Attorney, NY Legal Assistance Group
Publisher of “The Gibson Report”
Mandatory E-Filing with EOIR Is Now in Effect
Efiling is not permitted for cases with a preexisting paper file, but all new cases moving forward require efiling with ECAS.
Once a case is fully ECAS, you do not need to serve ICE separately. However, you still need to submit a certificate of service that lists ECAS as the means of service. eService/mail can still be used on paper files. eService is the only method of filing for PD requests.
Also, EOIR apparently has not come up with a system for filing motions to substitute counsel in ECAS. The system physically will not let you file a new primary E-28 if there already is an attorney, and you cannot file a motion without an E-28. The workaround so far has been to file a non-primary E-28 and then to ask the court to change it to primary. Hopefully, EOIR will fix this soon.
Updated Legal Assistant Directories for NYC (attached)
U.S. to try house arrest for immigrants as alternative to detention
Reuters: The Biden administration will place hundreds of migrants caught at the U.S.-Mexico border on house arrest in the coming weeks as it seeks cheaper alternatives to immigration detention, according to a notice to lawmakers and a U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) official. A 120-day pilot program will be launched in Houston and Baltimore, with 100-200 single adults enrolled in each location, according to the notice, which was sent by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and reviewed by Reuters. See also Immigrant Rights Organizations Call on Biden to Stop Expansion of Surveillance and End the Immigration Detention System as a Whole.
The Continuing Impact of The Pandemic on Immigration Court Case Completions
TRAC: As of the end of January 2022, the pace of Immigration Court work continues to lag as a result of the pandemic. There have been not only fewer case completions, but the average time required to dispose of each case has doubled since before the pandemic began.
Nationwide Labor Pause Planned In ‘Day Without Immigrants’ Protest
LAA Weekly: Valentine’s Day has been strategically selected for the “Day Without Immigrants” protest, as it is a day where an abundance of consumer spending occurs, through labor that is often carried out by immigrants.
Quick Fix to Help Overwhelmed Border Officials Has Left Migrants in Limbo
NYT: These migrants were instructed to register with Immigrations and Customs Enforcement within 60 days to complete the process the border officials started. But in some parts of the country, local ICE offices were overwhelmed and unable to give them appointments. So the Haitian family and other new arrivals have spent months trying in vain to check in with ICE and initiate their court cases.
US citizenship agency reverts to welcoming mission statement
AP: The new statement unveiled Wednesday by Citizenship and Immigration Services Director Ur Jaddou is symbolic but somewhat restores previous language after the agency removed a reference in 2018 to the U.S. being a “nation of immigrants.”
Salvadoran Denied Naturalization Over Pot Dispensary Job
Law360: A Washington federal judge has ruled that a Salvadoran citizen’s U.S. naturalization application was properly denied because of her admission that she distributes marijuana as co-owner of a state-licensed dispensary.
EOIR Apologizes After Asking Atty To Delete Tweets
Law360: The U.S. Department of Justice’s Executive Office for Immigration Review apologized on Tuesday to an attorney after asking her to delete tweets about immigration court hearings for people enrolled in the controversial “Remain in Mexico” program.
Undocumented parents have weathered a pandemic with no safety net
WaPo: A patchwork of federal aid kept many families afloat during the pandemic, but families with undocumented parents did not qualify for most of it, including unemployment insurance, the stimulus payments, Medicaid and food stamps.
AO issues NOID for Afghan Who Worked for U.S.
Boston AO: A NOID from the asylum office stated that an individual who worked for the U.S. government as a mechanic had not demonstrated a fear of future persecution based on his imputed political opinion. The AO held there was insufficient evidence the Taliban was or would become aware of his imputed political option. The AO also stated the Taliban does not have the capability to persecute all former employees of the U.S. and the applicant had not demonstrated similarly situated people were being targeted. Counsel has submitted a detailed rebuttal with testimony from a US military official, and the applicant’s mother was granted asylum by a different officer.
