🛡⚔️⚖️🗽SIR JEFFREY’S 2021 WISH LIST — Sanity, Humanity, Due Process, & Other Great Things!  — The Importance Of A Long Overdue “Training Upgrade” @ EOIR!

Jeffrey S. Chase
Hon. Jeffrey S. Chase
Jeffrey S. Chase Blog
Coordinator & Chief Spokesperson, Round Table of Former Immigration Judges



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A Wish List for 2021

To use another sports analogy, we have entered the preseason of the Biden Administration.  As any sports fan knows, preseason (which generally starts five or six weeks before the real season begins) is a time for dreaming.  During preseason, every team is undefeated, and every fan is permitted to believe that this will finally be the year in which their suffering and loyalty are rewarded.

I’ve spoken to several law school classes this fall via Zoom.  One question I’ve been asked by students (both before and after the election) is what reforms I would like to see under the Biden Administration.  Although it seemed significantly more likely before November 3 that the Democrats would control both houses, I’ve stuck with the original list.  This is, after all, preseason, and I’m allowed to dream.

Just to be clear, Biden will be the 13th president to serve during my lifetime, and the seventh since beginning my career in immigration law.  I am well aware that most of the items on my list won’t happen; I wouldn’t be surprised if none come to pass.  Maybe I’ll continue that thought in a future blog; this one is devoted to dreaming.  That being said, some of the changes I hope to see are:

Safeguarding Asylum: In spite of numerous reminders from Article III courts that it is Congress, and not the Attorney General, that writes our laws, and that in enacting the 1980 Refugee Act, Congress intended to bring our asylum laws into accordance with our treaty law obligations, the Trump Administration showed shameless disregard for these facts, doing everything it could think of to upend Congressional intent by eliminating asylum eligibility to all who apply.  Ideally through statute, but if not possible, then at least through regulation, safeguards must be added making it absolutely clear to future administrations that asylum is meant to be a broad and flexible relief from any type of persecution creative persecutors may conceive; that the designated grounds required for such protection are to be interpreted broadly, and that persecution may be attributed to a government providing imperfect protection to its citizens.  It is important to note that none of these principles constitute changes to the law,  but simply shore up or repair long-existing principles following the storm of the past four years.

An Independent Immigration Court: It is time for the Immigration Courts to be moved out of the Department of Justice, and into independent Article I status.  We’ve seen over the past four years the worst-case scenario of what happens when an enforcement agency realizes that it controls the courts that exist to keep that same agency’s worst impulses in check.  Article I has been strongly endorsed by the American Bar Association, the Federal Bar Association, the American Immigration Lawyers Association, the National Association of Immigration Judges, and many other groups, including the Round Table of Former Immigration Judges.  Enacting this change is the only way the integrity and independence of the Immigration Courts can be safeguarded from future attack.

Government Appointed Counsel for Children in Removal Proceedings: This is a no-brainer.  In a case before the Ninth Circuit involving this issue, J.E.F.M. v. Lynch,  an amicus brief was filed by the states of Washington and California.  The brief began: “In this case, the federal government argues that an indigent child charged with removability in a federal immigration proceeding does not, as a matter of due process under the federal Constitution, have the right to be represented by appointed counsel at government expense….Such a position is at odds with principles of ordered liberty and due process.  It ignores the reality that indigent children are incapable of representing themselves in an adversarial immigration removal proceeding, let alone raising complex claims of due process or navigating federal administrative and appellate procedure.”  The brief continued: “An adversarial immigration system, which depends on the presentation of both sides of a case in a highly specialized area of law, demands that a child, standing alone, be represented by counsel.”  The brief was signed (in March 2016) by California’s then Attorney General, Kamala Harris.  Hopefully Vice President Harris will work to make this right a reality.

Eliminate Chevron Deference for BIA and Attorney General Decisions:  Last year, the Third Circuit, in a concurring opinion by Judge McKee in its decision in Quinteros v. Att’y Gen. (which all three judges on the panel joined), stated that “it is difficult for me to read this record and conclude that the Board was acting as anything other than an agency focused on ensuring Quinteros’ removal rather than as the neutral and fair tribunal it is expected to be. That criticism is harsh and I do not make it lightly.”  The court’s observation highlights the problem with according broad deference to those who use their decision-making authority for politically motivated ends.

In a blog post earlier this year, I highlighted three recent scholarly articles questioning the continued propriety of applying Chevron’s principles to decisions of the BIA concerning asylum, or to any decisions of the Attorney General.  I believe Article I status would resolve this problem, as decisions issued by an independent court outside of the executive branch would no longer constitute the interpretation of an executive branch agency covered by Chevron.  In the meantime, Congress and/or the Department of Justice should consider means of exempting such decisions from Chevron deference, and thus keep both the BIA and Attorney General honest in their efforts to reach neutral and fair results.

Create a “Charming Betsy” Reg Requiring Adherence to International Law:  Since 1804, the Supreme Court’s decision in Murray v. The Schooner Charming Betsy has required domestic statutes to be interpreted consistently with international law whenever possible.  As the Supreme Court in INS v. Cardoza-Fonseca observed that in enacting the 1980 Refugee Act, “one of Congress’ primary purposes was to bring United States refugee law into conformance with the 1967 United Nations Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees,” it would seem that interpreters of our asylum laws should look to international law interpretations of that treaty for guidance.  Recent examples in which this has not been the case include the just-published “death to asylum” regulations that will completely gut the 1980 Refugee Act of any meaning; as well as regulations that bar asylum for conduct falling far, far short of the severity required to bar refugee protection under international law (which a federal district court blocked in Pangea v. Barr).

As the Board seems disinclined to listen to the Supreme Court on this point, it is hoped that the Biden Administration would codify the Charming Betsy doctrine in regulations, which should further require the BIA, Immigration Judges, and Asylum Officers to consider UNHCR interpretations of the various asylum provisions, and require adjudicators to provide compelling reasons for rejecting its guidance.

Eliminate or Curtail the Attorney General’s Certification Power: Until Article I becomes a reality, Congress must pass legislation that either eliminates or at least seriously limits the Attorney General’s certification power by removing the ability to rewrite established law on a whim.  At most, the Attorney General’s role should be limited to requesting the BIA to reconsider precedent in light of interceding Supreme Court or Circuit Court decisions, changes in law or regulations, or other legal developments that might materially impact the prior holding.  Furthermore, any right to certify must be limited to cases before the BIA, and to actual disputes between the parties arising in the proceedings below.

Revamp Immigration Judge Training:  This is more important than it might sound.  Conservative commentator Nolan Rappaport has commented on the inadequacy of Immigration Judge training, particularly where many recent appointees come to the bench with no prior immigration experience.  This problem predates the present administration.  Under Attorneys General Holder and Lynch, the BIA in particular was extremely resistant to exposing its judges and attorneys to views not considered part of the official party line.  During that period, I was amazed at how the BIA’s vice-chair (who continues to hold that position up to present) viewed respected immigration experts as the enemy, and employed a director of training and subject matter experts whose only qualification was their willingness to shield EOIR employees from outside sources.  This problem has worsened over the past four years.  A committee including not only those within EOIR, but also academics and members of the private bar should be formed to completely rethink the curriculum and resources available to judges and support staff.

Copyright 2020 Jeffrey S. Chase.  All rights reserved. Reprinted with permission.


Jeffrey’s point on training is particularly well-taken. This has been a festering “below the radar screen” problem at EOIR for decades. 

“Eyore In Distress”
Once A Symbol of Fairness, Due Process, & Best Practices, Now Gone “Belly Up”

Jeffrey’s analysis supports my call for the immediate end of the “EOIR Clown Show” and the replacement of EOIR Senior “Management” and the entire BIA with expert “practical scholars” from the NDPA. Indeed, one of the most grossly “underrepresented” groups in the current Immigration Judiciary are those who gained their expertise and courtroom knowledge as clinical professors! That group includes some of the finest legal minds I have run across in nearly 50 years of government, “big law,” and academic practice.

In my experience, EOIR training ranged from the “minimally adequate,” to the sadly comical, to the overtly insulting. In the latter category were the years we had no in person training and were sent a series of “mandatory videos.” Some were inaudible; others wrong or misleading; a few were actually reprises of BIA “staff brown bag lunches.” “Amateur Night at The Bijou” to be sure!

It was not that the resources weren’t available. We had among our ranks colleagues like Judge Dana Marks, one of the “Founding Mothers” of U.S. asylum law, who successfully argued the landmark Cardoza-Fonseca (“well-founded fear”) case before the Supreme Court as a private lawyer; and Board Member/Appellate Immigration Judge Lory D. Rosenberg, to my knowledge the only EOIR judge at any level whose legal analysis was favorably cited by name by the Supreme Court in the St. Cyr case (212(c) waiver retroactivity). 

Yet instead of getting insights and pointers from these and other luminaries of modern immigration and asylum law, we often were treated to government litigators telling us how to narrowly interpret asylum law or make denial decisions “easier to defend” in the Circuit Courts. One government prosecutor famously informed us that we weren’t really “judges” at all but simply “highly paid immigration inspectors working for the Attorney General.” 

Others told us that as “mere DOJ attorneys” we weren’t allowed to claim status as “administrative judges” for state bar purposes, even though by law we were barred from performing non-adjudicative legal functions. This is the kind of nonsense on which some of our limited “training time” was spent. Still others told us that although Congress had granted us statutory contempt authority, the Attorney General was withholding it because we shouldn’t be allowed to hold “other government attorneys” (that is, INS/DHS prosecutors) accountable for their conduct in our “courts” (which, clearly, these bureaucrats didn’t consider “courts” at all, except, perhaps, when arguing against judicial review by the Article IIIs).

Training is important! Many of the Circuit Court reversals highlighted in “Courtside” and on Jeffrey’s blog show grossly deficient understanding and application at both the trial and appellate levels of EOIR of the fundamentals of immigration and asylum law — things like standards of proof, considering all the evidence, judging credibility, and following Circuit and sometimes even BIA precedents favorable to respondents. 

This isn’t “rocket science!” They are the “x’s and o’s” of basic due process and fair immigration adjudication. Yet, all too often, EOIR “expert” tribunals (that really aren’t) come up short. Indeed very few members of today’s EOIR judiciary would be generally recognized as “experts” in the field based on their lifetime body of work. A sad, but true, commentary. But, one that can and must be changed by the Biden-Harris Administration!

The BIA should not only be reconstituted as an true “expert tribunal,” along the line of a Circuit Court of Appeals, but as a tribunal that teaches, instructs, and promotes best practices through its jurisprudence.

