this effort the already operating, highly acclaimed, innovative VIISTA program pioneered and developed by Professor Michele Pistone at Villanova Law for training of non-attorney representatives to provide high-quality representation to asylum seekers in Immigration Court. 


Professor Michele Pistone
Professor Michele Pistone
Villanova Law

Lots of the groundwork for a universal representation program has already been done! It’s about putting the right folks from outside Government in charge and building on the established foundation to take it to another level.

🇺🇸🗽⚖️Due Process Forever!



🛡🗽PROTECTING THE WORKERS WHO PROTECT US: Immigrants, Documented & Undocumented, Are The Core Of Our “Essential Workforce” That Has Carried Us Through The Pandemic — We Should Help Those Who Have Helped Us!


Jeremy Robbins writes in The Hill:

Before the inauguration, President Biden pledged a $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief bill. Then, hours after he entered the Oval Office, he introduced an immigration bill, The U.S. Citizenship Act of 2021, which aims to put millions of undocumented immigrants on a pathway to citizenship. At first glance, these initiatives seem unrelated; in fact, they are deeply connected. Combining them is the best way to help us battle the COVID-19 pandemic and recover from the recession. Here’s why.

In the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, the United States and the world over learned a lesson about who was truly essential to the economy: the home health aides and nurses who care for the sick, the grocery and delivery workers who keep our stores and kitchens stocked, and the workers at our farms and food processing plants who keep our food supply chain from collapsing. These and so many other overlooked jobs — classified as “essential and critical” by the Department of Homeland Security — hold our society together, protect us, and make our economy work.

Large numbers of these essential workers are also undocumented immigrants. Over 78 percent of immigrants without legal status work in these fields, according to a report by UCLA’s Latino Policy and Politics Initiative. They’re not just risking their lives to keep American citizens safe and help rebuild our economy, but they do so without legal protections and under the constant fear of deportation. That’s inhumane. But it’s also dangerous for Americans. With hospitalizations of COVID-19 patients surpassing 52,000, Congress must follow the lead of countries like France and give these essential workers a fast track to the citizenship they deserve.

It’s no secret that immigrants are helping to keep us all afloat. Despite being just 13 percent of the population, immigrants make up 37 percent of all home health aides and almost one third of all physicians and psychiatrists. With a very real threat of meat and poultry shortages at the beginning of the pandemic, immigrants filled more than a third of the tough food processing jobs and nearly half of all farm jobs picking our fruits and vegetables. And as parents across the country are placed in the impossible situation of balancing full-time work and parenting during a pandemic, once again immigrants help shoulder the burden, making up more than 20 percent of all childcare workers in day care centers.

And yet, despite all of this, our federal government acted as though we didn’t need these workers. As the pandemic raged, millions of immigrants were explicitly left out of the CARES Act relief efforts, as were millions of their U.S. born children and spouses who were penalized for having an unauthorized immigrant in the family. Meanwhile, the Trump Administration sought to shut the border to immigrant workers and students, all but stopped processing citizenship applications and ended asylum for people fleeing horrific violence. It also fought unsuccessfully all the way to the Supreme Court for the right to end protections for Dreamers, tens of thousands of whom are essential health care workers.

So what would an effective federal response look like?

. . . .


Read the rest of Jeremy’s article at the link for his ideas on how to join immigration reform with economic expansion. 

Makes sense to me!




Amanpour & Martinez
CCN Anchor Christiane Amanpour & Immigration Attorney Andrea Martinez

Watch this video clip from CCN:



Thanks for speaking out Andrea! Andrea is a former Arlington Immigration Court intern and one of the “charter members” of the NDPA. As captured on this video, she was assaulted by ICE while trying to assist her child client in reuniting with his mother! A civil suit against the agent involved is pending.

🇺🇸🗽⚖️Due Process Forever!



FIERY IMMIGRANT WHO CHANGED AMERICAN POLITICAL HISTORY DIES — “Argentine Firecracker” 🧨(Later “Tidal Basin Bombshell”💣) Fanne Foxe (1936-2021) — Her Oct. 1974 Early AM Plunge 🏊🏻‍♀️ Into The Tidal Basin Derailed Career Of Rep. Wilbur Mills (D-AK), Then One Of The Most Powerful Politicos In Washington! — “Fanny [Sic] Foxe claimed that she fell into the water because she ‘got hysterical [and] the officer was drowning [her]. [She] didn’t need his help because [she] was an expert swimmer.’” — Stripper Was #3 On “Best Mistresses” & “Top U.S. Sex Scandals” Rankings, Earned Three Academic Degrees!👩🏻‍🎓

Quote Source: “Arkansas Congressman and the Argentine Stripper” – Ghosts of DC, https://ghostsofdc.org/2019/02/20/arkansas-congressman-and-the-argentine-stripper/

Fanne Foxe & Wilbur Mills
ST/SCANDAL — 1974 – Arkansas Rep. Wilbur D. Mills joins Annabel Battistella, a stripper with the stage name Fanne Foxe, at her Boston Theatre dressing room in 1974. – Credit: AP. Scanned from file photo Feb. 4, 1998.

Cathy and I arrived in the DC Area in August 1973. So, I remember the hoopla surrounding Fanne’s early AM dip in the TB with a rather incoherent Chairman Mills and buddies in tow.

No internet in those days. Every day, I got up early to thoroughly read the Washington Post before heading for the downtown “Shirley Express” bus that would take me within walking distance of my job at the BIA, then located in the now-long-gone International Safeway Building (yes, it contained a real Safeway grocery store on the ground level).

A couple of days later, the Post reported that Mills finally acknowledged that he was in the car with “family friend” Fanne. That, apparently, was after an evening of boozing and enjoying the entertainment, perhaps at the Silver Slipper, where FF originally displayed her considerable assets to the Chairman of the House Ways & Means Committee. Reportedly, on this or another occasion, Ol’ Wilbur dropped $1,700 on refreshments for the gang. Impressive fiscal responsibility at a time when I recollect that the top Civil Service salary was frozen at $36,000.

“Family friend” Fanne and her then ex-husband lived in the same Arlington apartment complex, on Eads Street, as the Millses. Supposedly, the foursome played “contract bridge,” although it’s pretty evident that Wilbur and Fanne had actually turned bridge into a “full contact sport.”

Even in those days, the obligatory sexist xenophobic slur was inevitable. “Never drink champagne with a foreigner,” became one of the Chairman’s deflections. This was despite the fact that by then Foxe was U.S.citizen. It worked with the voters of “Bible Belt” Arkansas, as Mills was re-elected only a month later. 

But, Mills’s obsession with Foxe, the “Argentine Firecracker” had since morphed into the “Tidal Basin Bombshell,” brought him down shortly thereafter. As reported in a detailed obituary by the Post’s Adam Bernstein (on which I drew for this account):

Ms. Battistella [Fanne Foxe] — christened “the Tidal Basin Bombshell” — was inundated with striptease offers that paid more than five times the $400 a week she had been drawing at the Silver Slipper. Mills pleaded with her not to bare herself again publicly.