District Court Vacates Two Trump Administration Asylum EAD Rules
AILA: A federal district court vacated the final rules “Removal of 30-day Processing Provision for Asylum Applicant-Related Form I-765 Employment Authorization Applications” and “Asylum Application, Interview, and Employment Authorization for Applicants.” (AsylumWorks v. Mayorkas, 2/7/22)
Lawsuit against the BIA Levels the Legal Playing Field for Immigrant Advocates
NYLAG: Under the settlement, the Board will be required to place nearly all its opinions into an online reading room, accessible to all in perpetuity, ensuring that immigration advocates will have access to these opinions within six months of when they are issued. The Board also must post its decisions dating back to 2017 as well as some from 2016. Posting will begin in October 2022 and will be phased in over several years.
2nd Circ. Says BIA Undercuts Precedent In Asylum Case
Law360: The Second Circuit on Wednesday granted a Nigerian man’s petition for review of a Board of Immigration Appeals order that denied him asylum, finding that the agency made several legal and procedural errors and did not adequately explain its reasons.
3rd Circ. Says Nigerian Paroled Into US Wasn’t ‘Admitted’
Law360: The federal government properly charged a Nigerian man as inadmissible to the U.S. rather than removable, because his entry to the country on parole constituted an arrival despite his previous admission, the Third Circuit ruled Friday.
CA6 on U Visa Waitlisting: Barrios Garcia v. DHS
Lexis: We hold that § 706(1) allows the federal courts to command USCIS to hasten an unduly delayed “bona fide” determination, which is a mandatory decision under 8 U.S.C. § 1184(p)(6) and the BFD process. We hold, however, that the federal courts cannot invoke 5 U.S.C. § 706(1) to force USCIS to speed up an unduly delayed pre-waitlist work-authorization adjudication, which is a nonmandatory agency action under 8 U.S.C. § 1184(p)(6) and the BFD process. We hold that Plaintiffs have sufficiently pleaded that USCIS has unreasonably delayed the principal petitioners’ placement on the U-visa waitlist.
9th Circ. Finds Part Of Immigration Law Unconstitutional
Law360: The Ninth Circuit invalidated the subsection of a law that makes it a crime to encourage unlawful immigration, ruling Thursday it is overbroad and covers speech that is protected by the First Amendment.
9th Circ. Rejects Mexican Kidnapping Victim’s Protection Bid
Law360: The Board of Immigration Appeals need only to consider the possibility — not the reasonableness — of an immigrant’s safe relocation back to their home region when weighing protections under the Convention Against Torture, the Ninth Circuit ruled Wednesday.
USCIS, Immigrants Get Approval To Bar Juvenile Policy In NJ
Law360: A New Jersey federal judge signed off Wednesday on a class action settlement that would prevent the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services from refusing to place young immigrants on the path to a green card based on Garden State family court findings.
Foreign Spouses May Work With Feds’ Approval At Border
Law360: U.S. Customs and Border Protection is marking the entry records of certain foreign executives’ spouses to show that they are immediately eligible to work in the U.S. without going through the monthslong process of obtaining a work permit.
EOIR to Close Fishkill Immigration Court
AILA: EOIR will close the Fishkill Immigration Court due to the closure of the Downstate Correctional Facility in which the court is located. Holding hearings at the location will cease at close of business on February 17, 2022. Pending cases at time of closure will transfer to Ulster Immigration Court.
EOIR Clarifies Alternative Filing Locations
AILA: EOIR updated its Operation Status website with information clarifying that alternate filing locations are designated for the purpose of filing emergency motions and explaining how it will treat other filings if a court is closed.
USCIS Issues Updated Policy Guidance Addressing VAWA Petitions
AILA: USCIS updated policy guidance addressing VAWA petitions, specifically changing the interpretation of the requirement for shared residence. The guidance also affects use of INA 204(a)(2), implements the decisions in Da Silva v. Attorney General and Arguijo v. United States, and more.
DHS and VA Launch New Online Resources for Noncitizen Service Members, Veterans, and Their Families
AILA: DHS, in partnership with the Department of Veterans Affairs and Defense, launched an online center to consolidate resources for noncitizen service members, veterans, and their families, including a request form for current or former service members seeking return to the U.S. after deportation.
USCIS Updates Policy Guidance on VAWA Self-Petitions
USCIS: We are updating our interpretation of the requirement for shared residence to occur during the qualifying spousal or parent-child relationship. Instead, the self-petitioner must demonstrate that they are residing or have resided with the abuser at any time in the past.