And, contrary to some of the restrictionist commentary that I continue to read, asylum law following Cardoza, Mogharrabi, the Refugee Act of 1980, and the U.N. Convention & Protocol from which it flows is neither intentionally narrow nor inherently restrictive. As indicated in Cardoza, it could and should properly be interpreted generously and humanely to grant life-saving protection wherever possible. The purpose of the Convention was to set forth legal minimums while inspiring greater protections along those lines. 

The “spirit of Cardoza and Mogharrabi have long been lost, and now gleefully exorcised at the “EOIR Clown Show.” It’s past time for the appointment of competent, expert EOIR judges and administrators from the NDPA. Those who are intellectual leaders with moral courage who will insist on its long overdue restoration and fulfillment of this spirit!

Due Process Forever!




“Eyore In Distress”
Once A Symbol of Fairness, Due Process, & Best Practices, Now Gone “Belly Up”
EOIR Clown Show Must Go T-Shirt
“EOIR Clown Show Must Go” T-Shirt Custom Design Concept


EOIR’s New Math

I’m going to use a baseball analogy here (with apologies to non-fans):  DJ LeMahieu finished this past season as the American League batting champion.  Imagine if he were to walk in to negotiate a new contract with the New York Yankees, only to be offered the minimum permissible contract because of his disappointing performance.  When a shocked LeMahieu would respond “but I hit .364 last season!,” the Yankees general manager would reply “Not even close.”

The Yankees would explain that they are no longer employing the traditional method of calculating batting average, but have come up with a “better” approach.  A confused LeMahieu would note that he had 71 hits in 195 at bats.  The Yankees would respond that he appeared at the plate 216 times, if one includes “other” outcomes, such as  walks, hit-by-pitch, and sacrifices.  LeMahieu would point out that those have not counted in calculating batting average before; the Yankees would respond “Well, now they do.”  The Yankees would next point out that LeMahieu had not played in 12 of the team’s games last season, due to injury.  The team therefore estimated another 48 plate appearances that the player could have had, and calculated those into his batting average as “non-hits.”  Lastly, the team would note that the season was shortened by 102 games due to the pandemic, covering another 408 plate appearances.  By the time they were done, the Yankees would conclude that LeMahieu had actually batted .107, certainly not Major League quality hitting.1   The Yankees would add that few if any teams would even be negotiating with a .107 hitter, much less offering them a contract.

The above purely fictitious, imaginary scenario is offered to illustrate EOIR’s very real current approach to its published asylum statistics.  The Trump Administration has from day one taken the position that all asylum claims are false in order to justify its inhumane treatment of genuine refugees.  However, such a claim is undermined when the Justice Department’s own judges are granting asylum in those very cases.   It was therefore up to EOIR to offer the type of “alternative facts” that are a trademark of this administration.

EOIR has for many years published an annual Statistical Yearbook, which has included asylum grant rates nationally for all immigration courts.  But recently, EOIR put out a chart entitled “Executive Office for Immigration Review Adjudication Statistics,” and subtitled “Asylum Decision Rates.”  The top half of the chart contains a graph that is only slightly less difficult to follow than Rudy Giuliani’s latest election conspiracy theories.  Below that is a chart containing asylum grant rates for the years 2008 through 2020.

Interestingly, the grant rates listed on this latest chart (using what I’ll call EOIR’s new “Larger Inclusion Asylum & Refugee Statistics,” or “LIARS” for short) are strikingly different than the numbers in the EOIR Yearbooks:

Year EOIR Statistical Yearbook LIARS Figures

2008 45% granted         23.68% granted

2009 48%                 23.92%

2010 51%                 25.34%

2011 52%                       31.36%

2012 56%                 30.55%

2013 53%                 24.93%

2014 49%                 22.84%

2015 48%                 18.70%

2016 43%                 15.80%

There is quite a difference between a grant rate of 48 percent or 18.7 percent for 2015.  So how were the LIARS figures derived?

Well, in addition to asylum grants and asylum denials (i.e. the only two figures that should matter), the LIARS figures added two more categories to the equation.  The first new category is “Other.”  A footnote explains (if that’s the correct word) that “Asylum Others have a decision of abandonment, not adjudicated, other, or withdrawn.”  The explanation that “other” includes “other” didn’t clear things up for me.  Nevertheless, it seems that these were cases that did not involve either a grant or a denial of asylum, and thus shouldn’t be part of the calculation, much like walks, hit by pitch, and sacrifices are not considered in batting average calculations.  The reason those outcomes don’t count in baseball is because they are not indicative of the batter’s ability to get a hit, since no opportunity was available.  Similarly, an asylum case that did not proceed to an actual decision is not indicative of the merits of the application.  For example, an asylum applicant who subsequently became eligible for a faster, easier path to legal status because they married a U.S. citizen or won the visa lottery in no way indicates that their asylum claim wasn’t meritorious.

The second new LIARS category involves cases that were administratively closed.  This is the equivalent of games not played in the baseball analogy.  A case administratively closed is taken off the docket and not tried; it’s a hearing not held.  EOIR is now choosing to consider it as a “non-grant”  in its  calculations, thus reducing the grant rate to the same degree as if the hearing was held and asylum was denied.  In 2015, the two new categories that shouldn’t have been considered equaled 60.94 percent of the total cases considered by LIARS (comparable to the 102 games not played in 2020 by the Yankees, which constitutes 63 percent of a normal length season).  To summarize, the real (Statistical Yearbook) grant rate of 48% in 2015 was derived based on 8,246 asylum grants out of 17,079 total asylum cases decided that year.  The LIARS grant rate of 18.70  considered 8,076 asylum grants (i.e. 170 less than listed in the 2015 Statistical Yearbook) out of a total of 43,189 cases consisting of grants, denials, other, and administratively closed hearings in which the asylum claim was never heard.  I have no idea how LIARS reduced the number of grants in 2015 by 170 cases.

The EOIR Statistical Yearbook contains an additional chart which includes cases in which withholding of removal was granted.  In  2015, fifty-five percent of asylum applicants were granted either asylum or withholding of removal.  The LIARS figures make no mention of withholding of removal.  If grants of that alternative relief were hidden in the “Other: other” category, they would have been counted as cases in which asylum was not granted, which would lower the grant rate in the same way as a denial.

This might all seem like mere pettiness on EOIR’s part, but the administration uses these numbers in press releases (such as its infamous “Myths vs. Facts” sheet which remains posted on EOIR’s website).  It also emboldens the administration to claim it is merely “increasing efficiency” in passing new rules to quickly deny and deport asylum seekers by “efficiently” rendering all of them ineligible for relief.2  Such a statement depends on an underlying belief in the illegitimacy of the claims of those being quickly denied and deported, an illegitimacy that seeks support from the doctored numbers.  Where the true numbers show a much higher rate of asylum claims granted, how could efficiency be used to justify sending actual refugees home to die?3

I wonder who came up with this new system.  As I don’t know the answer, let’s call them “other.”  Maybe they can spend the final weeks until January 20 devising a new chart, titled “Who should no longer be a government employee as of January 21, 2021?”  To get them started, here are a few easy ones: (1) EOIR Director James McHenry: 100%.  (2) Every EOIR manager who enabled him over the past four years: 100%.  (3) Other: 100%.


  1. The infamous “Mendoza Line,” which denotes a batting average of .200, is usually considered “the offensive threshold below which a player’s presence on a Major League Baseball team cannot be justified,” according to Wikipedia.
  2. The administration’s latest rules, scheduled to take effect on January 10, would make the manipulation of asylum grant rates unnecessary as to future claims, as virtually no one would remain eligible for such relief. One can only hope that courts will block those rules until they can be withdrawn by the Biden administration.
  3. To be clear, no grant rate would ever  justify sending even a single refugee to their death in the name of efficiency.

Copyright 2020 Jeffrey S. Chase.  All rights reserved.

Reprinted with permission.


A test of the Biden-Harris Administration’s seriousness about equal justice and restoring human dignity to immigrants will be how quickly the members of the EOIR Kakistocracy, including the BIA, are removed from their positions and replaced by real judges and judicial administrators. That is, “practical scholar-experts” with demonstrated immigration/human rights expertise, applied due process experience, and the guts and integrity to stand up for the rights of individuals who have been unfairly victimized by a vile, White Nationalist, nativist agenda!

Not rocket science!

Due Process Forever!




Knightess of the Round Table
Jeffrey S. Chase
Hon. Jeffrey S. “Sir Jeffrey” Chase
Jeffrey S. Chase Blog
Coordinator & Chief Spokesperson, Round Table of Former Immigration Judges

More great news from Sir Jeffrey:

Hi all:  We filed an amicus brief with the Third Circuit last year in a domestic violence withholding and CAT claim from Mexico.  The BIA acknowledged that the petitioner was beaten four or five times a month by her abuser; was raped by him several times, and then lost her job as an agro-engineer with a government agency in Mexico after her abuser beat her violently in front of her co-workers, and her employer told her she could not publicly represent the agency with the resulting bruises on her face.  The BIA further recognized that her abuser was able to locate her when she tried to relocate within Mexico.  And yet withholding was denied on nexus, and CAT denied on government acquiescence grounds.

A number of other groups, including CGRS, filed amicus briefs as well, and OILu moved to remand under favorable terms.  Anju Gupta at Rutgers, who represents the petitioner, said that today, the IJ  (who was very much made aware of all of the amicus briefs) granted CAT relief.

The email said that the petitioner (who was previously detained at Elizabeth, NJ) is now in Mexico (I’m not clear on the details), but will hopefully be able to return soon based on the grant.

It’s great that we continue to make a positive difference.

Best, Jeff


Wow! What a great holiday present!

What a great group with a great mission of promoting due process, advocating for equal justice, and saving lives! Every member of the Round Table has saved lives by standing up for the human dignity and legal rights of those who came before us in Immigration Court. And, we continue to “fight the good fight,” in every possible way at every level of the justice system!

Due Process Forever!


NDPA SUPERSTAR 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 SCHOLAR-INNOVATOR PROFESSOR MICHELE PISTONE’S CREATIVE, AMAZING VIISTA PROGRAM IS CHANGING THE FACE OF PRO BONO REPRESENTATION FOR ASYLUM SEEKERS ⚖️— At A Time Of Grotesque Stupidity 🤮 & Management Catastrophe ☠️ Inflicted By The EOIR Kakistocracy, Michele & Her Talented, Problem-Solving Colleagues In The NDPA Are EXACTLY What America Needs To Replace The “Clown Show” With Real Practical Scholars Who Will Lead the New Due Process Revolution!  ⚖️👨🏻‍⚖️🧑🏽‍⚖️🗽🇺🇸

Professor Michele Pistone
Professor Michele Pistone
Villanova Law

Creator & Developer of VIISTA

Michele writes:

I am thrilled to report that VIISTA is getting rave reviews.  The inaugural class of students is really enjoying the course.  They will be finishing Module 1 next week and will start Module 2 (with its focus on immigration law) in January.  I am really impressed so far with their work product and the quizzes and other assessments confirm that they are learning what we want them to learn.

