🇺🇸⚖️🗽👩🏻‍⚖️ ROUND TABLE WEIGHS IN @ SUPREMES ON UNCONSTITUTIONAL VAGUENESS OF “CRIME INVOLVING MORAL TURPITUDE!” — With Lots of Help From Our Friends @ Georgetown Law Appellate Courts Immersion Clinic! — Daye v. Garland

Knightess of the Round Table — “Primed and ready to keep fighting dysfunction @ EOIR until due process, fundamental fairness, best practices, and equal justice for all prevail!”

Introduction and Summary of Argument

This brief presents amici’s practical perspective on why the Immigration and Nationality Act’s provision for removal based on a conviction for a “crime involving moral turpitude” is void for vagueness. Section 1227(a)(2)(A) combines the imprecision of the phrase “moral turpitude” with the indeterminacy of applying that phrase to a hypothetical set of facts

1 Counsel of record for all parties received notice of amici’s intent to file this brief at least ten days before its due date. The parties have consented to this filing. No counsel for a party authored this brief in whole or in part, and no person other than amici or their counsel made a monetary contribution to the preparation or submission of this brief.



under the categorical approach. The result is a provision so vague that adjudicators cannot agree on how to conduct the inquiry and frequently reach inconsistent results.

The Act charges immigration judges with determining which crimes involve “moral turpitude.” Though the statute provides no definition, in 1951, this Court held that the “language conveys sufficiently definite warning as to the proscribed conduct.” Jordan v. De George, 341 U.S. 223, 231-32 (1951). But time has disproved that understanding. The usual “consistency [that] can be expected to emerge with the accretion of case law,” S.E.R.L. v. Att’y Gen., 894 F.3d 535, 550 (3d Cir. 2018), has not materialized. Indeed, the typical sources of clarity—the Board of Immigration Appeals and the courts of appeals—have produced more questions than answers. Whose morals matter? How should judges discern what those morals are? What course should judges follow when moral views conflict? How do they account for changes in views over time? Immigration judges have no way to know. And the uncertainty that the statute’s vague words create left amici with no guide except their own moral intuitions.

To this ambiguity, add that, under the categorical approach, immigration judges do not evaluate the actual conduct engaged in by the noncitizen before them. Instead, they must assess the moral implications of a theoretical set of facts—the “least culpable” means of committing the crime in question. The hypothetical nature of this mode of analysis exacerbates the underlying vagueness of the statutory phrase “crime involving moral turpitude.”


Recently, this Court has struck down statutory provisions that suffered from analogous uncertainty, holding each unconstitutionally vague. See Johnson v. United States, 576 U.S. 591 (2015); Sessions v. Dimaya, 138 S. Ct. 1204 (2018); United States v. Davis, 139 S. Ct. 2319 (2019). Section 1227(a)(2)(A) should suffer the same fate.

The real-world effects of Section 1227(a)(2)(A)’s vagueness confirm this conclusion. Attempts to curtail the provision’s arbitrariness by articulating standards have failed. The Board and the courts of appeals have repeatedly but unsuccessfully tried to craft a workable set of rules for identifying which crimes involve moral turpitude. Their efforts have instead produced a series of non-dispositive, ad hoc tests that generate inconsistent and arbitrary results. Confusion abounds in immigration courts and in Article III courts alike, with widespread disagreement over whether a given crime involves moral turpitude. Among other unexplainable outcomes, the courts of appeals part ways on whether crimes such as making a terroristic threat or deceptively using a social security number involve moral turpitude. Amici were required to sort through this morass, unsure of which of the growing list of ad hoc tests applied or how to deal with the conflicting results. Their experiences confirm that the phrase “moral turpitude” is too vague to govern the “particularly severe ‘penalty’” of removal. Padilla v. Kentucky, 559 U.S. 356, 365 (2010) (quoting Fong Yue Ting v. United States, 149 U.S. 698, 740 (1893)).

For these reasons, this Court should grant review and reverse.

Read the complete brief here:

Daye Amicus Brief To File 11.14.22


For over 70 years, Federal Judges from the Supremes on down have turned a “blind eye” to our Constitution and substituted their subjective views on morality and immigrants for the rule of law. Our Round Table says it’s high time to stop! ⚔️🛡

Madeline Meth
Madeline Meth ESQUIRE
Deputy Director and Staff Attorney – Georgetown Law Appellate Courts Immersion Clinic
PHOTO: Linkedin — “She’s training tomorrow’s lawyers to fix today’s failing courts!“

Thanks again to the superstars Esthena L. Barlow, Brian Wolfman, Counsel of Record Madeline Meth, and the rest of the “Youth Brigade of the NDPA” over @ Georgetown Law!

🇺🇸 Due Process Forever!



⚖️🗽👍🏼👨🏾‍⚖️ BREAKING: US DISTRICT JUDGE EMMET G. SULLIVAN VACATES USG’S TITLE 42 ABUSE, ORDERS BIDEN ADMINISTRATION TO ENFORCE ASYLUM LAW! — Refuses Stay — Rips Knowingly Illegal & Life Threatening Actions By Corrupt Officials Of Both Administrations!  — Fraudulent Public Health “Pretext” Finally Exposed!

Hon. Emmet G. Sullivan
Hon. Emmet G. Sullivan
US District Judge


By Maria Sacchetti and Spencer S. Hsu

November 15, 2022 at 4:46 p.m. ET

A federal judge on Tuesday struck down a Donald Trump-era policy used by U.S. border officials to quickly expel migrants because of the covid pandemic, saying the ban had little proven benefit to public health even as it shunted migrants to dangerous places.

U.S. District Judge Emmet G. Sullivan in the District of Columbia vacated the order known as Title 42, effectively restoring asylum seekers’ access to the borders for the first time since the Trump administration issued it during the earliest days of the pandemic.

The decision — which takes effect immediately — knocks down one of the last remaining barriers to asylum from the Trump administration, advocates for immigrants said. It also poses an immediate logistical challenge for the Biden administration after two consecutive years of record apprehensions on the U.S.-Mexico border, with the possibility that the numbers could grow.

Biden officials have long worried about a mass rush to the border creating an emergency similar to the one that occurred in Del Rio, Texas, in Sept. 2021, when thousands of migrants crossed illegally and overwhelmed U.S. agents, creating a squalid camp on the banks of the Rio Grande that embarrassed the Biden administration.

Sullivan’s ruling also comes days after top border official Chris Magnus resigned under pressure after clashing with Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

The Justice Department and the Department of Homeland Security had no immediate response to the ruling.

The American Civil Liberties Union, one of the organizations that brought the lawsuit on behalf of migrants, said Sullivan’s decision to vacate the Title 42 policy means the policy ends for all migrants, including families and adults traveling without children.

“Title 42 unfortunately had a long shelf life but has finally been ended, and that will mean enormous relief to desperate asylum seekers,” said ACLU lawyer Lee Gelernt.

Sullivan also made clear that that he would not stay his order pending appeal, leaving it to a higher court to do so if the Biden administration sought more time to address the ruling. 

. . . .

Key Quote: 

Sullivan wrote that the federal officials knew the order “would likely expel migrants to locations with a ‘high probability’ of ‘persecution, torture, violent assaults, or rape’ ” — and did so anyway.

“It is unreasonable for the CDC to assume that it can ignore the consequences of any actions it chooses to take in the pursuit of fulfilling its goals,” Sullivan wrote. “It is undisputed that the impact on migrants was indeed dire.”


The horrific consequences for lawful asylum seekers subjected to this unlawful policy have indeed been “dire:” rape, assault, kidnapping, beating, torture, extortion, starvation, illness, sickness, death, family separation, despair, to name a few. 

By contrast, there have been NO consequences for Stephen Miller and the other Trump Administration officials who fabricated and directed this ruse on the justice system and attack on humanity and the rule of law! Nor have there been any consequences for lower level officials who “went along to get along” with what they knew or should have known to be deadly abuses of our laws. 

Additionally, Biden officials who continued to violate the law and even concocted ways of expanding its illegal and immoral use have escaped accountability and continue in their jobs. DOJ lawyers who failed to do “due diligence” and defended a policy based on pretext, misrepresentations of fact, racism, and xenophobia have also continued to operate in the “ethical twilight zone” that normally would have serious professional consequences!

Of course the whole history of the Title 42 charade ☠️🤮has been one of one step forward and three steps back. The corrupt decision-making extends to unqualified right-wing zealots with lifetime sinecures on the Federal Article III bench and to equally corrupt GOP state AG’s for their dishonest scheme to force continued illegal Title 42  expulsions. 

So, despite these “crimes against humanity,” don’t expect that “heads will roll!” Given the current sorry state of our Federal Courts and the DOJ, it’s not certain that Judge Sullivan’s order will actually have effect or that asylum seekers will ever get the fundamentally fair and humane treatment to which they are entitled.

But, I am certain that this will eventually go down in history as one of the most disgraceful intentional abrogations of law, with the most drastic consequences for humanity and our nation’s reputation, in 21st Century legal history!