We are also implementing nationwide the decisions in Da Silva v. Attorney General, 948 F.3d 629 (3rd Cir. 2020), and Arguijo v. United States, 991 F.3d 736 (7th Cir. 2021). Da Silva v. Attorney General held that when evaluating the good moral character requirement, an act or conviction is “connected to” the battery or extreme cruelty when it has “a causal or logical relationship.” Arguijo v. USCIS allows stepchildren and stepparents to continue to be eligible for VAWA self-petitions even if the parent and stepparent divorced.
- AIC/NIP/NLG: Practice Alert on Matter of Laparra
- AILA: Practice Alert: Fraihat COVID-19 Detention Release Requests May Still Be Filed
- AILA: What to Do with the Nosy Non-Client: Ethical Issues in Dealing with Third Parties
- AILA: Practice Alert: Escalating Problems with Virtual Hearings and Contacting the Court
- AILA: Practice Alert: Local OPLA Guidance on Prosecutorial Discretion
- AILA: Survey of Global Migration Impact on U.S. Third-Country National (TCN) Consular Processing: Visa and Admission Requirements of Alternate TCN-Friendly Countries
- DHS/OIG: CBP Officials Implemented Rapid DNA Testing to Verify Claimed Parent-Child Relationships
- DHS/OIG: CBP Border Patrol Stations and Ports of Entry in Southern California Generally Met TEDS Standards
- DiCTA: Digital Case Tool on Asylum in Europe
- ILRC: How to Recapture/Retain and Utilize Priority Dates
- 2/14/22-2/15/22 2022 Crimes & Immigration Seminar
- 2/15/22 U Visa Filings and Bona Fide Determination
- 2/15/22 Anatomy of the USCIS System and Processes: Service Centers and Lockboxes
- 2/15/22 CGRS MCLE Webinar: Filing a Petition for Review at the Ninth Circuit: Overview of Procedures and Practical Considerations
- 2/15/22 The State of USCIS: One Year into the Biden Administration & the Work Ahead
- 2/15/22 Join AILA and the Council for a Conversation with USCIS Director Jaddou
- 2/16/22 Acquisition of Citizenship
- 2/16/22 U Visa Webinar Series: Waiver of Inadmissibility
- 2/16/22 Migration in the Age of Pandemics
- 2/17/22 CGRS MCLE Webinar: Overview of Bars to Fear-of-Return Relief
- 2/18/22 Liaison Updates: What Is Going on at EOIR? Unraveling Conflicting Guidance and Announcements, and Engaging in Best Practices
- 2/22/22 Filing a Petition for Review at the Ninth Circuit: Overview of Procedures and Practical Considerations
- 2/23/22 Filing Administrative Claims for Abuse and Misconduct by Immigration Officers
- 2/24/22 EOIR Information Session for NYC Immigration Courts
- 2/24/22-4/7/22 Introduction to Family-Based Immigration Law
- 2/24/22 CGRS MCLE Webinar: Filing a Petition for Review at the Ninth Circuit: Overview of Procedures and Practical Considerations
- 2/25/22-2/26/22 Annual New York Asylum & Immigration Conference
- 2/28/21 ASISTA: Hot Topics in U and VAWA Cases
- 3/2/22 Listening Session: USCIS Processing Times
- 3/3/22 Before You Meet Your Removal Client: NTA, Form I-213, and DHS Charges
- 3/4/22-2/25/22 Update From the U.S. Consulate in Ciudad Juarez
- 3/4/22-2/25/22 Selected Issues in U Nonimmigrant Status
- 3/10/22 Asylum and Related Forms of Relief
- 3/11/22 Inaugural Fourth Circuit Asylum Law Conference
- 3/15/22 Criminal Sentences and Immigration
- 3/21/22 Comprehensive Overview of Immigration Law (COIL)
- 3/23/22 Intermediate Intensive VAWA Training
- 3/28/22-4/14/22 NYIC Overview of Immigration Law Training (Save the Date)
- 4/5/22 CGRS MCLE Webinar: Motions Before the Board of Immigration Appeals
- 4/6/22 Initial TPS Applications
- 4/7/22 CGRS MCLE Webinar: Motions Before the Board of Immigration Appeals
- 4/12/22 Introduction to Bond Proceedings
- 4/27/22 U Visa RFEs
- 4/28/22 Motions to Reopen Removal Proceedings
- 5/4/22 California Pardons and Post-Conviction Relief
- 5/10/22 Asylum Claims for Young People
- 5/17/22 Advocating for Prosecutorial Discretion for Clients in Removal Proceedings
- 5/19/22 Special Immigrant Juvenile Status: Your Client’s I-360 Is Approved, Now What?