Students in the inaugural class come from diverse backgrounds.  My current students include a Stanford college senior who aims to work as a paralegal next year, and eventually go to law school.  Other students are recent college grads interested in peace and justice/law/social work who want to make an immediate impact for immigrant families.  Some students are first-generation immigrants, others are children of immigrants.  Some students are retirees or those seeking an encore career, like empty nesters and parents coming back into the workforce. Three PhDs also enrolled in the program.  Many are volunteers with immigrant serving organizations.

I am now focused on getting the word out.  Attached and linked here is a recent article from the Chronicle of Higher Education and here is a link to an article from the Columbus Dispatch.  And here is a link to the website, immigrantadvocate.villanova.edu.

Please help me to spread the word about VIISTA in your networks, including among volunteers with your organizations.  You can also let folks know that scholarships are available for the Spring term, which starts on Monday, January 11.

The Scholarships are offered through ADROP, Augustinian Defenders of the Rights of the Poor.

You can read about the scholarship, the application process and apply at ADROP’s website: https://www.rightsofthepoor.org/viista-scholarship-program.

If you have any questions about the process, please feel free to reach out to Lacie Michaelson (cced here).  She is the Executive Director of ADROP and took VIISTA herself as a student in the pilot.

Please note that the deadline to apply for a scholarship for Spring of 2021 semester is Monday, December 14th, 2020.

Thanks for helping me to spread the word and identify passionate advocates for immigrant justice who want to become part of the solution.



Michele R. Pistone

Professor of Law

Villanova University, Charles Widger School of Law

Founding Faculty Director, VIISTA: Villanova Interdisciplinary Immigration Studies Training for Advocates

Founder, VIISTA Villanova Interdisciplinary Immigration Studies Training for Advocates

Director, Clinic for Asylum, Refugee & Emigrant Services (CARES)

Co-Managing Editor, Journal on Migration and Human Security


Michele, my friend and colleague, YOU are amazing!🦸‍♀️😎

With the echoes of my AILA keynote speech yesterday still reverberating across Ohio, here we are with the perfect example of why the EOIR Clown Show must go and be replaced by competent judges and administrators from the NDPA! https://immigrationcourtside.com/2020/12/04/🇺🇸good-morning-ohio-my-keynote-speech-to-aila-this-morning-🗽-an-ndpa-call-to-action-⚖%EF%B8%8F-the-eoi/

Over the past four years, what passes for “management” at DOJ and EOIR has wasted millions of dollars, squandered thousands of hours of time, and kept the private bar on a treadmill with a steady stream of moronic, cruel, and inept “enforcement only” gimmicks, each seemingly stupider and more counterproductive than the last, driven by a White Nationalist nativist agenda. The result is a backlog that has exploded to astounding levels, (even with twice as many judges on the bench, many of them with questionable credentials and little if any expertise in immigration and human rights laws) and a totally dysfunctional mess that threatens to topple the entire Federal judicial system.

As those of us who understand immigration know, the key to a successful EOIR is representation! With an adequate supply of good representation, cases get sorted out at the earliest possible levels, claims are properly documented and presented, individuals show up at their hearings at remarkably high rates, and results are much more likely to be fair. Presto, “Aimless Docket Reshuffling” by EOIR shrinks, parties are encouraged to stipulate and get right to the contested issues, results at trial are more likely to be fair, appeals, petitions for review, and remands decrease, and the backlogs go down as the dockets come under control. Moreover, as the Immigration Court litigation experience improves, more practitioners get the “positive vibes” and are willing to undertake pro bono or low bono cases. Best practices developed to achieve fairness on EOIR’s high-volume docket find their way into other parts of the Federal Court system. It’s an all-around winner! Or, at least it should be!

So, any competent, rational, and knowledgeable “management group” at EOIR would make increasing representation “job # 1.” They would work cooperatively and harmoniously with bar groups, NGOs, states, and localities, to increase availability and improve quality of representation. They would eschew unnecessary detention, which inhibits representation, and insure than courts are reasonably and conveniently located in areas where private representation is abundantly available.

Of course, that’s not what the clowns at EOIR have done! Instead, they have gone out of their way to inflict misery on respondents and their representatives. Far from inspiring more folks to undertake cases, we have all seen stories of how the intentional rudeness and abuse inflicted in Immigration Court and the dysfunctional system actually demoralizes lawyers and causes them to leave the field. Their “stories of woe” are hardly encouraging  for others to donate time and effort.

Fortunately, while EOIR was busy ”kneecapping justice,” someone outside the “EOIR twilight zone” was thinking about how to solve the problem! With help from her friends, Michele designed the VIISTA program to train more non-attorney representatives to represent asylum seekers, convinced folks to fund it, recruited initial classes, and has it up and running. (By contrast, after two decades of wasted resources and incompetent meanderings, EOIR is still without a functioning e-filing system. Think that might have helped or saved some lives during the pandemic?) 

And the training is not only a bargain (with scholarships available), it is beyond first class in substance and content. Essentially, it’s “what you really need to learn in law school in less than a year.” The curriculum would put to shame any training we received at EOIR, even before the current Clown Show. My Round Table colleague Judge Jeffrey Chase (a/k/a “Sir Jeffrey”) has reviewed the curriculum and agrees.

The solution is painfully obvious to anyone who takes the time to think about it. On January 21, 2021, give the hook to the Clown Show in Falls Church, and bring in the scholar/problem solvers like Michele and her NDPA colleagues to lead the due process revolution that will transform EOIR into a place where teamwork and innovation will produce the world’s best court system guaranteeing fairness and due process for all. That was once the “EOIR vision” before “serial mismanagement” transformed it into the ugly, dysfunctional Star Chamber that confronts us today. 

It need not and should not be that way. But, the vision of true due process at EOIR will only be realized if the Biden Administration puts the right people — folks like Michele and others like her from the NDPA — in place immediately upon assuming power.

Let your contacts in the Biden Administration know that you have had more than enough! The EOIR Clown Show must go!

Due Process Forever!



EOIR clown Show Must Go T-Shirt
“EOIR Clown Show Must Go” T-Shirt Custom Design Concept



Hon. Sarah Burt
Hon. Sarah Burr
Retired U.S. Immigration Judge
Knightess of The Round Table
Photo Source: Immigrant Justice Corps website
Jeffrey S. Chase
Hon. Jeffrey S. Chase
Jeffrey S. Chase Blog
Coordinator & Chief Spokesperson, Round Table of Former Immigration Judgeship

Sir Jeffrey Chase reports:

Attached is the decision of U.S. District Judge Alison J. Nathan of the Southern District of New York ordering ICE to present detained noncitizens before an immigration judge within 10 days of their arrest.  It was not unusual as recently as early last year for noncitizens detained by ICE who were eligible for release to wait weeks or months to see an IJ for the first time.

Sarah Burr filed a declaration in support of the litigation that counsel acknowledged was critical to the outcome. Congrats, Sarah, and thanks for your extraordinary efforts on behalf of due process!

Whether as individuals or a group, we continue to make a difference in important decisions.

Best, Jeff


Thanks, and congrats, Sarah!

You are indeed one of the Round Table’s leading “warrior-princesses!”

Knightess of the Round Table

Your fighting spirit and lifelong dedication to the battle to achieve “due process for all” are a constant inspiration to all of us in the Round Table and the NDPA!

Due Process Forever!



⚔️🛡SIR JEFFREY ON THE LIFE-SAVING IMPORTANCE OF COMMENTING: Yeah, Preparing Regulatory Comments Is A Royal Pain In The Butt, Particularly When You Know The Malicious Incompetents In The White Nationalist Regime Won’t Pay Any Attention — But, Federal Judges 🧑🏽‍⚖️⚖️ Often Do!

Jeffrey S. Chase
Hon. Jeffrey S. Chase
Jeffrey S. Chase Blog
Coordinator & Chief Spokesperson, Round Table of Former Immigration Judges


Pangea v. DHS: The Power of Comments

The constant stream of proposed regulations relating to our immigration laws has led to a continuous call to the public to submit comments to those rules.  Individuals and organizations have responded in large numbers, in spite of the short 30 day comment windows this administrative has generally afforded.  For those who have questioned the purpose of submitting comments or have wondered if the effort was worth it, I point to the recent decision of U.S. District Court Judge Susan Illston in the Northern District of California in Pangea Legal Services v. DHS granting a temporary restraining order against regulations that classify a wide range of crimes as bars to asylum eligibility.

As background, I would like to point to the explanation of the notice and comment procedures provided by U.S. District Court Judge Timothy J. Kelly last year in CAIR Coalition v. Trump.  In that case, the Departments of Justice and Homeland Security attempted to bypass the process by publishing final rules with no opportunity to comment.  Judge Kelly (who happens to be a Trump appointee) found that the avoidance of comments invalidated the regulations, explaining that the “procedures are not a mere formality.  They are designed (1) to ensure that agency regulations are tested via exposure to diverse public comment; (2) to ensure fairness to affected parties, and (3) to give affected parties an opportunity to develop evidence in the record to support their objections to the rule and thereby enhance the quality of judicial review.”

It is further worth noting that comments become part of the public record, and that the Administrative Procedures Act requires the agency to respond to all significant comments before the regulations can become final.

In accordance with this scheme, a brief comment period was provided as to the regulations covered in Pangea.  The proposed rule sought to expand the category of “particularly serious crimes” that Congress has designated as a bar to asylum.  Instead of allowing immigration judges to make such determinations on a case-by-case basis, the new rule sought to add a broad range of criminal conduct that the Departments of Justice and Homeland Security originally argued should categorically bar asylum as particularly serious crimes.

Commenters pointed out the flaws with this proposal, not the least of which was some of the offenses are not particularly serious.  The crimes include harboring certain noncitizens (even if they are family members), or possessing or using false identity documents (for example, to work and support one’s family).  These offenses are a far cry from the type of behavior that would pose such a threat to society as to outweigh the obligation to provide refugee protection.  In publishing the final rule, the Departments did acknowledge these concerns raised in the comments.  However, as explained above, more than mere acknowledgement was required.

