Amazing StoriesArtist Unknown, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Albrecht Dürer, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
Tal Kopan reports for the SF Chronicle:
Bad conduct, leering ‘jokes’ — immigration judges stay on bench
Chronicle investigation: U.S. Justice Department lacks strong harassment oversight for judges
By Tal Kopan | Jan. 22, 2021
WASHINGTON — One judge made a joke about genitalia during a court proceeding and was later promoted. Another has been banned for more than seven years from the government building where he worked after management found he harassed female staff, but is still deciding cases.
A third, a supervisor based mostly in San Francisco, commented with colleagues about the attractiveness of female job candidates, an internal investigation concluded. He was demoted and transferred to a courtroom in Sacramento.
The three men, all immigration judges still employed by the Justice Department, work for a court system designed to give immigrants a fair chance to stay in the U.S. Every day, they hear some of the most harrowing stories of trauma in the world, many from women who were victims of gender-based violence and who fear that their lives are at risk if they are deported to their native countries.
These judges’ behavior toward women is not an isolated phenomenon in the immigration courts system. A Chronicle investigation revealed numerous similar instances of harassment or misconduct in the courts, and found a system that allows sexually inappropriate behavior to flourish.
In response to detailed questions before President Biden took office, the Justice Department declined to comment on specific allegations against judges, citing the privacy of personnel matters in some instances and the lack of written complaints in others, but said generally that it follows department procedures on misconduct. The Biden White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
Interviews with dozens of attorneys across the country and current and former government officials, as well as internal documents obtained by The Chronicle, show the problems have festered for years. The Justice Department has long lacked a strong system for reporting and responding to sexual harassment and misconduct.
And when such behavior has come to its attention, the department has in some instances simply transferred the offenders elsewhere.
The judges’ behavior appears to violate the department’s conduct policies and raises questions about the immigration courts’ ability to function fairly. Attorneys who have been the victims of harassment say they fear that if they try to hold judges accountable, they risk severe consequences, not only for themselves but for vulnerable clients.
“In the moment, you just know that you have to stay calm,” said Sophia Genovese, who has been an immigration attorney for three years and worked in the field of immigration policy for five. “You know if you do anything to piss him off, that’s going to ruin your reputation in his eyes. In that moment, am I thinking that I might be perpetuating sexism in the system? No, I’m thinking, I just need to get through this.”
She added, “If all you have to do is force a smile so that your client is not deported, the answer is obvious what practitioners are going to do.”
Michelle Mendez of the Catholic Legal Immigration Network, which provides legal representation to immigrants and helps attorneys report allegations of judicial misconduct, said lawyers face tremendous pressure not to call out judges’ bad behavior, even though they know ignoring it means it is likely to continue.
“An immigration judge might retaliate against the advocate by punishing her clients — and these are people fleeing persecution, rape and even death,” Mendez said. “It’s quite literally a Sophie’s choice that should never happen in the American legal system.”
The Trump administration did little to change the pattern, The Chronicle found, and in one case even promoted a judge who many women have said made them feel uncomfortable in open court and behind the scenes for years. Justice Department data shows the administration dismissed more complaints against judges than its predecessor.
It’s a problem that Biden’s administration has inherited. The very structure of the courts creates the conditions that allow bad actors to escape consequences, experts say. But that leaves Biden with a problem, they add: Does he reform the system to be independent of political influence, or does he use his political control over it to clean it up?
(Much more online)
Here’s a link to Tal’s complete article:
Not to “plug too shamelessly” for one of my all-time favorite journalists, but for those of you who aren’t subscribers, “The Chron” is running a “99 Cent Special” on digital subscriptions right now, and having “full access” to Tal and her colleagues would be “cheap at twice the price!”