- 5/24/22 Obstacles to TPS Eligibility
- 6/7/22 Asylum and Employment Authorization
- 6/8/22 Naturalization for People with Disabilities
Monday, February 14, 2022
- Open Positions at Safe Passage Project
- Immigration Article of the Day: “By Accident of Birth”: The Battle for Birthright Citizenship after United States v. Wong Kim Ark by Amanda Frost
Sunday, February 13, 2022
- Critiques of Chinese naturalized athletes and citizenship switching at Olympics
- Anniversary of Japanese internment raises warnings about using national security to endanger noncitizens, racial minorities
- Don’t Forget the Super Bowl Game — Among Immigration Enforcement, Television Ads, and the Half Time Show
- Immigration Article of the Day: A “Binary Choice” for Families in ICE Detention: Examining the Legitimation Costs of Litigating the Flores Settlement Agreement by Gina Starfield
Saturday, February 12, 2022
- Happy Valentine’s Day? “A Day Without Immigrants”?
- ICE Will Be Harassing Vendors at the Super Bowl
- UC Hastings Center for Gender and Refugee Studies: Deadly Inertia: Needless Delay of “Particular Social Group” Regulations Puts Asylum Seekers at Risk.
- Staff Attorney, UNLV Immigration Clinic
- Immigration Article of the Day: “Constantine’s Legacy: Preserving Empire While Undermining International Law” by Craig B. Mousin
Friday, February 11, 2022
- TRAC Immigration: The Continuing Impact of The Pandemic on Immigration Court Case Completions
- Immigrant Tax Issues Webinar: 2022
- Ready to Stay: A Comprehensive Analysis of the US Foreign-Born Populations Eligible for Special Legal Status Programs and for Legalization under Pending Bills by Donald Kerwin, José Pacas, Robert Warren
- Photo Exhibit: Davis Bacon, MORE THAN A WALL/MAS QUE UN MURO
- Internal Investigation Confirms Border Patrol Failures Leading Up to Teen Immigrant’s Death
- Ninth Circuit Strikes Down Part of Immigration Statute on First Amendment Grounds
- ABA efforts to help Afghan refugees
- Immigration Article of the Day: Institutional Response to Trafficking in Human Beings in Spain: Are All Victims Equally Protected? by Carolina Villacampa, Claudia Torres, and Xavier Miranda
Thursday, February 10, 2022
- Guest Post: Foreground and Background Issues by Geoffrey A. Hoffman
- Harvard Law Review Comments on Undocumented Immigrants and the Second Amendment, Particular Social Group in Asylum
- Deported Cameroonian Asylum Seekers Suffer Serious Harm
- New Developments for Board of Immigration Appeals Decisions
- Human Rights Watch Report — US: Deported Cameroonian Asylum Seekers Suffer Serious Harm
- Immigration Article of the Day: Integral Citizenship by Cassandra Burke Robertson and Irina Manta
Wednesday, February 9, 2022
- Job Announcement: Associate Director, Immigration Clinic and Lecturer in Law
- Biden Ramps Up Alternatives to Detention
- Teen risked all to flee Guatemala. Her payoff: grueling job in U.S. chicken plant
- USCIS adds “respect” and “welcome” to mission statement
- Republicans Introduce the Dignity Act in U.S. House of Representatives
- New Resource on Refugee Cases in Europe — dicta.eu
- Webinar: Cornell Lund Critical Debate, cosponsored by the Cornell Migrations Initiative
- Salvadoran Denied Naturalization Over Pot Dispensary Job
- UVA Clinic Students Win Release for Afghan Client in Complex Immigration Court Case
- Immigration Article of the Day:Textualism’s Immigration Problem: Stabilizing Interpretive Rules on Noncitizens’ Rights and Remedies by Peter Margulies
Tuesday, February 8, 2022
- Migration is Often Deadly
- An Analysis of California’s Population
- City of San Diego proposes new street vendor law, immigration advocates concerned
Monday, February 7, 2022
- Coming to America Is Often Deadly
- U.S. Hispanic population continued its geographic spread in the 2010s
After two plus decades of largely wasted time, effort, and resources, EOIR finally moves into the era of E-Filing!