Although Judge Illston found numerous reasons to support the granting of the temporary restraining order, one of those reasons was the Departments’ failure to respond to the above comments as required.  As Judge Illston wrote, “when commenters pointed out that the new bars would include minor conduct and conduct that cannot be categorized as particularly serious or even dangerous, the Departments either declined to respond or else relied on their authority under § 1158(b)(2)(C).”

In other words, when the comments received caused the Departments to realize that their claimed justification for the rule under the statute’s “particularly serious crime” provision was problematic, instead of addressing those comments as they were required to do, the agencies instead replied “Particularly serious crimes?  Is that what you thought we said?  We meant they were similar to particularly serious crimes.  Sorry for the confusion; let’s just say the changes fall under section 1158(b)(2)(C) for the sake of clarity.”

That section which  the Departments now chose to rely on contains vague language allowing the Attorney General to establish by regulation “additional limitations and exceptions, consistent with this section” under which noncitizens might be ineligible for asylum.  The Departments might not have noticed the words “consistent with this section,” which would seem to rule out their disregarding the fact that Congress had allowed only a few narrow statutory limitations to the right to asylum that tend to be consistent with international law.  That might explain their reading of the clause as an invitation to impose any limitation on asylum the Departments desired, with no regard to international law obligations.

But besides from the permissibility of the Departments’ interpretation of the clause, Judge Illston categorized their tactics as evasion.  The judge wrote that “the Departments initially stated they were relying in part on their authority to designate new offenses as particularly serious crimes. They then disclaimed reliance on that authority but said the new offenses were ‘similar to’ particularly serious crimes… And they declined to address commenters’ concerns that the Rule now bars crimes that do not rise to the level of particularly serious because, according to the Departments, they are not, in fact, designating new particularly serious crimes and any comments to that point ‘are outside the scope of this rulemaking.’”

Much thanks are owed to the lawyers and organizations who litigated and filed supporting briefs in Pangea; they managed to block yet another effort by this administration that sought to undermine the very nature of refugee protection.  But thanks are also due to those who took the time and effort to submit comments.  Hopefully, this will provide inspiration to continue to submit comments to new regulations still being proposed in these final days before what will hopefully be a return to normalcy, decency, and respect for the rule of law.

Copyright 2020 Jeffrey S. Chase.  All rights reserved.

Republished by permission.


While many Federal Judges have been receptive and stopped illegal (and often immoral) regulations in their tracks, there is one key group of jurists so in the regime’s White Nationalist pocket that they don’t pay any much attention. That is the GOP majority on the Supremes, who have happily treated the Trump/Miller racist agenda of “Dred Scottification” of asylum seekers and other migrants with kid gloves. At the request of an “ethics free” Solicitor General, the majority has used corrupt procedural moves to interfere with the lower courts and advance the regime’s agenda while accepting obvious factually and legally inaccurate “pretexts” to “justify” the regime’s extreme, racist, dehumanizing actions. 

Imagine all the positives for America that could be accomplished if  all of the time and resources devoted to blocking an avalanche of illegal regulations and litigating them through the Federal courts were instead devoted to working for the public good. That’s actually what government is supposed to do. But, fascist regimes and their enablers, not so much.

Ultimately, better qualified, more scholarly, human, and humane Justices —  judges distinguished for their wisdom, courage, humanity and constructive problem solving abilities rather than adherence to some far-right agenda — on the Supremes will be necessary for a better, more equal, America.

Life tenure means it will be a slow process of getting the right “Supreme Team” in place. But, one that needs to begin somewhere. A remade U.S. Immigration Court seems like a good starting place for building a better Federal Judiciary at all levels, bottom to top!

Due Process Forever!



JEFFREY S. CHASE BLOG:  In 1996, The BIA Was Functioning Like A Court & Trying To Develop & Apply Asylum Law In The Rational, Generous Way It Was Intended, Properly Giving The Applicant “The Benefit Of the Doubt” — Today,  The BIA Is A Deadly ☠️☠️⚰️ Clown Show 🤡 Asylum Denial Factory!

“Eyore In Distress”
Once A Symbol of Fairness, Due Process, & Best Practices, Now Gone “Belly Up”
Star Chamber Justice
Star Chamber
BIA Members: “Hey, let’s celebrate! We just sent a refugee to death for not being able to describe some obscure insignia irrelevant to the case. But, the big thing is we found ‘any reason to deny’ asylum making our handler ‘Billy the Bigot’ happy! He’s out to set new killing records before Jan. 20! Maybe he’ll find us jobs at Breitbart then!”
Creative Commons License
Jeffrey S. Chase
Hon. Jeffrey S. Chase
Jeffrey S. Chase Blog
Coordinator & Chief Spokesperson, Round Table of Former Immigration Judges



Facts, Reason, and Benefit of the Doubt

On November 24, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit issued an unpublished decision in Malonda v. Barr.  In that case, the asylum-seeker was attacked by armed soldiers when they raided his family’s home in the Democratic Republic of Congo.  The soldiers raped and killed three of his sisters, and abducted his father and brother, all due to the father’s membership in an opposition political party.

The Immigration Judge acknowledged the voluminous documentation and detailed testimony in support of the claim.  However, asylum was denied because Malonda couldn’t identify the soldiers’ uniforms with absolute certainty, although he stated “they were working for the government, I can say.”  And because he did not credit the attackers as working for the government, the judge did not find that the attack was necessarily motivated by the family’s political opinion, but could have simply been an act of random violence not protected under asylum law.

Malonda was not the only recent agency decision to employ this thought pattern.  In the BIA’s precedent decision in Matter of O-F-A-S-, an applicant for protection under the Convention Against Torture testified that he was beaten, robbed, and threatened by five men wearing police uniforms bearing the insignia of a government law enforcement agency, who were armed with high-caliber weapons and handcuffs.  The Immigration Judge determined that the respondent had not met his burden of establishing that the five were police officers, as the uniforms could have been fake, and criminals also carry weapons.  The IJ further noted that the five did not arrive in an official police car, and immediately departed when they heard that a police car was en route in response to the disturbance.  Of course, real police officers engaging in extracurricular criminal activity would behave the same way.  Nevertheless, the BIA found no clear error on appeal.

In another recent decision presently pending at the Second Circuit, asylum was denied because the applicant was unable to state with certainty from the details of the uniform he wore that one of his persecutors was certainly a police officer, although he believed that he was.  The IJ therefore did not conclude that police were involved, instead considering the persecutors to be non-state actors, from whom the respondent hadn’t proven that the police were unwilling or unable to protect him.  The BIA affirmed in an unpublished decision.  Obviously, a finding that a police officer participated in the persecution of the asylum applicant could well have led to a different finding as to the government’s willingness to protect.

In each of the above cases, the respondent was found to be a credible witness.  There are only two types of witnesses in court proceedings: fact (or “lay”) witnesses and experts.  Asylum applicants are fact witnesses, describing what they experienced.  Although the Federal Rules of Evidence are not binding on immigration judges, they provide the best guidance available, as the Immigration Courts have no such evidentiary rules of their own.  Rule 701 of the FRE allows a lay witness to express an opinion provided that it is (1) rationally based on their own perception; (2) helpful to clearly understand the testimony or to determine a fact in issue; and (3) not based on scientific, technical, or other specialized knowledge reserved for expert witnesses.  In the above cases, the asylum seekers’ opinions that the uniformed, armed attackers were government officials fit clearly within the parameters of Rule 701.

Of course, asylum applicants are not experts on uniforms worn by the various government forces in their home countries.  I doubt most country experts who testify in asylum cases would possess such specific expertise.  Even if they did, those experts weren’t present to witness the event in question to be able to affirm that the uniform was in fact the official government issue.  So what is the solution in cases in which the Immigration Judge harbors doubt regarding the attackers?

The UNHCR Handbook at para. 196 advises that despite all efforts, “there may also be statements that are not susceptible of proof. In such cases, if the applicant’s account appears credible, he should, unless there are good reasons to the contrary, be given the benefit of the doubt.”  The following paragraph adds that evidentiary requirements should not be applied too strictly to asylum seekers.  But the Handbook sets limits on this practice, adding that  “[a]llowance for such possible lack of evidence does not, however, mean that unsupported statements must necessarily be accepted as true if they are inconsistent with the general account put forward by the applicant.”1

It would seem that requiring absolute confirmation of the authenticity of the attacker’s uniform (which psychologists have testified is not one’s focus during a traumatic experience) places an insurmountable burden on asylum applicants.  Given the purpose of asylum laws, where an asylum applicant expresses the reasonable opinion that attackers who look and behave like government officials are in fact government officials, in the absence of the type of inconsistencies flagged by the Handbook, the benefit of the doubt should be allowed to carry the day.

Addressing this issue in Malonda, the Second Circuit  focused on the fact that the identity issue was tied to the question of political opinion.  The court referenced its decision from earlier this year in Hernandez-Chacon v. Barr, in which it cited language from the BIA’s excellent 1996 decision in Matter of S-P- holding that  political opinion is established by direct or circumstantial evidence.

The Second Circuit pointed to circumstantial evidence in Malonda’s testimony that the attackers were government soldiers motivated by the family’s political opinion.  Such evidence included the facts that Malonda’s home was the only one attacked, and his father was the only resident of the street who was an active opposition party member.  Furthermore, the likelihood of the attackers being anti-government rebels was undermined by Malonda’s testimony that the rebels ability to reach his neighborhood was impeded by the presence of state security forces, and that his brother, who was abducted by the attackers, was brought to a camp where he was trained to fight against (rather than for) the rebels.

In a footnote, the court noted that the BIA had added its own insinuation to the contrary by referencing general reports of rebel involvement in “widespread violence and civil strife” in the country.  But the Second Circuit pointed out that such general information failed to consider that Malonda’s own region was protected by the government, and “more importantly, does not explain why the rebels would have targeted only Malonda’s house for such violence.”

The Second Circuit’s opinion in Malonda emphasizes the starkly different approaches of the 1996 BIA and its current iteration.  In Matter of S-P- (an en banc decision which remains binding precedent on immigration judges and the BIA), the Board noted the difficulty in determining motive where “harm may have been inflicted for reasons related to government intelligence gathering, for political views imputed to the applicant, or for some combination of these reasons.”  But the Board emphasized the importance of keeping “in mind the fundamental humanitarian concerns of asylum law,” which are “designed to afford a generous standard for protection in cases of doubt.”2

S-P- also included a reminder that a grant of asylum “is not a judgment about the country involved, but a judgment about the reasonableness of the applicant’s belief that persecution was based on a protected ground.”  As the scholar Deborah Anker has emphasized, such reasonableness determinations require “that the adjudicator view the evidence as the applicant – or a reasonable person in his or her circumstances – would and does not simply substitute the adjudicator’s own experience as the vantage point.”3  In its decision in Sotelo-Aquije v. Slattery, the Second Circuit similarly emphasized the importance of vantage point by describing the standard as what a reasonable person would find credible “based on what that person has experienced and witnessed.”