It’s also worthy of note that rather than getting the asylum system properly staffed and trained, bringing in Immigration Judges with the required expertise, installing a BIA of expert judges capable of issuing correct, realistic, generous, practical asylum precedents, working cooperatively with the private bar to facilitate representation, and developing an orderly process for resettlement (away from the border) of asylum applicants who pass credible fear, Garland, Mayorkas, and a White House officials have dithered away two years of time without getting the necessary robust, fair, expert, efficient, timely asylum adjudication system up and running!

The advice and pleas of experts and advocates have been “tuned out” or ignored by those in charge! Now, as all of us predicted, the “chickens have come home to roost” for the Administration’s indifferent, incompetent, and lackadaisical  approach to the biggest racial justice and human rights crisis facing our nation.

Thanks Judge Sullivan! Thanks ACLU! Apologies to the hundreds of thousands of asylum seekers wronged by the cowardly failure of America to uphold our laws, Constitution, and international obligations — that “subset” of victims who are still alive despite our Government’s grotesque misconduct!

🇺🇸 Due Process Forever!





Democratic Secretary of State Katie Hobbs has defeated Republican Kari Lake in Arizona’s race for governor, NBC News projected Monday.

Hobbs’ victory is key for Democrats in a presidential battleground state and a rebuke to a prominent election denier — although the closeness of the contest left the result up in the air for nearly a week.

“I am honored to have been selected to serve as the next Governor of Arizona,” Hobbs said in a statement Monday night. “I want to thank the voters for entrusting me with this immense responsibility. It is truly an honor of a lifetime, and I will do everything in my power to make you proud.”

. . . .


Too close, considering the yawning gap in qualifications between the candidates. Indeed, I couldn’t conceive of a public office that unqualified Trumpist Lake would be qualified to hold. That she was even on the ballot and made the election so close shows the tenuous state of our republic!

You can read Hobbs’s gracious statement above. Lake’s asinine comment on learning of the people’s verdict was contemptuous and worthy of her anti-American idol Trump  — the biggest and sorest loser in modern American politics.

Hopefully, Hobbs’s first act as Governor, replacing GOP hack Ducey, will be to stop polluting the border with cargo containers. Honestly, what idiocy will GOP White Nationalists come up with next to waste taxpayer dollars and make America a laughingstock?

🇺🇸 Due Process Forever!







🚫HISTORY THE GOP DOESN’T WANT YOU TO KNOW: Let’s Be Very Clear About The Truth That White Nationalist Racists Want To “Whitewash” & Its Continuing Corrosive Effect on Our Nation! 


Anti-Chinese Poster
This is part of the “real history” of America! The GOP doesn’t want to talk about it!
Public Realm


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This California town ran its Chinese residents out. Now the story is finally being told

Mary Chin stands beside a mural in downtown Eureka, Calif., depicting her late husband, Ben Chin, who was said to be the first Chinese American to move to the town in seven decades. (Myung J. Chun / Los Angeles Times)


NOV. 12, 2022 5 AM PT

EUREKA, Calif. —  Beauty drew Brieanne Mirjah D’Souza to Eureka.

In 2018, she and her husband — Michigan natives who had been living for a spell in the Bay Area — moved up to this chilly old timber town to build a life beneath the redwoods and by the sea.

But last winter, pregnant with her first child, D’Souza began reflecting on this pretty place she would bring her son into.

D’Souza, a 32-year-old digital marketer, is of Chinese and West Indian descent. And Humboldt County is very white.

As D’Souza’s belly grew and the headlines told of a dramatic surge in anti-Asian hate crimes amid the COVID-19 pandemic, D’Souza set out to find other people who looked like her.


A fledgling group started meeting over Zoom and trading emails. They learned there had once been a Chinatown in Eureka. Maybe they could commemorate it with a plaque, they figured.

But where had it gone?


In the late 19th century, Chinatown occupied a single block in the middle of the remote, misty port town.

A historical photo is held up at the corner of 4th and E Streets in Eureka during a guided tour of the city’s old Chinatown, which stood on the right in both images. (Myung J. Chun / Los Angeles Times)

A few hundred Asian immigrants — mostly men — lived in Eureka after a federal law barred immigration from China in 1882.

They toiled in redwood logging camps, laundries and restaurants. They were nannies and household servants and vegetable growers. They were former gold prospectors priced out of the work because of a predatory state tax on foreign miners.

When the economy soured in the 1880s, white people blamed them, claiming they stole jobs. Newspapers whipped up anti-Chinese sentiment.



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“There were a lot of stereotypes: that Chinese people were diseased, they were morally corrupt, they would not assimilate to the rest of American society at the time,” said Katie Buesch, a former director and curator at the Clarke Historical Museum in Eureka.

That sentiment was par for the course in the Golden State at the time.

Some California city officials are now acknowledging the ugly past — a counter-movement to red-state politicians pushing to ban books and limit the teaching of history that involves race.

Antioch and San Jose apologized last year for burning their Chinatowns in the late 1800s. San Francisco apologized for barring Chinese children from public schools.

Los Angeles is working on a memorial to commemorate an 1871 massacre in which at least 18 Chinese people were fatally shot or hanged. And in Pacific Grove earlier this year, organizers canceled a pageant that had long featured performers in yellowface.

In Humboldt County, Buesch, who had put together a small museum exhibit on Eureka’s Chinese community just before the pandemic, was struck by an 1885 article in the Daily Times-Telephone newspaper about Chinatown.


“The time has come when these plague spots should be removed,” the newspaper wrote.

On Feb. 5, 1885, the newspaper, which called the Chinese neighborhood a violent, drug-addled “leper’s colony,” wrote that it would probably be “goodbye to Chinatown” if an “unoffending white man” were killed there.

A Chinese vegetable merchant carries his goods in Eureka before the Chinese expulsion in 1885.(Courtesy of Jean Pfaelzer)

The very next day, a white Eureka city councilman who lived near Chinatown was walking past. Shots rang out between what is said to be two Chinese men, although details are scant. A stray bullet killed the councilman.

An angry mob of more than 600 white people — loggers, fishermen, miners and merchants — filled the streets, said Jean Pfaelzer, author of “Driven Out: The Forgotten War Against Chinese Americans.”

A gallows was erected. An effigy of a Chinese man swung from a noose.


White residents burned this California Chinatown to the ground. An apology came 145 years later

July 26, 2021

Someone suggested slaughtering the Chinese, but that was deemed un-Christian, Pfaelzer said. Others said they should burn Chinatown, but its scrap wood buildings belonged to a white man, since the Chinese were not allowed to own property.

They instead appointed a committee of 15 men to go into Chinatown and order everyone to leave. The sheriff commissioned wagons to gather their belongings. Armed vigilantes roamed on horseback.


According the the Clarke Museum website, a group of Chinese and Japanese people were secretly brought in to work in a local cannery but were expelled after being found out. They were sent by barge to an island in Humboldt Bay before catching a ship back to Washington. (Myung J. Chun / Los Angeles Times)

The next morning, about 300 Chinese people were marched to the wharf and eventually loaded onto two steamships: The Humboldt and The City of Chester.

They were shipped to San Francisco, where no one knew they were coming, Pfaelzer said. They disembarked and fled.

A few dozen sued the city of Eureka, but a judge tossed out their lawsuit.

The purge, which became known as the “Eureka method,” was copied in other towns across California and hailed by white people as nonviolent.

By 1890, the business directory for Humboldt County was boasting that it was “the only county in the state containing no Chinamen.” A Eureka law, in effect until the mid-20th century, banned Chinese people from working in the city.


Eureka’s Chinatown consisted of one square block, bottom center, in what is now the city’s downtown. The city forced expelled its Chinese residents in 1885 after the shooting death of a white city councilman. (Myung J. Chun / Los Angeles Times)


In the spring of 2021, a gunman killed eight people, including six women of Asian descent, at three Atlanta-area spas.

The shootings sparked an outpouring of activism and calls to #StopAsianHate. They followed months of heightened attacks on Asian Americans amid a political climate in which then-President Trump was calling the coronavirus the “Chinese virus” and “kung flu.”

Around that time, D’Souza had set up an Instagram account she called APA Humboldt.

D’Souza quickly heard from a local group of Asian Americans who had organized a series of Japanese taiko drum performances before the pandemic.

They began meeting virtually. Their numbers grew. There was a real hunger for community in this county where only 3% of the population is Asian or Pacific Islander.

The group delved into local history, poring through legal briefs, census data, letters, maps and journals to piece together the little-known story of Eureka’s Chinatown, which had been told mostly from a white perspective.

“We all had an awakening of sorts,” D’Souza said. “There was no awareness that there was once a thriving Chinese community here … and they faced the same kind of discrimination and racism that we’re still facing today.”

D’Souza figured they would install a plaque before her baby came, and that would be that.