“Mr. Mills wanted me to stay home . . . to study and get a job,” she told The Post at the time. “He wanted me to leave the whole [stripping] thing in the Tidal Basin. But my going back to work started the whole thing up again . . . not because of the publicity but because I promised him for the kids’ sake I wouldn’t go back to being a stripper.”

Fresh off reelection to his 19th term in office and reportedly fortified with two bottles of vodka, Mills appeared in the wings during a performance by Ms. Battistella at Boston’s Pilgrim Theatre. As Mills teetered onstage, she later said, she tried to make light of the situation, announcing: “Ladies and gentlemen, I have a visitor for you, and he wants to say hello. Mr. Mills, where are you?”

“Here I am!” he declared as he wandered out grinning. The crowd, which included reporters who had been tipped to his presence, began to holler, whistle and stomp. Mills took a microphone and walked to center stage, rambling incoherently.

Then, backstage, Mills delivered one of the most excruciating news conferences ever captured on film. Slurring his words, and with barely controlled fury, he declared that all Ms. Battistella’s future performances were off, as she struggled to defuse his wrath.

Back in Washington, Mills was removed as Ways and Means Committee chairman and sought treatment for alcohol addiction. He claimed to have no memory of the entire year of 1974 and blamed his indiscretions on mixing alcohol with “some highly addictive drugs” for back pain. With his career in tatters and citing exhaustion, he left office in 1977 and became an advocate for recovering alcoholics until his death in 1992.

Ms. Battistella prospered — for a while — and wrote of her unyielding loyalty to Mills even after he disappeared from her life.


Perhaps, Mills’s claim that the entire year of 1974, during which he chaired the powerful House Ways & Means Committee, was a “no remember,” tells us all we need to know about the Congressional budget process.

Foxe rose to #3 on Time’s list of “10 Best Mistresses,” while she and Mills also achieved a coveted #3 ranking on Bloomberg’s list of “Ten Best U.S. Sex Scandals.” While Foxe’s “Bombshell” career eventually faded along with the memories, she proved to be as multi-talented and resourceful as many other immigrants. Reinventing herself, she remarried, moved to Florida, raised another daughter, had seven grandchildren, and earned a B.A. in communications, and Master’s degrees in marine science and business administration.

Quite a remarkable life! I’m surprised that nobody ever turned it into a movie. She also seems like someone who could have written a lively autobiography. But, perhaps she just wanted to move on. 

R.I.P. Fanne!

Now, about Elizabeth (“Can’t Type, File, Or Even Answer The Phone”) Ray, “secretary” to Rep. Wayne Hays (D-OH), then Chair of the House Administration Committee, self-styled “Meanest Man in the House,” who didn’t let his marriage to his legislative aide after divorcing his wife of 38 years interfere with his “arrangement” with Liz  . . . .  Obviously, Hayes was as good at “administration” as Mills was at balancing the budget. I checked and learned that Ms. Ray is 77 and still going strong!

Colorful times, with unforgettable characters, to be sure!





“Eyore In Distress”
Once A Symbol of Fairness, Due Process, & Best Practices, Now Gone “Belly Up”


Dean Kevin Johnson writes:

The provisions of the U.S. Citizenship Act is getting lots of attention, from the change in alien terminology to a path to legalization for undocumented immigrants and more.  Anna Giaritelli for the Washington Examiner, a self-declared conservative publication, notes five things that the Biden administration’s comprehensive immigration reform bill does not address.  Some of the omissions might bother readers; some might not:

1.    Family and children detention protocols:  The bill does not incorporate the Flores settlement governing the detention of immigrant minors.  The Trump administration tried but failed to abrogate the settlement.

2.    Border wall infrastructure:  No surprise.  The U.S./Mexico border wall, which President Trump championed, is not part of the bill’s enforcement plans.  The Biden administration already had made it clear that construction of the wall was not a priority of his administration.

3.    Decriminalization of illegal entry into the United States:  This was an issue in the 2020 Democratic presidential primaries.  Representative Julian Castro called for the repeal 8 U.S.C. § 1325, which criminalizes unlawful entry into the country.

4.    Immigration courts: The immigration bill calls for an additional 220 immigration judges but fails to make major improvements in the immigration court system, such as increasing their independence, neutrality, and professionalism of the corps of immigration judges. The American Bar Association has declared that the immigration court system is “on the brink of collapse.

5. No end to private-run detention facilities:  Immigrant rights advocates have called for the end of private (for profit) immigrant detention.  President Biden has ended private prisons for inmates.



As I have previously mentioned, I expect a “stand alone” Article I Bill 🧑🏽‍⚖️ to be introduced in the House shortly.  It could be combined with the Immigration Court improvements in the Biden Bill.  

We need to keep the pressure on until Article I happens!

🇺🇸⚖️🗽🧑🏽‍⚖️Due Process Forever!



⚖️🗽🇺🇸JUDGE GARLAND ACKNOWLEDGES REFUGEE HERITAGE — Does He Recognize That As He Testifies, Many Of His “Soon-To-Be Judges” @ EOIR Are Intentionally Screwing Vulnerable Asylum Seekers, Harassing Their Pro Bono Attorneys, Carrying Out Miller’s White Nationalist Agenda, & Otherwise Mocking Due Process, Fundamental Fairness, & Equal Justice For Persons Of Color?

Robin Givhan

Robin Givhan
PHOTO: slowking4, Creative Commons License




Robin Givhan writes @ WashPost:

. . . .

For the Republicans, justice is not something that “rolls down like waters,” it’s something that comes down like a hammer.

This was a failure that Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) aimed to make clear when he asked Garland whether he was familiar with a biblical reference to justice that advises to “act justly and to love mercy.” Much of Booker’s questioning centered around racism within the criminal justice system — the disproportionate arrests of minorities, lousy legal representation for the poor, sentencing imbalances and the issue that caused Kennedy such befuddlement, implicit bias.

Garland acknowledged these issues, the flaws in the system, the need to change. And then he told in public, the story he’d told Booker in private about why he wanted to leave a lifetime appointment on the federal bench to do this job. It’s the most reasonable question, but one that so often is never asked: Why do you want to do this?

Garland acknowledged these issues, the flaws in the system, the need to change. And then he told in public, the story he’d told Booker in private about why he wanted to leave a lifetime appointment on the federal bench to do this job. It’s the most reasonable question, but one that so often is never asked: Why do you want to do this?

“I come from a family where my grandparents fled antisemitism and persecution,” Garland said. And then he stopped. He sat in silence for more than a few beats. And when he resumed, his voice cracked. “The country took us in and protected us. And I feel an obligation to the country, to pay back.”

“This is the highest, best use of my one set of skills,” Garland said. “And so I want very much to be the kind of attorney general you’re saying I could be.”

And that would be one focused on protecting the rights of the greatest and the least — and even the worst. Punishment is part of the job. But it’s not the definition of justice.


Read Robin’s complete article at the link. She can write! So delighted the Post got her off the “fashion beat” where her talents were being squandered, and got her onto more serious stuff!

Judge Garland’s awareness and humility are refreshing. But, unless he takes immediate action to redo EOIR and the rest of the DOJ’s immigration kakistocracy, it won’t mean much. 