Applying this standard, what reasonable person who had experienced and witnessed what Malonda did would say: “You know, I was pretty certain the attackers were government soldiers punishing us for my father’s political activities.  But since you pointed out that I’m not completely certain about the uniforms, I guess I was mistaken.  It was probably just a random incident.  In which case, I can’t see any reason to fear return?”

Remarkably, that appears to have been the  BIA’s approach in Malonda.  Its decision lacked any indication of adopting the asylum applicant’s vantage point or applying the benefit of the doubt as described above.  And while Matter of S-P- set out a rather complex set of elements for identifying motive through the types of circumstantial evidence pointed to by the Second Circuit, the present BIA pointed instead to whatever generalized information it could find in the record to justify affirming the asylum denial.

Although an unpublished decision involving a pro se petitioner that could easily evade our attention,4 Malonda underscores the need for a uniform application of the principles emphasized in the BIA’s decision in Matter of S-P-, instead of a “uniform” approach based on the ability to identify uniforms.


  1. Although not binding, the Supreme Court has recognized that “the Handbook provides significant guidance in construing the Protocol, to which Congress sought to conform [and] has been widely considered useful in giving content to the obligations that the Protocol establishes.” INS v. Cardoza-Fonseca, 480 U.S. 421, 439 n. 22 (1987). The BIA reached a similar conclusion in Matter of Acosta, 19 I&N Dec. 211 (BIA 1985) (finding the Handbook to be a useful tool “in construing our obligations under the Protocol”).
  2. The majority opinion in Matter of S-P- was authored by now retired Board Member John Guendelsberger. Three current members of the Round Table of Immigration Judges, Paul W. Schmidt (the BIA Chairperson at the time), Lory D. Rosenberg, and Gustavo Villageliu, joined in Judge Guendelsberger’s opinion.
  3. Deborah E. Anker, Law of Asylum in the United States (2020 Edition) (Thomson Reuters) at 76.
  4. Thanks to attorney Raymond Fasano for bringing this decision to my notice.

Copyright 2020, Jeffrey S. Chase.  All rights reserved.

Reprinted With Permission.



Obviously, the BIA could resume court-like functions, provide scholarly, rational guidance and enforce uniformity for Immigration Judges (too many of whom lack true expertise in asylum laws), help cut backlogs, increase efficiency, and put an end to frivolous litigation by DHS which too often these days seeks to encourage IJs to deny cases where asylum grants clearly are warranted. (There was a time, at least in Arlington, when DHS Counsel actually worked cooperatively with the private bar and the Immigration Judges to promote fairness and use court time wisely on asylum cases. Those days are now long gone as the system has regressed horribly and disgracefully under the maliciously incompetent, White Nationalist, nativist, leadership of the current regime at DHS and DOJ).

But, due process, fundamental fairness, and best practices, can’t and won’t happen until the current “BIA Clown Court” 🤡 is replaced with a new group of expert Appellate Judges ⚖️👨🏻‍⚖️🧑🏽‍⚖️ from the NDPA who are “practical scholars” in immigration and human rights laws.

EOIR clown Show Must Go T-Shirt
“EOIR Clown Show Must Go” T-Shirt Custom Design Concept

Due Process Forever!




Jeffrey S. Chase
Hon. “Sir”  Jeffrey S. Chase
Jeffrey S. Chase Blog
Coordinator & Chief Spokesperson, Round Table of Former Immigration Judges
Knightess of the Round Table

Hi all:  A few outcomes right before the holiday (two good, one bad):

(1) The Fourth Circuit just granted the motion for rehearing en banc in Portillo-Flores v. Barr, in which the Round Table filed an amicus brief.  This was a decision with a very problematic unwilling/unable determination by two judges (the petitioner, who was 14 when the events occurred, stated on the third time he was asked that it was possible the police might have taken some action), and a very strongly worded dissent.

(2) In a bond case in the Second Circuit in which we also filed an amicus brief in a case represented by Legal Aid., Arana v. Barr, the petitioner was released from custody today after having two prior requests denied.  Legal Aid believes our brief was helpful in achieving that result.  Counsel is expecting a stipulation for dismissal without prejudice.

(3) The bad news: in a petition to the 4th Circuit in support of CAIR Coalition involving Matter of A-B- issues, the 4th Cir. denied the petition for review, but did so in an unpublished decision.

Wishing everyone a very safe and happy Thanksgiving!

All my best, Jeff


Thanks, Sir Jeffrey!

I’m so thankful for all of the fantastic work that you and our other knightesses and knights of the Round Table do to keep due process and best practices on the forefront and spread truth in the face of tyranny, lies, and false narratives. While we often focus on the weekly amicus briefs we file with tribunals across the nation, the work also goes on in analysis, public speaking, media interviews, teaching, political involvement, video appearances, and grass roots pro bono and community work.

For example, our amazing colleague Judge Charlie Pazar of Tennessee just reported that he was featured on a CLE panel entirely devoted to the work and impact of our Round Table! Way to go Charlie! You are one of those who tirelessly works to improve American justice on all levels and you are certainly “super generous” in sharing your time, knowledge, expertise, and perspective!

Just recently, Sir Jeffrey, along with Round Table knightesses Judge Denise Slavin and Judge Sue Roy, in addition to yours truly and our friend NAIJ President Judge Ashley Tabaddor, were quoted by Suzanne Monyak in a Law360 article about the future of the NAIJ and the Immigration Court in a Biden Administration. Sadly, the article is “hidden behind the pay wall,” but those with access can read it in its entirety.  

Compare these unselfish, teamwork-oriented, effective, expert professional activities aimed at improving the justice system and access to it for everyone with the disgraceful, ignorant, divisive, counterproductive, and often downright racist and illegal actions of the current regime’s immigration kakistocracy, starting, but by no means ending, with the deadly ☠️⚰️🏴‍☠️ “EOIR Clown Show” 🤡!  

Think what a “Better EOIR” and a “better bureaucracy,” led by members of the NDPA could do to solve problems, promote the rule of law and best practices, and make “equal justice for all” a reality rather than a false promise that is intentionally never fulfilled! It isn’t rocket science. But, it does take replacing the kakistocracy, on all levels, throughout Government with experts from the NDPA committed to achieving “good government in the public interest.”

Due Process Forever!



🛡⚔️BATTLING THE KAKISTOCRACY: KNIGHTESSES & KNIGHTS OF THE ROUND TABLE, NDPA PRO BONO REGIMENT FROM SULLIVAN & CROMWELL CONTEST DEFEATED REGIME’S CONTINUING TYRANNY AT COURT! — Latest 9th Circuit Amicus Brief Highlights Due Process Requirements For Developing Record In Immigration Courts! — PLUS “SATURDAY BONUS” — Time For The NDPA To Stand Up & Demand A Primary Leadership Role In Reforming EOIR & The Totally Corrupt Immigration Bureaucracy! — “Just Say No” To “Same Old, Same Old” By The Characters Who Sowed The Seeds Of Past Failures & Opened The Door For Miller & Co! ☠️🏴‍☠️🤮⚰️👎🏻

Knightess of the Round Table
Jeffrey S. Chase
Hon. Jeffrey S. Chase
Jeffrey S. Chase Blog
Coordinator & Chief Spokesperson, Round Table of Former Immigration Judges

Read the Round Table amicus brief here:

Brief of Amici Curiae Retired IJs and Former Members of the Board of Immigration Appeals


As this Court has recognized, “when [an] alien appears pro se, it is the IJ’s duty to ‘fully develop the record.’” Agyeman v. INS, 296 F.3d 871, 877 (9th Cir. 2002) (quoting Jacinto v. INS, 208 F.3d 725, 733-34 (9th Cir. 2000)). Despite this long-recognized obligation, the record in this case demonstrates that this duty is not always fulfilled; and that the consequence may be unfairness and injustice to the pro se petitioner who is unable to develop the record without guidance and assistance. We respectfully submit that this Court should use this case to provide much-needed guidance to IJs on the scope of their duty to work with pro se respondents to elicit the information necessary to develop the factual record. Based upon our own extensive experience, we are of the view that this can be done efficiently and effectively by conscientious IJs, so long as the rule that they are required to do so is clear.


Thanks so much to out “Team of Pro Bono Heroes” at Sullivan & Cromwell, NY: 

  • Philip L. Graham, Jr.
  • Amanda Flug Davidoff
  • Rebecca S. Kadosh
  • Joseph M. Calder, Jr.

This regime has appointed mostly judges lacking experience representing individuals in Immigration Court and then compounded the problem with:

  • Mindless “haste makes waste” enforcement gimmicks (often supported by knowingly false or misleading narratives) imposed by political hacks at DOJ and Falls Church;
  • A BIA lacking expertise and objectivity that instead of focusing on due process for those in Immigration Court, spews forth “blueprints for denial and deportation” without regard for statutory, Constitutional, and human rights;
  • A system that has elevated “malicious incompetence” and “worst judicial practices” to a “dark art form.”☠️


By Paul Wickham Schmidt

It’s time for the “EOIR Clown Show” in Falls Church to go! Bring in competent jurists and administrators from the NDPA: practical scholars and problem solvers with real life skills developed by saving lives from this broken and biased system. Real jurists with expertise in human rights and courage, who will make due process, fundamental fairness, humane values, and “best judicial practices” the only objectives of the Immigration Courts. Jurists who will courageously resist political interference and improper and unethical weaponization of the Immigration Courts by any Administration.

Let the incoming Biden-Administration know that you won’t accept failed “retreads” from the past and “go along to get along” bureaucrats running and comprising what is probably the most important and significant court system in America from an equal justice, social justice, constitutional development, and saving human lives standpoint. 

This is the “retail level” of our justice system: The  foundation upon which the rest of our legal system all the way up to a tone-deaf, flailing, failing, and generally spineless Supremes stands! This is a court system that the Biden Administration can fix without Mitch McConnell!

The members of the NDPA are the ones who have been fighting in the trenches (and at the borders) to save lives, advance social justice, insure equal justice for all, end institutional racism, and preserve our democracy in the face of a tyrannical, unscrupulous, corrupt, racially biased, anti-democracy regime and its enablers! Many have sacrificed careers, health, not to mention financial security in this fight!