Eureka’s Chinatown, pictured in the late 19th century.(Courtesy of Jean Pfaelzer)

But what became known as the Eureka Chinatown Project — the work of the group now called Humboldt Asians & Pacific Islanders in Solidarity — blossomed.

With support from the city, they erected signs describing the expulsion in Historic Chinatown — which, today, is a downtown business district with banks, parking lots and no trace of the neighborhood that once stood.

There are plans for a monument.

And — with a mural and a renamed roadway — the Eureka Chinatown Project honored two local Chinese American pioneers whose legacies were too little known.

. . . .


Read the complete article at the link.

We can’t build for a better future on the positive foundations of America without honestly acknowledging, discussing, and addressing the racism and injustices of the past. The GOP “history deniers” are hamstringing our nation!

You can trace today’s rise in anti-Asian-American hate crimes, anti-Asian racial slurs from a former President, and snarky “anti-woke proclamations” from DeSantis directly to the ugliest truths about America’s past. 

And, just because the latter can speak in complete sentences doesn’t mean that he isn’t just as dangerous to democracy and unsuited to public office as Donald Trump! White Nationalist theocracy and lies are bad for our country no matter who utters them. 

DeSantis’s self-proclaimed “Red Florida Paradise” also relies on the hard work of migrants, many of them undocumented, and some other charitable out of state benefactors to literally remain above water: Joe Biden, Democrats, and lots of “Blue State taxpayers:”

Gov. Ron DeSantis has been a persistent critic of President Joe Biden on nearly every policy front as he moves toward a likely potential 2024 presidential bid. But the Florida Republican likes one thing about the president: his wallet.


DeSantis is every bit the charlatan, flim-flam man, would-be theocrat, and purveyor of a whitewashed version of US “history that never was” as Trump. (Concededly, unlike Trump, he actually has won the popular vote in elections.) Under our system, if Floridians have the colossal bad judgement to elect him, that’s their call (although at some point, it could get tiresome for the rest of us to keep bailing them out). But, they have no right to inflict him on the rest of our nation. For the sake of democracy, humanity, and integrity, the rest of us must insure that DeSantis remains where he belongs — below the “Florida-Georgia line.”

🇺🇸Due Process Forever!




Hannah Knowles and Liz Goodwin report for WashPost:


Democrats were projected to retain control of the Senate on Saturday, clinching a narrow majority as they showed strength in battleground races in a daunting midterm year that handed President Biden a major victory as he looks to his next two years in office.

The final blow to Republican hopes of retaking the chamber came in Nevada, where on Saturday Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto (D) was projected to win reelection, edging past Adam Laxalt (R), a former state attorney general. Cortez Masto’s projected win ensures Democrats a 50th seat, with a runoff election still to come in Georgia on Dec. 6. Vice President Harris is empowered to cast tiebreaking votes in the Senate.

Control of the House was still up in the air on Saturday, as vote counting continued days after an election in which Democrats overperformed expectations in many contested areas across the country. Democratic control of the Senate dashes GOP hopes of a full takeover on Capitol Hill.

That’s welcome news for Biden, who was staring down the possibility of humbling defeats as the election neared. Now, the Senate, which oversees the confirmation of executive branch personnel and federal judges, will stay in his party’s corner. A Senate majority will also give the president and his party more say over legislative debates on domestic and foreign spending and other major issues.

Senate Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) called the results a “vindication” for Democrats and their agenda, and said Republicans had turned off voters with extremism and “negativity,” including some candidates’ false insistence that the 2020 election had been stolen. “America showed that we believed in our democracy,” he told reporters in New York, while praising the quality of Democratic incumbents.

Cortez Masto announced she would deliver a victory speech on Sunday.

In Nevada, Cortez Masto’s win was part of a perfect record so far by incumbent senators seeking reelection in the midterms, as voters tilted strongly against upending the established order in the chamber. It was part of a strong showing by Democrats in battleground areas where Republicans fell short after emphasizing rising prices and concerns about crime during an era of one-party control in Washington.

. . . .


Importantly, Biden & Sen. Chuck Schumer will retain authority to appoint better qualified, progressive, Federal Judges from diverse backgrounds, schools, and experiences to counteract the toxic influx of poorly qualified far-right jurists, many ideologues hand-picked by the Federalist Society and the Heritage Foundation for their extremist, anti-democracy, far right views that threaten the credibility and the legitimacy of the Federal Judiciary. 

Biden’s & Schumer’s attention and success at timely appointing and advancing exceptionally well-qualified Article III judges whose views support and advance the rule of law, equal justice for all, and reasonable legal interpretations has been one of the “under the radar” success stories of his first two years. For once, if perhaps a little late in the game, the Dems have treated Federal Judicial appointments with the same urgency, strategic thinking, and determination to fundamentally reshape the judiciary as the GOP!

If only Garland had paid the same attention to reforming, improving, and reshaping the Immigration Judiciary to make expertise, due process, fundamental fairness, and best judicial practices paramount after four years of highly questionable judicial appointments and “packing” of the BIA  by Sessions and Barr in support of their nativist, anti-immigrant agenda!

Senator Cortez Masto’s victory also saves America from another round of Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-TN) as majority leader. Additionally, it’s a well-deserved setback for arrogant GOP Senate campaign honcho Rick Scott (R-FL) — a guy whose idea of America is to block all progress, steal from the poor, give to the rich, and never give an honest answer.

All and all, it’s a good night for American democracy, although the narrowness of Dem victories despite the obvious superiority of Dem candidates should serve as a warning sign that our nation is not out of the “far-right woods” by any means. Next, it remains critically important for the Dems to re-elect Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-GA, an outstanding and articulate spokesperson for democratic values over the spectacularly incoherent and unqualified Trump-backed GOP challenger Herschel Walker in December’s Georgia runoff. A one-vote “cushion” is critical in the event of death or incapacity of any of the Dem Senators.

Importantly, voters across America rejected every corrupt Trump election denier running on the GOP ticket for positions that would have given them control over state elections. 

🇺🇸 Due Process Forever!



🇺🇸🗽THE TRUE AMERICAN PATRIOTS: Rep. Abigail Spanberger (D-VA) & Rep-Elect Hillary Scholten (D-MI) Are Models For A Durable Democratic Majority! — Humane Values, Active Listening, Practical Problem-Solving, Community Unity, Integrity, Individual Freedom, Responsibility, Organization, Persistence, Moral Courage, Indefatigable Energy, Amazing Work Ethic, Unselfish Public Service, Kindness, Compassion, Caring, Never Forgetting  Where You Came From = A Winning Formula That Other Dems Could Emulate!

Abigail Spanberger
Rep. Abigail Spanberger
PHOTO: Twitter

From Jennifer Rubin @ WashPost on Abigail:


. . . .

During her victory remarks on Tuesday night, Spanberger spoke of her “deep and abiding love for the country” and a “profound sense of responsibility.” The former CIA agent reiterated that the country was founded on “a dream” that it need not bound by the past or be ruled by kings and queens. Quoting Benjamin Franklin’s admonition that the constitutional convention delivered a republic “if you can keep it,” she declared, “We must all work hard to keep it.”

As a moderate, Spanberger has managed to balance fidelity to Democratic causes such as investment in green energy and the preservation of abortion rights with an independent, reform-minded streak that sometimes put her at odds with party leadership. (Speaker Nancy Pelosi, for example, has not allowed a floor vote on Spanberger’s bill that would ban House members and their spouses from holding individual stocks.)

With this win, Spanberger reaffirms her status as a rising star in the party. Her formula — bipartisan problem solving, strong national security credentials, anti-corruption crusading and support for women’s reproductive rights — has proved successful. But she also had another advantage: a Democratic record of legislative success, including the infrastructure bill, the Chips and Science Act, an expansion of veterans’ health care and measures to reduce prescription drug prices.

. . . .

Hillary Scholten
Rep-Elect Hillary Scholten
Michigan 3rd District

Here’s what Hillary had to say in her victory statement:

It’s a new day in West Michigan. I have officially been elected to represent West Michigan in Congress.

Make no mistake: this is a historic victory. We flipped a crucial House seat from red to blue, elected West Michigan’s first-ever Democratic Congresswoman, and sent a strong message that will not tolerate anti-democratic, anti-American extremism here.

I am a proud fourth-generation West Michigander. I know we’re a community that values service over self, building up over tearing down, and unity over division. We’re a community that cares for its poor, supports its vulnerable, and welcomes the stranger. A community where differences are not feared, but valued.

My promise to you is that I will never forget where I come from or who I work for. I will always show up for my community and look forward to getting to work serving West Michiganders.

Forever thankful,


By sharp contrast, the GOP has no known values: divide, bully, lie, demean, hate, misinform, blame, deny, discriminate, humiliate, oppress, smear, shame. Those aren’t values: just highly negative attributes!

The GOP did claim concern about inflation and the economy. But, they offered no coherent plan for addressing it in any practical, bi-partisan manner.