Judge, it could have been YOUR family forced to suffer kidnapping, extortion, murder threats, family separation, and other overtly cruel and inhuman treatment in squalid camps in Mexico, waiting for “hearings” that would never come before “judges” known for denying almost 100% of claims regardless of merit! YOUR family’s plea for refugee could have been rejected by some nativist bureaucrat or “hand-selected by the prosecutor” “Deportation Judge” for specious, biased reasons!

YOUR family was welcomed! But what if the only thought had been how to “best deter” “you and others like you” from coming?

Maybe because you and yours are White and hail from Eastern Europe, the “rule of law” has a different meaning and impact than it would if you were Brown, Black, or some other “non-White” skin color and had the misfortune to be from a “shithole” country where we have no concern for what happens to humanity? Or, worse yet, what if your family’s claim had been based on your Grandmother’s gender status? You would really be out of luck under today’s overtly misogynist approach to refugee law flowing out of EOIR!

Then, where would you and your nice family be today? Would you even be? THOSE are the questions you should be asking yourself!

Unfortunately, it’s easy to see that folks like Cotton, Hawley, Cruz, and Kennedy will be deeply offended if you attack their White Nationalist privilege, views, and agendas in any meaningful way. 

And, if you actually make progress in holding the Capitol insurrectionists accountable, you’ll have to deal with the unapologetic, disingenuous, anti-democracy, insurrectionist actions of folks like Hawley and Cruz. That won’t be too “bipartisanly popular” with a GOP gang that just overwhelmingly worked and voted to ignore the evidence and “acquit” the “Chief Insurrectionist.”  Who, by the way, was a main purveyor of the institutionalized racism that infects EOIR and the rest of the DOJ. It’s no real secret that “America’s anti-democracy party” aids, abets, encourages, and exonerates White Supremacists and domestic terrorists. 

In the GOP world, “mercy” and “due process” are reserved for White guys like Trump, Flynn, Stone, White Supremacists, and “Q-Anoners.” Folks of color and migrants exist largely below the floor level of the GOP’s definition of “person” or “human.” For them, justice is a “hammer” to beat them into submission and punish them for asserting their rights.

So, restoring the rule of law at the DOJ is going to be a tough job —  you need to clean house and get the right folks (mostly from outside Government) in to help you. And, you must examine carefully the roles of many career civil servants who chose to be part of the problems outlined by Chairman Durbin in his opening remarks. 

You’re also going to have to “tune out” the criticism, harassment, and unhelpful “input” you’re likely to get from GOP legislators in both Houses who are firmly committed to the former regime’s White Nationalist agenda of “Dred Scottification,” disenfranchisement, nativism, and preventing equal justice for persons of color, of any status!

Think about all the reasons why you and your family are grateful for the treatment you received from our country. Then, think of the ways you could make those things a reality for all persons seeking refuge or just treatment, regardless of skin color, creed, or status. That’s the way you can “give back” at today’s DOJ! That’s the way you can be remembered as the “father of the diverse, representative, independent, due-process exemplifying 21st Century Immigration Judiciary!” 🧑🏽‍⚖️👩‍⚖️👨🏻‍⚖️

🇺🇸🗽⚖️Due Process Forever!



THE GIBSON REPORT — 02-21-21 — Compiled By Elizabeth Gibson, Esquire, NY Legal Assistance Group

Elizabeth Gibson
Elizabeth Gibson
Attorney, NY Legal Assistance Group
Publisher of “The Gibson Report”

COVID-19 & Closures

Note: Policies are rapidly changing, so please verify information with the government and colleagues.


EOIR Status Overview & EOIR Court Status Map/List: Hearings in non-detained cases at courts without an announced date are postponed through, and including, March 19, 2021 (The timing of postponement notices has been roughly every two weeks lately, but it has been inconsistent and it is unclear when the next announcement will be. EOIR announced 3/19 on Wed. 2/10, 2/19 on Mon. 1/25, 2/5 on Mon. 1/11, and 1/22 on Mon. 12/28). There is no announced date for reopening NYC non-detained at this time.


USCIS Office Closings, Including Weather




Biden’s immigration bill lands on the Hill facing bleak odds

Politico: Congressional Democrats unveiled President Joe Biden’s expansive immigration reform bill Thursday, which would provide an eight-year pathway to citizenship for 11 million undocumented immigrants. But it already faces dim prospects for becoming law with such narrow Democratic majorities in both chambers. See also Factbox: What’s in Biden’s sweeping immigration bill being rolled out in Congress?


Biden administration rolls out new rules placing stricter enforcement parameters on ICE

CNN: The guidelines establishes strict parameters for ICE officers, particularly in the event that an undocumented immigrant is encountered who’s not being targeted, and appears intended to restrain an agency emboldened under the last administration. See also New ICE Enforcement Priorities Represent an Important Shift, But More Change Is Needed.


Biden administration admits first group of migrants forced to stay in Mexico under Trump-era policy

CNN: Twenty-five migrants who had been forced to stay in Mexico crossed the US border in San Diego on Friday, the first group to arrive in the country as part of the Biden administration’s rollback of a controversial Trump-era policy, according to a source with knowledge of the process. See also The Ambiguous End of “Remain in Mexico.”


“Illegal Alien” Will No Longer Be Used In Many US Government Communications

BuzzFeed: Department of Homeland Security officials have been directed to stop using words such as “alien” and “illegal alien” from communications with the public or within the agency when referring to people who aren’t US citizens in an effort by the Biden administration to recast immigration terminology.


Federal Court Again Blocks Trump-Era Asylum Transit Ban

SPLC: A federal court has again blocked a Trump administration ban that categorically denied asylum to anyone at the southern border who had transited through a third country en route to the United States, with very limited exceptions.


Homeland Security officials scrap Trump-era union deal that could have stalled Biden’s immigration policies

CBS: The Department of Homeland Security on Tuesday moved to scrap a contract signed at the tail end of the Trump administration that could have allowed a union of deportation officers to stall the implementation of certain immigration policy changes.


ICE Detainees In Texas Described The Storm’s Misery

BuzzFeed: As millions across Texas endured freezing temperatures without running water or electricity this week, immigrants detained by ICE said they have endured their own misery with not enough to drink, toilets full of human excrement that couldn’t be flushed, and days without being able to shower.


John D. Trasviña is the Principal Legal Advisor for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement

ICE: He is the former Dean of the University of San Francisco School of Law, where he established an immigration law clinic. Prior to his time as Dean, Mr. Trasviña served as the Assistant Secretary of the Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity in the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, managing over 580 employees and a budget exceeding $140 million per year, and President and General Counsel of the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF).


ICE plans to release migrant families in detention, officials say

CNN: Immigration and Customs Enforcement is planning to release some migrant families in detention to accommodate the arrival of migrants arrested at the US-Mexico border, according to two Homeland Security officials.




U.S. Supreme Court to review a hardline Trump immigration rule

Reuters: The justices agreed to take up an appeal that the Trump administration had filed of a lower court ruling that found the rule likely violated federal immigration and administrative law by impermissibly expanding the definition of who counts as a “public charge” and greatly increasing the number of people who would be rejected for residency.