Don’t let those who watched from the sidelines, above the day-to-day fray, or were part of the problem swoop in and take control after the battle has been won! 

Get mad! Get vocal! Get active! Call everyone you know in the incoming Administration! Demand that the NDPA and its members be given the leadership roles they have earned and deserve in remaking EOIR and reforming a thoroughly corrupt, politicized, and dysfunctional immigration bureaucracy across our Government! 

Don’t let the Dems turn their back on achievable reforms and “shut out” the reformers and problem solvers in the advocacy sector (who have “carried the water” for Dems for decades) as has been the case in the past! Don’t let the mistakes and short-sightedness of the past destroy YOUR chances for a better future!

Don’t let timidity, ignorance, indifference, and fear of “rocking the boat” in the name of justice, due process, and human dignity replace “malicious incompetence” in Government!

Due Process Forever! Same old, same old, never! It’s time for real change and reform! It’s YOUR time to shine! Let YOUR voices be heard!



@THE SUPREMES⚖️👩🏻‍⚖️: Round Table🛡, ACLU 🗽Push Back Against S.G. Francisco’s 🤮False/Misleading Narratives! – NO, Migrants Seeking Mandatory Protection From Persecution In “Withholding Only Proceedings” Are NOT “Just Like Any Other Deportable Individuals” – NO, Providing Due Process In Bond Hearings Will NOT “Overload” The System —  It’s A Significant, Yet Routine, Part Of Any Immigration Judge’s Job! – What “Overloads” The System Is The Race-Driven “Malicious Incompetence” Of Trump’s DOJ/EOIR!        

Jeffrey S. Chase
J Hon. Jeffrey S. Chase
Jeffrey S. Chase Blog
Coordinator & Chief Spokesperson, Round Table of Former Immigration Judges
Knightess of the Round Table

Asher Stockler reports for Law360:

. . . .

But the government said that, even if these withholding claims succeed, it still retains the right to deport the group of immigrants to other countries that will accept them. Because deportation is still on the table regardless of the status of those claims, the administration argued, the group of immigrants should be treated identically to those who are about to be deported.

The ACLU rebutted that argument, saying that such third-country deportations are exceedingly rare. Because of this, the ACLU said the availability of a third-country option should not mean the


https://www.law360.com/articles/1327892/print?section=appellate 1/2

11/12/2020 Justices Told Of Due Process Issues Without Bond Hearings – Law360

deportation-ready provision of the law kicks in. According to the American Immigration Council, fewer than 2% of immigrants who received persecution-based relief in fiscal year 2017 were ultimately deported to a third country.

The Justice Department also raised the possibility that having to scrutinize the practical odds of removal from immigrant to immigrant would be “patently unworkable.”

“A case-by-case approach … would needlessly add to the burdens that are already ‘overwhelming our immigration system,'” the department said, quoting a prior case.

But a coalition of former immigration trial and appeals judges pushed back on that idea with their own amicus brief Thursday.

“Bond hearings in withholding of removal proceedings are no different than bond hearings in other contexts,” the group, representing 34 judges who have cumulatively overseen thousands of cases, wrote. “Contrary to [the administration’s] assertion, bond hearings in withholding of removal proceedings neither lead to a slowdown of cases that ‘thwart Congress’ objectives’ in enacting the immigration laws, nor impose an administrative burden on immigration courts.” The American Civil Liberties Union is represented by its own Michael Tan, Omar Jadwat, Judy Rabinovitz, Cecillia Wang and David D. Cole.


The coalition of former judges is represented by David Keyko, Robert Sills, Matthew Putorti, Daryl Kleiman, Patricia Rothenberg and Roland Reimers of Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP.

The plaintiffs are represented by Paul Hughes, Michael Kimberly and Andrew Lyons-Berg of McDermott Will & Emery LLP, Simon Sandoval-Moshenberg and Rachel McFarland of the Legal Aid Justice Center, Mark Stevens of Murray Osorio PLLC, and Eugene Fidell of Yale Law School’s Supreme Court Clinic.

The Trump administration is represented by Noel Francisco, Jeffrey Wall, Edwin Kneedler and Vivek Suri of the U.S. Solicitor General’s Office and Lauren Fascett, Brian Ward and Joseph Hunt of the U.S. Department of Justice’s Civil Division.

The case is Tony H. Pham et al. v. Maria Angelica Guzman Chavez et al., case number 19-897, at the U.S. Supreme Court.

–Editing by Michael Watanabe.



Read the complete article over on Law360. The case comes from the Fourth Circuit. Hopefully, the Biden-Harris Administration will withdraw the SG’s disingenuous petition (if not already denied by the Supremes) and implement the Fourth Circuit’s correct decision nationwide.

That’s the way to promote due process and judicial efficiency instead of constantly promoting inhumanity, abuse of due process, judicial inefficiency (fair adjudication is hindered by unnecessary detention in the Gulag), and chaos!

Many, many, many thanks to our all-star pro bono team:

David Keyko, Robert Sills, Matthew Putorti, Daryl Kleiman, Patricia Rothenberg and Roland Reimers of Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP.

Couldn’t have done it without you guys! You constantly “Make us look smart!”

You can read our complete amicus brief here:

19-897 bsac Immigration Judges

According to “Round Table Oracle,” Sir Jeffrey S. Chase, this is our sixth filed Supreme Court amicus brief, with another currently in the pipeline.

And, they do make a difference! For those who missed it, the Round Table amicus in Niz-Chavez v. Barr was specifically mentioned during oral argument before the Court: https://www.c-span.org/video/?471191-1/niz-chavez-v-barr-attorney-general-oral-argument

I also note with great pride the following “charter members” of the “New Due Process Army” who were on the plaintiffs’ legal team:

  • Rachel McFarland, my former Georgetown Law student;
  • Simon Sandoval-Moshenberg, who appeared before me at the Arlington Immigration Court, and is an occasional contributor to “Courtside;
  • Mark Stevens, who appeared before me at the Arlington Immigration Court.

Well done, fearless fighters for due process!

Rachel McFarland
Legal Aid Justice Center
Charter Member, New Due Process Army

This disgraceful performance by the Solicitor General’s Office (once revered, now reviled) has become “the norm” under Trump. Francisco’s arguments are those of an attorney who didn’t do “due diligence,” but doesn’t expect the Court to know or care what really happens in Immigration Court. And, unfortunately, with the exception of Justice Sotomayor and perhaps Justice Kagan, that may well be a correct assumption. But that doesn’t make it any less of a powerful and disturbing indictment of our entire U.S. Justice system in the age of Trump.

Reality check: I routinely did 10-15, sometimes more, bond hearings at a Detained Master Calendar in less than one hour. I treated everyone fairly, applied the correct legal criteria, and set reasonable bonds (usually around $5,000) for everyone legally eligible. Almost all represented asylum seekers and withholding seekers eligible for bond who had filed complete and well-documented asylum or withholding applications were released on bond. About 99% showed up for their merits hearings.

I encouraged attorneys on both sides to file documents in advance, discuss the case with each other, and present a proposed agreed bond amount or a range of amounts to me whenever possible. Bond hearings were really important (freedom from unnecessary restraint is one of our most fundamental rights), but they weren’t “rocket science.” Bond hearings actually ran like clockwork.

Indeed, if the attorneys were “really on the ball,” and ICE managed to find and present all the detainees timely, I could probably do 10-15 bond cases in 30 minutes, and get them all right. My courtroom and my approach weren’t any different from that of my other then-colleagues at Arlington. In thirteen years on the bench, I set thousands of bonds and probably had no more than six appeals to the BIA from my bond decisions. I also reviewed many bond appeals at the BIA. (Although, most bond appeals to the BIA were “mooted” by the issuance of a final order in the detained case before the bond appeal was adjudicated.) Most took fewer than 15 minutes.

Indeed, my past experience suggests that a system led (not necessarily “run”) by competent judicial professionals and staffed with real judges with expertise in immigration, asylum, and human rights and unswervingly committed to due process and fundamental fairness could establish “best practices” that would drastically increase efficiency, cut (rather than mindlessly and exponentially expand) backlogs, without cutting out anyone’s rights. In other words, EOIR potentially could be a “model American judiciary,” as it actually was once envisioned, rather than the slimy mass of disastrous incompetence and the national embarrassment that it is today!

The idea that doing something as straightforward as a bond hearing would tie the system in knots is pure poppycock and a stunning insult to all Immigration Judges delivered by a Solicitor General who has never done a bond case in his life!

Yes the system is overwhelmingly backlogged and dysfunctional! But that has nothing to do with giving respondents due process bond hearings.

It has everything to do with unconstitutional and just plain stupid “politicization” and “weaponization” of the courts under gross incompetence and mismanagement by political hacks at the DOJ who have installed their equally unqualified toadies at EOIR. It also has to do with a disingenuous Solicitor General who advances a White Nationalist political agenda, rather than constitutional rights, fundamental fairness, rationality, and best practices. It has to do with a Supreme Court majority unwilling to take a stand for the legal rights and human dignity of the most vulnerable, and often most deserving, among us in the face of bullying and abuse by a corrupt, would-be authoritarian, fundamentally anti-American and anti-democracy regime.

It has to do with allowing a corrupt, nativist, invidiously-motivated regime to manipulate and intentionally misapply asylum and protection laws at the co-opted and captive DHS Asylum Office; thousands of “grantable” asylum cases are wrongfully and unnecessarily shuffled off to the Immigration Courts, thus artificially inflating backlogs and leading to more pressure to cut corners and dispense with due process.

It also paints an intentionally false and misleading picture that the problem is asylum applicants rather than the maliciously incompetent White Nationalists who have seized control of our system and acted to destroy years of structural development and accumulated institutional expertise.

Good Government matters! Maliciously incompetent Government threatens to destroy our nation! (Doubt that, just look at the totally inappropriate, entirely dishonest, response of the Trump kakistocracy to their overwhelming election defeat by Biden-Harris and the unwillingness of both the GOP and supporters to comply with democratic norms and operate in the real world of facts, rather than false narratives.)

Due process, fundamental fairness, equal justice, simple human decency, and Good Government won’t happen until we get the White Nationalist hacks out of the DOJ and replace the “clown show” at EOIR with qualified members of the New Due Process Army. Problem solvers, rather than problem creators; over-achievers, rather than screw-ups!

The incoming Biden-Harris Administration is left with a stark, yet simple, choice: oust the malicious incompetents and bring in the “competents” from the NDPA to fix the system; or become part of the problem and have the resulting mess forever sully your Administration.