Instead, they promised to wreck Government, mindlessly oppose anything Biden proposes, and even threatened to collapse the worldwide economy by “playing chicken” with the artificially-created “debt ceiling.” 

To the extent that any GOP candidate could explain their economic “plan” (most couldn’t or wouldn’t), it was a muddled variation of proven-to-fail “trickle down economics.” Yup, the same nonsense and bureaucratic doublespeak that has destroyed the British economy and led the Conservatives to be a laughingstock of “unstable government by clowns🤡!” Basically slash programs that benefit everybody to reward fat-cats with more un-needed and unfunded tax breaks. 

Do we really need to make guys like Musk, Zuckerberg, Bezos, McConnell, and the “geniuses” who invented “cryptocurrency” richer? Make sense? Of course not! I doubt that there is a shortage of “investment capital” in the U.S. right now. 

Is preventing IRS from processing returns in a timely manner and collecting back-taxes owed really the key to reducing budget deficits? Preposterous! Yet GOP pols say so!

Undoubtedly, we need prudence, responsibility, and focus in government spending — from both parties. As working mothers, Abigail and Hillary know a thing or two about making responsible fiscal decisions and insuring that their constituents get the most bang for each hard-earned tax dollar spent. And neither is afraid to speak out against “fraud, waste, and abuse” in any and all forms!

As former Federal civil servants, they recognize the need for cutting waste and getting more value for each dollar. In that respect, I think that requiring competent management, accountability, expertise, innovative customer service, and focused enforcement in the hugely expensive yet highly wasteful, ineffective, and often counterproductive immigration bureaucracy would be a good starting point for achieving much more without drastic resource increases.

It doesn’t hurt that Abigail and Hillary are really really smart and use their brains to help others and society rather than for self-aggrandizement or to lord it over others. Tough as they are, they are also nice, kind, and compassionate. In other words, non-ideologues.

Go, Abigail and Hillary! Make America the best that we can be: A diverse society and powerful nation where everyone can reach their full potential, independence, and self-sufficiency, not just the “chosen few!”

🇺🇸Due Process Forever!



🤯 “HOW TO SUCCEED IN BUILDING BACKLOG” — Latest BIA Miscue On Retroactivity in 7th Cir. Sure To Generate Re-openings, Remands, & Other Forms Of Backlog Enhancing, Due Process Denying “Aimless Docket Reshuffling!” — Garland’s Inexcusable Mis-Management Of EOIR Is Boiling Over Among Dem Base!


From Dan Kowalski @ LexisNexis Immigration Community:


Daniel M. Kowalski

8 Nov 2022

CA7 on CIMT, Retroactivity: Zaragoza v. Garland

Zaragoza v. Garland

“Dulce Zaragoza, a native and citizen of Mexico and a lawful permanent resident of the United States, pleaded guilty to the Indiana offense of criminal neglect of a dependent after locking her six-year-old son in a closet for six hours. She was sentenced to one year in jail suspended to time served plus 30 days, with the remainder of the sentence to be served on probation. After completing her sentence, she traveled abroad and presented herself for admission when she returned. The Department of Homeland Security (“DHS”) found her inadmissible based on the neglect conviction, which the agency classified as a “crime involving moral turpitude.” 8 U.S.C. § 1182(a)(2)(A)(i)(I). She was placed in removal proceedings. Zaragoza fought removal on several grounds, with her arguments expanding as the proceedings progressed. Before the immigration judge, she argued that the Indiana neglect offense does not qualify as a crime involving moral turpitude. The judge disagreed and entered a removal order, and Zaragoza appealed to the Board of Immigration Appeals (“BIA” or “the Board”). In the meantime, she petitioned the state court to modify her sentence. Her purpose was to bring herself within the so-called “petty offense” exception to inadmissibility, which is available to first-time offenders sentenced to six months or less. Id. § 1182(a)(2)(A)(ii)(II). The state court obliged and reduced her one-year sentence to 179 days. With that order in hand, Zaragoza argued before the BIA that Indiana’s neglect offense is not a crime involving moral turpitude, and regardless, the petty-offense exception applies. The BIA rejected both arguments, agreeing with the immigration judge that the Indiana offense is categorically a crime involving moral turpitude, and further holding that the sentence-modification order was not effective to establish Zaragoza’s eligibility for the petty-offense exception. For the latter conclusion, the Board relied on a recent decision of the Attorney General declaring that state-court sentence modification orders are effective for immigration purposes only if based on a legal defect in the underlying criminal proceeding. Matter of Thomas & Thompson (“Thomas”), 27 I. & N. Dec. 674, 690 (Att’y Gen. 2019). Zaragoza sought reconsideration, this time adding two more arguments: (1) the phrase “crime involving moral turpitude” is unconstitutionally vague; and (2) the Attorney General’s decision in Thomas is impermissibly retroactive as applied to her. The BIA disagreed on both counts. Zaragoza petitioned for review in this court, reprising the entire array of arguments she presented to the Board. We agree with the BIA’s resolution of all issues but one: applying Thomas in Zaragoza’s case is an impermissibly retroactive application of a new rule. We therefore remand to the BIA for further proceedings consistent with this opinion.”


Commentary from Kevin A. Gregg, ESQ:


Kevin A. Gregg

• 1st

Partner at Kurzban Kurzban Tetzeli & Pratt P.A. & Host of Immigration Review Podcast

2d • Edited •

2 days ago

Crimmigration attorneys, get your motions ready.

At least in Chicago! Matter of Thomas and Thompson CANNOT be applied retroactively in the Seventh Circuit!

Sentence modifications/clarifications/European vacations obtained pre-T&T and that comply with Matter of Cota Vargas/Song/Estrada must be recognized for immigration purposes!

Also, when will A.G. Garland weigh in on Matter of Thomas and Thompson? The time is now.


When the BIA starts not with the correct legal concept that retroactivity is disfavored in the law, but rather with “how can we best help DHS Enforcement and/or curry favor and job security from our political ‘handlers’ at DOJ,” “bad things are going to happen.” And, they do, over and over!

There are plenty of well-qualified “practical scholars” out here who understand retroactivity in the immigration context and would get these basic questions right in the first instance without bothering the Courts of Appeals or generating disorder, inconsistency, and unnecessary backlog! Why hasn’t Garland recruited them to be the “New and Improved BIA” that would actually be driven by legal expertise, practical scholarship, due process, and fundamental fairness? The latter are qualities that EOIR and DOJ claims it seeks in Immigration Judges. But, it’s not the reality that practitioners too often actually face in todays dysfunctional, inefficient, and hopelessly backlogged EOIR. 

The public and those subject to substandard judging and often dehumanizing treatment by EOIR are suffering — amazingly, now more than ever! When will Garland do his job and reform his courts to conform to due process, fundamental fairness, best interpretations of law, and best practices? 

The latter desirable qualities, actually necessary for any legitimate judiciary, are certainly NOT descriptive of today’s broken EOIR! Garland and his lieutenants might consider themselves “above the fray!” 

But, my already over-stuffed e-mailbox is “lighting up” with EOIR horror stories from experienced, long-time practitioners who are questioning whether they can continue practicing in the hostile, lawless, “no due process,” “no customer service,” “no common sense,” “blame the victim” environment that Garland has allowed to mushroom, and sometimes even encouraged, at EOIR. 

I mentioned the term “Dedicated Docket” at an Executive Session of a major NGO recently. The anger and disgust that it provoked from those actually “doing the job” of fighting for justice in Garland’s broken system was palpable! 

Why is a Democratic Administration that is, despite beating expectations in the midterms, still hanging on by a thread, inflicting this type of disrespect, pain, and suffering on its own loyal supporters? How will this self-created legal, Constitutional, human rights disaster play out moving toward 2024!

“The EOIR HQ Tower” needs a complete shake-up and replacement of  those who have demonstrated their inability to get the job done with those who can! The latter are out here. But, the worse Garland lets his system get, the harder and most costly (dollars and lives) it will be to fix it!

🇺🇸 Due Process Forever!




Waiting for Godot
Waiting for Merrick Garland and his “Clueless Crew” at DOJ to fix the dysfunctional Immigration Courts will be an exercise in futility.

Garland is a disgraceful failure as our nation’s top lawyer; Congress is deadlocked and uninterested in solving immigration and human rights problems; Federal Courts, these days often “stacked” with far-right ideologues, too often look the other way at gross violations of due process, overt racism, misogyny, and bad interpretations as long as it’s “only migrants of color” (“non-persons” in the view of some) and their lawyers whose lives are being trashed. At best, the Circuits provide widely inconsistent review and results — perhaps not quite as bad as EOIR, but still far beyond anything that would be acceptable if migrants were actually treated as “persons” as the Constitution clearly provides.

I receive some desperate anecdotal complaints about the absurdly broken system and unprofessional conduct by some IJs and EOIR officials here at “Courtside.”