Conecta: Individuals and families who believe they may be eligible for the program for active MPP cases can now register via Conecta for an appointment with the Support Hub, the first step in the process. For those without internet, call: 800 283 2753.


USCIS Revises Guidance on Naturalization Civics Educational Requirement

USCIS updated guidance in its Policy Manual regarding the educational requirements for naturalization. The update, effective 3/1/21, provides that USCIS will revert to administering the 2008 civics test to applicants who filed for naturalization before 12/1/20, or who will file on or after 3/1/21. AILA Doc. No. 21022232


ICE Acting Director Issues Interim Guidance on Civil Immigration Enforcement and Removal Priorities

ICE Acting Director issued a memo establishing interim guidance in support of the interim civil immigration enforcement and removal priorities issued by DHS on 1/20/21. The guidance, effective immediately, covers enforcement actions, custody decisions, execution of final orders of removal, and more. AILA Doc. No. 21021800


CDC Notice Announcing Temporary Exception from Expulsion for Unaccompanied Children

CDC notice announcing a temporary exception from expulsion for unaccompanied noncitizen children to its order issued October 13, 2020, suspending the right to introduce certain persons from countries where a quarantinable communicable disease exists. (86 FR 9942, 2/17/21) AILA Doc. No. 21021732


BIA Equitably Tolls Deadline to Rescind In Absentia Order Based on Ineffective Assistance

Unpublished BIA decision equitably tolls 180-day time limit on motion to rescind in absentia order based on ineffective assistance of counsel. Special thanks to IRAC. (Matter of Enriquez-Godinez, 6/24/20) AILA Doc. No. 21021600


BIA Finds Pennsylvania Statute Not a Firearms Offense

Unpublished BIA decision holds that carrying a firearm without a license under 18 Pa. Cons. Stat. 6106(a)(1) is not a firearms offense because it applies to antique firearms that are suitable for use. Special thanks to IRAC. (Matter of Santana Colon, 6/30/20) AILA Doc. No. 21021601


CA1 Upholds Adverse Credibility Determination as to Ecuadorian Asylum Seeker Based on Inconsistencies in the Record

The court held that substantial evidence supported the BIA’s decision affirming the IJ’s adverse credibility determination, reasoning that discrepancies in the record warranted a finding that petitioner had testified untruthfully about his asylum claim. (Zaruma-Guaman v. Wilkinson, 2/9/21) AILA Doc. No. 21021837


CA2 Finds Petitioner’s Prolonged Confinement in Italian 41-Bis Prison Regime Did Not Amount to Torture

The court rejected the petitioner’s contention that the conditions of prolonged 41-bis incarceration he faced or would face in Italy rose to the level of torture, as that term is used in the Convention Against Torture (CAT) and its implementing regulations. (Gallina v. Wilkinson, 2/12/21) AILA Doc. No. 21021840


CA4 Overturns BIA’s Denial of Asylum Where Petitioner Showed She Was Persecuted on Account of Her Nuclear Family

The court rejected the BIA’s “excessively narrow” view of the nexus requirement, concluding that the record indisputably showed that the petitioner had satisfied her burden to establish that her familial ties were one central reason for her persecution. (Diaz de Gomez v. Wilkinson, 2/8/21) AILA Doc. No. 21021631


CA5 Says It Lacks Jurisdiction to Review IJ’s and BIA’s Findings That Conspiracy to Commit Wire Fraud Was a “Particularly Serious Crime”

The court held that it lacked jurisdiction to review petitioner’s argument that the IJ and BIA erred in finding his conspiracy to commit wire fraud offense was a “particularly serious crime” rendering him statutorily ineligible for withholding of removal. (Tibakweitira v. Wilkinson, 2/1/21) AILA Doc. No. 21021632


CA7 Says That BIA Did Not Abuse Its Discretion in Declining to Reopen Mexican Petitioner’s 1992 Deportation Proceedings

The court held that BIA did not abuse its discretion in denying the petitioner’s motion to reopen her 1992 deportation proceedings, finding that the Supreme Court’s decision in Pereira v. Sessions did not affect the soundness of her proceedings. (Perez-Perez v. Wilkinson, 2/11/21) AILA Doc. No. 21021841


CA7 Finds IJ and BIA Mischaracterized Evidence Pertaining to Asserted Hardship Where Petitioner Sought Cancellation of Removal

The court held that the BIA and the IJ failed to consider evidence that the petitioner’s removal would result in exceptional and extremely unusual hardship to his daughter, given that her hardship—a speech impairment—is aggravated by her emotional turmoil. (Martinez-Baez v. Wilkinson, 2/1/21) AILA Doc. No. 21021634


CA8 Says “Serious Reasons for Believing” Standard Under INA §208(b)(2)(A)(iii) Requires a Finding of Probable Cause

Where the BIA upheld the denial of asylum to petitioner based on a finding that serious reasons exist to believe he committed a serious nonpolitical crime, the court held that the “serious reasons for believing” standard requires a finding of probable cause. (Barahona v. Wilkinson, 2/3/21) AILA Doc. No. 21021636


CA9 Holds That “Minor Christian Males Who Oppose Gang Membership” Is Not a Particular Social Group

Upholding the BIA’s denial of asylum and related relief, the court found that the petitioner’s proposed particular social group (PSG) comprised of “minor Christian males who oppose gang membership” was not a cognizable PSG. (Santos-Ponce v. Wilkinson, 2/10/21) AILA Doc. No. 21021932


CA9 Says “Mexican Wealthy Business Owner” Is Not a Particular Social Group

Denying in part the petition for review, the court held that petitioner’s proposed particular social group (PSG) of “Mexican wealthy business owners” was not cognizable because it lacked social distinction, particularity, or an immutable characteristic. (Macedo Templos v. Wilkinson, 2/9/21) AILA Doc. No. 21021931


CA8 Finds BIA Erred in Refusing to Consider Iraqi Petitioner’s Mental Illness in Particularly Serious Crime Determination

Granting the petition for review, the court held that the IJ and BIA had impermissibly refused to consider the Iraqi petitioner’s mental illness as a factor in determining whether he was barred from withholding of removal based on a particularly serious crime. (Shazi v. Wilkinson, 2/11/21) AILA Doc. No. 21021930


CA9 Says Noncitizen Has Not Reentered Illegally Under INA §241(a)(5) Based Solely on Inadmissibility at Time of Reentry

Granting the petition for review, the court held that the act of reentering illegally under INA §241(a)(5) requires some form of misconduct by the noncitizen—such as entering without inspection—rather than merely the status of inadmissibility. (Tomczyk v. Wilkinson, 2/3/21) AILA Doc. No. 21021644


District Court Grants Preliminary Injunction in Third Country Transit Ban Litigation

A district court granted a preliminary injunction preventing the government from implementing the Third Country Transit Ban final rule and ordering the return to the pre-Final Rule practices for processing asylum applications. (East Bay Sanctuary Covenant vs. Barr, 2/16/21) AILA Doc. No. 21021645


District Court Preserves Validity of Class of DV-2020 Holders Who Faced Expiration of Visas Due to Visa Bans