The Obama Administration (sadly) chose the latter. President Elect Biden appears bold, confident, self-aware, and flexible enough to recognize past mistakes. But, recognition without reconstruction (action) is useless! Don’t ruminate — govern! Like your life depends on it!

And, by no means is EOIR the only part of DOJ the needs “big time” reform and a thorough shake up. We must have a Solicitor General committed to following the rules of legal ethics and common human decency and who will insist on her or his staff doing likewise.

The next Solicitor General must also have demonstrated expertise in asylum, immigration, civil rights, and human rights laws and be committed to expanding due process, equal justice, racial justice, and fundamental fairness throughout the Government bureaucracy and “pushing” the Supremes to adopt and endorse best, rather than worst, practices in these areas.

American Justice and our court systems are in “free fall.” This is no time for more “amateur night at the Bijou.”

And here are some thoughts for the future if we really want to achieve “Good Government” and equal justice for all:

  • Every future Supreme Court Justice must have served a minimum of two years as a U.S. Immigration Judge with an “asylum grant rate” that is at or exceeds the national average for the U.S. Immigration Courts;
  • Every future Solicitor General must have done a minimum of ten pro bono asylum cases in U.S. Immigration Court.

Due Process Forever! Clown Show (With Lives & Humanity On The Line) Never!











⚖️👨🏻‍⚖️👩‍⚖️CHANNELING THE OUTRAGE AT THE FLRA’S OVERT UNION, DUE PROCESS, AND FIRST AMENDMENT BASHING! — Read Jeffrey S. Chase’s Penetratingly Indignant Analysis Of This Sham Decision — Regime’s Larger Plan To Abolish Unions, Politicize, & “Dumb Down” Career Civil Service Should Be D.O.A. In Biden-Harris Administration! 

Jeffrey S. Chase
Hon. Jeffrey S. Chase
Jeffrey S. Chase Blog
Coordinator & Chief Spokesperson, Round Table of Former Immigration Judges



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The Outrageous Decision to Decertify the IJ’s Union

Our attention is understandably focused elsewhere right now.  However, it must be mentioned that on the eve of Election Day, a panel decision of the Federal Labor Relations Authority decertified the National Association of Immigration Judges (NAIJ) as a union.  While this might seem to be a minor issue at the moment, it is not.   At stake is the integrity of the nation’s Immigration Courts and the life-changing decisions its judges make.

The NAIJ was formed in 1971, and was certified as the recognized collective bargaining representative of Immigration Judges in 1979, 41 years ago.  It weathered a similar decertification effort in 2000.  Then as now, the agency argued that Immigration Judges are managers, and thus ineligible to unionize.  Under federal labor law, one is classified as a manager if their position “influences policy.”  20 years ago, both the initial decision of the Regional Director and the appeal to the FLRA resoundingly dismissed that notion.  In its September 2000 decision, the FLRA agreed with the finding below that IJs are not involved in creating agency policy.  The FLRA then noted that “unlike decisions of the Board of Immigration Appeals, the decisions of  Immigration Judges are not published, do not constitute precedent, are binding only on the parties to the proceedings, and are subject to de novo review. The RD accordingly concluded that the decisions of the Judges do not influence and determine the Agency’s immigration policy, in contrast to the decisions of the Board.”

In two decades, the only change to the above is that while the IJ’s findings of law remain subject to de novo  review, their findings of fact are now reviewed for clear error.  Of course, facts are entirely case-specific, and thus have no influence whatsoever on policy.  So as before, rather than create or influence policy, IJs implement established policy. Yet EOIR once again sought decertification.  At the hearing in January, EOIR stipulated that the judges’ duties and responsibilities had not changed since the prior decision.  As reported in an article covering the hearing, EOIR’s Director, James McHenry, testified  that Immigration Judges are not supervisors, adding that they “are at the bottom of the org chart so they don’t supervise anything,” and further noted that “they cannot hire or fire anyone.”  Nevertheless, he argued that because an Immigration Judge’s decision becomes a final ruling binding the agency if not appealed, Immigration Judges influence policy.

The Regional Director dismissed the claim based on the above arguments and testimony.  But there was always a sense that the administration had something up its sleeve.  That “something” turned out to be two Trump appointees,  FLRA Chairperson Colleen Duffy Kiko, and FLRA Member James T. Abbott.  They have jointly issued a series of decisions overturning decades of precedent to erode the rights of federal employees’ unions, a result clearly favored by the administration that appointed them.  The two stayed true to form in decertifying the NAIJ.  The FLRA’s lone Democratic appointee, Ernest DuBester, issued a scathing opinion  in the NAIJ’s case, which concluded with the following language:

This is the antithesis of reasoned decision making. Based upon the conclusory nature of the majority’s analysis, along with the facetious manner in which it reconciles its decision with Authority precedent precluding collateral attacks on unit certifications, it is abundantly clear that the majority’s sole objective is to divest the IJs of their statutory rights. Once again, I refuse to join a decision “so fundamentally adverse to the principles and purposes of our Statute.”

By deciding in this matter, the decision violates the FLRA’s own rules regarding when such reversals of past holdings are allowed. Moreover, not that it matters to Chairperson Kiko and Member Abbott, but if allowed to stand, their decision ignoring the NAIJ’s 41 years as a certified union and reversing its own precedent without any reasoned basis will accomplish the following damage.

First, Immigration Judges would lose their voice, collective bargaining rights, ability to be individually defended by their union representative, and their ability to push back against the relentless attack on their independence, neutrality, and ability to fulfill their proper function as a check against executive branch overreach.  Second, NAIJ officers have remained the only Immigration Judges able to allow the public to peek behind the scenes at these tribunals, by speaking at law schools and conferences (with the exception of management level judges who may be permitted to state the party line, sometimes by reading it from index cards).  As several leading scholars explained in an article in Slate:  “Judges and asylum officers are being instructed to decide cases in ways that many contend are contrary to law. A virtual gag rule has been placed on them in the context  of law schools and the broader public. This denies information to coming generations of lawyers and eliminates public discourse on some of the most critical civil rights issues of our time.”

But of great importance is a point I raised last year in an article I wrote for Law360 on the decertification effort: the administration’s citing to a recent decision of the Supreme Court in the case of Lucia v. SEC:

while irrelevant to the management inquiry, the citing of Lucia points to another motive of the DOJ.  In a leaked internal memo, the Justice Department indicated its interpretation of the decision as a basis to bypass the Merit System Protection Board, allowing the Administration to more easily terminate ALJs whose decisions don’t align with its political views.  Such actions would constitute a troubling attempt by the executive branch to influence case outcomes.  Similarly, decertifying the NAIJ would simplify the removal of IJs whose decisions are at odds with the administration’s stated immigration goals by eliminating the present collective bargaining agreement’s right to an independent arbitrator in matters concerning IJ discipline and termination.

Just prior to the FLRA’s decision, an executive order  creating a schedule of career federal employees who can be more easily fired for purely political reasons (such as issuing decisions not in line with the administration’s views).  By ruling that IJs influence agency policy (contrary to its prior decision), the FLRA has put the Immigration Judges squarely in the crosshairs of the new executive order.  To be clear: Immigration Judges whose neutral and independent application of the law would lead them to issue decisions the administration doesn’t like would be subject to easy termination. And of course, having just lost their union, those judges will have lost their best means of challenging such termination. Then, the hiring of their replacements would become even more nakedly partisan.

While it seems as I write this there will be a new administration come January, that doesn’t render this issue irrelevant.  First, the earlier decertification effort in 2000 occurred under a Democratic administration.  Second, leaving the above ruling in place would allow it be used as a weapon in the ways described by any subsequent administration.  Whatever one’s political leanings or views on immigration, we should all be able to agree that decisions of such importance should be rendered by fair, neutral judges by applying law to facts, protected from rank political pressures.

The creation of an Article I Immigration Court is ultimately the most durable way to guarantee the independence of these vital tribunals, but the evisceration or protections caused by allowing this decision to stand is too egregious to ignore even in the short term.  It is therefore hoped that readers will amplify the news of the decision and all it means.  It is hoped those with the capacity to do so will provide amicus or other legal support for further actions by the NAIJ to legally challenge the FLRA decision.  And the decision must be brought to the attention of an incoming Biden administration, which has so much damage to correct

There also needs to be consequences for those who abandoned their obligation of fairness and neutrality under the present administration.  FLRA Member DuBester is to be applauded for continuing to strongly voice his defense of justice in the dissent.  But perhaps a Biden administration can assess whether Kiko and Abbott might be better suited for other work.

Copyright 2020 Jeffrey S. Chase.  All rights reserved. reprinted with permission.


Thanks for speaking out so forcefully and articulately, my friend,

I am confident that the Biden-Harris Administration will correct this egregious miscarriage of justice. As “Good Government” folks, I’m also confident that they they will constructively address the disgraceful dysfunctional mess at EOIR that threatens to topple the American justice system. We will finally have “problem solvers” leading our Government! That will make a positive difference for all Americans.

Due Process Forever!




Laura Lynch
Laura Lynch
Senior Policy Counsel

A graduate of the University of Baltimore Law, Laura has been Senior Policy Counsel at the American Immigration Lawyers Association (“AILA”) National Office in Washington, D.C. for the past four years. In that role, she engaged with Federal agencies, Congress, and designated AILA committees on immigration issues with a focus on interior enforcement, due process, and removal defense. Immigration Court Reform was one of Laura’s key areas of expertise.


Importantly, from my personal standpoint, Laura has been (and will continue to be, I hope), part of the “Informal Strategic Planning Group” for the New Due Process Army (”NDPA”) that includes Dan Kowalski, Michelle Mendez, Debi Sanders, Tess Hellgren, and my Round Table colleagues Judge Jeffrey S. Chase and Judge Ilyce Shugall! Her many contributions to our camaraderie and work in behalf of due process and fundamental fairness have been nothing short of spectacular!


The good news is that, although NILC is headquartered in Los Angeles, Laura will be remaining in Washington, D.C. While she tells me that her “precise portfolio” at NILC is “TBD,” I know we will be hearing much more from our “Due Process Superstar” in the future.


Thanks for all your past contributions and all the best for the future, Laura, from all of your many “admirers and fellow soldiers in the NDPA!”


Due Process Forever!