Here’s a recent one from a long-time practitioner that more or less sums up Garland and the Biden Administration’s incredibly disreputable mal-administration of EOIR:

Everything at EOIR is such a disgrace. It is now very difficult for me to appear before IJs, as I have complete contempt for the agency. It is so much worse now than when Trump was in charge. But of course, EOIR could care less, and obviously, this IJ could care less as well…

“Much worse now than when Trump was in charge!” Let that sink in folks!

As I’ve said before, “This just isn’t right!” But, we seem to be dealing with three branches of “Government” who have simply turned their collective backs on the Constitution, the rule of law, common sense, and the fundamental obligations of decency that human beings owe to each other. They also deny the truth: That immigrants are and will continue to be an essential part of the fabric of our society. So, many have asked me “What’s the answer?”

Storm the fort “from the inside!” Use your superior knowledge, organizational, and problem solving skills to get on the Immigration Bench and get paid to do things the right way, help force systemic change over time, save some very deserving lives, and help preserve and improve our democracy at the same time. 

One of the few advantages of working in an “out of control” system is this: there isn’t much control. That often motivates sloppy work, corner-cutting, and a “who cares” approach. 

But, it can also motivate and allow those with the skills and moral integrity to “do the right thing,” to put due process first, solve problems (satisfying), and institute “best practices” rather than worst practices in YOUR courtroom, even if only on a case-by-case basis. And, guess what? Things that “work” and efficiently resolve problems in your courtroom do impact the rest of the system! 

Eventually, it can lead to demands to stop doing things the same old wrong and unfair way and start start treating others fairly and with dignity. Surprisingly, despite persistent bureaucratic myths to the contrary, doing things the right way and treating everyone fairly is more efficient than repeating the same old mistakes, based on the same old discredited “deterrence myths,” over and over. Recognizing and timely granting deserving cases is the very best, totally overlooked, way of cutting backlog and forcing the system to be more efficient without stomping on anyone’s rights or humanity!

Sure, the EOIR system only superficially claims to be interested in efficiency. What they really want is the “appearance of efficiency” with the ability to shift blame for problems to the “victims” of their incredibly poor performance! 

But, eventually enough folks in the right places can get the idea that doing things the right way could actually be better for the system than repeating past mistakes and covering up. The latter gets stressful, even for politicos and bureaucrats who have made careers out of avoiding accountability and responsibility. And, there are certainly plenty of those in today’s EOIR and DOJ.

So here are 10 great opportunities to “get on the inside” and start fixing justice in America and the critical “retail level.”

Seven open IJ positions:

Working for the U.S. Department of Justice allows you to make a difference every day through public service. As an immigration judge you provide due process while deciding cases that have immediate impact. Next week, EOIR will announce the opportunity to apply for immigration judge positions. EOIR will post the vacancy announcement to USAJobs and announce it via the IJ Jobs listserv. The announcement will offer opportunities for immigration courts in the following locations:

  1. Adelanto, CA
  2. Concord, CA
  3. Imperial, CA
  4. San Francisco, CA
  5. LaSalle, LA
  6. Boston (Lowell), MA
  7. El Paso, TX

If you would like to learn more about qualifications and the process for becoming an immigration judge, please visit our informational page.


Here are three Assistant Chief Judge (“ACIJ”) positions:


It is REALLY important that great attorneys of all genders and ethnic groups apply for these important positions. EOIR has NEVER been representative of either the communities it serves or the talent and diversity of the private immigration/human rights bar. The “bureaucratic excuse” has been that the “pool” of USG applicants, particularly those from DHS and prosecutorial backgrounds, is always far “superior.” 

I call BS! But, the only way to “prove it wrong” is if “the best and brightest” from the private sectors apply en masse. 

EOIR will NOT improve voluntarily. Over the past two disgraceful years, Garland has proved that “beyond a reasonable doubt.” So, get on the inside and start changing this system to promote impeccable scholarship, due process, fundamental fairness, and best practices from the inside and from “the bottom up!”

Because, waiting for Merrick Garland and his “clueless” crew @ DOJ and EOIR to get the job done for equal justice and racial justice in America will be like “Waiting for Godot.” And, we all know how that turns out. 

Apply now! Ask questions later!

🇺🇸Due Process Forever!



☠️🪦🏴‍☠️ AMERICA’S BORDER “POLICY:” PASS MORE BODY BAGS, PLEASE! — Cynical GOP Lies, Bumbling Dems, Bad Righty Judges, Deadlocked Congress, Public Indifference To Human Suffering & Reality Prove A Deadly Concoction For Legal Asylum Seekers!

Body Bag
Body Bag
Not a solution to the reality of human migration.
Official USG Photo
Public Realm
Alexandra Villarreal
Alexandra Villarreal
Immigration Reporter
The Guardian


Alexandra Villarreal reports for The Guardian:

. . . .

Along the 2,000-mile (3,219km) boundary between the US and Mexico, the 2022 fiscal year proved the deadliest on record for people trying to make unauthorized crossings of this heavily patrolled international line.

In just 12 months, more than 800 migrants lost their lives in search of a better one as they disappeared beneath the tumultuous waters of the Rio Grande, succumbed to blistering summer heat, crashed in a smuggler’s vehicle, tumbled from a border barrier, or otherwise had their travels violently cut short.

In Eagle Pass’s regional enforcement sector alone, border patrol agents discovered more than 200 dead migrants between October 2021 and the end of July, compared to an already heartbreaking 34 bodies during the entire 2020 fiscal year.

Ahead of this week’s crucial midterm elections, Republicans have manipulated these harrowing statistics as yet another opportunity to make much ado about what various rightwing players call Joe Biden’s “open border policies”, accusing his administration of incompetence that is causing “body bags [to] keep piling up”.

It’s close to sealed by a hostile combination of pandemic-era public health measures cynically retooled as federal immigration control and mass policing by state troops who arrest, jail and criminalize migrants.

Cruelly, these hardline deterrence mechanisms advanced by both Democrats and Republicans have probably only made the US’s south-west border bloodier.

Current US policy is predicated on a false assumption that if only the consequences for crossing the south-west border are severe enough, people will stop trying.

For decades, presidential administrations with disparate political views have unified under the paradigm of prevention through deterrence, erecting physical and legal obstacles to discourage people from crossing.


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Deterrence as a strategy has informed some of the US’s most controversial immigration policies, from separating families, to detaining children, to stranding asylum seekers in dangerous Mexican border towns.

But desperate people still find ways to make it on to US soil: last fiscal year, Customs and Border Protection documented nearly 2.38m enforcement encounters at the southern border, a record high causing headaches for Biden as conservatives accuse the president of being “lax” on border crime.

The truth is more complex, and not at all lax. More than a million of last fiscal year’s border enforcement encounters were processed under Title 42, now invoked as a federal immigration enforcement tool but originally disguised as a public health measure amid the Covid-19 pandemic.

The policy allowed the Trump and now the Biden administrations to expel huge numbers of people from the US without even letting them ask for asylum, seemingly in violation of domestic and international law.

Far from ending unauthorized migration, the invocation of Title 42 has in fact dramatically inflated the number of encounters at the US-Mexico border, as people who are expelled feel compelled to cross again – and again, and again. Sometimes, relentless migrants have been so determined to complete their journeys that they have risked life and limb dozens of times, fueling a political and humanitarian disaster.

Yet even though these expulsions have proved ill-advised both optically and ethically, Biden has now expanded the use of Title 42 by adding Venezuelans to the list of nationalities targeted for return to Mexico, an apparent betrayal of his campaign promises to uphold the legal right to seek asylum and a paradox as his administration ostensibly fights to sunset the practice in court.

. . . .

And both parties continue to police people seeking security and opportunity over violence, persecution and poverty as if they’re national security threats.

In the shadow of it all, the corpses amass.

Back in Eagle Pass, locals like Rosalinda Medrano who have lived for decades along a porous border understand that migrants have and will always come or, increasingly, die trying.


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“Even though there’s one fence, and another fence, and so many troopers, and the national guard, and you name it – Border Patrol, here and there and everywhere – it’s not gonna stop these families,” she said, adding simply: “They want a better life.”


Read the complete article at the link, in which Alexandra points to the numerous achievable solutions that both parties eschew — for political reasons — some cynical, dishonest, and racist (GOP) — others cowardly (Dems). None of what Alexandra reports will come as news to faithful readers of Courtside, or, indeed, to anyone who has taken the time to actually study and reflect on America’s decades of expensive, inhumane, “deterrence policies.”