Granting in part plaintiffs’ motion for emergency relief, the court ordered defendants to treat all visas issued or renewed pursuant to Gomez v. Trump as having been issued in the first instance as of the date the court makes a final judgment. (Gomez, et al., v. Biden, et al., 2/19/21) AILA Doc. No. 21022233


District Court Approves Settlement Agreement Between L.A. County Sheriff’s Department and Inmates over ICE Holds

The district court preliminarily approved a settlement agreement under which the L.A. County Sheriff’s Department will pay $14,000,000 to former inmates detained beyond the expiration of their state criminal charges pursuant to immigration detainers. (Roy v. County of Los Angeles, 11/25/20) AILA Doc. No. 21021736


District Court Enjoins DHS from Applying MPP to Seven Asylum Seekers Who Were Returned to Mexico

The U.S. District Court for the District of Massachusetts issued a preliminary injunction requiring DHS to rescind the orders returning seven asylum-seeking plaintiffs to Mexico pursuant to the Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP). (Bollat Vasquez, et al. v. Mayorkas, et al., 2/13/21) AILA Doc. No. 21021646


Judge Backs Sanctions For CBP Officers’ Note-Shredding

Law360: A California federal judge has recommended sanctioning the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and Customs and Border Protection, finding Thursday that two officials shredded notes relevant to asylum-seekers’ claims of being illegally turned away from the southern border.


DHS Begins Processing Individuals in Mexico with Active MPP Cases

DHS announced that it has begun the first step in a phased approach to process individuals returned to Mexico with active MPP cases. DHS processed a limited number of individuals on 2/19/21 through the San Ysidro Port of Entry. Additional ports of entry will begin processing individuals this week. AILA Doc. No. 21021230


DOS Updates Guidance on K Visa Processing

DOS updated its guidance on K visa processing for individuals who are named plaintiffs in Milligan v. Pompeo and who are subject to a geographic COVID-related proclamation. DOS also provided guidance for K visa applicants who are not plaintiffs in the case. AILA Doc. No. 20113030


USCIS Notice Extending Deferred Enforced Departure for Liberia

USCIS notice extending Deferred Enforced Departure (DED) and work authorization for eligible Liberians through 6/30/22, pursuant to the memo issued by President Biden on 1/20/21. (86 FR 9531, 2/16/21) AILA Doc. No. 21021233










Monday, February 22, 2021

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Friday, February 19, 2021

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Monday, February 15, 2021



Thanks, Elizabeth!

Still lots of confusion and uncertainty about what’s really happening at the Southern Border and what policies are really in effect.



⚖️🗽A FAIR ASYLUM SYSTEM THAT TREATS HUMANS WITH “EMPATHY, DIGNITY, & RESPECT” – It’s What Our Constitution, Laws, & Values Require – Every Day, As A Nation, We Violate These Basic Principles – When Will It Change? – A New Human Right First (“HRF”) “Video Short,” Narrated By Clara Long, Shows The Unnecessary Human Misery We Cause That Can Never Be Undone!

Clara Long
Clara Long
Associate Director
US Program
Human Rights First
PHOTO: HRF website


Here’s the video:





It’s not “rocket science.” Actually, just carrying out our current legal and moral obligations. It’s well within our capabilities, particularly with the right people in charge. Why wasn’t a plan to get this done “front and center” in Judge Garland’s testimony today?


🇺🇸⚖️🗽Due Process Forever! Human misery doesn‘t stop for “study.” Not all damage and harm is reversible! What if it were YOU and YOUR family?





⚖️🗽🇺🇸👨🏻‍⚖️JUDGE GARLAND’S STATEMENT: Lots Of Nice Words, Lofty Ideals, Few Specifics On How He Will Shape The Actual Work Of Broken & Dysfunctional DOJ — No Mention Of How He Will Address The Ungodly Immigration Mess @ EOIR!

Judge Merrick Garland
Judge Merrick B. Garland
Official White House Photo
Public Realm

. . . .

The President nominates the Attorney General to be the lawyer — not for any individual, but for the people of the United States. July 2020 marked the 150th anniversary of the founding of the Department of Justice, making this a fitting time to remember the mission of the Attorney General and the Department.

It is a fitting time to reaffirm that the role of the Attorney General is to serve the Rule of Law and to ensure equal justice under the law. And it is a fitting time to recognize the more than 115,000 career employees of the Department and its law enforcement agencies, and their commitment to serve the cause of justice and protect the safety of our communities.

If I am confirmed, serving as Attorney General will be the culmination of a career I have dedicated to ensuring that the laws of our country are fairly and faithfully enforced, and that the rights of all Americans are protected.

. . . .

That mission remains urgent because we do not yet have equal justice. Communities of color and other minorities still face discrimination in housing, education, employment, and the criminal justice system; and bear the brunt of the harm caused by pandemic, pollution, and

climate change.

150 years after the Department’s founding, battling extremist attacks on our democratic institutions also remains central to its mission.

Here’s the full statement:



At the opening of the hearing, he told Senate Judiciary Chairman Dick Durbin (D-IL):

Garland also distanced himself from the Trump administration’s child separation immigration policy, calling it ‘shameful’ and committing to aiding a Senate investigation into the matter.

‘I think that the policy was shameful. I can’t imagine anything worse than tearing parents from their children, and we will provide all of the cooperation that we possibility can,’ Garland told Senate Judiciary Chairman Dick Durbin.


Star Chamber Justice
Star Chamber

Yet, the harsh reality is that the DOJ is still actively engaged in furthering the operation of “Baby Jails” and “Family Gulags.” Indeed, disgracefully, the DOJ’s EOIR actually operates “judicial star chambers” euphemistically called “Detained Immigration Courts” in DHS Gulags throughout America. 

There, bonds are unconstitutionally denied, the right to legal representation is aggressively hindered and discouraged, some individuals have their asylum claims wrongfully denied, while others are pressured under duress into giving up their legal rights.  

As all of this is ongoing, EOIR’s so-called “judges” assert that they “lack power” to examine the life-threatening, dangerous, unconstitutionally substandard conditions and abusive custody present throughout the “New American Gulag” operated by DHS that they serve. (How do “judges” work for the AG under the Due Process Clause of our Constitution?)

What kind of “courts” are these? What does Judge Garland intend to do to stop official child abusers and illegal and unethical “civil detention?”   

Judge Garland’s tone is an obvious improvement over the past two turkeys 🦃  to hold the job! But, words are words; actions are what counts! Unfortunately, I couldn’t discern any “plan of action” here!