Every day that McHenry and his EOIR gang — acolytes of the “Miller-Hamilton-Sessions Branch” of the”Waffen SS” (all notorious child abusers among other “crimes against humanity”) — remain in power and authorized to abuse migrants, asylum seekers, women, and attorneys is an ongoing national disgrace and a cancer upon our nation and our system of justice!
Great article, Tal! Thanks!
Disgusting problem! How would YOU like to be a woman refugee or female attorney appearing before this ongoing, evil EOIR Clown Show🤡🦹🏿♂️? Ties in completely with the continuing gratuitous attacks on Ms. A-B- and her lawyers by outrageously unqualified chauvinists like Jeffrey Rosen!
What an ongoing national disgrace! The arrogance, audacity, and belief that there will be no accountability for abusing “the other” is both stunning and totally in line with four years of the Trump/Miller/Sessions/Barr/Hamilton/McHenry (surprise, all white males whose collective, genuine immigration and judicial “expertise” would fit in a thimble with room left over) kakistocracy and institutionalized abuses of migrants and their attorneys at EOIR and DOJ.
And many thanks to heroes like Michelle Mendez, Sophia Genovese, and other courageous members of the NDPA, and many “Knightesses” of our Round Table of Former Immigration Judges for having the courage to speak out in so many different and effective ways about the ongoing abuses inflicted by EOIR!
We must keep fighting and publicizing until these abuses end, and justice is restored to this ludicrously abusive, biased, openly misogynistic, anti-asylum, anti-due-process, and intentionally dehumanizing system.
The solution to the “problem” posed in Tal’s last sentence is not rocket science!
There is nothing wrong with using Executive authority to get rid of the kakistocracy, putting in experts and widely respected “due-process warriors and warrior-queens” as judges and judicial administrators, and giving them independence to reform and reformulate every aspect of this totally broken system and the disgraceful anti-migrant jurisprudence it has spawned. Get rid of the “deadwood” (or worse), put the right folks in charge, and then trust them to solve judicial problems without political interference. That’s how any “real” independent court system works, for Pete’s sake!
That certainly can and should include a new “merit selection system” for Immigration Judges that values immigration scholarship, human rights expertise, experience representing migrants and asylum seekers in Immigration Court, courage to oppose abuses, diversity, and a demonstrated lifetime commitment to due process and equal justice under our Constitution for all persons in the United States!
Over time, every judge currently in the system should be required to re-compete for their job under the new merit system. That system must be open, transparent, and involve public input in the selection process. (Unlike the current, largely closed, system designed to favor prosecutors and other government attorneys, and which has produced a remarkably, shockingly non-diverse, non-expert, and non-representative “judiciary,” particularly in light of the communities most involved in, and affected by, the Immigration Court process).
Those incumbent judges who have demonstrated a commitment to guaranteeing fairness and due process for all should have no trouble being retained. But, those who have carried out the departed regime’s “dump on asylum seekers and their lawyers program” should and will be removed and replaced by better-qualified judges. Human lives simply are too important to be at the mercy of bad judges — and, without knowing exactly how many, there are some “bad judges” operating in the EOIR system!
Remove the Clown Show🤡🦹🏿♂️☠️! Put Michelle, Sophia Genovese, and/or other leading members of the NDPA in charge of EOIR & the BIA and let them solve the problems! Empower them to root out the “bad actors” (including members of the “90% Asylum Denial Club” — some disgracefully ensconced at the BIA) in the judiciary, support reform of the process and the law without interfering with judicial independence, then get 100% behind the legislative push for an Independent Article I Immigration Court with expert, due-process-committed, diverse, courageous judges!
There are hundreds, perhaps thousands, of well-qualified lawyers in the NDPA out there who could solve these pressing problems!
Stay tuned! Courtside will have lots to say about this until somebody in the Biden DOJ takes notice and solves the problem! The Clown Show has got to go!

I hear the cries of pain from those subjected to this degrading and entirely unnecessary national disgrace! It’s an affront to our Constitution, human dignity, and our entire justice system!
Thanks, Tal, Michelle, Sophia, and others for all you do, and due process 🇺🇸🗽⚖️ 🧑🏽⚖️ forever!

Washington Reporter, SF Chronicle

Defending Vulnerable Populations Director
Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc. (“CLINIC”)