Fact is, existing law, if correctly applied and administered, offers some obvious ways to start solving the problem:

  • Robust realistic “overseas” refugee programs in the Western Hemisphere — 150,000 would be a modest start — rather than the piddling, restricted numbers now slowly doled out by the Biden Administration.
  • Reopen legal ports of entry to legal asylum seekers, as required by law, to incentivize and reward them for not seeking to cross between ports of entry.
  • Staff the Asylum Office and the Immigration Courts with real experts in asylum law (there are plenty of well-qualified lawyers now in the private sector) who are committed to due process and can rapidly recognize and grant the many meritorious cases. Then, individuals are admitted in legal status, on their way to green cards, rather than aimlessly wandering the US with government-issued packets of misinformation (or no information at all) waiting for hearings that will come either too soon or too late, but never in a reasonable manner and often with incorrect preordained results designed to abuse the legal system as an “enforcement deterrent.” (NOTE: To act as an incentive/reward for appearing at ports of entry, the asylum system must be credible, transparent, and timely — something that no Administration has achieved to date, but which is possible with more vision, leadership, and better personnel making decisions.)
  • Work with, bolster, support, and learn from the many NGOs in the U.S. to insure that asylum seekers are informed of their obligations, represented on their applications, and resettled, mostly away from the borders to areas that need them, in an orderly fashion.
  • Additional huge benefit: Despite the lies and myths spread by nativists, increasing legal immigration (including refugees and asylees) is one of the few potentially effective ways that the “political branches” of Government have to address inflation without causing recession. See, e.g., https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-covid-immigration-makes-inflation-worse-recession-outlook-jobs-supply-2022-10.

“Even though there’s one fence, and another fence, and so many troopers, and the national guard, and you name it – Border Patrol, here and there and everywhere – it’s not gonna stop these families,” she said, adding simply: “They want a better life.”

We can, and must, do better than “more body bags” as a matter of national policy! Migrants aren’t going to stop coming. That, we can’t change in the long run — no matter how many lies, myths, and distortions nativists throw out there, and no matter how fast spineless Dem politicos run from or attempt to hide the truth. But, we can deal with reality in a more humane, practical, realistic manner that will serve our nation’s, and humanity’s, interests into the future.

🇺🇸Due Process Forever!




Hillary Scholten
Rep-Elect Hillary Scholten
Michigan 3rd District — “She’s intellectually powerful, value-driven, dynamic, ‘tough as nails,’ yet always kind and compassionate!”

Many, many, many congrats, endless appreciation, and thanks for what you have accomplished, my friend!


Hillary Scholten defeats Trump-backed John Gibbs for West Michigan congressional seat

  • Updated: Nov. 09, 2022, 4:05 a.m.|Published: Nov. 09, 2022, 2:11 a.m.


Hillary Scholten (D) and John Gibbs (R) face off for Michigan 3rd Congressional District seat

GRAND RAPIDS, MI — Hillary Scholten will become the first Democrat to represent Grand Rapids in Congress since 1977 after defeating Trump-backed Republican John Gibbs in a race that’s drawn national attention.

Scholten, an immigration attorney from Grand Rapids who worked in the U.S. Department of Justice during the Obama administration, defeated Gibbs 53% to 44%, according to unofficial results from the Associated Press.

The AP called the race for Scholten just before 2 a.m. Wednesday morning, with 63% of votes counted.

Scholten campaigned as a common-sense, problem-solving candidate who supports abortion rights, lowering the cost of health care and prescription drugs, and protecting Social Security and Medicare. Scholten cast Gibbs as an extreme candidate focused overturning the 2020 election results and “doing Donald Trump’s bidding on West Michigan.”

Scholten could not immediately be reached for comment early on Wednesday, Nov. 9. Her campaign spokesperson, Larkin Parker, said Scholten would be live-streaming a speech this morning.

Gibbs took to Twitter after AP called the race, saying “we believe this call is premature.”

“There are plenty more votes outstanding and we expect the vote count to go well into Wednesday,” said Gibbs, who grew up in Lansing and served in the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development during Trump’s presidency.

The last time a Democrat was elected to represent Grand Rapids in Congress was 1974. Attorney Richard Vander Veen was elected that year, in what was then the 5th Congressional District. He replaced U.S. Rep. Gerald Ford, who resigned from the seat to become vice president during Richard Nixon’s second term.

. . . .

After the polls closed Tuesday, Scholten spoke to supporters at Paddock Place, a restaurant and event venue in Grand Rapids. She described her campaign as a unifying effort to draw in voters from both sides of the political spectrum, as opposed to the “divisiveness” of her opponent’s campaign.

“This campaign has, and continues to build, something new here in West Michigan,” Scholten said. “A new political home for people on the right, the left, the center, who are tired of politics as usual, who are ready to cast aside the old frame of division, ‘us versus them,’ and join hands together for a better, brighter West Michigan for all of us.”

. . . .


Hillary has always been a widely respected “bridge builder.” She’s intellectually powerful, value-driven, dynamic, “tough as nails,” yet always kind and compassionate!

To my knowledge, she’s the first NDPA stalwart and first BIA employee to be elected to Congress. I hope she inspires others who share her values to enter the political arena and help those of us who believe in rational, practical, people and values-centered government and equal justice for all to save America from extremist ideologues!

🇺🇸 Congrats again and Due Process Forever! Practical, human values, and the courage to stand-up for them against lies and tyranny CAN win elections!



⚖️ THE GIBSON REPORT — 11-07-22 — Compiled By Elizabeth Gibson, Managing Attorney, NIJC — HEADLINERS: Analysts Agree: Immigrants Are “Political Toast” Regardless of Midterms’ Outcome — Neither Party Sees Legal Immigration, Human Rights, Rule of Law, Racial Justice As “Electoral Winners!” — Garland’s DOJ “On A Roll” In Courts Of Appeal, Snuffing Asylum Claims in 2d (2x), 3rd, 8th, & 9th Circuits!

Elizabeth Gibson
Elizabeth Gibson
Managing Attorney
National Immigrant Justice Center
Publisher of “The Gibson Report”



Weekly Briefing


This briefing is designed as a quick-reference aggregation of developments in immigration law, practice, and policy that you can scan for anything you missed over the last week. The contents of the news, links, and events do not necessarily reflect the position of the National Immigrant Justice Center. If you have items that you would like considered for inclusion, please email them to egibson@heartlandalliance.org.


CONTENTS (jump to section)

  • NEWS



Analysts Don’t Expect Significant Changes in Immigration Policy After the Midterms

VOA: The three analysts said that no one is willing to form a framework to write immigration legislation because they do not see an electoral advantage. See also Democrats Twist and Turn on Immigration as Republicans Attack in Waves; Canada plans record immigration targets amid labour crunch.


Attention Travelers: New Rules Will Require More Caution When Entering USA

Forbes: Evidently, USCBP is eliminating the passport entry stamp to streamline the entry process. So now, foreign nationals will only have access to the Form I-94 website as proof of their lawful immigration status.


Abrupt New Border Expulsions Split Venezuelan Families

NYT: The decision to expel Venezuelans under a pandemic-era policy that allows swift expulsions, previously applied mainly to Mexicans and Central Americans, has had the unintended effect of trapping many Venezuelan families on opposite sides of the U.S.-Mexico border. See also Tougher US Asylum Laws Trigger Drop in Venezuelan Migrants Traveling Through Panama; Migrants Encounter ‘Chaos and Confusion’ in New York Immigration Courts; Nearly 500 Venezuelans admitted to U.S., thousands approved via new plan.

Accounts of migrants’ documents being confiscated by border officials prompt federal review

CBS: The department confirmed the review when asked to respond to accounts from migrants who told “60 Minutes” that U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officials along the U.S.-Mexico border kept their documents, despite agency policy instructing agents to return migrants’ personal property unless they are fraudulent.


130+ Civil Rights Groups Call On President Biden To Include Immigrants In Pardon Process

NIJC: More than 130 immigration, criminal justice, and civil rights organizations released a letter today urging the Biden administration to include immigrants in the pardon process.


Over 100 Orgs Want Visits For Detained Immigrants Restored

Law360: More than 100 immigrant rights organizations are urging the Biden administration to fully reinstate visitation at immigration detention facilities, saying in a Thursday letter that visitation is crucial for detainees’ mental health and monitoring human rights violations.


ACLU condemns Texas Border Patrol agents’ use of pepper balls against protesting migrants

SA Current: The ACLU is condemning the actions of U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents allegedly caught on video firing pepper balls at a group of Venezuelan migrants protesting along the banks of the Rio Grande River near El Paso.




2nd Circ. Won’t Review Honduran Man, Son’s Asylum Request

Law360: The Second Circuit on Wednesday declined to review a decision denying an asylum application from a Honduran man and his son who claim they will be killed by gang members if they return home, finding the Board of Immigration Appeals properly reviewed the immigration judge’s decision.


2nd Circ. Won’t Revive Ecuadorian’s Asylum Bid

Law360: The Second Circuit on Tuesday backed the U.S. Board of Immigration Appeal’s decision to apply a persecution motive standard used in asylum requests to an Ecuadorian’s withholding of removal request, saying it was reasonable for the agency to do so.


3rd Circ. Nixes Asylum Over Evangelical Christianity Link

Law360: The Third Circuit on Tuesday knocked down a Guatemalan man’s asylum bid after concluding he failed to back up his fears of violence in the Central American nation based on gang recruitment efforts and his rejection of gangs due to his evangelical Christian faith.