Without being unduly picky:

    • You should have said “This President nominates;” obviously, the last one did view the AG as his personal lawyer and the DOJ as just another of the many law firms on his retainer — one working pro bono at the people’s expense against the people’s interests — how perverted is that; 
    • In a way it’s nice and expected to acknowledge the many hard-working civil servants in the DOJ; but, the reality is that far too many of them were part of the problem — failing to stand up for “the people’s” (actually, as you know, immigrants regardless of status are “persons” under our Constitution — real, live, breathing, feeling “people” if you will) individual rights and ignoring their oaths of office to carry out the White Nationalist, anti-democracy agenda of the past regime; like it or not, Judge, if you are going to turn your elevated thoughts into policy and practice, you are going to have to deal with the folks who “went along to get along” over the past four years; like it or not, you’re going to need a broom 🧹 and a plunger 🪠 to get this dirty job done;
    • Of course equal justice for all should be the goal (it’s not a new idea, except in GOP Administrations — if you remember it was actually Janet Reno’s motto) and obviously we’re not close to being there; “communities of color” faced more than “discrimination” — over the past four years, it was an active and concerted policy of “Dred Scottification”willful dehumanization of the other and trashing their Constitutional rights: to vote, to due process, to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” on many occasions — mostly with the participation, encouragement, and often unethical  actions of the DOJ, sometimes endorsed and enabled by Federal Courts, all the way up to the Supremes; it’s going to take some real bold, and undoubtedly unpleasant, actions at the DOJ to make the rhetoric a reality, not to mention standing up to some of the lousy Federal Judicial appointments from the last four years;  
    • How are you going to do any of this without acknowledging that immigration is where it starts; as you deliver your remarks today, some EOIR “judges,” soon to be “your judges,” will be actively applying racist, misogynist, anti-due process, “worst practices” “precedents” to dehumanize, disparage, and wrongfully deny and remove the very “people in the United States,” among our most vulnerable and often deserving, whose rights you claim to be dedicated to protecting and enhancing; how are you going to do that without a definitive plan for immediately reforming EOIR, OIL, the SG’s Office, OLC, OLP, the Civil Division, the Civil Rights Division, the Criminal Division and a host of other “components” who participated, and continue to participate, in these legal travesties and mockeries of due process, humanity, and the rule of law on a daily basis;  
    • I understand your commitment to addressing domestic terrorism; but, you can’t do that without addressing its most obvious manifestation in the DOJ: EOIR; you can draw a straight line from the White Nationalist, racist agenda of Stephen Miller to the lies, misogyny, racism, and disrespect for immigrants, particularly those of color, “institutionalized and weaponized” @ EOIR, to the empowered political thugs who thought they were entitled to forcibly attack democracy and its representatives (many among the GOP who were actively complicit) at our Capitol!
    • How do you intend to deal constructively, professionally, and constitutionally with the stunning, yet largely self-created, 1.3 million plus case Immigration Court backlog that threatens to topple our entire justice system; what’s your plan for ending “Aimless Docket Reshuffling” @ EOIR, returning control to local judges while keeping politicos and bureaucrats @ EOIR & DOJ from further destructive meddling;
    • How are you gonna credibly fight “domestic terrorism” with these folks as “your judges?”
Four Horsemen
BIA Asylum Panel In Action
Albrecht Dürer, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

I, of course, appreciate your lofty thoughts and wish you all the best. You remind us all of something sadly lost over the past four years and something still glaringly missing from the GOP and its supporters: Values matter! But, values require implementation — action! 

I won’t be convinced that you will actually be able to accomplish your goals and carry out your values until I witness your bold action to “deconstruct” the EOIR that Stephen Miller, Gene Hamilton, “Gonzo” Sessions, and “Billy the Bigot” Barr built and replace it with a real court system with real progressive, due-process/equal justice-committed expert judges and professional judicial administrators as an essential step to the creation of a long-overdue and urgently needed Article I U.S. Immigration Court.

I look forward to seeing your EOIR Reform Plan in action, very soon! Good luck!

🇺🇸🗽⚖️🧑🏽‍⚖️Due Process Forever!




⚖️🇺🇸FOR AMERICA’S SAKE, BIDEN NEEDS TO BREAK DEMS’ LOSING STREAK ON FEDERAL JUDGES — Think Young!👩🏾‍🤝‍👨🏿🧑🏽‍⚖️👨🏻‍⚖️👩‍⚖️ — A Better Immigration Court Is Essential To A  Better Federal Judiciary!


By Micah Schwartzman and David Fontana write in WashPost:

. . . .

Assuming federal appellate judges decide, on average (and conservatively), at least several hundred cases per year, Trump’s judges will decide tens of thousands more cases than their Obama-appointed counterparts. To put it bluntly: The age of judges matters.

But Democrats still aren’t getting the message. At a Brookings Institution event in January, former attorney general Eric Holder touted racial and ethnic diversity — and diversity of professional background — but also said judges should only be appointed if they are 50 years old or older.

It would be a serious mistake for President Biden to follow that last piece of advice, and he would be repeating an error that Obama made. The Obama administration made substantial progress in diversifying the bench, but took a misguided approach when it came to age.

In an attempt to depoliticize judicial nominations, Obama mostly appointed highly experienced sitting judges and federal prosecutors during his first term as president. Senate Republicans rejected the olive branch, and in fact escalated obstruction of his nominees. Biden also wants to lower the temperature of partisan conflict, but there is no reason to think choosing older judges will have that effect.

Nominating younger judges is also crucial for developing leaders on the federal bench, including future Supreme Court justices. When presidents look for nominees to elevate to the high court, they usually select judges from the federal appellate courts. For example, Neil M. Gorsuch was a mere 38 years old when nominated (by President George W. Bush) to become an appellate judge, Brett M. Kavanaugh was 41 (also Bush), and Amy Coney Barrett was 45 (Trump). When later elevated to the Supreme Court they were 49, 53 and 48, respectively (average age: 50). Meanwhile, because Obama selected older judges, Biden will find only three Democratically appointed judges across the entire federal courts of appeals who are at that age or younger.

Younger federal judges have more time to build up a jurisprudence — a body of legal values, principles and judgments — as well as a professional network of other judges, lawyers and clerks who can develop, share and amplify their legal views. Republicans have long understood this: Many of their most famous and influential appointees were put on the appellate bench at young ages, including Frank Easterbrook (nominated at age 36), Michael Luttig (36), Kenneth Starr (37), Samuel Alito (39), Douglas Ginsburg (40), Clarence Thomas (41), Richard Posner (42), Antonin Scalia (46) and John Roberts (47).

If Democrats hope to shape the law for the next generation, they, too, need younger judges who have both the energy and a sufficiently long tenure on the bench to leave lasting legacies. Consider the example of Justice Sonia Sotomayor, who was one of President Bill Clinton’s youngest appellate nominees, at age 43; she was 54 when Obama nominated her to the Supreme Court in 2009. Over the past two decades, she has developed a distinctive and powerful voice on the bench. It’s unlikely she would have done so had she been nominated to the appellate court in her early-to-mid 50s.

The Biden administration has made an admirable commitment to diversifying the bench — signaling his intention to depart from Trump’s example. Not a single one of Trump’s 54 appointments to the appellate courts was African American. But there is no trade-off between youth and diversity. If anything, there are more women and more members of minority groups represented in the legal profession now than at any time in the past. At least when it comes to putting judges on the bench, this president can have it all. He can diversify the bench while at the same time appointing people who will be influential for decades, narrowing the partisan age gap in the judicial branch.

Micah J. Schwartzman is the Hardy Cross Dillard professor of law at the University of Virginia.

David Fontana is Samuel Tyler Research Professor at the George Washington University Law School.


Read the rest of this article at the: above link.

Absolutely right!

And, nowhere did the Obama Administration do a worse job than with the U.S. Immigration Courts which were entirely under their control at the DOJ! Can’t blame Moscow Mitch and his GOP Senate cronies for this failure!