🇺🇸⚖️🗽🛡⚔️😎👍ANOTHER NDPA/ROUND TABLE VICTORY OVER DHS/EOIR SCOFFLAWS – 2d Cir. Applies Constitution To Bond Hearings – Says Burden On DHS To Show “Clear & Convincing” Evidence For Imprisonment In Gulag – Velasco Lopez v. Decker

Knightess of the Round Table

Velasco Lopez v. Decker, 2d Cir., 10-27-20, published


Here’s a link to the opinion:



Here’s a link to the Round Table’s amicus brief:






The Government appeals from a judgment of the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York (Carter, J.), granting Carlos Alejandro Velasco Lopez’s petition for a writ of habeas corpus. Velasco Lopez was detained pursuant to 8 U.S.C. § 1226(a), which provides for discretionary detention of noncitizens during the pendency of removal proceedings. His habeas petition challenged the procedures employed in his bond hearings, which required him to prove, to the satisfaction of an immigration judge, that he is neither a danger to the community nor a flight risk. We hold that the district court correctly granted the petition, and provided the correct remedy by ordering a new bond hearing in which the Government bore the burden of showing by clear and convincing evidence that Velasco Lopez was either a danger or a flight risk.


The irony in this case is that, in the end, all interested parties prevailed. The Government has prevailed because it has no interest in the continued incarceration of an individual who it cannot show to be either a flight risk or a danger to his community. Velasco Lopez has prevailed because he is no longer incarcerated. And the public’s interest in seeing that individuals who need not be jailed are not incarcerated has been vindicated.



Judge Parker is correct insofar as he cogently states what should be a “win-win-win” under a functioning Government. I wholeheartedly join lead counsel Julie Dona of the Legal Aid Society, NY, in appreciating and recognizing  Judge Parker’s understanding of the grim realities of today’s mal-functioning Immigration Courts and the important Constitutional rights being abridged by DHS & EOIR (essentially one and the same under the Trump kakistocracy).

But, that statement of how Government should be functioning glosses over the unfortunate reality of the Trump regime’s lawless, White Nationalist, nativist immigration agenda. The Trump regime doesn’t seek to create “win-win-win” situations! Instead, they seek to make political statements, dehumanize and degrade “the other,” and promote the biases of their “base” over sound public policy that benefits the common good.

The purpose of imprisonment in the Trump Gulag all too often has little or nothing to do with the legal criteria of danger to the community or flight risk. Rather, detention in the Gulag is used by the Trump regime’s DHS, with the connivence of the DOJ and often the courts, to punish individuals who choose to assert their legal rights; make it more difficult for them to obtain effective representation; and to coerce them into abandoning viable claims for relief, appeals, and judicial review. It’s all about punishment and deterrence, not mainly about the public interest, which is ill-served by most of Trump’s biased and counterproductive immigration policies.

DHS detention in the Trump era primarily serves Trump’s political interests and the interests of those running the for-profit prisons comprising much of Trump’s New American Gulag. Any time Trump’s policies match up with a legitimate national interest, it’s purely happenstance, not part of some overall plan to govern in the public interest.

Think things couldn’t get worse? Notorious White Supremacist “Gruppenfuhrer” Stephen Miller plans to go “full-Nazi” if the Trump regime stays in power, as reported by Amanda Holpuch in The Guardianhttps://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/oct/28/stephen-miller-trump-second-term-immigration-blitz?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other

Miller’s plans are so explosively ugly, overtly racist, and anti-American that they are being kept under wraps (for now) because of a (quite legitimate) fear that they could drive the small, yet potentially significant, minority of voters of color that Trump needs to have any chance of extending his rule to do something rational and in their self-interest: Vote for Biden-Harris. Look for things like eliminating birthright citizenship, eradicating all refugee and asylum laws, making it difficult or impossible for family members and people of color to immigrate legally, a wave of summary deportations, deporting “Dreamers,” and exterminating every last ounce of compassion and humanity from our laws. If you think that Black Lives don’t matter much to Trump and his cronies, just wait until he turns the Gruppenfuhrer loose! Think the Federal Courts will stop him? Just look at Trump’s “wholly owned and proud to brag about it” Supremes’ majority!  And, he’s also “stacked” — effectively “packed” —  the lower Federal Courts with loyalist ideologues.

America can no longer afford life-tenured judges who treat Trump as “normal” and are unwilling or incapable of “connecting the dots” among the dehumanization and demonization of migrants, institutionalized racism, and the end of American democracy. Immigrants’ rights are human rights; human rights are Constitutional rights; dehumanization of “the other” dehumanizes us all!

It’s past time that America stopped granting the privilege and responsibilities of life-tenure to those who won’t publicly adhere to those fundamental truths! Not rocket science! Just basic Constitutional law and human decency! Better judges for a better America! It all starts with a better President and a better Senate! That’s why this election might be our final chance to take back our country and preserve our democracy!

Due Process Forever!












You can read the comments on EOIR’s latest regulatory proposal here:

Procedures for asy and WH regulation comments

Many thanks to the “drafting team:” Judges Ilyce Shugall, Jeffrey Chase, Lory Rosenberg, and Rebecca Jamil.

Hon. Ilyce Shugall
Hon. Ilyce Shugall
U.S. Immigraton Judge (Retired)
Director, Immigrant Legal Defense Program, Justice & Diversity Center of the Bar Assn. of San Francisco.
Jeffrey S. Chase
Hon. Jeffrey S. Chase
Jeffrey S. Chase Blog
Coordinator & Chief Spokesperson, Round Table of Former Immigration Judges
Lory Rosenberg
Hon. Lory Diana Rosenberg
Senior Advisor
Immigrant Defenders Law Group, PLLC
Rebecca Jamil
Hon. Rebecca Jamil
U.S. Immigration Judge (Ret.)
Source: Twitter
Knightess of the Round Table

Due Process Forever!



NDPA SUPERSTAR ⭐️ PROFESSOR ERIN BARBATO 🦸‍♀️ ORGANIZES EVENT, SPEAKS OUT IN MADISON CAP TIMES ON ICE ABUSES IN THE “NEW AMERICAN GULAG” (“NAG”) — “We must rebuild the system from the ground up and work toward a future in which immigrants are treated with respect and dignity. Our shared humanity demands it.”


Professor Erin Barbato
Professor Erin Barbato
Director, Immigrant Justice Clinic
UW Law
Photo source: UW Law


Last month, a nurse at a federal immigration detention center in Irwin, Georgia, filed a whistleblower complaint detailing the abhorrent treatment of people detained there. She charged that women in detention were subjected to hysterectomies and invasive gynecological exams without their knowledge or consent, and often without assistance from interpreters.

The complaint is heartbreaking, but far from surprising. These atrocities are consistent with practices employed at U.S. detention centers for decades, and they are sadly consistent with our tragic history of forced sterilization of minority women. The implications of the complaint are perfectly clear: we must end the civil detention of immigrants, so fraught with systemic racism that undervalues the lives of Black, Indigenous and other people of color. There is no other option.

With over 200 detention centers, the United States has the largest immigration detention system in the world. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has over the past two years detained an average of 40,000 daily, an astonishing number that surpasses the population of Wisconsin cities like Brookfield and Wausau. Yet the detention of immigrants is just a microcosm of the inhumanity that characterizes our immigration system today. Many immigrants come to the U.S. to seek refuge and a better life for themselves and for their families. But when they arrive in this country, they are forced into conditions that violate human rights principles under both international and domestic standards, and that, frankly, violate our moral obligations to each other as human beings.

ICE has the authority to release most people from detention through monetary bonds or parole, and ICE policy requires that people seeking asylum are released from detention when they can establish their identity and demonstrate they are neither a danger nor a or flight risk. Instead of using these tools, though, ICE almost always chooses detention, ostensibly to deter others from coming into the country. But far from showing detention to be an effective deterrent, statistics reveal the opposite: harsher penalties have not reduced the numbers of undocumented migrants crossing U.S. borders. What the data does show is how immigrant detention has become a big business, with taxpayer dollars helping to subsidize a billion-dollar private prison industry that profits from human trauma.

Often located in remote places, immigrant detention facilities are ripe for the abuse of detained migrants. There is no community oversight and little — often no — access to legal representation. People in detention will only have an attorney if they can afford one or are lucky enough to find pro bono representation.

. . . .


Read the rest of Erin’s article at the link! Erin reinforces points that I make often here on Courtside: the real objectives of unnecessary and highly cost-ineffective “civil detention” are to deprive migrants of access to counsel, coerce them into abandoning potentially successful claims, punish them for exercising legal rights, and deter others from asserting legal rights.

All of these are clear violations of  Constitutional due process and equal protection!  The conditions under which these non-criminals are held to “punish” them for their audacity to assert their legal rights also violate the Eighth Amendment, as some lower Federal Court Judges have found.

Unfortunately, too many Article III Judges have abdicated their oaths to uphold the Constitutional rights of the most vulnerable persons among us in the face of improper political pressure and a regime overtly out to undo American democracy and institute a far-right reactionary, white nationalist kakistocracy.

And, here’s info on a great “virtual event” that Erin helped organize to raise awareness of the existence and devastating effects of “Baby Jails” in the U.S. Allowing  such cruel and inhuman abominations to flourish in our nation is beyond disgraceful! (See also the recent book Baby Jails: The Fight to End the Incarceration of Refugee Children in America, by my good friend and Georgetown Law colleague Professor Phil Schrag).


The Flores Exhibit: Stories of Children Held in Immigrant Detention Facilities


Wednesday, October 14, 2020

7:30 pm to 8:30 pm




Artists, lawyers, advocates and immigrants read the sworn testimonies of young people under the age of 18, who were held in two detention facilities near the U.S./Mexico border in June 2019. Followed by a discussion with panelists. 

Organized by the Immigrant Justice Clinic, Latinx Law Student Association, and American Constitution Society at UW Law School. 

Zoom link will be sent to via email to those who register.



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I proudly note that my good friend Judge (Ret.) Jeffrey S. Chase and other distinguished members of our Round Table of Former Immigration Judges are “readers” in “The Flores Exhibit.”

I am also inspired by all that Erin has accomplished and the lives she and her students have saved through the Immigrant Justice Clinic at my alma mater, UW Law!

Erin and others like her are exactly the type of progressive, practical, scholar-problem solvers that we need as Federal Judges and in key Government policy-making positions. We need to replace the reactionary kakistocracy with a progressive, equal justice oriented, practical, problem-solving humanitarian meritocracy. 

“Equal Justice For All” isn’t just a “throwaway slogan.” It’s a vision of a better, more efficient, more effective, more tolerant, more inclusive, more diverse, more representative Government that will work with people of good faith everywhere to maximize opportunities for all and promote a brighter future for everyone in America! It’s in our power to make it happen,and the necessary change starts this Fall.

Due Process Forever!