8th Circ. Denies Family’s Asylum Bid Over Gang Fears

Law360: The Eighth Circuit has upheld a Board of Immigration Appeals ruling that denied a family asylum based on alleged gang threats for lack of evidence that the government of El Salvador could not or would not protect them.


9th Circ. Upholds Ruling Denying Bisexual Man Asylum

Law360: A Mexican citizen who said police and criminal gangs would torture him for being bisexual and suffering from mental illness if he is deported a third time


9th Circ. Backs Juvenile Immigrant Adjudication Deadline

Law360: The Ninth Circuit on Thursday backed an order requiring U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services to adjudicate Special Immigrant Juvenile petitions within 180 days, rejecting the government’s argument that a lower court relied on “stale evidence” and disregarded hardship considerations.


States Cry Foul Over Steep Drop In Title 42 Haitian Expulsions

Law360: Republican state attorneys general accused the Biden administration of violating an injunction requiring it to repel migrants from the border under pandemic-era restrictions, saying a sharp drop in Haitian expulsions indicated the administration was selectively lifting the so-called Title 42 border block.


DHS Begins Limited Implementation of DACA Final Rule

AILA: On 10/31/22, DHS began limited implementation of the DACA final rule. USCIS will continue to accept and process applications for deferred action, work authorization, and advance parole for current DACA recipients. Due to litigation, USCIS will accept but cannot process initial DACA requests.


EOIR 30-Day Notice and Request for Comments on Proposed Revisions to Forms EOIR-42A and EOIR-42B

AILA: EOIR 30-day notice and request for comments on proposed revisions to Form EOIR-42A and Form EOIR-42B. Comments are due 12/5/22. (87 FR 66326, 11/3/22)


EOIR 30-Day Notice and Request for Comments on Proposed Revisions to Form EOIR-31A

AILA: EOIR 30-day notice-and-comment period for proposed revisions to Form EOIR-31A, which allows an organization to seek accreditation or renewal of accreditation of a non-attorney representative to appear before EOIR and/or DHS. Comments are due by 12/5/22.


CIS Ombudsman Introduces Revised Form for Requesting Case Assistance

AILA: The CIS Ombudsman’s Office updated the DHS Form 7001, Request for Case Assistance, used for requesting case assistance.







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Elizabeth Gibson (Pronouns: she/her/ella)

Managing Attorney for Capacity Building and Mentorship

National Immigrant Justice Center


224 S. Michigan Ave., Suite 600, Chicago, IL 60604
T: (312) 660-1688| F: (312) 660-1688| E: egibson@heartlandalliance.org

www.immigrantjustice.org | Facebook | Twitter


Supposedly, the main political issues right now are the economy and inflation. But, the economy and inflation are largely determined by the Fed, markets, global conditions, weather, and a certain amount of pure luck — all things beyond the direct control of the political branches of the USG.  

As mentioned by Chuck Todd on last Sunday’s NBC “Meet the Press,” many experts say that the most effective tool that the Administration and Congress have to improve the economy without triggering a recession is to increase legal immigration — sooner rather than later. But, neither party is interested. The GOP sees an anti-immigrant stance as a key to political success. And, the Dems are “actively disinterested” in the issue. So, the opportunity passes.

But, the reality is that, in the long run, no amount of shipping containers, walls, prisons, family separations, deportations, exclusions to death or despair, hate rhetoric, or restrictive legal roadblocks will halt the future flow of human migration, and not incidentally, the internal relocation in America as certain areas become “unlivable.” 

According to a government report published in today’s Washington Post:

 The U.S. can expect more forced migration and displacement

Already, the authors of Monday’s report said, major storms such as Hurricane Maria, as well as extended droughts that strained lives and livelihoods, have led people to leave their homes in search of more-stable places.

In the hotter world that lies ahead, they write, additional climate impacts — along with other factors such as the housing market, job trends and pandemics — are expected to increasingly influence migration patterns.

“More severe wildfires in California, sea level rise in Florida, and more frequent flooding in Texas are expected to displace millions of people, while climate-driven economic changes abroad continue to increase the rate of emigration to the United States,” the report finds.

Such shifts are inherently complicated and fraught.

Several Indigenous tribes in coastal regions, facing fast-rising seas, have already sought government help to relocate, but have struggled to do so without significant hurdles.

“Forced migrations and displacements disrupt social networks, decrease housing security, and exacerbate grief, anxiety and mental health outcomes,” the authors write.


Neither political party appears serious about addressing these migration realities — already underway. The ideas that we can wall ourselves off, invest in “sending countries,” detain, and deport our way out of migration are not  “solutions.”  

Failure to act boldly and expansively on legal immigration will create a huge class of exploitable, disenfranchised, extralegal residents and plenty of work for border agents, internal police, righty judges, and jailers. It will also be a huge boon to smugglers and cartels who basically will “own” the American migration franchise. But, in the long run, building a large “underground humanity” won’t be enough to offset the “downside” of lacking a robust, realistic, orderly, legal immigration process.

Eventually, those nation-states that figure out how to harness, welcome, and distribute the power of human migration will rule the future. Right now, America’s leaders, of both parties, seem wedded to a “sure to fail” approach of either opposing or ignoring the realities and unlimited potential of human migration. Too bad — for all of us!

🇺🇸 Due Process Forever!



🇺🇸 IN MEMORIAM: HON. ROMANO L. “RON” MAZZOLI (1932 – 2022) — Co-Architect Of Bi-Partisan 1986 Immigration Reform Act


Ron Mazzoli
Hon.Romano L. Mazoli (1932-2022)
U.S Congressman (D-KY; 1971-95)
PHOTO: therecord.com

I personally knew Congressman Mazzoli (D-KY), and worked with him and his staff on the Immigration Reform & Control Act of 1986 (“IRCA”), as I did with Senator Alan Simpson (R-WY) and his staff on the Senate side. At that time I was the Deputy General Counsel and later Acting General Counsel of the “Legacy INS.”

Shortly before I left INS for private practice, in 1987, Congressman Mazzoli invited me to his hometown of Louisville to speak on immigration reform. I was presented with a ceramic “Big Balloon,” representing the City of Louisville, to memorialize that occasion.

We kept up for a time after I went into private practice. He was friendly with Harris Miller who worked with me at Fragomen during my stint as DC Managing Partner. Harris, who recently, sadly, died at 71, had worked for Ron and the Democrats on the House Judiciary staff. I remember Harris, his wife Deborah, Ron, his wife Helen, my wife Cathy, and me having dinner at the Occidental Restaurant in DC shortly after he left Congress and just before I left Fragomen to become the BIA Chair in 1995. Ron supported my application. 

At that time, Ron was putting together plans to teach at his alma mater U. of Louisville Law. I believe Harris and I might have offered him some “syllabus pointers,” although, in actuality, he hardly needed any help from us given his decades of experience in Congress. 

Eventually, we lost touch. But I still have fond memories of Ron, Harris, and a time when the immigration debate, although always spirited and contentious, was more civilized and empirically based.

Here’s a lengthy obit on Ron from The NY Times, forwarded by my friend Nolan Rappaport.

Romano Mazzoli, Who Oversaw Major Immigration Reform, Dies at 89 – The New York Times

And, while I’m at it, here’s a link to the obit for Harris Miller:


Ron was a gentleman and a dedicated public servant who did everything he could to make the system work for the common good — part of the “lost art of governing effectively.” A life well lived. Rest In Peace, Ron.

🇺🇸 Due Process Forever!



🗽⚖️ RACIAL INJUSTICE IN AMERICA: RIGHTS GROUPS BLAST ADMINISTRATION’S INDIFFERENCE TO LIVES, LEGAL & HUMAN RIGHTS OF BLACK MIGRANTS!👎🏿  — “Despite your commitment to racial equity, your administration has continued and is poised to expand the discriminatory and anti-Black policies of the past. Your administration has the power to turn the page on these harmful and discriminatory policies.” 

Laura Lynch
Laura Lynch
Senior Policy Counsel

From Laura Lynch @ NILC:

Org. Sign-On Letter to the Admin re: Haitians in Guantánamo Bay or third country agreements

Hi everyone –

This morning, Haitian Bridge Alliance (HBA) along with 288 immigration, civil rights, human rights, and faith-based organizations, sent a letter to President Biden urging him to protect Haitian asylum seekers. In the letter, organizations urged the administration to not send Haitians seeking safety back to Haiti, third countries, or detain them in Guantánamo Bay.

Julia Ainsley from NBC news just published a story featuring this letter, Immigration and rights groups ask Biden administration not to send Haitian migrants to Guantanamo facility.

Julia Edwards Ainsley
Julia Edwards Ainsley
NBC News Correspondent

Immediate Asks:

1. Please use this HBA toolkit to amplify the (1) letter and the (2) NBC news article on social media.

2. Please share the letter with your media contacts using this organizational template letter release from HBA and NILC.

Thank you to everyone that contributed to this effort and to all the organizations that joined this critical letter!