As one of my Round Table ⚔️🛡 colleagues accurately described it:

I continue to repeat that following the Bush Administration’s terrible record for appointments based on Republican credentials and loyalty, Holder merely shuffled the deck of long-time EOIR bureaucrats, appointing as Chief IJ and BIA Chair and Vice-Chair individuals whose idea of leadership was keeping their heads down and doing what had always been done before.  There is presently a need for much more inspired appointments at the top.

Amen! I keep saying it: There needs to be an immediate “clean sweep” of EOIR so-called upper “management” and at the BIA. There are plenty of much better qualified folks out there who could “hit the ground running” on either a temporary or permanent basis.

Then, there must be a proper merit-based selection system with public participation and an active, positive recruitment effort that will attract a diverse group of “practical scholars” with actual experience representing asylum seekers and other migrants in Immigration Court. (“Posting” judicial vacancies on “USA Jobs” for a couple of weeks is both absurdly inadequate and “designed to fail” if your objective is to create a diverse expert judiciary of “the best, brightest, and most capable”).

Then, these merit-based criteria should be applied over time to “re-compete” all existing Immigration Judge jobs. These necessary steps will tie-in with the legislation to create an Article I Immigration Court. “Turn over” a top-flight “model judiciary” rather than the unmitigated disaster that now exists at EOIR.

An important consequence of the failure of Obama to build a better, progressive Immigration Judiciary is that it has deprived President Biden of a pool of younger progressive Immigration Judges with proven judicial credentials who, in turn, would have been prime candidates for filling Article III vacancies.

That’s not to say that some sitting Immigration Judges don’t have Article III credentials. Some undoubtedly have stood tall against the “Dred Scottification” of the Immigration Courts under Miller & Co. Not enough, but some.

However, had the Obama Administration acted with more wisdom, courage, and competence, the pool would be much larger — perhaps large enough to have put up a more concerted and higher profile resistance to the lawless, anti-immigrant, anti-due process agenda at all levels of EOIR over the past four years! 

Using better Immigration Judges as a source of progressive Article III Judges would also solve another glaring problem that has undermined equal justice and racial justice within the Article III Judiciary: the lack of expertise in immigration and human rights laws (which currently make up a disproportionate part of the Article III civil docket) and the human empathy and practical problem solving ability that comes from representing asylum applicants and others in Immigration Court. Nowhere is the lack of scholarship, integrity, and human understanding more obvious than with the woodenly anti-due process, anti-Constitutional, anti-rule-of-law performance of the tone-deaf and totally out of touch GOP majority on the Supremes in immigration, human rights, and civil rights cases. 

It’s no coincidence that the best-qualified of the current Supremes, Justice Sonia Sotomayor, has overtly “called out” her right wing colleagues’ inexcusable performance on cases affecting immigrants’ rights and human rights. It’s also no coincidence that in his new highly critical look at the failures of the Federal Judiciary in criminal justice, U.S. District Judge Jed S. Rakoff “would also require prosecutors to periodically represent indigent defendants so they appreciate the ‘one-sided nature . . . of the plea bargaining process.’” https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/2021/02/16/court-appointments-age-biden-trump-judges-age/

I guarantee that none of the current Supremes would put up with the outrageously unfair, biased, degrading, and dehumanizing practices intentionally and maliciously inflicted on vulnerable migrants and their attorneys on a daily basis at both the trial and appellate levels of our broken and dysfunctional Immigration Courts if they had personally experienced it. Nor should Judge Garland put up with the totally unacceptable status quo!

A better Immigration Court isn’t rocket science. It’s quite achievable on a realistic timeline. But, it will take both the will to act and putting the right “practical experts” (predominantly from outside the current Government) in place. Past Dem Administrations have failed on both counts, some worse than others. 

The Biden Administration can’t afford to fail on Immigration Court reform! For the sake of the vulnerable individuals whose lives are at stake! For the sake of America whose future is at stake!

🇺🇸🗽⚖️Due Process Forever!



🗽⚖️EUGENE ROBINSON @ WASHPOST “NAILS” THE REASONS WHY BIDEN IS ABSOLUTELY RIGHT ON IMMIGRATION REFORM & SMART TO MAKE IT A REAL PRIORITY!  — “But the Biden administration has shown a refreshing insistence on negotiating with the opposition rather than with itself.”

Eugene Robinson
Eugene Robinson
Opinion Columnist
Washington Post
Source: WashPost Website


. . . .

Donald Trump used anti-immigrant demagoguery to launch his presidential campaign, accusing the people who hoped to make their homes here of being “rapists” and “bad hombres” and calling — nonsensically — for all of them to be sent back to their home countries, where they would “go to the back of the line” for readmission to the United States. He used them as scapegoats whom the “Make America Great Again” crowd could blame for the nation’s ills. Republican senators who once believed in reality-based immigration reform, such as Marco Rubio (Fla.) and Lindsey O. Graham (S.C.), stopped resisting the party’s xenophobia and came to embrace it.

Democrats sought political advantage by being seen as anti-anti-immigration, seeking support by opposing GOP initiatives such as Trump’s border wall. Yet they were disappointed to see Trump’s share of the Hispanic vote actually grow from 2016 to 2020 — demonstrating, in my view, that theatrical demonstrations of solidarity are no substitute for coming up with policies that voters believe would actually improve their lives.

Are we really going to continue like this indefinitely? Are we going to consign 11 million people to an extralegal existence because our politicians find it advantageous to argue about their fate?

Biden’s proposal would allow farmworkers, migrants brought here as children and those who have “temporary protected status” because of threats in their homelands to apply for citizenship in three years. The rest of the undocumented would have to wait eight years to apply to be citizens. All would have to pass background checks; and the amnesty — let’s call it what it is — would cover only those in the country before Jan. 1 of this year to prevent a new surge of people trying to cross the border.

Would Biden settle for legislation that normalized the status of only some of the undocumented, but not all of them? He has already said he doesn’t want to but might. Would he accept whatever scraps of reform that could be achieved through the Senate’s reconciliation process, which requires only 51 votes instead of 60? If it came to that, he wouldn’t have a choice.

But the Biden administration has shown a refreshing insistence on negotiating with the opposition rather than with itself. In seeking covid-19 relief, for example, Biden is asking for $1.9 trillion rather than some less eye-popping amount. When he lays out his plans for improving the nation’s infrastructure and making the transition to green energy, he is expected to request even more. Polls show that voters want bipartisanship and compromise — but the first crucial step in that process is defining the range of possibilities.

Biden is asking not for a few minimal immigration fixes but for a comprehensive solution. This is a president who wants more than a return to the old ways: He’s shooting for a truly new normal.


Read the rest of Eugene’s op-ed at the link.

Well said, Eugene! “Negotiating with itself” is a good description of the Obama Administration’s ineffective approach to immigration. And, an Article I Immigration Court must also be part of the “think big — act boldly” immigration policy that America needs! “Reality-based immigration policy” — administered and staffed by experts and professionals — is exactly the right approach!

🇺🇸🗽⚖️Due Process Forever!