Elizabeth notes one of the “initial workarounds” for motions to substitute counsel. While early glitches are to be expected in any system, this one seems odd because: 1) the system has supposedly been extensively “beta tested;” and 2) motions to substitute counsel have to be one of the most common motions filed at EOIR (particularly with cases often taking many years to complete with the ever-growing 1.6 million case backlog.)
I’d be interested in getting any “practitioner feedback” on how this system (applicable only to newly filed NTAs) is working out for them. You can just put in the “comments box” for this post.
Speaking of backlog, this excellent recent study and analysis from CMS (under “Friday Feb. 11” above) certainly suggests that the majority of the “aged cases” being “warehoused” by Garland’s EOIR relate to law-abiding long-term residents who are already firmly grounded in our society and should be prime candidates for “non-priority” status and removal from the dockets.
Undocumented immigrants contribute to every aspect of the nation’s life.16 During the COVID-19 pandemic, the case for legalization has become increasingly evident to the public and policymakers due, in part, to the fact that a remarkable 74 percent of the nation’s 7.3 million undocumented workers meet DHS’s definition of essential workers (Kerwin and Warren 2020). As the nation ages and its population over age 65 exceeds that under age 15 (Chamie 2021), the need for immigrant workers will only increase. US fertility rates fell for five consecutive years prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, and the US birth rate decreased by four percent in 2020 (Barroso 2021).17
Legalization programs benefit the larger society: they “raise wages, increase consumption, create jobs, and generate additional tax revenue” (Hinojosa-Ojeda 2012, 191).18 One study has estimated that broad immigration reform legislation, including a legalization program and a flexible, rights-respecting, legal immigration system, would add $1.5 trillion to the US gross domestic product over 10 years (ibid., 176). Another study found that a legalization program would increase the productivity, earnings, and taxes paid by the legalized, resulting in increased contributions to the Social Security (SS) program, which would more than offset the SS benefits that they would receive (Kugler, Lynch and Oakford 2013).
Indeed, the data in the CMS study confirms what many of us have suspected for a long time: That deportation of many of the individuals now occupying the Immigration Court’s mind-boggling docket backlog actually would be a counterproductive “net loss” for the U.S.!
So, why are Garland and Mayorkas letting the backlog fester and ooze disorder and injustice? ☠️ Rather than using largely self-created backlogs to support more “enforcement gimmicks” purporting to lead to the forced removal of many productive members of our society, EOIR is long overdue for some form of the “Chen Markowitz Plan” in anticipation of the types of ameliorative legislation outlined in the CMS study.

Executive Director
Center for Migration Studies — He and his friends at CMS have some great ideas on immigration and human rights backed by some of the best scholarship around! Why are Garland, Mayorkas, and others “tuning them out” while they continue to bungle immigration policy, degrade human rights, and undermine our legal system?
Garland’s disgraceful failure to put a “Progressive A-Team” in charge at EOIR continues to drag down our entire justice system.
Note that Sessions and Barr had no trouble and no hesitation installing their “Miller Time” restrictionist team at DOJ and EOIR despite almost universal outrage and protests from human rights advocates, immigration experts, and some legislators!
Why do Dems keep appointing AG’s who are too “tone deaf,” clueless, and timid to fully “leverage” the almost unlimited potential of reforming EOIR to be a font of due process, best practices, and scholarly, efficient judging?
Why do Dems prefer the equal and racial justice “disaster zone” that they have helped to create, aided, and abetted over the past two decades of abject failure and disorder at EOIR?
There is a reason why Chair Lofgren and others on the Hill are pushing for Article I! But, that in no way diminishes or excuses the failure of Garland to make available due process and best practices reforms at EOIR, including a major shakeup of “Trump holdover” judges and managers who aren’t up to the job of running a system “laser-focused” on due process and fundamental fairness!
🇺🇸 Due Process Forever!