Laura Lynch

Senior Immigration Policy Attorney

National Immigration Law Center

Phone: (202) 579-8163 I Email: lynch@nilc.org

Pronouns: She/Her


Read the letter at the  above  link.

Pretty much says it all! A Dem Administration abandons the values of racial justice and immigrant justice for some “strategy” that sure escapes me.

It’s not like continuing to “beat up” on Haitians and other migrants of color and threatening to inflict even more extreme violations of legal and  human rights than the Trump Administration has garnered ANY support or acceptance from the far right. They continue to characterize all Administration policies as “open borders,” although nothing could be further from the truth.

Additionally, failure to reinstitute and improve the rule of law at the border for legal asylum seekers has failed to create an orderly process for screening asylum seekers at ports of entry or for refugee status outside the U.S. and timely and generously processing valid claims for protection. The result has been a loss of an important group of  legal immigrants who could have helped reduce inflation and improved the economic outlook. At the same time, shifting asylum screening away from legal ports of entry has overburdened the Border Patrol by forcing everyone seeking protection to cross the border between ports of entry.

As a related point, I defy anyone to explain on what basis some asylum seekers apprehended at the border are allowed to enter and pursue claims and others similarly situated are orbited back into danger with no process whatsoever. It’s certainly NOT the result of the prompt screening by USCIS Asylum Officers that Congress mandated, but the Trump and Biden Administrations have ignored — to everyone’s detriment.

This resulting “disorder at the border” has NOT attracted independent voters to the Administration’s immigration stance. 

At the same time it has driven an unwise and entirely unnecessary wedge between the Administration and 1) Democrats who want “order at the border” and a reduction in extralegal entries; 2) Democrats who believe in strictly honoring our legal, Constitutional, treaty, and human rights obligations to asylum seekers regardless of race; and 3) Democrats who believe that both 1) and 2) are achievable!

I have no idea what the Biden Administration’s “vision” of border law and policy is. But, I can tell you for sure that it’s NOT working and that more, harsher, racially discriminatory enforcement without reinstating our refugee and asylum systems and reforming the totally dysfunctional Immigration Courts is NOT the answer!

🇺🇸 Due Process Forever!



⚖️ REPRESENTATION WORKS IN IMMIGRATION COURT: Why Isn’t Garland’s EOIR Promoting & Enabling It Rather Than Engaging In More “Aimless Docket Reshuffling?”

Atenas Burrola Estrada
Atenas Burrola Estrada
American Immigration Council
PHOTO: American immigration council.org


71% of Immigrants Win Their Cases Thanks to Pro Bono Volunteers with the Immigration Justice Campaign

Posted by Atenas Burrola Estrada | Oct 27, 2022 | Due Process & the Courts, Immigration Courts

Every year at the end of October, legal service providers come together to celebrate Pro Bono Week. It is a dedicated opportunity to acknowledge the amazing work that our volunteers do—work that is the foundation of the American Immigration Council’s Immigration Justice Campaign. In an immigration system that is set up to make it almost impossible for certain groups of people to win, pro bono volunteers are one of the bastions helping overwhelmed legal service providers hold the line for due process and justice.

From the solo practitioner doing pro bono work to learn a new skill, to the corporate law firm partner who has incorporated pro bono as part of their practice for two decades, our volunteers run the gamut. Everyone makes a difference—from the law students interpreting between classes and homework to the community members who volunteer simply because they care. Every single volunteer is integral to the Justice Campaign’s work—and we thank them for their time and dedication.

Since its creation in 2017, the Justice Campaign and our volunteers have walked alongside hundreds of immigrants in their fight for justice and due process in the United States.

This year alone, over 200 Justice Campaign volunteers have:

    • Worked on 221 cases for detained individuals in 14 detention centers across the country.
    • Worked on 335 cases for non-detained individuals across 32 states of residence.
    • Served clients from 30 countries of origin who speak 19 different languages.

And with these volunteers’ help:

    • 71% of clients have won their immigration case.
    • 85% of clients asking for release from detention have won that release from an immigration judge.

Nationally, only 40% of people win their immigration cases, and only 32% win their release from an immigration judge. Those numbers are even lower for people without an attorney. Detained immigrants without an attorney only have about an 11% chance of winning release.

This small example of Justice Campaign clients and volunteers shows the immediate impact that pro bono work has on clients’ lives. Without the dedication of our pro bono volunteers, many of these individuals would have had to move forward alone. Statistically speaking, that means most probably would have lost.

The past several years have been difficult for most of the world in so many ways. And yet, pro bono volunteers continue showing up every day, allowing the Justice Campaign to continue serving clients, help people get out of detention, fight their cases—and for many, win. To the hundreds of volunteers who have worked with the Justice Campaign, this year and every year, thank you. We could not do this work without you.


This reality bears little resemblance to the myths and false narratives about the impact of representation put out by nativists and parroted by EOIR during the Trump years. Nor does it match the gimmicks and poor planning of the Biden Administration, which continues to operate on the false assumption that the vast majority of asylum cases in Immigration Court will be denials.

While this sample is probably too small to be statistically valid, it certainly supports the view that the current mess at EOIR unjustly leaves behind many asylum seekers and other individuals entitled to relief just because they are unrepresented or poorly represented. It also make them much more likely to remain in detention, costly for both them and the Government.

It would make sense for EOIR and the Biden Administration to work cooperatively with the pro bono and low bono bar to prioritize and increase representation and to then prioritize represented cases that are most likely to result in grants of relief. Those cases are likely to proceed faster (without any due-process-denying “gimmicks”), less likely to be appealed, and would seldom reach the Courts of Appeals. An overall efficient way to use resources.

Additionally, EOIR should be working more closely with VIISTA Villanova and others who have developed “scalable” programs for training accredited representatives to increase quality representation in Immigration Court.

Instead, with yet another round of mindless “Aimless Docket Reshuffling” on steroids, EOIR has instigated an unnecessary and counterproductive “pitched battle” with advocates across America. Go figure!

🇺🇸Due Process Forever!




Tuesday, Wisconsin has the chance to reelect a truly kind and decent man who is also a really effective governor, Tony Evers. This week his Republican opponent announced: “Republicans will never lose another election after I’m elected governor.” His people tried to backtrack afterwards and say he will do such a good job everyone will always forever after vote for Republicans all the time. That wasn’t what he was saying. He is a 2020 election denier who plans to abolish Wisconsin’s bipartisan election commission and replace it with one he hand picks. He sold his soul to Donald Trump for his endorsement. He is in Trump’s debt.

After Citizens United unleashed unlimited corporate political spending, Wisconsin became the Republican party’s test grounds for how to turn unlimited money into election wins. What blindsided so many nationally in 2016 with Donald Trump’s election has been ongoing here since 2010. I know some of you want to believe there are some sort of safeguards protecting our democracy or possibly some sort of protective netting preventing Republicans from sinking beyond a certain point. I can tell you there is not.

Wisconsin wasn’t chosen randomly to be the testing ground of unlimited spending. It was our long history of humanity, support for schools, fairness for workers, and leadership on environmental protections that brought us into the Republican party’s focus. Much of what you like about Penzeys has its roots in Wisconsin’s tradition of caring for others. It is our caring that the Republicans seek to end.

Milwaukee’s Journal Sentinel has come around and done a very decent job covering just what a threat both our Republican governor and senator candidates are to the future of democracy. They don’t normally make endorsements, but they’ve realized this one is too important to sit out. Please read their well-reasoned endorsement of Tony Evers’s re-election for Governor and our Lt Governor Mandela Barnes for US Senator editorial here. (Just tap on the highlighted link). Evers and Barnes have earned Wisconsin’s support.

And maybe the root of this Tuesday’s election is to be the wake-up call America needs to save our democracy, but here in Wisconsin 2024 could be too late. Unless you’ve been here these last twelve years, you can’t imagine the depths of corruption that are now accepted as commonplace in our state’s Republican party. I won’t bog this down with the numbers, but Wisconsin is so very corruptly gerrymandered. It is amazing that this year there is still hope, but that hope hangs by a thread.

Please, if you know someone in Wisconsin forward to them this email or at least the link to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel endorsements. Better yet, give them a call. We are nice people to talk to. Republicans have to cheat here because the majority of us are good and decent people, but after a dozen years of this, some of those good and decent people are exhausted. This cycle’s relentless Republican ads of nonstop lies, anger, and racism have been brutal.

Please do all you can to lift the spirits of anyone you know who lives here in Wisconsin. Against all odds this one’s coming down to the wire. Victory, and with it the survival of democracy, here is still very much within our reach. Your encouragement can make all the difference. Wisconsin isn’t Las Vegas. Nothing stays here. What happens in Wisconsin first happens to all of America next. Please don’t sit on the sidelines while Republicans end our democracy. Please help.




The GOP has no plans for anything except maximum disruption of society and fanning the flames of the “culture wars.”

🇺🇸 Due Process Forever,