No electricity, no heat, no water? The obvious solution, a few days in warm, sunny Cancun.

How come a “developing country” has these basics, but Texas doesn’t?

Thanks to Debi Sanders for passing this along!



DEMS INTRODUCE BIDEN’S COMPREHENSIVE IMMIGRATION BILL — “U.S. CITIZENSHIP ACT OF 2021” — Lots Of Good Ideas, But Likely DOA In Narrowly Divided Congress! — Judge Garland Must Begin Immigration Court Reforms NOW!

Priscilla Alvarez
CNN Digital Expansion 2019, Priscilla Alvarez
Politics Reporter, CNN, PHOTO: CNN.com
Lauren Fox
Lauren Fox
White House Correspondent, CNN News


White House announces sweeping immigration bill

Priscilla Alvarez and Lauren Fox, CNN

5:00 AM EST February 18, 2021

The White House announced a sweeping immigration bill Thursday that would create an eight-year path to citizenship for millions of immigrants already in the country and provide a faster track for undocumented immigrants brought to the US as children.

The legislation faces an uphill climb in a narrowly divided Congress, where House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has just a five-vote margin and Senate Democrats do not have the 60 Democratic votes needed to pass the measure with just their party’s support.

Administration officials argued Wednesday evening that the legislation was an attempt by President Joe Biden to restart a conversation on overhauling the US immigration system and said he remained open to negotiating.

“He was in the Senate for 36 years, and he is the first to tell you the legislative process can look different on the other end than where it starts,” one administration official said in a call with reporters, adding that Biden would be “willing to work with Congress.”

The effort comes as there are multiple standalone bills in Congress aimed at revising smaller pieces of the country’s immigration system. Sens. Lindsey Graham, a Republican from South Carolina, and Majority Whip Dick Durbin, a Democrat from Illinois, for example, have reintroduced their DREAM Act, which would provide a path to citizenship for immigrants who came to the country illegally as children.

Administration officials said the best path forward and plans either to pass one bill or break it into multiple pieces would be up to Congress.

“There’s things that I would deal by itself, but not at the expense of saying, ‘I’m never going to do the other.’ There is a reasonable path to citizenship,” Biden said at a CNN town hall in Milwaukee on Tuesday.

“The President is committed to working with Congress to engage in conversations about the best way forward,” one administration official said.

Officials did not say if they believed that the reconciliation process, a special budget tool that applies only to a specific subset of legislation and allows the Senate to pass bills with a simple majority, would be applicable for an immigration bill. “Too early to speculate about it right now,” one official said.

The Senate is working on passing the President’s coronavirus relief legislation through reconciliation. The expectation is that the administration could also use the process to pass an infrastructure bill.

Biden’s immigration bill will be introduced by Democrats Bob Menendez of New Jersey in the Senate and Linda Sanchez of California in the House.

Here’s what the bill, titled the US Citizenship Act of 2021, includes:

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Read the rest of Priscilla’s & Lauren’s analysis at the link.

The White House “Fact Sheet” on the legislation is also available at the link at the end of the above excerpt.

Here’s what that summary says about the U.S. Immigration Courts:

  • Improve the immigration courts and protect vulnerable individuals. The bill expands family case management programs, reduces immigration court backlogs, expands training for immigration judges, and improves technology for immigration courts. The bill also restores fairness and balance to our immigration system by providing judges and adjudicators with discretion to review cases and grant relief to deserving individuals. Funding is authorized for legal orientation programs and counsel for children, vulnerable individuals, and others when necessary to ensure the fair and efficient resolution of their claims. The bill also provides funding for school districts educating unaccompanied children, while clarifying sponsor responsibilities for such children.

  • Support asylum seekers and other vulnerable populations. The bill eliminates the one-year deadline for filing asylum claims and provides funding to reduce asylum application backlogs. It also increases protections for U visa, T visa, and VAWA applicants, including by raising the cap on U visas from 10,000 to 30,000. The bill also expands protections for foreign nationals assisting U.S. troops.

Unfortunately, the bill does not contain the most important legislative solution: An Article I  Immigration Court. Nevertheless, a separate Article I bill will be introduced in the House soon. Since the “USCA of 2021” is largely a “talking draft” anyway, there is no reason why Article I couldn’t be combined with the other changes in the bill.

While attention to improving the Immigration Courts is welcome and long overdue, I think this proposal actually misses the major point: What’s needed right now isn’t necessarily more Immigration Judges; it’s better Immigration Judges, starting, but not ending, with a replacement of the current dysfunctional Board of Immigration Appeals. Only with the improvements in the administrative case law, docket management, and “best practices” that better EOIR judges would bring could we really tell whether more judges are actually necessary.

Right now, throwing more bodies into the ungodly mess at EOIR would only create confusion and aggravate existing problems. And, while the proposal correctly spotlights woeful inadequacies in IJ training and professional development, those alone will not be enough to restore due process to a system wracked by decades of bad judicial selection practices that basically have excluded the “best and brightest” immigration experts from the private sector, those with actual experience representing individuals in Immigration Court, from the “21st Century Immigration Judiciary.”

The good news: Judge Garland won’t need legislation to get this system back on track by:

  • Immediately replacing the current BIA with judges who are renowned experts in immigration, human rights, and due process, with special attention to those with actual experience representing asylum seekers;
  • Vacating all of the improper Sessions and Barr precedents, and letting the “new BIA” straighten out the law and implement best practices, including holding IJs who are members of the “Asylum Deniers Club” accountable;
  • Implementing efficient merit-based judicial hiring practices which would involve public input and actively recruit from communities now underrepresented in the Immigration Judiciary;
  • Eventually re-competing all Immigration Judge jobs under these merit criteria, again with public input on the performance of current judges part of the process;
  • Replacing all of EOIR’s incompetent upper “management” with competent professional judicial administrators;
  • Examining the justification and “bang for the buck” in EOIR’s bloated, yet highly ineffective, headquarters operation in Falls Church with an eye toward maximizing support for the local Immigration Courts and minimizing counterproductive and politicized micromanagement and interference with the operation of local courts;
  • Making peace and working with the National Association of Immigration Judges (“NAIJ”), which is much more “on top of” the real problems in the Immigration Courts than often clueless EOIR “management” in Falls Church;
  • Instituting e-filing and other long overdue 21st Century judicial administration practices in the Immigration Courts;
  • Working cooperatively with the private bar, NGOs, ICE, and local IJs to maximize representation and improve docketing and scheduling practices.

Judge Garland has the authority to make all the foregoing changes, which will immediately improve the delivery of justice at the critical “retail level” of our justice system and make the achievement of racial justice and equal justice for all more than just “pipe dreams.” Immigrant justice is essential for racial justice!

The only question is whether Judge Garland will actually do what’s necessary. If not, he can expect some “aggressive pushback” from those of us who are fed up with the “EOIR Clown Show” 🤡🦹🏿‍♂️☠️ and its daily mockery of American justice!

🇺🇸🗽⚖️👨🏻‍⚖️🧑🏽‍⚖️👩‍⚖️Due Process Forever!




UPDATE: Here’s the text of the bill:

2021.02.18 US Citizenship Act Bill Text – SIGNED

